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View Full Version : Shots Fired At University Of Texas

Mad Dog Madsen
9/28/2010, 09:35 AM
On lockdown. Hope nobody was hurt.



9/28/2010, 09:37 AM
I hate crazy people!

9/28/2010, 09:39 AM
They just broke in on the Ben and Skin Show on 103.3 Espin and said no one is being treated right now. Hope nobody gets hurt. This is going to be a tuff couple of weeks for the UT.

Thoughts and prayers to *saxet*

9/28/2010, 09:57 AM
Apparently the dude opened fire in a library, then offed himself.


9/28/2010, 09:58 AM
I'm glad nobody got hurt.

9/28/2010, 10:00 AM
Best running Austin's seen since UCLA left town.

9/28/2010, 10:05 AM
Best running Austin's seen since UCLA left town.

Ouch dude.

9/28/2010, 10:06 AM
Fortunate that the only casualty is the shooter.

9/28/2010, 10:07 AM
If a poor soul got dressed up in a Tux with a big gun just to go pop himself in the library, let the jokes begin.

I have little sympathy for suicide.

9/28/2010, 10:10 AM
Ouch dude.

Just sayin'.

(Would not have posted if anyone other than the doosh got hurt. Apparently it is offending people's delicate sensitivities. Which I'm honestly surprised that anything offends anyone on this board.)

9/28/2010, 10:11 AM
Too bad it wasn't Lid or Herr, or both.

9/28/2010, 10:14 AM
Not offended. Just picturing my kid being one of the innocent bystanders scared out of her mind because some psycho in a tuxedo and a ski mask decided to off himself in the library after trying to take some of his classmates with him.

So yeah, I guess I am a little sensitive.

Crucifax Autumn
9/28/2010, 10:14 AM
Hopefully all is well. Apparently 2 amulances left the library area and they are looking into second shooter possibilities. I think that's just SOP though.

9/28/2010, 10:16 AM
Hopefully the shooter is the only one dead. Bad stuff.

9/28/2010, 10:16 AM
I was shocked to see it on the news this morning here in Austin. Glad that nobody innocent was hurt in the incident. The sad thing is this kind of stuff is seemingly becoming commonplace in American society. Big Sigh.

9/28/2010, 10:17 AM
glad nobody was hurt.

9/28/2010, 10:20 AM
They are searching for a second shooter. They aren't sure there is one at this point but reports indicate two descriptions of shooters.

Nobody shot but shooter according to KLBJ radio.

How awful for parents and students.

Proud that only a few on here find humor in this.

9/28/2010, 10:22 AM
Too bad it wasn't Lid or Herr, or both.

When I was at UT, the 6th floor of the PCL was one of my favorite places to go to study.

Crazy people out there.

Oh, the tastelessness of your "joking remark" is exceeded only by its tackiness.

9/28/2010, 10:22 AM
They are searching for a second shooter. They aren't sure there is one at this point but reports indicate two descriptions of shooters.

Nobody shot but shooter according to KLBJ radio.

How awful for parents and students.

Proud that only a few on here find humor in this.

There's nothing fun inherent in the situation. This board is pretty snarky, it's OU/tx week, and sorry for letting a joke fly. Jeez. If you're looking for tons of seriousness, I don't think soonerfans.com is the place to look.

You guys can send care packages if you want.

9/28/2010, 10:25 AM
When I was at UT, the 6th floor of the PCL was one of my favorite places to go to study.

Crazy people out there.

Oh, the tastelessness of your "joking remark" is exceeded only by its tackiness.

Go eff yourself, whorn, and better yet do it somewhere else. I see you pathetic tea sips are developing a tradition of mad shooters on campus, just one more thing for you to be so proud of.

9/28/2010, 10:28 AM
Go eff yourself, whorn, and better yet do it somewhere else. I see you pathetic tea sips are developing a tradition of mad shooters on campus, just one more thing for you to be so proud of.

Look, this is a serious situation. Quit embarrassing yourself and as a matter of association the rest of us. Just please stop at least until it's over for gods sake.

9/28/2010, 10:28 AM
When I was at UT, the 6th floor of the PCL was one of my favorite places to go to study.

Crazy people out there.

Oh, the tastelessness of your "joking remark" is exceeded only by its tackiness.

Look, I know you guys need a starting tailback, but this is a really uncool way to find one.

9/28/2010, 10:31 AM
Go eff yourself, whorn, and better yet do it somewhere else. I see you pathetic tea sips are developing a tradition of mad shooters on campus, just one more thing for you to be so proud of.
Someone please ban this idiot.

9/28/2010, 10:31 AM
Go eff yourself, whorn, and better yet do it somewhere else. I see you pathetic tea sips are developing a tradition of mad shooters on campus, just one more thing for you to be so proud of.

You know, I have met a number of people who post on this site.

I've had the privilege of representing a few people who post on this site.

The friendly and sometimes not so friendly interaction brings some pleasure and distraction from our everyday lives.

Then, there are a few fans from every school who can't recognize things for what they are. Those that believe because a young adult chooses to wear a different color uniform on Saturdays they are "evil incarnate." Those that make ill-founded jokes and remarks about the loss of life, or tragedies, like shootings or domestic acts of terror for example.

Those are the people beneath contempt. Those that fall far below the standard of being hated but are pitied for living an shallow, empty existence devoid of substance.

You, sirrah, are to pitied.

9/28/2010, 10:31 AM
Go eff yourself, whorn, and better yet do it somewhere else. I see you pathetic tea sips are developing a tradition of mad shooters on campus, just one more thing for you to be so proud of.

You're an embarrassment.

9/28/2010, 10:34 AM
You know, I have met a number of people who post on this site.

I've had the privilege of representing a few people who post on this site.

The friendly and sometimes not so friendly interaction brings some pleasure and distraction from our everyday lives.

Then, there are a few fans from every school who can't recognize things for what they are. Those that believe because a young adult chooses to wear a different color uniform on Saturdays they are "evil incarnate." Those that make ill-founded jokes and remarks about the loss of life, or tragedies, like shootings or domestic acts of terror for example.

Those are the people beneath contempt. Those that fall far below the standard of being hated but are pitied for living an shallow, empty existence devoid of substance.

You, sirrah, are to pitied.

Oh man......can I steal that Lid?

