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10/4/2010, 10:01 AM
Who will you be rooting for in this one? I almost wish Texas would hang 65 on them, since most poke fans on OP.com think that we have played a bunch of cupcakes this season...

10/4/2010, 10:02 AM

10/4/2010, 10:03 AM
At this point, not even close. Texas.. We do NOT want OSU to keep gaining confidence.

10/4/2010, 10:03 AM
could never root for a tx team playing an oklahoma team.
maybe because i live in tx.

10/4/2010, 10:03 AM
A game to sit back, relax and enjoy. There will be an orange board meltdown afterward.

10/4/2010, 10:04 AM
Gotta root for the pokes in this one. My niece married a poke. Besides, texass sucks.

stoops the eternal pimp
10/4/2010, 10:09 AM

10/4/2010, 10:10 AM
Yeah, have to root for the pokes cause my gf is one. And plus I can never root for Texas

10/4/2010, 10:11 AM

10/4/2010, 10:13 AM
Nobody's figured out a way for both to lose yet? Damn!

Go...gulp...Horns. It's always lots of fun to watch little brother crash back down to Earth.

10/4/2010, 10:17 AM
Gotta pull for whorns but am pretty torn.

Playing and beating an undefeated poke team later would really help a hopefully undefeated OU team. However, that game will be very difficult regardless.

OU is basically up two games on horns right now. Certainly they will lose another before the year is up. I just don't know.

10/4/2010, 10:19 AM
How is ** going to stop them. It could be a "second trip to the beer store game".

10/4/2010, 10:20 AM
Ima gonna Hope fer a Rain storm of Biblical proportions. That all the Drains in the stadium get plugged. all the gates get locked and the entire stadium Fills up. :cool:
What I win ?

10/4/2010, 10:27 AM
Meh who cares - let's just hope for an embarrassing performance on both sides of the ball, like the Aggy/Aggie game last Thursday

oh man... that game sucked for both teams :stunned: :rcmad:

10/4/2010, 10:28 AM
don't play until 11-16.

why worry now ??

10/4/2010, 10:29 AM
We need to beat ranked teams for the computers. Pokes need to be as high as they can get when we play em.

10/4/2010, 10:31 AM
Meh who cares - let's just hope for an embarrassing performance on both sides of the ball, like the Aggy/Aggie game last Thursday

oh man... that game sucked for both teams :stunned: :rcmad:

i gotta believe boys were very happy with that game.

as OU fans know, when you win sloppy, it's still a win.

10/4/2010, 10:36 AM
i gotta believe boys were very happy with that game.

as OU fans know, when you win sloppy, it's still a win.

It was a win filled with a lot of :stunned: moments though, so they had to suffer through the entire game to get to the end. THAT is the type of game I want whorns and pokes to endure, the one where this is no clear better team, just one that struggled a lot and still won by dumb luck or something.

:rolleyes: I'm sure the OP lurkers will love that post, seeing how that's what we've had to endure most of the season thus far... but yeah, if we have to suffer, I want them to also

10/4/2010, 10:38 AM
We need to beat ranked teams for the computers. Pokes need to be as high as they can get when we play em.

Just to be clear on this--it isn't when we play them, but at the end of the year that matters. If we beat the #1 team in the nation every week for the first 6 weeks, but they then went on to lose the rest of their games, it doesn't matter one bit what they were when we played them---except maybe for the voters. But for the computers, doesn't matter.

So, since we play both Texas and OSU, it is hard to say what is better for us. Assuming they both win out, it is probably better for OSU to win and be a 1 loss team (when we beat them) all season and Texas a 3 loss team than both of them 2 loss teams.

10/4/2010, 10:38 AM
:rolleyes: I'm sure the OP lurkers will love that post, seeing how that's what we've had to endure most of the season thus far... but yeah, if we have to suffer, I want them to also

That's just cruel - in a great way.

10/4/2010, 10:41 AM

WOW, you just hit 20k !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10/4/2010, 10:41 AM
Ima gonna Hope fer a Rain storm of Biblical proportions. That all the Drains in the stadium get plugged. all the gates get locked and the entire stadium Fills up. :cool:
What I win ?


10/4/2010, 10:43 AM

WOW, you just hit 20k !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even more amazing - she did it in spite of sharing one keyboard with NP. Spek!

10/4/2010, 10:46 AM
Even more amazing - she did it in spite of sharing one keyboard with NP. Spek!

