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View Full Version : Beating Your Kids at the Game

Crucifax Autumn
9/16/2010, 08:34 AM
Drag 'em to the restroom first or do it in the stands in front of God and everybody?


9/16/2010, 08:39 AM
Why can't you do both?

9/16/2010, 08:47 AM
God is not allowed at the stadium since the 90's.

9/16/2010, 09:29 AM
Good question. Usually by the time you get to a bathroom you're not as mad because it takes so long to get there. But you really don't want to get caught on national tv beating a little kid. The audience just doesn't understand.

9/16/2010, 09:36 AM
Don't waste a ticket - leave them at home. I speak from experience. After I took them a couple of times I sold their tickets and hired a baby sitter. Kids are now grown but once they hit those early teen years and on they appreciated going to the games. Now it's a teenage granddaughter and the only worry with her is keeping all the teenage boys away from our seats.

9/16/2010, 09:36 AM
If your parenting skills are worth a ****, and your kid is over 2-3 years old, they won't act up at the games/restaurants/etc. By this age, they should already have had their little asses warmed enough times and with enough gusto to dissuade them from such behavior.

I never have had to whip one of my 5 boys in public after the age of 2. You teach them manners at the house, and if they do act up in their high chairs at a restaurant, you immediately stop the behavior. Everywhere we went when the boys were growing up all I ever heard was "you have the nicest boys, how do you get them to be so good?" My answer was always "by parenting."

Of course they weren't complete angels. I had a rule that my own pop had with me when I was growing up. When you go into a store (any store - grocery, sporting goods, etc.) you say "hands in your pockets boy." As we went down the aisles, every boy just has to touch something. The second I did (or my kids did) it was a serious knuckle rap on the back of their hand with a stern "in the pocket and don't make a sound." It works.

9/16/2010, 09:42 AM
That leads to an unhealthy amount of pocket pool.


9/16/2010, 09:45 AM
Indeed. My nickname is Oklahoma Fattie.

9/16/2010, 09:53 AM
But I thought you looked thinner in the last round of tg pics... :confused:

9/16/2010, 09:57 AM
I'm thinner, but ol Gus ain't.

9/16/2010, 09:58 AM
If your parenting skills are worth a ****, and your kid is over 2-3 years old, they won't act up at the games/restaurants/etc. By this age, they should already have had their little asses warmed enough times and with enough gusto to dissuade them from such behavior.

I never have had to whip one of my 5 boys in public after the age of 2. You teach them manners at the house, and if they do act up in their high chairs at a restaurant, you immediately stop the behavior. Everywhere we went when the boys were growing up all I ever heard was "you have the nicest boys, how do you get them to be so good?" My answer was always "by parenting."

Of course they weren't complete angels. I had a rule that my own pop had with me when I was growing up. When you go into a store (any store - grocery, sporting goods, etc.) you say "hands in your pockets boy." As we went down the aisles, every boy just has to touch something. The second I did (or my kids did) it was a serious knuckle rap on the back of their hand with a stern "in the pocket and don't make a sound." It works.

Total. Agreement.

But, to respond to the OP, Parenting happens right then, right there. Don't just limit yourself to whupping. it doesn't take a second to say, "You just lost your <gameboy, x-box, bike... whatevs> for a day. Want more?"


Captain Cob Mob
9/16/2010, 09:59 AM
If your parenting skills are worth a ****, and your kid is over 2-3 years old, they won't act up at the games/restaurants/etc. By this age, they should already have had their little asses warmed enough times and with enough gusto to dissuade them from such behavior.

I never have had to whip one of my 5 boys in public after the age of 2. You teach them manners at the house, and if they do act up in their high chairs at a restaurant, you immediately stop the behavior. Everywhere we went when the boys were growing up all I ever heard was "you have the nicest boys, how do you get them to be so good?" My answer was always "by parenting."

Of course they weren't complete angels. I had a rule that my own pop had with me when I was growing up. When you go into a store (any store - grocery, sporting goods, etc.) you say "hands in your pockets boy." As we went down the aisles, every boy just has to touch something. The second I did (or my kids did) it was a serious knuckle rap on the back of their hand with a stern "in the pocket and don't make a sound." It works.