9/28/2010, 10:34 AM
Look, this is a serious situation. Quit embarrassing yourself and as a matter of association the rest of us. Just please stop at least until it's over for gods sake.

If you're embarrassed by what someone else says on a messageboard, you need to back away from the keyboard, my friend, and get outside more.

9/28/2010, 10:37 AM
If you're embarrassed by what someone else says on a messageboard, you need to back away from the keyboard, my friend, and get outside more.

I have very close friends and family who are students and workers on that campus. No advice is needed from you. Got it ?

9/28/2010, 10:37 AM
Those are the people beneath contempt. Those that fall far below the standard of being hated but are pitied for living an shallow, empty existence devoid of substance.

You, sirrah, are to pitied.

Wow, that's a little worse than that dude posting something rude and insensitive. You should feel really really bad Lid!

Seriously though, man, I guess I need to take a sensitive pill or something this morning. I didn't realize what serious business our board was today. :confused:

9/28/2010, 10:37 AM
If you're embarrassed by what someone else says on a messageboard, you need to back away from the keyboard, my friend, and get outside more.

No kidding. Like Texans have never joked about Oklahoma trailer parks attracting tornadoes, for instance. I even remember Texans laughing and joking about the OKC bombing.

And who appointed a :texan: the PC sheriff of a Sooner board, anyway?

9/28/2010, 10:38 AM
It was a serious matter when we didn't know anything. It looks like it's just a clean-up situation now.

9/28/2010, 10:38 AM
I have very close friends and family who are students and workers on that campus. No advice is needed from you. Got it ?

Then WTF are you doing posting here?

9/28/2010, 10:39 AM
Glad no one was hurt and if there is a second shooter, I hope they take him out Rambo style. I just hope this doesn't breed inspiration come Sat.

9/28/2010, 10:39 AM
Ya'll go ahead and pity a dumb bastard that was stupid enough to scare the **** out of everyone while carrying out his last selfish deed.

No one got hurt but the dude that couldn't handle **** anymore, relax.

9/28/2010, 10:40 AM
This is one of those things that while they are still looking for another shooter, and the campus is on lockdown, it's not a joke. I doubt there is another shooter, but just bc it's * doesn't mean it couldn't have been us or someone else. Tomorrow when it's all said and done, then we can look back at it and make tasteless jokes about it.

9/28/2010, 10:41 AM
Too bad it wasn't Lid or Herr, or both.

Young man, I don't know what you thought to gain by such a stupid post. But your mother would hopefully knock the sh** out of you for that. If she's unwilling or unavailable, I'll happily step in and do it in her stead.

What an a**hat post. Brace yourself for a big helping of red. :mad:

9/28/2010, 10:42 AM
Glad no one else is hurt so far. Hopefully this is over.

Sorry for the d-baggery above, Lid.

Mad Dog Madsen
9/28/2010, 10:45 AM
Someone please ban this idiot.

I'll second that. Why is he even still green?

9/28/2010, 10:45 AM
Too bad it wasn't Lid or Herr, or both.

WE can only hope :cool:

bent rider
9/28/2010, 10:47 AM
Glad no one was hurt and if there is a second shooter, I hope they take him out Rambo style. I just hope this doesn't breed inspiration come Sat.

Stories of possible "second shooter" suggest how chaotic it must be.

Yeah, its a great rivalry, but lets keep the semi-automatic weapons and explosives out of it.

9/28/2010, 10:47 AM
There are many things to poke fun at Texas about. A campus shooting, even if it was a suicide, is not one of them.

A few years ago, an OU student blew himself up on a bench after failing to enter the Kansas State game at Owen Field. It would have been inappropriate for rival fanbases to make fun of OU for that also, even though it was a suicide, even though it seems the student was trying to harm others by entering the stadium during a game.

Not being overly sensitive, just being nice. Make fun of Texas for other reasons. There is no shortage.

9/28/2010, 10:47 AM
Just sayin'.

(Would not have posted if anyone other than the doosh got hurt. Apparently it is offending people's delicate sensitivities. Which I'm honestly surprised that anything offends anyone on this board.)

Ima sick sonofabitch . I thot it was Funny so SPEK :D

9/28/2010, 10:49 AM
Wow, that's a little worse than that dude posting something rude and insensitive. You should feel really really bad Lid!

Seriously though, man, I guess I need to take a sensitive pill or something this morning. I didn't realize what serious business our board was today. :confused:

You seem to be missing the point. Making a direct reference to one of the worst domestic shootings in United States history (the Charles Whitman saga) and stating that shootings have become a "tradition" and something to be proud of, was the remark objected to.

No reason to take a "sensitive" pill. :rolleyes:

His remark is indicative of a youngish, d-bag who can't see past his "I hate Everything About Texas" attitude. Fine. As I stated, there are many d-bags in the world,.. every university has them.

I belief that some things should be off limits.

I will ridicule you about mullets, and trailer parks, and having one tooth, and your school song that pretty much only has two words.. I will joke about how you stole your school colors from Harvard, your school song from Yale, your land from the injuns, your players from Texas. I will debate you about the academic standards of both schools. However, I will not take shots about tornadoes causing death and destruction or some crazy blowing up a federal building in OKC. That goes more to the lowest common denominator.

Take all the shots you want. But, if things go to something, that even many on here believe, are off limits, it is in my nature to attack it.

It is the way of things hillbilly.

Now, I have paid for the pizza, get off my porch.

9/28/2010, 10:50 AM
No kidding. People take things way too seriously, like they just sit around waiting for something to become enraged about.

Message boards are about 99% BS/humor and 1% whatever else, as they should be. Some of you need to lighten the **** up.

9/28/2010, 10:51 AM
So far, all we know is that the guy fired about ten times, and only managed to hit himself once. I wonder if all ten shots were at himself.

9/28/2010, 10:55 AM
Even if this broken soul only offed himself, many others were hurt unless he had no family. He will have inflicted deep scars on the ones he loved most.

9/28/2010, 10:57 AM
I will joke about how you stole your school colors from Harvard, your school song from Yale, your land from the injuns

You just let your entire self-righteous argument blow up in your face, barrister.

Apparently one loon getting himself killed is off limits, but joking about genocide and forced removal of an entire group of people, complete with racial epithets, is okay?

9/28/2010, 11:02 AM
You know, I have met a number of people who post on this site.