That's the thing - some of the "badger" posts are NP, and some of the "NormanPride" posts are me... and yes, I know I type a lot. But yeah, this place is fun, especially when you're 5-0 and just beat the whorns :mack:

10/4/2010, 10:48 AM
That's the thing - some of the "badger" posts are NP, and some of the "NormanPride" posts are me... and yes, I know I type a lot. But yeah, this place is fun, especially when you're 5-0 and just beat the whorns :mack:

I thought you just split the keyboard 50/50 and that's why your posts use the word "qwerty" a lot. ;)

10/4/2010, 10:49 AM
u do type alot.

10/4/2010, 10:50 AM
u do type alot.

Shes a Female, and theres No one around her she can "TALK" to.:D

10/4/2010, 10:56 AM
Really a matter of principle. In all but one game a year, I want to see the pokes win. <and, during that one game, I want to see them meandering the field, aimlessly, like dull beasts to the slaughter>

10/4/2010, 11:02 AM
Would only root for whorns vs Miami (Fla), Florida, USC, or Notre Dame.

10/4/2010, 11:04 AM
Would only root for whorns vs Miami (Fla), Florida, USC, or Notre Dame.

none of the above.

10/4/2010, 11:12 AM
Ima gonna Hope fer a Rain storm of Biblical proportions. That all the Drains in the stadium get plugged. all the gates get locked and the entire stadium Fills up. :cool:
What I win ?

This! ^^^

And there is NO instance that I can think of that we should EVAR pull for the whorns! The big picture lies in recruiting, and we have nothing to gain in recruiting when the whorns win any game.

10/4/2010, 11:14 AM
This! ^^^

And there is NO instance that I can think of that we should EVAR pull for the whorns! The big picture lies in recruiting, and we have nothing to gain in recruiting when the whorns win any game.

Totally agree !!!!!

10/4/2010, 11:15 AM
I'll take what is a meteor for $500, Alex.

10/4/2010, 11:27 AM
I hate seeing both teams win. So, I am pulling for a 3-3 score after 6 OTs.

10/4/2010, 11:27 AM
I don't root for orange. It's that simple.

Even when the orange looks more brown.

10/4/2010, 11:28 AM
After leaving college 30 years ago, I had softened towards little brother fans. After the pokes defeated Georgia in the season opener last year, I approached a poke co-worker and congratulated her on the win. She replied, "Yep, it was a great weekend! OSU won and OU lost!" I was stunned, shocked and disappointed! I deserved that. How could I have allowed my Sooner self to act so "Stupid?"

Unlike ut, where I hope they win every game expect against the Sooners. I hope Little Brother loses EVERY game! The fact is Little Brothers lives in misery and grows up to be miserable adults.

Remember when our 7-5 Sooners hosted the 9-3 Cowboys last year? Another poke friend giggled all week about how they were gonna win this year. He was absolutely giddy about it, whereas Little Brother had the best team on the field in years. Final Score: OU 27, OSU 0. What a fitting score to make him shut his mouth.

Oh and just in case no one else noticed coachgundy.com, that toted their victory against Colorado the week before, just skipped the OU loss like it never happened and went directly to advertising their Cotton Bowl invitation. I wish them nothing but ill will and hope they choke on the orange venom they spew towards us each and every day.

Altough I want ut to win the game, I never pull for the whorns and never watch the game between them.

10/4/2010, 11:31 AM
It seems like Pokes can't really enjoy their winning unless OU is losing. I would understand this more if they needed us to lose to get into the Big 12 title picture, but they are usually not in it.

So anyway, get ready for more anti-OU cheering this season, when it really matters... well, at least till they lose to Ooo-La-La this weekend :D

10/4/2010, 11:35 AM
Pokes always, Horns never. Keep in mind that Horn fans love to insult our entire state on a regular basis. It's about state pride for me.

10/4/2010, 11:50 AM
I hate Texas more than any team at any time. I hope the team from oklahoma wins and Texas dosnt dosnt go to a bowl game (evil laugh)

OU Engineer
10/4/2010, 12:13 PM
After leaving college 30 years ago, I had softened towards little brother fans. After the pokes defeated Georgia in the season opener last year, I approached a poke co-worker and congratulated her on the win. She replied, "Yep, it was a great weekend! OSU won and OU lost!" I was stunned, shocked and disappointed! I deserved that. How could I have allowed my Sooner self to act so "Stupid?"

^^^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^

Can't tell you how many similar stories I have...

Plus, I would hate to play a somehow, someway undefeated Halloween colored team in Stillwater at the end of the season....

10/4/2010, 12:22 PM
It seems like Pokes can't really enjoy their winning unless OU is losing.

