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10/7/2010, 01:43 PM

I love this ****.

10/7/2010, 04:04 PM
Fearing deportation or job loss, Salinas, like the other workers interviewed for this story, asked that neither his real name nor the name of his employer be used.

I think it is a little unfair to call Dobbs a hypocrite because the company he contracted to care for his horses used illegal immigrants.

Its like accusing me of employing illegals because I paid some white guy who knocked on my door and talked me into letting him bleach my house down and clean it for me. I said ok and we scheduled it for the weekend. When Saturday came, he was there with his helper - a Hispanic who spoke no English. I can only guess or accuse this guy of hiring an illegal. And perhaps you'd call me a racist bigot if I did.

How exactly am I to ensure an illegal didn't clean my house? How is Dobbs to ensure that this company didn't hire illegals? - at least without looking like a bigot or doing something illegal himself to find out?

10/8/2010, 10:22 AM
He was great playing himself on The Good Wife this week.

10/8/2010, 11:39 AM
I think it is a little unfair to call Dobbs a hypocrite because the company he contracted to care for his horses used illegal immigrants.

Its like accusing me of employing illegals because I paid some white guy who knocked on my door and talked me into letting him bleach my house down and clean it for me. I said ok and we scheduled it for the weekend. When Saturday came, he was there with his helper - a Hispanic who spoke no English. I can only guess or accuse this guy of hiring an illegal. And perhaps you'd call me a racist bigot if I did.

How exactly am I to ensure an illegal didn't clean my house? How is Dobbs to ensure that this company didn't hire illegals? - at least without looking like a bigot or doing something illegal himself to find out?
You and the R gubernatorial candidate of California should talk.

10/8/2010, 11:48 AM
I think it is a little unfair to call Dobbs a hypocrite because the company he contracted to care for his horses used illegal immigrants.

Its like accusing me of employing illegals because I paid some white guy who knocked on my door and talked me into letting him bleach my house down and clean it for me. I said ok and we scheduled it for the weekend. When Saturday came, he was there with his helper - a Hispanic who spoke no English. I can only guess or accuse this guy of hiring an illegal. And perhaps you'd call me a racist bigot if I did.

How exactly am I to ensure an illegal didn't clean my house? How is Dobbs to ensure that this company didn't hire illegals? - at least without looking like a bigot or doing something illegal himself to find out?

except for this:
Dobbs has heaped scorn on the government for using contractors that hire undocumented immigrants. On CNN in 2007, he called private firms that oppose verification requirements for their contractors' employees "ridiculous." Yet interviews with several such employees show that Dobbs has been far from vigilant about the status of workers laboring on his own properties.

10/8/2010, 12:22 PM
Wow, I'm shocked that a lefty rag would burn a year investigating a guy who's been so vocally opposed to something the left holds dear, getting amnesty for all of these potential Democrat voters.

After all, exposing him as a hypocrite makes his message less valid, right?

And please, don't come back with "well, such and such right wing magazine did a smear job on such and such lefty." I get it. Each side burns all their energy ****ting on the other rather than coming up with solutions that might not be idealogically perfect but present a realistic path towards resolving issues.

Politics are dumber than Jersey Shore. And Pauly Shore.

10/9/2010, 12:54 AM
I think it is a little unfair to call Dobbs a hypocrite because the company he contracted to care for his horses used illegal immigrants.

Its like accusing me of employing illegals because I paid some white guy who knocked on my door and talked me into letting him bleach my house down and clean it for me. I said ok and we scheduled it for the weekend. When Saturday came, he was there with his helper - a Hispanic who spoke no English. I can only guess or accuse this guy of hiring an illegal. And perhaps you'd call me a racist bigot if I did.

How exactly am I to ensure an illegal didn't clean my house? How is Dobbs to ensure that this company didn't hire illegals? - at least without looking like a bigot or doing something illegal himself to find out?