I've had the privilege of representing a few people who post on this site.

The friendly and sometimes not so friendly interaction brings some pleasure and distraction from our everyday lives.

Then, there are a few fans from every school who can't recognize things for what they are. Those that believe because a young adult chooses to wear a different color uniform on Saturdays they are "evil incarnate." Those that make ill-founded jokes and remarks about the loss of life, or tragedies, like shootings or domestic acts of terror for example.

Those are the people beneath contempt. Those that fall far below the standard of being hated but are pitied for living an shallow, empty existence devoid of substance.

You, sirrah, are to pitied.

I still trying to figure out why a Te*as fan has almost 9,000 posts on a SOONER board. :confused:

9/28/2010, 11:02 AM
So far, all we know is that the guy fired about ten times, and only managed to hit himself once. I wonder if all ten shots were at himself.

He was a :texan:
He hit himself in the head with the 1st one then missed with the other 9 :eek:

Hell IMa joke about this **** , Its over :pop:

OU Engineer
9/28/2010, 11:03 AM
May I ask why this thread is on the football forum anyway?

9/28/2010, 11:04 AM
it's on both here and the oval

Crucifax Autumn
9/28/2010, 11:06 AM
The guy was too stupid for one thread.

OU Engineer
9/28/2010, 11:06 AM
Understood. Well since the guys dead and noone else is hurt I'm gonna quote a comment on the newsok.com article:

"Is losing to UCLA really THAT bad?"

9/28/2010, 11:07 AM
Understood. Well since the guys dead and noone else is hurt I'm gonna quote a comment on the newsok.com article:

"Is losing to UCLA really THAT bad?"


9/28/2010, 11:08 AM
I still trying to figure out why a Te*as fan has almost 9,000 posts on a SOONER board. :confused:

been here about 10 years.

9/28/2010, 11:08 AM
Prayers to the family and friends of those who were around this tragedy. It makes me sad to see lives wasted in such a terrible manner.

There are plenty of threads for football smack. Why not take the high road, delete the ornery posts, and replace them with prayers, good thoughts, and/or hopes for the best to those involved?

Yes it's an internet board, so just think of this as a way to give your "handle" a better reputation.

9/28/2010, 11:09 AM
I will ridicule you about mullets, and trailer parks, and having one tooth, and your school song that pretty much only has two words.. I will joke about how you stole your school colors from Harvard, your school song from Yale, your land from the injuns, your players from Texas. .

You really just said that in a post about being more sensitive. Making reference to one of the worst cases of genocidal land grabs in American History and utilizing a slanderous word to describe it. Should have shut your mouth while you were ahead, now you are both on equal footings as d-bags.

Hate this situation happened at any school, it is a sickening tragedy. Prayers go out to all the Texas staff and students and glad no innocent people were injured in this incident. Sadly someone still lost a child today prayers to that family as well.

9/28/2010, 11:10 AM
been here about 10 years.

He's the proxy for the other billion horns that won't dare show up here (or get banned right away for being obnoxiously stupid). I'm sure we have a rep at hornfans.com... well, I'm sure he was banned already, but dang it, we had a rep at one time or another :D

Crucifax Autumn
9/28/2010, 11:10 AM
In fairness Lid was a doosh LONG before that post. Give credit where it's due.

9/28/2010, 11:11 AM
You really just said that in a post about being more sensitive. Making reference to one of the worst cases of genocidal land grabs in American History and utilizing a slanderous word to describe it. Should have shut your mouth while you were ahead, now you are both on equal footings as d-bags.

Hate this situation happened at any school, it is a sickening tragedy. Prayers go out to all the Texas staff and students and glad no innocent people were injured in this incident. Sadly someone still lost a child today prayers to that family as well.

He won't reply, he knows he's been busted out.

9/28/2010, 11:11 AM
Understood. Well since the guys dead and noone else is hurt I'm gonna quote a comment on the newsok.com article:

"Is losing to UCLA really THAT bad?"

now, pay attention Pilo, you mouth-breather.

See, THIS is humor.

Taking a serious situation and putting a humorous spin on it.

Pilo... As for the injun remark, you are too obviously too stupid to figure out the context, spelling and nature of the remark. I don't have the inclination to explain to you using only very small words with the hope you will gain some insight.

Now, you do NOT get that $10 a week raise for tending my lawn. Now, go see what your sister is up to.

9/28/2010, 11:14 AM
now, pay attention Pilo, you mouth-breather.

See, THIS is humor.

Taking a serious situation and putting a humorous spin on it.

Pilo... As for the injun remark, you are too obviously too stupid to figure out the context, spelling and nature of the remark. I don't have the inclination to explain to you using only very small words with the hope you will gain some insight.

Now, you do NOT get that $10 a week raise for tending my lawn. Now, go see what your sister is up to.

She's busy being a nose breather......I keeed :O

9/28/2010, 11:17 AM
now, pay attention Pilo, you mouth-breather.

See, THIS is humor.

Taking a serious situation and putting a humorous spin on it.

Pilo... As for the injun remark, you are too obviously too stupid to figure out the context, spelling and nature of the remark. I don't have the inclination to explain to you using only very small words with the hope you will gain some insight.
Now, you do NOT get that $10 a week raise for tending my lawn. Now, go see what your sister is up to.

This is what a biologist or psychologist would refer to as a "displacement activity". In this case, the effing whorn knows he has been busted out as a bigot and hypocrite and literally has no relevant response, so he attempts to re-direct. Nice try, counselor, but you still and always will suck.

9/28/2010, 11:19 AM

9/28/2010, 11:20 AM
Would Yall PLEASE Stop quoting that Pompous Gasbag

And If Yall would quit replyin to him and letting him get his Fat little, Bow tie wearin carcass under yer skin . he would soon tire of his annoying lil Game and go T F AWAY :rolleyes:

9/28/2010, 11:22 AM
Now, I have paid for the pizza, get off my porch.

Dude. You're a smart guy. You need to bring better smack than this. Especially with Sooners that went to OU, have graduate degrees, and are professionals. Completely underwhelming.

Reports are being leaked that the shooter's motivation for his public suicide was that he won an eBay auction for OU/tx tickets. He placed his bid on Friday, apparently, before the UCLA game.

9/28/2010, 11:23 AM
He won't reply, he knows he's been busted out.
A fan from our most hated rival called you a d-bag, and most other Sooner fans agree. You should probably go ahead and just kill yourself.