It's actually been my experience that they don't mind losing at all as long as OU is losing too. In fact, that was a virtual party. Once I realized that I could never do the following:

Pokes always, Horns never. Keep in mind that Horn fans love to insult our entire state on a regular basis. It's about state pride for me.

Used to be this way until I was with a bunch of OSU fans on a day where they lost by something like 40 points and OU lost to someone else and they partied like they had just won a National Championship.

I would be happier if that school lost to the point of total irrelevance so that no one would ever talk about them and we'd never see any OSU fans... ever. They are an embarrassment to our state.

10/4/2010, 12:24 PM
While I do agree that OSU has an odd fetish with seeing us lose, the feeling is not mutual. I would love to see them beat Texas.

10/4/2010, 12:27 PM
PS, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, and Tulsa all won this weekend.

Texas, Texas A&M, and Texas Tech lost.

10/4/2010, 12:29 PM
And I will laugh at whatever team loses.

Lott's Bandana
10/4/2010, 12:35 PM
I want aggy to lose at least one game before they face whorn so it never crosses their anhydrous ammonia fogged brains that they might have a shot at the CCG.

That would also allow me to continue to not care who wins.

10/4/2010, 12:46 PM
Texas, Texas A&M, and Texas Tech lost.

Baylor won. I forgot who it was against, but I heard their student section chanting "Kan-sas High School (clap. clap. clapclapclap)" so I guess they played a high school team? Wow, Baylor. Scheduling a high school team? Are you that sick of losing that you schedule a high school team you are guaranteed to beat? No wonder they nearly got left behind in the Pac-16 talks. A high school team. :eek:







10/4/2010, 12:54 PM
honestly I want * to win...but I would rather the ground open up and both teams be swallowed by the earth

10/4/2010, 01:04 PM

10/4/2010, 01:09 PM
We need to beat ranked teams for the computers. Pokes need to be as high as they can get when we play em.

Given all of their ganja troubles, this shouldn't be too difficult for them to achieve.

10/4/2010, 01:14 PM
Oh, and with a game up on Tejas, I'd prefer it that Tejas beats OSU. At the end of the year, Tejas ought to be at least ranked, as FSU, AFA and one of Mizzou, Colorado or aTm should be, too.

That all said, I could care less if Brandon Weeden is mailed the Heisman right now... I wanna beat Iowa State. Then Missouri... then... well, you get tge picture.

10/4/2010, 01:30 PM
Oh, and I want OSU to pile on some yards and points. I'm sick of the disgusting cultish man love down in Austin for "Coach Boom".

10/4/2010, 01:36 PM
Oh, and I want OSU to pile on some yards and points. I'm sick of the disgusting cultish man love down in Austin for "Coach Boom".
possibly the gheyest nick name ever.

10/4/2010, 02:02 PM
Oklahoma State is that virgin in high school that talks big and like they have been there, done that but everyone knows they are as prude as a newborn baby.

10/4/2010, 04:01 PM
Normally, Sooners like to see sa*et unbeaten until they meet OU and for them to win out afterwards. But UCLA saw to it that the whorns had already lost before playing OU. Since they have looked so bad this year, I am leaning towards seeing everyone pile on and make em as miserable as possible, break some of those losing streaks to them (Baylor, OSU), even put an end to that 10-game win streak they have been on forever. I want every team left on their schedule to take em down.

As for the aggies, it always feels right to be the team that lets the air out of their balloon. Doing that puts em back in place. The bigger the build up, the more crushing the defeat. I hope they are undefeated when OU goes into their stadium and gives em a loss.

10/4/2010, 04:39 PM
I think some of you approach this the wrong way.
It is way more enjoyable to crush the pokes little souls when they are unbeaten...what am I saying, less beaten?

10/4/2010, 04:41 PM
At this point, with all these teams that look to go undefeated we need OSU to be as high as possible when we meet 'em; and besides why the **** would we ever root for *? Imagine the national attention that a winner takes all "Big 12 South Championship" would generate. :pop:

10/4/2010, 06:52 PM
Even considering that the Pokes will beat Texas makes me laugh. I don't care if they get up by 28 points in the first quarter they'll still lose. They always do.

10/4/2010, 07:33 PM
We'd get more mileage out of OSU if they win out till our meeting.

10/4/2010, 07:34 PM
Polks....... like who to root for when texas played usc ya wish they both could lose

10/4/2010, 07:47 PM
Hell no, I hope they hang 60 on tu. I live in Texas.

10/4/2010, 07:59 PM
The pukes by a nose. I hate those orange bastards just a little more than the burnt orange bastards.