Not long ago, Okla-Homey, described basically the same situation in hiring a guy who then brought Mexicans to do the work. The reaction by many of the regulars here was quite different than yours is to Dobbs. It was suggested that homey be disbarred and that he was a cheap ba$tard - among other insults.

This type of independent contracting is how much of California's 38 billion dollar crops get harvested each year, and how folks like Meg Whitman, Lou Dobbs, and innumerable businesses cover their a$$e$. Not totally unlike a "don't ask, don't tell" policy. Some folks would rather not know the guy in the community shower with them is gay, while other folks would rather not know the guy laying the new carpet in their house is illegally present.

Perhaps Whitman will somehow squeak out a win and eventually run for president. She and her running mate, Lou Dobbs, could lead a Republican drive to attract new Latinos into the party....maybe a three-point message:

1. We're Pro-life! No excuses!

2. Vouchers to send your kids to Catholic schools, instead of those cesspools called public schools

3. Hey, no path to Citizenship but we'll raise minimum wage for housekeepers & others to $23/hour!!

A Sooner in Texas
10/9/2010, 01:04 AM
He was great playing himself on The Good Wife this week.

He came across as nearly a nice guy, so he'll be up for an Emmy.

Crucifax Autumn
10/9/2010, 02:57 AM
Can I just think he's a doosh and not give a crap about this story?

10/9/2010, 08:26 AM
Can I just think he's a doosh and not give a crap about this story?

Sounds good to me.

10/9/2010, 10:20 AM
Relieved to discover I'm not a hypocrite on this issue.

I've been fine with folks from Mexico and points south coming up here to work as long as I can remember. I just wish there was a politically feasible path to some kind of legal status for them so their incomes could be taxed and so they would contribute to Social Security like citizens and resident aliens do.

Unfortunately for the country, and also these hard working folks here illegally, powerful and wealthy interests (e.g. commercial ag, the hospitality industry, construction industry) do what they have to do to keep things the way they are.

10/9/2010, 10:24 AM
why do you hate business owners, Homey? :D

10/9/2010, 10:38 AM
Politics are dumber than Jersey Shore. And Pauly Shore.

Poiltics these days are like watching the Kansas City Royals take on the Golden State Warriors in the Stanley Cup finals. With play-by-play and color commentary from the Real Housewives of Scranton.

Scott D
10/9/2010, 12:28 PM
it's times like this where I feel that Ike is too smart and clever. :)

10/9/2010, 01:18 PM
1. We're Pro-life! No excuses!

2. Vouchers to send your kids to Catholic schools, instead of those cesspools called public schools

3. Hey, no path to Citizenship but we'll raise minimum wage for housekeepers & others to $23/hour!!


They are not against a path to citizenship, but they are opposed to people coming into this country illegally and the federal government just handing them amensty like they earned it or something.

Yes, I know Reagan did it once. And we might have to do it again, but before we do it again, I think this time we should shore up our borders first.

The only reason I say that is because it will be virtually impossible to find 12 million plus criminals and ship them back. It would cost way too much money.

But before they finally do get their legal residence here in the States, I think they all should be made to go through the same process as the legals have too and earn their citizenship!

BTW...we do have a path to citizenship already in place. Maybe the border jumpers should abide by the damn laws and do it legally instead of thinking they are entitled to anything in this country.

10/9/2010, 03:00 PM
Politics are dumber than Jersey Shore. And Pauly Shore.No. I've met Pauly Shore. A lot of times. I used to go up at his club.

He's dumber. Easily.

10/9/2010, 03:10 PM
Oh, and on the topic, I think we should annex Mexico the same way the USSR expanded. Just take the damn thing over.

Why not? Everyone already thinks we're imperialist pigs...and most of the people down there want to be here...and the southern border of Mexico is a LOT smaller and easier to wall up and defend.

We get more Gulf property...more cheap labor...4 or 5 more states.

I say we go for it. Who's with me?