Crimson Kid
9/28/2010, 11:27 AM
Wow. For all those poking fun. Think about how you would feel if the roles were reversed?

I dislike most whorns fans but they have some good and bad fans just like us and every other team. don't let a sport get in the way of your compassion for caring about another person.

If you can't say something positive, don't say anything.

9/28/2010, 11:28 AM
I'm positive a Sooner would have hit himself on the first shot.

9/28/2010, 11:31 AM
Wow. For all those poking fun. Think about how you would feel if the roles were reversed?

About the same way as when the whorns cheered when Bradford went down in the Cotton Bowl.

If you weren't there, believe me, they have karmaic insensitivity coming their way.

Whorns are like your diva older sister. They want you to think they're better than you. They will throw you under the bus to mom and dad whenever they feel like it and will enjoy doing so. They will CONSTANTLY talk trash on you. They are self-serving. And when you hurt their precious little feelers, they just DEMAND that you're fair, prudent and respectful...but would never give you the same respect. But truly, they're just your sibling and deserve a kick in the *** as much as anyone, and maybe moreso for all the crap they fling everywhere. Don't fall for it.

Also, they crave wiener.

9/28/2010, 11:32 AM
Wow. For all those poking fun. Think about how you would feel if the roles were reversed?

I dislike most whorns fans but they have some good and bad fans just like us and every other team. don't let a sport get in the way of your compassion for caring about another person.

If you can't say something positive, don't say anything.

It appears we're beating a dead horse here. Looks like the bad fans will post what they'll post.

9/28/2010, 11:36 AM
Maybe I've been out of Oklahoma too long, but isn't killing (or attempting to kill) innocent people a little bit different than poor sportsmanship from a crowd of drunks at a football game? Did VT's rivals poke fun at the loss of life there? Is that the kind of fans we are?

Jello Biafra
9/28/2010, 11:36 AM
glad all is well now....i dont remember any whorn fans coming over here and telling us they were sorry and hope noone got hurt when old boy blew himself up on the park bench during the kansas state game...

all that being said, it IS RRS week....

fugg em with a rusty pipe.

9/28/2010, 11:38 AM
No Hubs , Its Over, We KNOW its over One wackO whorn dead. No others hurt
Yea I think its safe to make fun of em .

9/28/2010, 11:40 AM
No Hubs , Its Over, We KNOW its over One wackO whorn dead. No others hurt
Yea I think its safe to make fun of em .

Why not start a separate thread? I think that function is still available, but whatever.

9/28/2010, 11:41 AM
now, pay attention Pilo, you mouth-breather.

See, THIS is humor.

Taking a serious situation and putting a humorous spin on it.

Pilo... As for the injun remark, you are too obviously too stupid to figure out the context, spelling and nature of the remark. I don't have the inclination to explain to you using only very small words with the hope you will gain some insight.

Now, you do NOT get that $10 a week raise for tending my lawn. Now, go see what your sister is up to.

I am the one that replied to your slanderous use of a word I find it derogatory towards Native Americans. There was nothing humorous about it. I don't find it funny, no one in my family would find it funny and you certainly don't qualify as getting to decide for me and other Native Americans what are funny words to describe us. Inappropriate comes to mind.

Initially I was making a point. Now I am furious at your reply, and your inability to comprehend who took issue with your remarks. Man up and take ownership of your inappropriate usages and make apologies.

Trying to hide your innuendos with contextual explanations that you yourself probably don't understand is beyond compare. All you did is try and skirt around a situation where you know that you clearly stepped in it. Your justification of your usage of the word is unacceptable, especially when all that was called for was an apology.

You have just solidified yourself as a d-bag of equal or greater value in my book. You are no better than people you are railing against. You sir are to be pitied. Fun is fun but don't go getting all racial on us. Since you are apparently a lawyer, I suspect I don't need to go into slanderous and racial context. You wouldn't utilize slanderous words when talking about other races, and it is NOT alright in this case either, regardless of how you justify it to yourself.

9/28/2010, 11:42 AM
No Hubs , Its Over, We KNOW its over One wackO whorn dead. No others hurt
Yea I think its safe to make fun of em .
You know all those things Texans say about Oklahomans being inbred, and rednecks and all that? They're talking about you. Take your stupid little "negspek" game and go f* yourself.

Jello Biafra
9/28/2010, 11:46 AM
I am the one that replied to your slanderous use of a word I find it derogatory towards Native Americans. There was nothing humorous about it. I don't find it funny, no one in my family would find it funny and you certainly don't qualify as getting to decide for me and other Native Americans what are funny words to describe us. Inappropriate comes to mind.

Initially I was making a point. Now I am furious at your reply, and your inability to comprehend who took issue with your remarks. Man up and take ownership of your inappropriate usages and make apologies.

Trying to hide your innuendos with contextual explanations that you yourself probably don't understand is beyond compare. All you did is try and skirt around a situation where you know that you clearly stepped in it. Your justification of your usage of the word is unacceptable, especially when all that was called for was an apology.

You have just solidified yourself as a d-bag of equal or greater value in my book. You are no better than people you are railing against. You sir are to be pitied. Fun is fun but don't go getting all racial on us. Since you are apparently a lawyer, I suspect I don't need to go into slanderous and racial context. You wouldn't utilize slanderous words when talking about other races, and it is NOT alright in this case either, regardless of how you justify it to yourself.

he said!

9/28/2010, 11:46 AM
You know all those things Texans say about Oklahomans being inbred, and rednecks and all that? They're talking about you. Take your stupid little "negspek" game and go f* yourself.

Negged for crying about spek on the board.

Jello Biafra
9/28/2010, 11:47 AM
Negged for crying about spek on the board.

same same...

i know his name.

9/28/2010, 11:47 AM
I am the one that replied to your slanderous use of a word I find it derogatory towards Native Americans. There was nothing humorous about it. I don't find it funny, no one in my family would find it funny and you certainly don't qualify as getting to decide for me and other Native Americans what are funny words to describe us. Inappropriate comes to mind.

Initially I was making a point. Now I am furious at your reply, and your inability to comprehend who took issue with your remarks. Man up and take ownership of your inappropriate usages and make apologies.

