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View Full Version : Hurry UP O thought

10/16/2010, 10:19 AM
Besides the obvious positive of a well-run hurry up offense of keeping the D off-balance, this stat just kind of hit me between the eyes: By not trotting the extra five yards behind the line of scrimmage to huddle up, and then five more yards trotting up to the line of scrimmage, that translates to 800 YARDS over 80 plays the offense isn't extending itself over one game! Almost half a mile.

I can't imagine how much fresher the O has to be late in the fourth quarter due to this one fact. Makes our inability to dominate fourth quarters a little more troubling to me.

10/16/2010, 10:30 AM
The inabilities to dominate the fourth quarter are deeper than some mythical number. The number you threw at us would be significant if the players were running that extra 800 yards constantly without any breaks in between.

The actual inabilities is a mixture of our coaches trying to slow down te game by running more time off the clock and our player not playing to their best ability thanks to having sizable leads going into the fourth quarter.

Mental game seems to leave whe the fourth quarter starts. Some call it playing to our competitions level.

Crucifax Autumn
10/16/2010, 10:36 AM
The problem is slowing down the game in the second half. We need to either keep our foot on the pedal or actually run the play clock down to one.

So far when we get into clock burning time we seem to use about half and lose out on both. When we are snapping the ball 5 seconds into the playclock we keep moving the ball. If we really want to eat clock we should actually do it the traditional way and wait as long as possible and then STAY the **** inbounds.

Trying to do both at once is the primary reason we've had close games.

I'm not a KW hater like some here, but I do wish he'd figure this one out.

10/16/2010, 10:38 AM
Leach is taking the opponent and the points every week and Bob is just trying to lure him back to Norman.

10/16/2010, 10:39 AM
Some call it playing to our competitions level.

Then all of our games should be close. :pop:

10/16/2010, 10:47 AM
Then all of our games should be close. :pop:

Not really. We all seen what this young team is capable of in the first 45 minutes against fsu!

I personally think it is a mixture of tryingto run time off the clock and player mentality when entering into the fourth quarter.

As long as we conitnue to win, I don't give a damn if we win by 1 every game. The objective is to outscre your opponent and that is what we have done and why we are 5-0.

10/16/2010, 10:48 AM
Leach is taking the opponent and the points every week and Bob is just trying to lure him back to Norman.

Heh, my sarcasm meter catches your drift, but heck, I DO have my moments wondering what the Pirate could do with OUr offense. Oh what fun we would have.

10/16/2010, 10:54 AM
The problem is slowing down the game in the second half. We need to either keep our foot on the pedal or actually run the play clock down to one.

So far when we get into clock burning time we seem to use about half and lose out on both. When we are snapping the ball 5 seconds into the playclock we keep moving the ball. If we really want to eat clock we should actually do it the traditional way and wait as long as possible and then STAY the **** inbounds.

Trying to do both at once is the primary reason we've had close games.

Did you just define "schizophrenia"?

10/16/2010, 11:04 AM
My Theory is that Bob is trying to give PT to the young guys in some of these games while also trying to get the guys who might be in the running for a Post Season honor the stats they should have and avoid as many potential injuries as possible.

In the past few years I thought he kept his Starters out there to long and this year he seems to have changed it up a bit and it's leading us to flat 4th quarters that IMO are scary as hell to watch.

In 2000 we were fortunate enough to have guys either avoid injury or play through it. I know it's been said by some of the players from that time that even though Bob has gotten close 3 more times to bringing Home another BCSC it was the level of putting it all on the line, executing and the avoidance of injury that led us to the promised land in 2000.

Maybe it's just a huge Coaching mess loaded with mistakes...but I have to think there is some underlying reason for it that has something to do with how Bob is manipulating the Coaches and Players this year. Something is very different this year as compared to past years at this point in the season.

^This might be the definition too....lol

10/16/2010, 11:17 AM
Well, 800 yards is what most running backs would love to have for A SEASON, so I'm gonna carefully watch tonight's game for our o-line's stamina. I just want to see us take over a fourth quarter like AD used to do.