10/9/2010, 03:27 PM
i've kinda wondered about that... dealing with the drug cartels might not be fun though

10/9/2010, 03:32 PM
i've kinda wondered about that... dealing with the drug cartels might not be fun though

Actually it would probably be easier for our military and law enforcement.

May take a bit to clear up, but it would be worth it.

10/9/2010, 04:48 PM
Oh, and on the topic, I think we should annex Mexico the same way the USSR expanded. Just take the damn thing over.

Why not? Everyone already thinks we're imperialist pigs...and most of the people down there want to be here...and the southern border of Mexico is a LOT smaller and easier to wall up and defend.

We get more Gulf property...more cheap labor...4 or 5 more states.

I say we go for it. Who's with me?

Ha........I actually agree with you on this one. Let's expand our empire.

10/9/2010, 04:51 PM
It would be a heck of lot easier to secure the Mex/Guatemala border than the US/Mex border. But it would be even easier to annex Guatemala too while we're at it. That would mean only about a 80 mile border to seal.

10/9/2010, 04:54 PM
Why not just annex all of Central and South America...then we wouldnt have to worry about any borders but the Northern Border...and we know those pansies wont do anything stupid!

10/10/2010, 12:16 AM
We could just stop at the Panama Canal.

10/10/2010, 12:20 AM

Scott D
10/10/2010, 10:44 AM
why stop at the Panama Canal when it's Hugo Chavez's wet dream to be Saddam'd?

10/10/2010, 10:45 AM
because that's an easy border to police :D

10/10/2010, 12:20 PM
We don't need to move the damned border, we just need lots of biometric worker visas and biometric social security cards.

10/10/2010, 12:24 PM
I just had a sausage egg McMuffin for breakfast. Actually, I had two of em and some OJ.

10/10/2010, 12:41 PM
I just had a sausage egg McMuffin for breakfast. Actually, I had two of em and some OJ.

I bet Lou Dobbs would eat three of em

10/10/2010, 12:44 PM
We don't need to move the damned border, we just need lots of biometric worker visas and biometric social security cards.

SJS, have you lost your flippin' mind?

Americans don't want no stinkin' biometric data or biometric identity documents because both will inexorably lead to the establishment of a tyranical "One World Order," and moreover, both are apocolyptic "Marks of the Beast." sheesh.;)

Me? No biggie. The gubmint has had a sample of my DNA, along with my finger and footprints, since 1982.

10/10/2010, 01:26 PM
SJS, have you lost your flippin' mind?

Americans don't want no stinkin' biometric data or biometric identity documents because both will inexorably lead to the establishment of a tyranical "One World Order," and moreover, both are apocolyptic "Marks of the Beast." sheesh.;)

Me? No biggie. The gubmint has had a sample of my DNA, along with my finger and footprints, since 1982.

Sorry, I lost all rational thought for a second.

Bourbon St Sooner
10/11/2010, 12:54 PM
I bet Lou Dobbs would eat three of em

Only if they are made by illegals.

10/12/2010, 10:29 AM
If this was Civilization, I would have moved my infantry in against their pikemen and longswordsmen a hundred turns ago. Good resources down there, and it's never bad to have a few extra cities to produce units. Just buy a few courthouses to handle the rabble and your happiness won't go down too much.

Plus, with the sad Civs down south of them it would be simple to move in down there if the mood struck me. Generally once you have a whole continent or two, you can win pretty easily.

10/12/2010, 10:45 AM
SJS, have you lost your flippin' mind?

Americans don't want no stinkin' biometric data or biometric identity documents because both will inexorably lead to the establishment of a tyranical "One World Order," and moreover, both are apocolyptic "Marks of the Beast." sheesh.;)

Me? No biggie. The gubmint has had a sample of my DNA, along with my finger and footprints, since 1982.And what of the reptilian shapeshifters that ACTUALLY control everything? How do you suppose we track them?