Trying to hide your innuendos with contextual explanations that you yourself probably don't understand is beyond compare. All you did is try and skirt around a situation where you know that you clearly stepped in it. Your justification of your usage of the word is unacceptable, especially when all that was called for was an apology.

You have just solidified yourself as a d-bag of equal or greater value in my book. You are no better than people you are railing against. You sir are to be pitied. Fun is fun but don't go getting all racial on us. Since you are apparently a lawyer, I suspect I don't need to go into slanderous and racial context. You wouldn't utilize slanderous words when talking about other races, and it is NOT alright in this case either, regardless of how you justify it to yourself.

Exactly. Lid is a diva older sister. He can insult Native Americans on an OKLAHOMA FOOTBALL board and expect us to take it. But don't you dare link a joke to a dude that killed himself and hurt no one else!

It's jsut the internet, guys.

Jello Biafra
9/28/2010, 11:47 AM
number 1 rule about spek club is......

Jello Biafra
9/28/2010, 11:49 AM
Exactly. Lid is a diva older sister. He can insult Native Americans on an OKLAHOMA FOOTBALL board and expect us to take it. But don't you dare link a joke to a dude that killed himself and hurt no one else!

It's jsut the internet, guys.

yeh lid...u cant call us a bunch of blanket assses and not get smacked for it ;)

9/28/2010, 11:53 AM
Negged for crying about spek on the board.
Oh no, a tagteam between you and old'neckonahill. Woe is me. You guys poke fun at something as serious as this, and I'm the bad guy? What happened to you, Oklahoma?

9/28/2010, 11:54 AM
Oh no, a tagteam between you and old'neckonahill. Woe is me. You guys poke fun at something as serious as this, and I'm the bad guy? What happened to you, Oklahoma?

Someone's always trying to iceskate uphill. Stop crying about spek. It's basically a board rule.

Crucifax Autumn
9/28/2010, 11:55 AM
Whining about spek would get Jesus negged on here.

Jello Biafra
9/28/2010, 11:56 AM
Oh no, a tagteam between you and old'neckonahill. Woe is me. You guys poke fun at something as serious as this, and I'm the bad guy? What happened to you, Oklahoma?

mothballs for the first week of october.....we all know this but, for some reason you want to get all christian on us.....noone was hurt, the bad guy is dead. continue to march. shut your gob.

im sure there is an oral roberts board you could post on right?

9/28/2010, 11:58 AM
Someone's always trying to iceskate uphill. Stop crying about spek. It's basically a board rule.

Lord Knows Ive Negged Mallen enough back in the Day :D

9/28/2010, 11:59 AM
mothballs for the first week of october.....we all know this but, for some reason you want to get all christian on us.....noone was hurt, the bad guy is dead. continue to march. shut your gob.

im sure there is an oral roberts board you could post on right?

I wanta Know whos troll he is ?

9/28/2010, 11:59 AM
There are many things to poke fun at Texas about. A campus shooting, even if it was a suicide, is not one of them.

A few years ago, an OU student blew himself up on a bench after failing to enter the Kansas State game at Owen Field. It would have been inappropriate for rival fanbases to make fun of OU for that also, even though it was a suicide, even though it seems the student was trying to harm others by entering the stadium during a game.

Not being overly sensitive, just being nice. Make fun of Texas for other reasons. There is no shortage.

Exactly!!! What is wrong with some of you people? There are times for humor, but this isn't one of those times. The Texas rivalry to me is more tounge and cheek than real hatred. Some people take college football too seriously. :rolleyes: My thoughts and prayers are with those at UT.

9/28/2010, 11:59 AM
My friend was shot in the face at VT trying to stop the gunman as he pushed his way into the door. He lived, though his life is certainly changed. Forgive me if I find some of the comments here unbecoming. You'd think people from Oklahoma would understand just how much tragedy can be caused by one sick person.

9/28/2010, 12:00 PM
You know all those things Texans say about Oklahomans being inbred, and rednecks and all that? They're talking about you. Take your stupid little "negspek" game and go f* yourself.

You obviously have no idea who you are talking to!

And no one died today except the crazy so get over it.

Mississippi Sooner
9/28/2010, 12:01 PM
Looks like it's about time for someone to post the John Helander quote.

9/28/2010, 12:02 PM
Lord Knows Ive Negged Mallen enough back in the Day :D

Double true, and I didn't whine on the board about it. Well, actually, I think even before Vet nailed me, I whined once and that's how I learned.

Jello Biafra
9/28/2010, 12:02 PM
Oh no, a tagteam between you and old'neckonahill. Woe is me. You guys poke fun at something as serious as this, and I'm the bad guy? What happened to you, Oklahoma?

really?!?!? so you weren't pokin fun too or what exactly WERE you saying with this post?

"A fan from our most hated rival called you a d-bag, and most other Sooner fans agree. You should probably go ahead and just kill yourself."

9/28/2010, 12:03 PM
In unrelated news to how this thread just veered.

"UT gunman dead at campus library; all-clear sounded, buildings open"

9/28/2010, 12:03 PM
Apples and oranges, iknowyoudidnt.

Jello Biafra
9/28/2010, 12:05 PM
My friend was shot in the face at VT trying to stop the gunman as he pushed his way into the door. He lived, though his life is certainly changed. Forgive me if I find some of the comments here unbecoming. You'd think people from Oklahoma would understand just how much tragedy can be caused by one sick person.

sorry bout his loss?

with that being said....if he would have done a drop step and a two legged take down with a power half-nelson, VT wouldnt have happened?

don't know what to tell you dude....most of us on this board are veterans and some of us have actually killed people in war time situations. sorry we are a little callus

9/28/2010, 12:06 PM
My friend was shot in the face at VT trying to stop the gunman as he pushed his way into the door. He lived, though his life is certainly changed. Forgive me if I find some of the comments here unbecoming. You'd think people from Oklahoma would understand just how much tragedy can be caused by one sick person.

I can't believe you would disgrace the heroism of your friend by likening that situation to this one.

9/28/2010, 12:06 PM
Double true, and I didn't whine on the board about it. Well, actually, I think even before Vet nailed me, I whined once and that's how I learned.

:D ;)

9/28/2010, 12:10 PM
Alright, well, you guys win. Back into lurk mode for me.

