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10/3/2010, 10:46 PM
It seemed to be very different pregame this year.

Not a lot of smack talking, not alot of abuse from either fan base.

Seemed to be a relatively ugly game.

Your first two drives were impressive.

And at the end, surprising drama.

In any event, no excuse making.

Congratulations on the win.

The smack will now return on its regularly scheduled channel.

Crucifax Autumn
10/3/2010, 10:47 PM
You must have missed the video of the textard getting escorted out.

10/3/2010, 10:48 PM
Yet another example of OU being better than the team but not good enough to put them away. Both teams played hard, I was really surprised at how Landry was able to pick apart that secondary for the most part. I was also a little surprised at how well KW was able to exploit the Dline of ut.

Good Game

10/3/2010, 10:58 PM
I thought OU's offensive line played very well. They took our DEs out of the game on the majority of the plays.

Was also very surprised Muschamp did not dial up a number of different blitzes... and try to pressure Jones into making mistakes.

10/3/2010, 11:08 PM
well he did blitz some, I think KW left the RBs in to block on a lot of them

10/3/2010, 11:18 PM
I wasn't too surprised by the outcome, to be honest. Happy for the OU win, but not surprised to see it be a dogfight at the end with critical mistakes and lucky bounces of the football deciding the outcome.

My thoughts on Texas:

1. Garrett Gilbert is NOT Texas's problem, contrary to what some UT fans might think. He was very accurate, just not exactly comfortable in whatever it is David/Brown are wanting to run.

2. The road to more physical football up front is going to be one of the most difficult Mack Brown has had to face in his Texas career. His best teams have run the ball with the aide of freakishly good dual-threat quarterbacks adding that extra dimension for opposing defenses to consider and gameplan for.

3. Texas's defense is not where it needs to be. There is much potential, but little leadership. OU and UCLA have both run the ball effectively against them. Any ace quarterback with time in the pocket can hit on passes against anybody IMO. It's just the nature of the game. We're not talking about LJ throwing any touchdowns Saturday if UT wasn't beaten on the ground. Case in point: James Hanna catches just his second career TD off of a play-action fake.

4. Signature playmakers are what fans mistake for "swagger." They haven't emerged yet amongst a deep talent pool on the Texas roster. They have the luxury now of knowing this isn't "the year" and working on establishing their young talent much the way OU did in 2005 and in 2009. Rebuilding happens.

5. In two losses, UT's biggest problem is being beaten up front. The most challenging task for them now is a backfield with Helu AND Martinez both running well. Nebraska has done well up front defensively as well, something OU's defensive line has NOT so far. Gilbert may not have as much time in the pocket as he had against OU. Both lines of scrimmage must progress for them to get back to where they like to be.

10/3/2010, 11:24 PM
Neb is hard to judge due to them not playing anyone so far, I can say that Martinez looks to be far superior to Kevin Prince of UCLA. If they had that much trouble stopping prince I cant imagine them stopping Martinez. They do have 2 weeks though...

10/3/2010, 11:27 PM
It seemed to be very different pregame this year.

Not a lot of smack talking, not alot of abuse from either fan base.

Seemed to be a relatively ugly game.

Your first two drives were impressive.

And at the end, surprising drama.

In any event, no excuse making.

Congratulations on the win.

The smack will now return on its regularly scheduled channel.

Thanks man,you are always classy.It was very surprising to see you guys make the mistakes that we usally make.

Jason White's Third Knee
10/4/2010, 12:04 AM

10/4/2010, 12:10 AM
I'm just curious if Texas will even make it to the Alamo Bowl this year. After Nebraska wears you out, that will be 3-3. Not looking good for the Horns this year. And I'm enjoying every minute of it!

Crucifax Autumn
10/4/2010, 12:27 AM
I hope they end up in the Sun Bowl since they thought it was so funny last year.

10/4/2010, 12:28 AM
Whats quite ironic is that alot of the things that were so funny last year (young QB who struggles, no running game, multitude of injuries, young/stupid mistakes, etc...) are now happening to them

10/4/2010, 12:32 AM
karma's a gruesome bitch sometimes.

