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View Full Version : So what did the Ruf/Neks do to "vandalize" the bridge

10/7/2010, 01:53 AM
in McClain county per the Joklahoman notebook???

Cheerin' 4 OU
10/7/2010, 02:22 AM
in McClain county per the Joklahoman notebook???

Ahh they painted about the RRS on the side.


10/7/2010, 05:35 AM
Looks like the whole McCalin Co. staff should be assigned as well. That bridge looks awful.

10/7/2010, 05:37 AM
I dont understand why its such a big deal this time...They've been doing that for a long time, its not a recent thing.

King Crimson
10/7/2010, 06:18 AM
been doing it forever, throw some pledges up for community service.

stupid, overall. semi-legible spray paint on some concrete from semi-graduating students....but that's how we do.

If you are work that whole graffiti angle, go for it. or just the spray essentials.......**** Texas, Texas sucks. really. Simple, clean, and true.

10/7/2010, 07:53 AM

I wouldn't be surprised if they had to paint the entire thing over now for their community service. They really need to do something sanctioned - get 'em a billboard or a something. They already do that thing on campus

10/7/2010, 08:00 AM
they should paint it totally red. then no more red grafitti.

once neb kids painted the hi-way from colo to neb red. also, it read "sol is ded,go big red. to para phrase

10/7/2010, 10:09 AM
From the look of that steel I-beam, they might want to use Rustoleum next time.

10/7/2010, 10:12 AM
they should paint it totally red. then no more red grafitti.

Do they not make white spray paint :D

King Crimson
10/7/2010, 10:40 AM
live i say, just a simple "Dio Lives" and get on with it.

10/7/2010, 11:54 AM
live i say, just a simple "Dio Lives" and get on with it.

Works for me, and it looks like they're halfway there.

King Crimson
10/7/2010, 12:19 PM
Works for me, and it looks like they're halfway there.

when there's lightening....

10/7/2010, 01:24 PM

:P :D

10/7/2010, 06:32 PM

I wouldn't be surprised if they had to paint the entire thing over now for their community service. They really need to do something sanctioned - get 'em a billboard or a something. They already do that thing on campus

Did they get the LD Ruf-Nek to paint the bridge, or just ask thier 3 year old kid brother? :rolleyes:

10/8/2010, 12:19 AM
From the looks fo the steel, that red paint is probably holding up the bridge.

Crucifax Autumn
10/8/2010, 12:40 AM
when there's lightening....

King Crimson never lets me down. :D

10/8/2010, 01:19 AM
... ummm ... you know it always brings me down?

Minority opinion here, but I've always liked the Dio-era Sabbath (Heaven and Hell, The Mob Rules -- totally underrated album) more than the plodding stuff from the Ozzy era.

"Neon Knights" pwns.

King Crimson
10/8/2010, 08:09 AM
... ummm ... you know it always brings me down?

Minority opinion here, but I've always liked the Dio-era Sabbath (Heaven and Hell, The Mob Rules -- totally underrated album) more than the plodding stuff from the Ozzy era.

"Neon Knights" pwns.

paranoid and masters of reality are great, but the Dio stuff is allsome. It's all about Tony, Bill and Geezer....and, well, Dio Rules.

At the end of the day, Ozzy is arena NFL rock and Dio rules. who doesn't love a little Jon Lord at sunrise.


King Crimson
10/8/2010, 08:20 AM
where's tommy saxondale?