But olneckonahill is still worthless. :-D

Jello Biafra
9/28/2010, 12:11 PM

just admit you want to lick lid's pickle so we can get back to slamming texas....

the game is 3 days away and lid has a whole lotta asss to kick.....do you mind?

Jello Biafra
9/28/2010, 12:12 PM
Alright, well, you guys win. Back into lurk mode for me.

But olneckonahill is still worthless. :-D

i suspect he doesn't care what you think. i wouldn't for these two reasons......

he's not fuggin you and you're not paying his mortgage.

Jello Biafra
9/28/2010, 12:14 PM
pardon me 4 days..... *middle finger to 60*


9/28/2010, 12:15 PM

9/28/2010, 12:15 PM
We have a lawyer with diarrhea of the mouth and a pickle sniffer all in one thread....Allsome.!!!!!!

9/28/2010, 12:20 PM
We have a lawyer with diarrhea of the mouth and a pickle sniffer all in one thread....Allsome.!!!!!!

Did DeLoss call a meeting? :confused:

Jello Biafra
9/28/2010, 12:22 PM
Did DeLoss call a meeting? :confused:

nope then we would throw a pillow biter into the mix and the world would be in lock step again.

9/28/2010, 12:24 PM
Yall hear about that Bus load of :texan: s going over a Cliff ?
Every one of em died:eek:
Sad deal. There was ONE empty seat :D

9/28/2010, 12:46 PM
the game is 3 days away and lid has a whole lotta asss to kick.....do you mind?

I better do it now cuz I have a feeling its your turn to prison rape us this year. :mad:

9/28/2010, 12:47 PM
Glad no one else is hurt so far. Hopefully this is over.

Sorry for the d-baggery above, Lid.

^^^ This.

It is a real shame when people cannot distinguish between the "hatred" of an intense rivalry and the hatred of an evil upon society (Hitler, bin Laden, etc.).

Hopefully wisdom can find a way to penetrate a few skulls ...

9/28/2010, 12:47 PM
I better do it now cuz I have a feeling its your turn to prison rape us this year. :mad:

9/28/2010, 12:52 PM
^^^ This.

It is a real shame when people cannot distinguish between the "hatred" of an intense rivalry and the hatred of an evil upon society (Hitler, bin Laden, etc.).

Hopefully wisdom can find a way to penetrate a few skulls ...

Yea Its a REAL shame that some people cant understand that when a tragedy is over and No one is injured or killed but the doosh that caused said tragedy. Then Humor is used to defuse the tension .
Yall get a life ;)

9/28/2010, 12:55 PM
I am the one that replied to your slanderous use of a word I find it derogatory towards Native Americans. There was nothing humorous about it. I don't find it funny, no one in my family would find it funny and you certainly don't qualify as getting to decide for me and other Native Americans what are funny words to describe us. Inappropriate comes to mind.

injuns injuns injuns injuns injuns injuns. There. NOW I've REALLY gone and done it! At least it wasn't Redskins! OH WAIT.. that's reserved for Washington D.C.! Have you gone on a protest march up in Obama's neighborhood expressing your outrage for the use of that racially offensive term? hmmmmm?

Initially I was making a point. Now I am furious at your reply, and your inability to comprehend who took issue with your remarks. Man up and take ownership of your inappropriate usages and make apologies.

Using the word "injuns" is worlds apart from remarking about traditions based upon one of the biggest losses of life on a college campus and attempting to tie it into an on-going situtation where a nutcase blows off his head in a university library. Apples and Pumpkins, Punkin.

Trying to hide your innuendos with contextual explanations that you yourself probably don't understand is beyond compare. All you did is try and skirt around a situation where you know that you clearly stepped in it. Your justification of your usage of the word is unacceptable, especially when all that was called for was an apology.

Question for you sunshine. The use of the term "messikin" on here is legion. it is widely used. To you take offense at this term being used by many, many posters? And if so, where is your outrage at this perjorative term? Or, is your diatribe solely directed at Texas posters on a sooner site throwing out one word to get a reaction?

You have just solidified yourself as a d-bag of equal or greater value in my book.

Congratulations. Of course, I'm a *********. I have a license to be a *********. I revel in being a *********. I'm paid to be a *********. And, if your tail got a sling in the areas of law that I practice, you would drop down on your knees and thank the Lord that I am the ********* representing you.

You are no better than people you are railing against.

Of course I'm not. Never said I was. I am better dressed and more articulate than most.. but better??? Nah

You sir are to be pitied.

I'd rather be hated. It's more fun. I will take your pity though. Thank you sirrah. :D
Fun is fun but don't go getting all racial on us. Since you are apparently a lawyer, I suspect I don't need to go into slanderous and racial context.

Nah.. go ahead. That's what makes this site and particularly, this week so much fun.

You wouldn't utilize slanderous words when talking about other races, and it is NOT alright in this case either, regardless of how you justify it to yourself.

Oh by the way.. Ou STILL inhales with great force and furious anger!

9/28/2010, 12:57 PM
In fairness Lid was a doosh LONG before that post. Give credit where it's due.

Thank you Crux. I certainly am.

9/28/2010, 01:03 PM

9/28/2010, 01:05 PM
So far, all we know is that the guy fired about ten times, and only managed to hit himself once. I wonder if all ten shots were at himself.

Now that all the whining is out of the way, I have to address this point.

Are we sure this wasn't Chance Mock?

9/28/2010, 01:19 PM

He went to the library and started shooting but not at any people? Maybe he hates books?

9/28/2010, 01:21 PM
I think it was Gary Gilbert. I mean if his accuracy was that bad...

9/28/2010, 01:29 PM
I will accept ridicule about my bowties, mullets, and cross dressing, and having fake teeth, and our school song about working on a rail road.. I will joke about how we stole our school colors from a diaper, our school song from a Folk Song, our land from the mexicans, our stadium is name after an Oklahoman.


9/28/2010, 01:31 PM
Soonerfans FTW!!!

Mad Dog Madsen
9/28/2010, 01:33 PM
I better do it now cuz I have a feeling its your turn to prison rape us this year. :mad:

LMAO! ^^^Quote of the year right here folks!

9/28/2010, 01:39 PM
Now that all the whining is out of the way, I have to address this point.

Are we sure this wasn't Chance Mock?

Only 1 completion out of a buttload of attempts?

Sounds about right.

9/28/2010, 01:44 PM
Nah, it couldn't have been him. At least one of the 9 would have been intercepted.

