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9/26/2010, 12:23 PM
I love the Sooners more than just about anything. That being said, I hate our fans sometimes. You guys can be pretty mean, stupid and just plain dumb. I am sorry if you get mad at me but fighting with each other is about as dumb as it gets. The fact is none of us could do a better job then Bob or his coaches so when someone does not agree with your play calling skills or who should be playing there is no reason to start acting like a little kid and start name calling.

We are 10th in the country overall in passing offense. If Landry is doing a bad job please show me where being 10th IN THE COUNTRY is a bad thing? He is doing the job anyone who says he is dumb or a puss needs to have their head checked. :confused:

A major part of being a competitor in Football and sports in general is being Mentally Tough! That Woods kid last night is a embarrassment to his University, his football team and all of competitive sports. Ryan Mallett did everything he could to make sure Alabama won that game and did he sit on the bench and cry like a little girl? Woods did not show he was a player or a sportsman at all. He showed that he messed up and their was no coming back from it. Save that stuff for the Little League World Series. ;)

Despite contrary belief...we are okay! If you hadn't noticed we are 4-0 and SAXET is as bad as they come. So let's hold up a bit before we say "Go ahead and keep that Golden Hat!" I don't know how the game is going to turn out but signs point toward us being WAY better than those turds. WE WILL BE OKAY!:D

I don't know how some of you enjoy the game from how depressed you get when even he smallest thing goes wrong. Don't be like Woods lets be tough and enjoy being 4-0 because it is a hell of a lot more fun! Thank the Baby Jesus we are not SAXET!:pop:


9/26/2010, 12:32 PM
Thank you! My sentiments exactly! A win is a win and our winning on the road at PJB stadium speaks a lot about the character of this team. They find a way to win. You are correct we are 4-0 when last year we were 2-2 so I will be happy to take the 4-0 and look toward Saturday against Texas.

9/26/2010, 12:36 PM
When a fan base of any team playing well beneath their ability is united in perfect harmony, that's more suggestive of an apathetic lack of passion on the part of the fan base moreso than a display of "childishness". The Sooner nation is frustrated and concerned with the poor quality of the product on the field and rightfully so. We can hurl turds at each other like chimps in a zoo when we're playing like trash and that's a good thing because at least we care. Don't take it so personal. You'll notice there's no turd hurling on gameday.

Leroy Lizard
9/26/2010, 12:57 PM
I love the Sooners more than just about anything. That being said, I hate our fans sometimes. You guys can be pretty mean, stupid and just plain dumb. I am sorry if you get mad at me but fighting with each other is about as dumb as it gets. The fact is none of us could do a better job then Bob or his coaches so when someone does not agree with your play calling skills or who should be playing there is no reason to start acting like a little kid and start name calling unless you are insulting Leroy Lizard.


Leroy Lizard
9/26/2010, 01:02 PM
When a fan base of any team playing well beneath their ability is united in perfect harmony, that's more suggestive of an apathetic lack of passion on the part of the fan base moreso than a display of "childishness". The Sooner nation is frustrated and concerned with the poor quality of the product on the field and rightfully so. We can hurl turds at each other like chimps in a zoo when we're playing like trash and that's a good thing because at least we care. Don't take it so personal. You'll notice there's no turd hurling on gameday.

Childishness indicates a lack of maturity and perspective. We can all argue about whether OU has deficiencies in certain areas. We don't have to resort to petty insults.

Remember, we are all Sooners here. We all want to see OU win. So why act like the person on the other side is one of Satan's minions, or a Horn fan?

9/26/2010, 01:05 PM
Childishness indicates a lack of maturity and perspective. We can all argue about whether OU has deficiencies in certain areas. We don't have to resort to petty insults.

Remember, we are all Sooners here. We all want to see OU win. So why act like the person on the other side is one of Satan's minions, or a Horn fan?


9/26/2010, 01:09 PM
Childishness indicates a lack of maturity and perspective. We can all argue about whether OU has deficiencies in certain areas. We don't have to resort to petty insults.

Remember, we are all Sooners here. We all want to see OU win. So why act like the person on the other side is one of Satan's minions, or a Horn fan?

Because it's fun to rubber neck a drunken, angry, fratricidal fan base on the interwebz after a crappy game.