This right here.

I got to go to my first Husker game in 2007. Me and the wife brought our 2 and 4 year old boys. They were fine and with about 5 minutes left in the game someone complimented us on the boys behavior and instantly everyone around us started sounding off about how good they were, and how when they first saw them, they figured it would be a wretched time at the game that day.

Early on if they misbehaved in public, I would just lean down and explain to them that when we got home, hell was waiting. When we got home, they were disciplined. I was always consistent and I guess they just figured out how it worked.

9/16/2010, 10:05 AM
I'm with C&CDean on this but unfortunately that type of discipline is called child abuse today.

You should never touch a child in a harsh manner (spank) because it is disrespectful to strike another person and children are people too. If you child misbehaves, you should calmly take the child aside so that you don't embarrass them and explain why their behavior is unacceptable. The only punishment should be a time out and a naughty chair. Just don't make the timeouts too long because children have short attention spans.

Geesh, and people wonder why we have school shootings.

9/16/2010, 10:06 AM
Total. Agreement.

But, to respond to the OP, Parenting happens right then, right there. Don't just limit yourself to whupping. it doesn't take a second to say, "You just lost your <gameboy, x-box, bike... whatevs> for a day. Want more?"


And your young man was quite the gentleman at the tailgate. Guess he learned from his mom?:P

9/16/2010, 10:11 AM
And your young man was quite the gentleman at the tailgate. Guess he learned from his mom?:P

In my family, being a mama's boy means you're going to be tougher than your Dad!

Thanks. Ben can be a handful, but he's a great kid.

stoops the eternal pimp
9/16/2010, 10:12 AM
my kids have been to one game...ages 3 and 5 when we took em to the baylor game...made it all the way through...They did pretty good..

my son entertained the locals with his dance moves will showing everybody his boots...

Honestly, the wife unit does most of the discipline, because even though i do it, it scares the crap out of me since i was never disciplined the right way myself...

this may be the most serious copy cat ever

9/16/2010, 10:17 AM
The last time I had to get onto my son for acting up at a restaurant was when he was 18 mos. old. We were at a pizza place and he was being a brat, so I took him into the restroom and pointed at him and said "If you don't straighten up, we are gonna go home and you're going to bed. Now do you want to go home and go to bed or stay here and eat pizza?" he said in his cute little baby voice "eat pizza" And that was that. He was happy and smiling the rest of the day, and since then I don't think i've had more than maybe 2 arguments with the kid. he's so sweet.

the key is...when you threaten, you have to carry out the threat. then they believe you.

9/16/2010, 11:38 AM
This right here.

I got to go to my first Husker game in 2007. Me and the wife brought our 2 and 4 year old boys. They were fine and with about 5 minutes left in the game someone complimented us on the boys behavior and instantly everyone around us started sounding off about how good they were, and how when they first saw them, they figured it would be a wretched time at the game that day.

Early on if they misbehaved in public, I would just lean down and explain to them that when we got home, hell was waiting. When we got home, they were disciplined. I was always consistent and I guess they just figured out how it worked.

If your first Husker game was in 2007, you know all about getting spanked on National TV.

9/16/2010, 12:54 PM
[Serious Voice] Beating your kids is wrong, and if i see it, i get to have a little fun[/Serious Voice]

9/16/2010, 01:36 PM
If your parenting skills are worth a ****, and your kid is over 2-3 years old, they won't act up at the games/restaurants/etc. By this age, they should already have had their little asses warmed enough times and with enough gusto to dissuade them from such behavior.

I never have had to whip one of my 5 boys in public after the age of 2. You teach them manners at the house, and if they do act up in their high chairs at a restaurant, you immediately stop the behavior. Everywhere we went when the boys were growing up all I ever heard was "you have the nicest boys, how do you get them to be so good?" My answer was always "by parenting."

Of course they weren't complete angels. I had a rule that my own pop had with me when I was growing up. When you go into a store (any store - grocery, sporting goods, etc.) you say "hands in your pockets boy." As we went down the aisles, every boy just has to touch something. The second I did (or my kids did) it was a serious knuckle rap on the back of their hand with a stern "in the pocket and don't make a sound." It works.