10/4/2010, 12:38 AM
When texas isnt good, there isnt as much smack.

Safe to say, most of the bull must come from the orange side.

Good game and thank god there was no major injuries.

10/4/2010, 12:49 AM
blah blah blah.

Texass sucks. Enjoy finishing behind us in the Big 12....AGAIN.


10/4/2010, 12:54 AM
don't know why mr. Brown always find some excuses after a loss.

10/4/2010, 01:19 AM
For the Texas fans who thought it was funny to wear Bradford shirts with shoulder slings last year...

... the whorn fans who labeled Landry Jones OUr "Chris Simms..."

... the whorns who made snide remarks about Kevin Wilson versus Will Muschamp...

... the whorns who aren't going to be whorns this week, rather 'Bama fans, Oregon fans, whatever you are now...

28-20. And doesn't it suck to have a bad O-Line, no running game, a rookie QB thrown into the fire at the worst possible time and a defense that can't live up to it's billing in the clutch moments of a game?

As for Lid, you know we'll have OUr fun messing with you around here for at least another year. :D

Glad like stated above, that there was no serious injuries Saturday and it was really just a game where the best team lined up and won.

Crucifax Autumn
10/4/2010, 01:27 AM

10/4/2010, 08:18 AM
Lid and I have an annual wager on this game. It is more of a silly bet, but a bet nonetheless.

The past two years our wager has been limited to $10 of something Crimson or Orange depending on the winner.

Since I lost last year, I decided to mail Lid a double scoop of orange sherbert wrapped up in a baggie with a couple of ice cubes, cushioned with a paper towel, and packed into a cardboard box. Mailed to his office.
He claims he didnt get it. ???? I guess we can blame the USPS.

So, in effect, "I didn't pay up".

So..........my legal friend............. I guess we are even steven. And you don't have to go buy something Crimson at the store. (I know that thrills you) :D

Great outcome to a weird game, please use your alumni influence to keep Greg Davis employed.

Same bet next year?

10/4/2010, 09:09 AM
It seemed to be very different pregame this year.

Not a lot of smack talking, not alot of abuse from either fan base.

Seemed to be a relatively ugly game.

Your first two drives were impressive.

And at the end, surprising drama.

In any event, no excuse making.

Congratulations on the win.

The smack will now return on its regularly scheduled channel.

Accurate breakdown. Neither team is MNC quality. Thought OU would blowout the whorns but a 14 point lead triggers 0 blitz calling and super soft defense by Vulnerables. Also, once we got past the scripted plays and KW had to think on the fly, it was Big 10 run game at its most vanilla.

stoops the eternal pimp
10/4/2010, 09:12 AM
Lid and I also have a wager...get your catcher's gear on lawyer man

10/4/2010, 10:26 AM
Thanks man,you are always classy.It was very surprising to see you guys get the penalties that we usually get.


10/4/2010, 10:45 AM
Thanks man,you are always classy.It was very surprising to see you guys make the mistakes that we usally make.

WTF? You must be nuts :rolleyes:

10/4/2010, 11:30 AM
Lid and I also have a wager...get your catcher's gear on lawyer man

you act like he takes it off

10/4/2010, 11:32 AM
Lid and I also have a wager...get your catcher's gear on lawyer man

Is that where you ask him if he likes it and he keeps saying, "Ill answer that one for myself"

stoops the eternal pimp
10/4/2010, 11:43 AM
I also insist that he claps his hands

10/4/2010, 11:43 AM
It was a good game. I really thought OU would hammer * in this game. OU came out on fire, but the coaches then went into a shell to chew up clock.

It's good for both sides when the series goes back and forth like it has. We still need to win next year. I knew * would miss Shipley, McCoy, Thomas and Kindle. It's a rebuilding year for the whorns and OU has gone through it too.

I did see a Whorns fan wearing jorts on tv, though. ;)

Lott's Bandana
10/4/2010, 12:21 PM
"...switching back to the spread."

Game over before it started.