Leroy Lizard
9/26/2010, 01:37 PM
Because it's fun to rubber neck a drunken, angry, fratricidal fan base on the interwebz after a crappy game.

There is that.

9/26/2010, 02:25 PM
A major part of being a competitor in Football and sports in general is being Mentally Tough! That Woods kid last night is a embarrassment to his University, his football team and all of competitive sports.


*******. (You, not Woods. If there was any confusion.)

Leroy Lizard
9/26/2010, 02:25 PM
Can you give us a hint?

9/26/2010, 02:28 PM
*******. (You, not Woods. If there was any confusion.)


9/26/2010, 02:29 PM
Can you give us a hint?

It's nothing positive, starts with an "A" and ends with "sshole."

What a chump to come and demean some kid who's there playing his heart out. He screwed up. So did LJ last year when he threw 5 picks. Did you call him an embarrassment at the time? No? Because he wasn't then and isn't now. Just like Woods isn't.

An embarrassment to the university is Chris Rainey; Reggie Bush; etc. Not a guy who made a couple of football mistakes on the field.

9/26/2010, 02:31 PM
Setem, if you go back and read the majority of my posts regarding this topic, I too get sick of our fans bellyaching and overreacting. Having said that, the fact of the matter is that this team hasnt played very disciplined or smart on defense. We HAVE to get that fixed or we have no shot at the conference title. Now, having said that I DO see an improvement in Landry from week 1 til now, he is proving that he is a good QB who has the ability to get better week to week. Our run blocking and running game overall have to improve and I hope they do although im not so sure.

At the end of the day though we are 4-0 and Im good with that :D

stoops the eternal pimp
9/26/2010, 02:35 PM
I disagree with everyone

9/26/2010, 02:35 PM
I fart in your general direction

stoops the eternal pimp
9/26/2010, 02:37 PM
I wonder how jlew feels about what the 0-2 cowboys are doing to the texans

9/26/2010, 02:38 PM
and his lock of the century Arkansas...good solid week for ya Jlew

stoops the eternal pimp
9/26/2010, 02:38 PM
I feel bad for him..I may send him a card or something

9/26/2010, 02:39 PM
some chocolate will do

stoops the eternal pimp
9/26/2010, 02:39 PM
you having a good weekend? Im bacheloring it up

9/26/2010, 02:41 PM
Not bad, went out for a buddies Bday on Friday night, had some friends over for the game yesterday....drank some solid booze, all in all a good weekend

You have your pron marathon that you had been talking about?

stoops the eternal pimp
9/26/2010, 02:43 PM
24 hrs of midget pounding action

9/26/2010, 02:43 PM

stoops the eternal pimp
9/26/2010, 02:44 PM

9/26/2010, 02:51 PM
It's nothing positive, starts with an "A" and ends with "sshole."

What a chump to come and demean some kid who's there playing his heart out. He screwed up. So did LJ last year when he threw 5 picks. Did you call him an embarrassment at the time? No? Because he wasn't then and isn't now. Just like Woods isn't.

An embarrassment to the university is Chris Rainey; Reggie Bush; etc. Not a guy who made a couple of football mistakes on the field.

I am sure Woods appreciates you defending him since he is so emotionally compromised. You must have failed to notice that I used the example of Ryan Mallett who tossed 3 picks in a game where the game was in hand and on a much bigger stage. Did he cry for all the world to see? Did he go off and pout? You are right that I did not and will never call Landry an embarrassment. He has a ton of pressure on him in the fact that he has to fill the shoes of one of the most prolific QB's in college football history. He never cried when he threw those picks and he never had to be consoled on the sidelines. He has handled the pressure very well!

TOUGHEN UP! Nobody is going to baby these guys. "You muffed a punt? Don't worry it will be okay..." NO! Get it together and go back out and do your best and quit your damn crying. I honestly think Butch Davis would say the same things. QUIT BEING A ***** AND GET IT TOGETHER!

You are honestly going to tell me that if a OU player had the ball punched out and then he muffed a punt that put us in a position to lose the game and then went and pouted about it, you would support that kind of behavior?

Just like in baseball, THERE IS NO CRYING!