9/28/2010, 01:45 PM
I'm glad nobody got hurt by some crybaby jackass who picked up a gat at a local gun show and decided to use it to exercise his crazies.

That said, this country is full of people who make 9/11 jokes, dead baby jokes and the like. Jackassery has it's levels, I guess.

And yeah... I laugh sometimes at stuff like this. Just like the horn fans who had themselves a laugh riot about the suicide bomber kid at the 2005 K-State Game. I saw the t-shirts at the RRS. Don't try denying it, whorns.

FTR, the white shirts said "Gonna drop a BOMB on yOU."

9/28/2010, 01:57 PM
Seriously, offing yourself in the library with a gun? How uncreative of a teasipper. Compared to past blazes of glory on that campus, it's the equivalent of offing yourself on the North Oval by chewing on a lit cherry bomb during the game.

9/28/2010, 01:59 PM
1. Gallows humor is a widely accepted coping mechanism in the USA.

2. Gallows humor should wait until the dead body quits swinging in the wind.

I don't mind folks jabbing the whorns, but doing it while it was still going down is/was ****ed up. Yes, there's always a couple of dildos in every crowd who are too stupid to know any better. For these morons I just say karma is a bitch.

9/28/2010, 02:02 PM
1. Whatever.

2. It was already pretty well establish the only "victim" was the shooter by the time this thread got started.

9/28/2010, 02:11 PM
Dean , The 1st wise crack wasnt posted until AFTER the School had issued an ALL CLEAR.
Jes sayin

Jello Biafra
9/28/2010, 02:19 PM
1. Gallows humor is a widely accepted coping mechanism in the USA.

2. Gallows humor should wait until the dead body quits swinging in the wind.

I don't mind folks jabbing the whorns, but doing it while it was still going down is/was ****ed up. Yes, there's always a couple of dildos in every crowd who are too stupid to know any better. For these morons I just say karma is a bitch.



lid is a turd tickler!

9/28/2010, 02:21 PM
OK, so y'all started cracking jokes after it was over. There's still a couple peni in the crowd anyhow.

9/28/2010, 02:25 PM
Am I a peni? 'Cause I didn't hop on this crazy train until page 6.

9/28/2010, 02:28 PM
Dude, you're a peni irregardless.

Mad Dog Madsen
9/28/2010, 02:29 PM
What about me? :D :rolleyes:

9/28/2010, 02:31 PM
All y'all are peni.

9/28/2010, 02:35 PM
Now LAS and MDM won't feel special.

9/28/2010, 02:37 PM
What color is My Peni? I want either Crimson . or Maybe Cream

9/28/2010, 02:43 PM
So who's ready for OU/Texas

Mad Dog Madsen
9/28/2010, 02:45 PM
I'm not ready David. :rolleyes:

9/28/2010, 02:48 PM
Holy crap! Is that this week?!

9/28/2010, 02:49 PM
I'm not ready David. :rolleyes:

just take a deep breathe, it will only hurt for a minute

wait what?

Jello Biafra
9/28/2010, 02:49 PM
sorry bout his loss?

with that being said....if he would have done a drop step and a two legged take down with a power half-nelson, VT wouldnt have happened?

don't know what to tell you dude....most of us on this board are veterans and some of us have actually killed people in war time situations. sorry we are a little callus

and for the record....this weekend in dallas.....as a war veteran

I don't give a ghonorhea infested hooker crack's *** wether you stand up or sit down or sing the national anthem or say home of the sooners...just take your hat off during the playing, think about the soldiers who have died for that flag and be loud during DEFENSE

Jello Biafra
9/28/2010, 02:49 PM
just take a deep breathe, it will only hurt for a minute

wait what?


Mad Dog Madsen
9/28/2010, 02:51 PM
just take a deep breathe, it will only hurt for a minute

wait what?

BWAHAHAHA! Good one Big Dave! :D

9/28/2010, 02:53 PM
BWAHAHAHA! Good one Big Dave! :D


sooner KB
9/28/2010, 03:36 PM
So this (http://i.imgur.com/KNjCk.png) just got cancelled (http://www.utexas.edu/law/calendar/2010/09/28/8909/)...

9/28/2010, 03:41 PM
So this (http://i.imgur.com/KNjCk.png) just got cancelled (http://www.utexas.edu/law/calendar/2010/09/28/8909/)...

Whatever you do, don't call it ironic! Wait, or do. I don't care either way, but somebody here will. ;)

9/28/2010, 03:45 PM
Go eff yourself, whorn, and better yet do it somewhere else. I see you pathetic tea sips are developing a tradition of mad shooters on campus, just one more thing for you to be so proud of.

You are a real piece of work...Just STFU noob!

9/28/2010, 03:49 PM
And just when I thought this thread had run it's course....

9/28/2010, 03:51 PM
So you added to it? LOL

I added my piece and now I am exiting the stage now.

Crucifax Autumn
9/28/2010, 03:57 PM
What color is My Peni? I want either Crimson . or Maybe Cream

Mine is Crimson right before the cream.

stoops the eternal pimp
9/28/2010, 04:01 PM
my son just informed me his poop is green

Mississippi Sooner
9/28/2010, 04:03 PM
my son just informed me his poop is green

Sounds like he's getting plenty of iron.

Mad Dog Madsen
9/28/2010, 04:04 PM
Mine is Crimson right before the cream.

Never a dull moment from you Cru... :D

Mad Dog Madsen
9/28/2010, 04:52 PM
And just when I thought this thread had run it's course....

Well, in that case... bump. :D

9/28/2010, 05:19 PM
So what exactly happened?

9/28/2010, 05:24 PM
Mine is Crimson right before the cream.

You know doctors can cure that now.

9/28/2010, 05:33 PM
my son just informed me his poop is green

What are you feeding that boy?

Crucifax Autumn
9/28/2010, 05:37 PM
You know doctors can cure that now.

Duh! That's why they gave me the cream.

9/28/2010, 05:49 PM
Sooners - 38

Longhorns - 24

We're going to win!!!

9/28/2010, 05:50 PM
I guess nothing happened. I've turned on every major news network and none of them have any answers either.

9/28/2010, 05:50 PM
Is there going to be a flyover again? How many corndogs can you eat?

