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10/7/2010, 12:14 PM
it's about horizontal education!


Duke coed’s scandalous sex ratings are viral sensation
But subjects of PowerPoint presentation about her escapades call it harassment

Karen Owen took kiss-and-tell to a whole new level when she combined her Duke University-honed academic acumen with her extracurricular wild side to create an elaborate sex list ranking the college men she bedded.

But now the recent Duke grad finds herself red-faced over attention she never bargained for: Her tongue-in-cheek “unofficial senior thesis” on sex with Duke athletes spread from the three friends she originally e-mailed to the whole 14,000-strong student body and, eventually, to websites the whole world can see.

“It’s funny because we know the people on it,” one Duke University student told NBC for a TODAY report on Owen’s now-infamous sex list.

‘Horizontal academics’
Owen’s sex ranking is nothing if not precise. She took a list of 13 men she slept with, drawing mainly from Duke’s lacrosse team — the same team that was embroiled in a sex scandal of its own in 2006 — and created a bar graph ranking their sexual prowess. She left little to the imagination in creating a 42-slide PowerPoint presentation, detailing sex in the university library during finals week, sex in cars and, most of all, sex while inebriated.

“In my blackout state, still managed to crawl into bed with a Duke athlete,” Owen commented on one escapade.

Owen called her presentation “An education beyond the classroom: excelling in the realm of horizontal academics,” and was clearly having fun mixing her book smarts with her partying experience. She treated her sex ranking as a full-on thesis, writing, “Senior year and college in general often bring about certain situations that result in the seeking of so-called ‘sex.’ Until now, no studies have succeeded in developing a methodology for quantifying and ranking these so-called horizontal academics. In this study, we used data from four years at Duke University to create evaluation criteria for such encounters and applied these criteria to evaluated subjects.”

While Owen was obviously not serious in her clinical rankings of her lovers’ sex skills, she may have done too good a job: The friends she e-mailed couldn’t keep it to themselves and began hitting the “forward” button on their e-mail accounts. Thus Owen now finds herself one of the most infamous authors in the country.

.And while she was initially full of bluster, saying she’s “got some fantastic stories for the grandkids,” Owen is now sorry that her list has become a viral sensation. “I regret it with all my heart,” she told the Jezebel.com website. “I would never intentionally hurt the people that are mentioned on that.”

Owen names names in her presentation, including one unfortunate student of whom she said, “it was over too quickly.” Duke University issued a statement saying it was “reaching out to those who’ve been affected by this incident,” and athletes on the list are less than thrilled, some reportedly regarding the report as harassment.

‘Teachable moment’
It’s another sore point at Duke, which is one of the most prestigious universities in the country but is still smarting from the black eye of the lacrosse team scandal, in which a stripper hired for a team party accused three team members of sexually assaulting her. While the charges were dropped, the infamy remains.

There is more text to read and their is a video of the whole thing.

Harrassment yes BUT if there was a significant monetary amount involved for each she slept with and they approved of the names being released then go for it! Whatever profit she would make would all go toward the ones she lacrossed.

10/7/2010, 12:24 PM
This thread is worthless without pics.

EDIT: There's a pic on the link. I wouldn't mind being one of the guys she wrote about.

10/7/2010, 12:44 PM
Big deal. People bonk in college. People bonk before it and afterwards too.

Sounds like a huzzie.

One of the hottest chick's when I was in college turned out to be lezzin' out with her basketball coach.

Who knew Jerry?

Mississippi Sooner
10/7/2010, 01:10 PM
Isn't Duke known primarily as a medical school? This is all important research!

10/7/2010, 01:42 PM
Big deal. People bonk in college. People bonk before it and afterwards too....

I thought it was "boink." Yeah, "boinking" definitely sounds like more fun than "bonking" which seems like it could injure your brain.

I got NUTHIN' :O

Oh.... If the report makes the guys look bad, what does it do for Ms Slutarski?

10/7/2010, 01:55 PM
it was a pretty cool article. I enjoyed.

10/7/2010, 02:51 PM
I thought it was "boink." Yeah, "boinking" definitely sounds like more fun than "bonking" which seems like it could injure your brain.

I got NUTHIN' :O

Oh.... If the report makes the guys look bad, what does it do for Ms Slutarski?

Could be. I'm brain dead from lack of sleep and too much painting.

10/7/2010, 02:52 PM
Isn't bonking a British term? If not I'll let 'em claim it.

10/7/2010, 02:55 PM
The school is reaching out to those on the list?

Good lord, if I had less than stellar reviews the last thing on Earth I'd want is some college administrator giving me a call to see how I'm feeling about it all.

How would that conversation go? "Hello, I'm Brad from Student Relations. I heard you have a 4" ****. Do you want to talk about it?"

Crap -- count me out.

10/7/2010, 06:04 PM
If she were a gal in a trailer park, she'd just be slut. But since she was a jock-sniffing co-ed at presitigious Duke, she's somehow special. I bet her mama and daddy are sooo proud.

Leroy Lizard
10/7/2010, 07:02 PM
Certain things are meant to be kept private. It's one thing to confide in a friend about a past incident, but this goes way beyond that.

If one of those guys went after her for revenge, I would be hard pressed to blame him.

10/7/2010, 07:43 PM
I'd like to know the criteria for the ranking formula. For example:

Foreplay- +2
Stamina- +3
Motion +3
Cummed on tits instead of face +5
Ate ma butthole- +10.

Eatin butthole on another girls list could get ya a 10 point penalty.

I don't know,. this just doesn't seem scientific at all. ;)

10/7/2010, 08:39 PM
Years ago, long before Al Gore invented the internet, there were two female students at M.I.T. who, between them, had banged 30 something M.I.T. guys. They wrote an underground book for local campus-area distribution describing each of their encounters with the guys and rating them anywhere from one (a turkey) to five (a must-f*ck!) stars. Playboy magazine had a brief article about it.

10/7/2010, 10:58 PM



10/8/2010, 08:41 PM
Did anybody else read thru the powerpoint? I think this poor lady has several problems, especially with self-esteem and alcohol.