Sorry if I am to rough on the players! I don't want to hurt their little feelings and I am sorry if I hurt yours little buddy. HOW DARE I WANT FOOTBALL PLAYERS TO BE TOUGH AND NOT ACT LIKE BABIES BECAUSE THINGS DID NOT GO THEIR WAY! SHAME ON ME!

stoops the eternal pimp
9/26/2010, 02:52 PM
the wife is in austin at a hair show...im drinking milk out of the carton

9/26/2010, 02:53 PM
He was being a baby, plain and simple. Mistakes will be made, football is an emotional game but Woods is one of the few weapons that Cincy has and he almost single handedly beat us, he needs to realize that his teammates look to him and he was crying like a girl, not what you want your teammates feeding off of

9/26/2010, 02:54 PM
the wife is in austin at a hair show...im drinking milk out of the carton

and peeing on the toilet seat

stoops the eternal pimp
9/26/2010, 02:54 PM
i cried when I was watching oprah the other day

stoops the eternal pimp
9/26/2010, 02:55 PM
and peeing on the toilet seat

that bitch aint been lifted once since yesterday

9/26/2010, 02:55 PM
He was being a baby, plain and simple. Mistakes will be made, football is an emotional game but Woods is one of the few weapons that Cincy has and he almost single handedly beat us, he needs to realize that his teammates look to him and he was crying like a girl, not what you want your teammates feeding off of


9/26/2010, 02:56 PM
and if that had been an OU guy I would say the same.

9/26/2010, 03:03 PM
What a chump to come and demean some kid who's there playing his heart out. He screwed up. So did LJ last year when he threw 5 picks. Did you call him an embarrassment at the time? No? Because he wasn't then and isn't now.

Here's the thing though, LJ isn't a little bitch but Woods is...just like Teblow.

Personally, I was laughing when they showed him crying. It made for some good TV.


stoops the eternal pimp
9/26/2010, 03:04 PM
lisa loo make him feew bettel

9/26/2010, 03:08 PM
the wife is in austin at a hair show...im drinking milk out of the carton

A hair show? STEP are you a brother?

stoops the eternal pimp
9/26/2010, 03:09 PM
from the waist down

9/26/2010, 03:12 PM
from the waist down


9/26/2010, 03:15 PM
from the waist down


9/26/2010, 03:21 PM
I wonder how jlew feels about what the 0-2 cowboys are doing to the texans

Talk about the easiest money of the football season so far. All of my friends are paying up on that one. Dallas has one or two bad games and all the time the media jumps on the locker room problems/coaching problems bandwagon. Dallas played two bad games without their best OL in place. While I'm not going out and predicting a Super Bowl... come on... it's HOUSTON! The Texas A&M of the NFL. :D Dallas doesn't look any better or worse this year than they did last year.

9/26/2010, 03:26 PM
I think both Reggie Smith and Nic Harris were seen crying after losing a game before. Funny how nobody called them bitches or anything like that when it was all said and done.

9/26/2010, 03:28 PM
Woods was crying during the game, different

9/26/2010, 03:30 PM
I think both Reggie Smith and Nic Harris were seen crying after losing a game before. Funny how nobody called them bitches or anything like that when it was all said and done.

Crying during the game and unable to get on the field because of it? Weak.

9/26/2010, 03:34 PM
Jesus Wept

stoops the eternal pimp
9/26/2010, 03:37 PM
I cried when I watched where the red fern grows

9/26/2010, 03:38 PM
who wouldnt

9/26/2010, 03:40 PM
Yeah that was a sad movie:(.

9/26/2010, 03:44 PM
Crying during the game and unable to get on the field because of it? Weak.

The Cinci QB last night did not have a brace on his front leg...

9/26/2010, 03:52 PM
The Cinci QB last night did not have a brace on his front leg...

I didn't realize Kevin Wilson was his coach?

9/26/2010, 04:02 PM
Oprah is endorsing Jon Stewart not that whiney bitch Colbert.

9/26/2010, 04:24 PM
I didn't realize Kevin Wilson was his coach?

All the QBs wear a brace on their front side knee.

You said ALL the QB's wear a brace! He is a QB so he must wear a brace right?

Yeah I posted in the other thread! Oops!

9/26/2010, 04:26 PM
You said ALL the QB's wear a brace! He is a QB so he must wear a brace right?

Yeah I posted in the other thread! Oops!

Again, more begging. Just eat it.

9/26/2010, 04:27 PM
You did not make it clear that is was just OU qb's man! I'm just giving you a hard time damn don't get your panties in a bunch!

stoops the eternal pimp
9/26/2010, 04:28 PM
it isnt...mallett wears one as do a bunch of others

9/26/2010, 04:48 PM
Yes, thank God we are not Te*as. But if you come to a discussion board not wanting to see arguments, then you will be disappointed, because that is the purpose of a discussion board in the first place.

9/26/2010, 04:54 PM
I am sure Woods appreciates you defending him since he is so emotionally compromised. You must have failed to notice that I used the example of Ryan Mallett who tossed 3 picks in a game where the game was in hand and on a much bigger stage. Did he cry for all the world to see? Did he go off and pout? You are right that I did not and will never call Landry an embarrassment. He has a ton of pressure on him in the fact that he has to fill the shoes of one of the most prolific QB's in college football history. He never cried when he threw those picks and he never had to be consoled on the sidelines. He has handled the pressure very well!

TOUGHEN UP! Nobody is going to baby these guys. "You muffed a punt? Don't worry it will be okay..." NO! Get it together and go back out and do your best and quit your damn crying. I honestly think Butch Davis would say the same things. QUIT BEING A ***** AND GET IT TOGETHER!

You are honestly going to tell me that if a OU player had the ball punched out and then he muffed a punt that put us in a position to lose the game and then went and pouted about it, you would support that kind of behavior?

Just like in baseball, THERE IS NO CRYING!

Sorry if I am to rough on the players! I don't want to hurt their little feelings and I am sorry if I hurt yours little buddy. HOW DARE I WANT FOOTBALL PLAYERS TO BE TOUGH AND NOT ACT LIKE BABIES BECAUSE THINGS DID NOT GO THEIR WAY! SHAME ON ME!

I didn't support any of Woods' "behavior." He played like crap. No doubt. But he was out there competing while you were sitting on your butt watching. Unlike you, I don't think people are an embarrassment to the world when they make mistakes on the football field.

It's just a game. It's just a game. It's just a game. No athlete is perfect. Call me and let's talk about embarrassments when the kid drinks and drives or threatens to kill someone.

9/26/2010, 05:02 PM
I didn't support any of Woods' "behavior." He played like crap. No doubt. But he was out there competing while you were sitting on your butt watching. Unlike you, I don't think people are an embarrassment to the world when they make mistakes on the football field.

It's just a game. It's just a game. It's just a game. No athlete is perfect. Call me and let's talk about embarrassments when the kid drinks and drives or threatens to kill someone.

HE ACTED LIKE A BABY! That is embarrassing to EVERYONE! Maybe you think it is not embarrassing to cry like a little girl during the manliest sporting event on the planet but I think event Cinci fans find it to be a joke. With his emotional imbalance he may just threaten to kill someone or go driving drunk:pop:

9/26/2010, 05:12 PM
Woods had a pretty good game before that muff, I kept seeing him open behind the safeties.....
7 receptions
171 yards
1 TD

9/26/2010, 05:16 PM
The kid is indeed a gamer he just showed his *** last night.

9/26/2010, 05:18 PM
The kid is indeed a gamer he just showed his *** last night.
Oh I agree but I like the fact that he was so upset about losing the ball and the game. Much better to me than some of the indifferent players that seem to be out there who only care about their stats.

9/26/2010, 05:19 PM
The kid is indeed a gamer he just showed his *** last night.


He never let up IMO.

9/26/2010, 05:43 PM
Idk about you guys, but I really really really like to win and when we don't I get pissed and when we do but against a bad team and we get played close I worry. Let me be pissed for a bit and then everything will be okay. Boomer Sooner!

Crucifax Autumn
9/26/2010, 10:15 PM
The reason that Woods kid was being such a crybaby ***** is he'd gone out on a limb before the game acting like he was gonna put the team on his shoulders and blah, blah, blah and then he personally lost the game for them. No excuse really, but after setting himself up as the savior of his team it really had to suck being him at that point.