9/28/2010, 05:51 PM
So this (http://i.imgur.com/KNjCk.png) just got cancelled (http://www.utexas.edu/law/calendar/2010/09/28/8909/)...

I would say that was hella ironic...

9/28/2010, 08:17 PM
Not offended. Just picturing my kid being one of the innocent bystanders scared out of her mind because some psycho in a tuxedo and a ski mask decided to off himself in the library after trying to take some of his classmates with him.

So yeah, I guess I am a little sensitive.

Don't kid yourself. Your kid's not in the library. :D


9/28/2010, 08:34 PM
The Gary Gilbert comment was the best one in this thread.

9/28/2010, 08:52 PM
Am I a peni? 'Cause I didn't hop on this crazy train until page 6.

You're a peni emeritus for your previous body of work. ;)

9/28/2010, 11:47 PM
I still trying to figure out why a Te*as fan has almost 9,000 posts on a SOONER board. :confused:

Seriously, don't they have their own board? :texan:

9/29/2010, 12:20 AM
Dude, you're a peni irregardless.
You're welcome for the perfect setup. ;)

9/29/2010, 07:47 AM
Just to be clear. After a year of mostly positive experience, in which I had decided to become an Elite Sponsor, I started the Hollis Board, I had a 46,000 spek rating based on real spek not betting over two season and 1500 posts, in the last four weeks I can see this board is a place I don't want to be or patronize. There are two other boards which I believe have at least equivalent basketball knowledge without the abusive environment. I am taking my business elsewhere.

John W. Helander
President & CEO
GrayBox Services Ltd. &
eState Auction House Ltd.

9/29/2010, 08:20 AM
Maybe I've been out of Oklahoma too long, but isn't killing (or attempting to kill) innocent people a little bit different than poor sportsmanship from a crowd of drunks at a football game? Did VT's rivals poke fun at the loss of life there? Is that the kind of fans we are?


I don't know, but that is apples and oranges. No innocents died here. Try to keep up.

and yes.

Anyone coming to a sports message board expecting serious posts, compassion, and comforting really needs to step back and check out reality.

9/29/2010, 08:23 AM
Just to be clear. After a year of mostly positive experience, in which I had decided to become an Elite Sponsor, I started the Hollis Board, I had a 46,000 spek rating based on real spek not betting over two season and 1500 posts, in the last four weeks I can see this board is a place I don't want to be or patronize. There are two other boards which I believe have at least equivalent basketball knowledge without the abusive environment. I am taking my business elsewhere.

John W. Helander
President & CEO
GrayBox Services Ltd. &
eState Auction House Ltd.

Get a job you little limp wristed daisy. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

A Sooner in Texas
9/29/2010, 08:25 AM
Get a job you little limp wristed daisy. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

N00b alert!

9/29/2010, 08:26 AM
Get a job you little limp wristed daisy. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


9/29/2010, 08:29 AM
Oh n0ehz. Did I fall for something?

9/29/2010, 08:32 AM
Just to be clear. After a year of mostly positive experience, in which I had decided to become an Elite Sponsor, I started the Hollis Board, I had a 46,000 spek rating based on real spek not betting over two season and 1500 posts, in the last four weeks I can see this board is a place I don't want to be or patronize. There are two other boards which I believe have at least equivalent basketball knowledge without the abusive environment. I am taking my business elsewhere.

John W. Helander
President & CEO
GrayBox Services Ltd. &
eState Auction House Ltd.


Mad Dog Madsen
9/29/2010, 08:35 AM

9/29/2010, 08:52 AM
Helander inhales diseased jihadi appendage with the force of a thousand tsunamis.

Mississippi Sooner
9/29/2010, 08:57 AM
I wasn't here for the infamous Helander departure, but I'm still trying to figure out what the hell a Hollis board is. Is that what DKR's boyhood home was built with?

9/29/2010, 08:59 AM
While at the game I'd like it if when my phone rang it would play Boomer Sooner. Anyone know where I could get one?

9/29/2010, 09:14 AM
Don't kid yourself. If you're on AT&T that phone has NO chance of ringing while inside a stadium.

9/29/2010, 09:18 AM
I'm still trying to figure out what the hell a Hollis board is.

I'll give you a hint:


is from:


and he took us to the:


I will let you fill in the blanks about what happened... awww, what the heck, another hint:


9/29/2010, 09:27 AM
While at the game I'd like it if when my phone rang it would play Boomer Sooner. Anyone know where I could get one?

too cryptic

Mississippi Sooner
9/29/2010, 09:28 AM
I'll give you a hint:


Ahhh, I see. This is why I have to visit this site often. It's so educational.

9/29/2010, 09:59 AM
Anybody know where I can get a Boomer Sooner ringtone? Maybe I'll try Helander's new board. :D

9/29/2010, 08:39 PM
Don't kid yourself. If you're on AT&T that phone has NO chance of ringing while inside a stadium.
That's for sure....even when they have 5,000 lineal feet of display board advertising the fact that AT&T is the Official Mobile Provider of _____"

Crucifax Autumn
9/29/2010, 09:15 PM
ISn't it about time for someone to throw a REAL Helander and leave the board? I mean really, we're already 4 games in and waiting for texass and not one retard taking their toys and going home yet.

9/29/2010, 09:18 PM
Leroid did a quasi Helender a year or so ago, but he lied and came back. http://www.olevetpossehideout.com/forums/images/smilies/banghead.gif

Crucifax Autumn
9/29/2010, 09:23 PM
Exactly, and so will the tard does it this season.

Crucifax Autumn
9/29/2010, 09:23 PM
Just look how many times CK has been back after quitting or being banned in the last year or so.

Scott D
9/29/2010, 09:31 PM
ISn't it about time for someone to throw a REAL Helander and leave the board? I mean really, we're already 4 games in and waiting for texass and not one retard taking their toys and going home yet.

I still don't know, I haven't figured out if Helander's meltdown was better than Bruce's first meltdown or Bruce's second meltdown.

9/29/2010, 09:38 PM
Just look how many times CK has been back after quitting or being banned in the last year or so.

I think ole CK holds the record on that one.

9/29/2010, 11:59 PM
I think ole CK holds the record on that one.

Nope. That one goes to GDC.

9/30/2010, 12:20 AM
Nope. That one goes to GDC.

Yea He just got bained again , I dont think his record will ever be beat :D