Werd. My kids watch other kids do that and then look at me in amazement. I just wear my **** eatin grin as I look at the parents like WTF?

9/16/2010, 01:41 PM
You don't have to beat your kid to inflict punishment. A certain pressure point behind the ears inflicts enough discomfort to grab their attention while you whisper what you'll do to them later.

9/16/2010, 02:54 PM
What if, I bring my sister-in-laws kid that lives in skumwater and always wears an aggie orange, cap gun pistol peter shirt; and I let you all have a turn?

9/16/2010, 02:56 PM
if the kid is little, it's not his fault.

9/16/2010, 03:04 PM
if the kid is little, it's not his fault.

He's 17 with ORANGE HAIR!

9/16/2010, 03:16 PM
He's 17 with ORANGE HAIR!

i blame the parents.

9/16/2010, 07:48 PM
To quote Bill Cosby:

Beat your kid at least once a day. If you don't know why, he does.

9/16/2010, 07:54 PM
Anyone in this thread born after 1982 should STFU. :D

Captain Cob Mob
9/16/2010, 08:04 PM
If your first Husker game was in 2007, you know all about getting spanked on National TV.

It was actually the last game we won before the meltdown started.

9/16/2010, 08:11 PM
Also if you have more than one kid, sit your children down and tell them that you have a favorite child but out of respect you won't reveal who it is. Then every couple of months do something like misspell their name. They will kiss *** to be number 1.

9/16/2010, 09:47 PM
We have one son (a sophmore at RSU in Claremore, he plays Baseball for Coach Bradley) he is lucky because his first Sooner game was in 2000 (He doesn't even know who Blake is)...... He started going to games with my wife and I when he was 9 years old... He has never had a "spankin or a beatin" but was informed early on, that if he ever disrespected his time at a public event, then he would never attend another one, with his mother nor myself. He has witnessed some low moments in our lives (e.g. K-state in K.C., LSU in N.O., TCU in Norman, BYU in Dallas) but has never acted less than what a parent would expect out of their child. The one thing that we have always leaned on is, act around others how you expect them to act around you......
I have probaly stated more than needed, but the point is, good honest with your kid parenting, WORKS............ But, I have had a couple too many Gin& Tonics' tonite, so none of this probaly makes any sense to anybody but myself, seemed like a cool thread when I started ???????

Leroy Lizard
9/16/2010, 09:54 PM
If your parenting skills are worth a ****, and your kid is over 2-3 years old, they won't act up at the games/restaurants/etc. By this age, they should already have had their little asses warmed enough times and with enough gusto to dissuade them from such behavior.

Yeah, but what if the little creep gives the Hook-em sign? Don't tell me that a mere scolding is enough.

9/16/2010, 09:58 PM
Why limit yerself . Beat the hell out of em in the stands , then when they go to the restrooms to clean the blood off, Follow their sorry asses and beat em some more .
What i win ?

Leroy Lizard
9/16/2010, 10:02 PM
A bloody pulp.

stoops the eternal pimp
9/17/2010, 03:44 PM
Why limit yerself . Beat the hell out of em in the stands , then when they go to the restrooms to clean the blood off, Follow their sorry asses and beat em some more .
What i win ?

your takin it easy on em

9/17/2010, 04:09 PM
Yeah, but what if the little creep gives the Hook-em sign? Don't tell me that a mere scolding is enough.

How they gonna do that again with their hands in a cast?

9/17/2010, 04:11 PM
your takin it easy on em

Im just an old softie :O

stoops the eternal pimp
9/17/2010, 04:16 PM
your 1/2 right

9/17/2010, 04:30 PM
I know Im just a real softie at heart :P

9/17/2010, 04:42 PM
Force feed the little bastard crab salad till he pukes then make Dean clean it up!!!! That will show em both!

9/17/2010, 04:47 PM
What if, I bring my sister-in-laws kid that lives in skumwater and always wears an aggie orange, cap gun pistol peter shirt; and I let you all have a turn?

That is wrong on sooooooooooooo many levels....a-that you haven't bought him OU gear 2-you would even think of being seen with him dressed like and, and, and.....I can't even go on, yer killin me, dude :eek: