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9/12/2010, 09:52 AM
...would like to thank Virginia Tech for the quality win. :D

9/12/2010, 09:53 AM
True story.....LOL

9/12/2010, 10:03 AM
...would like to thank Virginia Tech for the quality win. :D


Get rid of the smurf turf and I could kinda not hate them.

9/12/2010, 10:13 AM
James Madison and Boise for the BCS Shampionship

9/12/2010, 02:11 PM
I thought about Boise St yesterday and wondered why I hate them so much, besides the Fiesta Bowl deal. I mean we have lost to other teams, but I find my hatred of Boise St to almost top that of tx. And I guess my thought process on this is that at least tx is a football school. You can group them with OU, Michigan, ND, usc, Alabama, etc. Boise St seems to think that they belong in the elite of college football. They NEVER will. 20yrs from now no one will have any idea of the few yrs of success Boise St had. However, we all will be aware of the aforementioned football traditions.

For that reason, if by chance we don't end up in the Nat'l Championship game, I want to meet Boise St in a BCS game and kick their pompous little asses!

9/12/2010, 02:14 PM
They have a decent team but are they the Elite?

It's just some Fantasy Island BS as far as I'm concerned.

9/12/2010, 02:18 PM
...is praying they don't see us in the MNC this year.

Scott D
9/12/2010, 02:29 PM
The ultimate irony now is that they're nearly in a "damned if they do, damned if they don't" scenario with regards to their game against Oregon St.

If they win, it gives OreSt. 2 losses, and if they have a subpar season in the Pac-10 it's no longer a quality win, same as the VT game.

If they lose, they're definitely out of the picture.

Too bad the MWC they're joining next year won't be the MWC they thought it would be.

9/12/2010, 04:13 PM
...is praying they don't see us in the MNC this year.

Would be nice to even things up. Love your location btw.

9/12/2010, 04:43 PM
Over (Clap, Clap) Rated!

9/12/2010, 04:59 PM
I don't hate Boise State as much as I hate the fact that they have it so easy.
They're a good team in a terrible conference and they play one or two relatively difficult non-conference games a year. They are guaranteed a good to great record every single season.

People feel sorry for Boise St. because it's hard for them to play for the BCS title. I don't feel sorry for them at all because they play such a weak schedule every year and are able to rack up the victories, while better programs have to struggle week after week because of a tougher conference.

9/12/2010, 05:01 PM
Boise now has to go undefeated and pray that Bama, OU, Tex, Fla, Tcu, Ohio State, and anyone else in the Top 10ish all have a really bad loss during the season

9/12/2010, 05:02 PM
I don't hate Boise State as much as I hate the fact that they have it so easy.
They're a good team in a terrible conference and they play one or two relatively difficult non-conference games a year. They are guaranteed a good to great record every single season.

People feel sorry for Boise St. because it's hard for them to play for the BCS title. I don't feel sorry for them at all because they play such a weak schedule every year and are able to rack up the victories, while better programs have to struggle week after week because of a tougher conference.

The move to the Mountain West will help Boise a little, but with Utah's departure to the Pac-10 the MWC is better than the WAC by a factor of TCU.

9/12/2010, 05:07 PM
losing BYU also

9/12/2010, 05:09 PM
I am not in the camp that wants OU to play them in a BCS bowl, because win or lose it only adds legitamacy to their claim that they belong among the elite.

9/12/2010, 05:38 PM
I don't think they belong...just play a tough enough schd....even if they win out it will only be like a 9 win season in my eyes....oh yeah I don't count do I

9/12/2010, 05:40 PM
I am not in the camp that wants OU to play them in a BCS bowl, because win or lose it only adds legitamacy to their claim that they belong among the elite.

not if they lose by alot.

9/12/2010, 08:12 PM
Give credit where it is due. Boise state has dominated every division they have played in... Kind like morrison in high school. I don't like them but they have successfully played and conquorered their schedule every week and every season.

My question is this though... How long before the NCAA has the balls to investigate their program? Not even Fresno State had this good of run in the WAC neither did Hawaii.

9/12/2010, 08:58 PM
My question is this though... How long before the NCAA has the balls to investigate their program? Not even Fresno State had this good of run in the WAC neither did Hawaii.

never even thought of this

9/12/2010, 10:47 PM
I rank them about the same as Notre Dame - it's a good day when they lose but not deserving of a celebratory drink like texass. My biggest gripe is the fact they are not held to the same standards as other teams. They get a pass if they don't do well because they are in the WAC and not expected to win anything. Yet if they do win something, it's obviously because they are supermen who can beat the greatest of teams on any given day if just given a chance. And that blue turf!!!

Yes, they have won some games against BCS conference teams but why do none of the talking heads discuss what would happen to that great record if they were required to play in a BCS conference, excluding the Big East? It's an entirely different dynamic when your players have to go against decent competition for more than 2 games a year. IMO, that kind of schedule would reveal significant issues with size/strength and quality depth.

9/12/2010, 11:31 PM
I thought about Boise St yesterday and wondered why I hate them so much...

Your answer:

Never in the course of human events has a team been given more respect by so many while beating so few.

9/12/2010, 11:40 PM
Your answer:

Never in the course of human events has a team been given more respect by so many while beating so few.

I think this statement shows nothing more than a healthy bias due to being an OU fan. In all due respect, while Boise doesnt play a top notch schedule year in and year out they have beaten pretty much anyone who they have played, non conference or bowl games. I think the true reason that so many of us and alot of the nation hates them is because they are shoved down our throats, kinda like Tebow.

Crucifax Autumn
9/12/2010, 11:58 PM
I think you're right about us being biased since we're OU fans, but I also think we're justified. We play a tough conference schedule and supplement that with good non-conference foes. So for a typical OU fan, it just seems unfair that, more games than not, we actually have to fear that if we have a slightly off game we have a good chance of losing while Boise is in a position where most of their games are gonna be won even if they have a few key injuries or fail to execute their gameplan.

Personally I hope they manage to get to a point where they DO play top notch competition regularly so we can get over the lack of respect and add them to the list of teams that we fans and the team can hope to play and beat, or even lose to, and the media and outside fans won't freak out one way or another.

9/13/2010, 12:41 AM
Agreed but if it is so unfair then the teams who play them in the bowls and non conference games need to beat them, and some of the bigger programs need to step up and play them non conf

9/13/2010, 12:46 AM
My question is this though... How long before the NCAA has the balls to investigate their program? Not even Fresno State had this good of run in the WAC neither did Hawaii.

yeah, i can't even IMAGINE the kind of benefits those 2 and 3 star juco players must be receiving from boise.

Scott D
9/13/2010, 01:21 AM
I think this statement shows nothing more than a healthy bias due to being an OU fan. In all due respect, while Boise doesnt play a top notch schedule year in and year out they have beaten pretty much anyone who they have played, non conference or bowl games. I think the true reason that so many of us and alot of the nation hates them is because they are shoved down our throats, kinda like Tebow.

I'm pretty sure having a blue astroturf field comes into play somehow.

9/13/2010, 01:24 AM
if youre a bird :D

Scott D
9/13/2010, 01:27 AM
nah, I hate astro-turf....and the more unnatural looking the more I hate it :D

9/13/2010, 01:29 AM
I know they beat our 2006 team, but our team that year needed a miracle to even make it to that game. Boise was good that year. It was not David vs. Goliath. That was a media perception based on past years. Since then, the only real team they have played was a Georgia team that slaughtered them. VT isn't that good this year. They beat TCUs, Oregon St.s, and Fresno St.s of the world each year. I wish they could have a decent schedule so they could prove their worth, but until they do, its disappointment for them in the BCS. Oh well...

9/13/2010, 05:02 AM

Get rid of the smurf turf and I could kinda not hate them.

you still have to deal with the orange...

9/13/2010, 08:57 AM
I hate BSU. But we have only OUrselves to blame for having to put up with them and their 98% popcorn schedule every year. It's all because we did not man up and beat them in that Fiasco Bowl. We lost that game by playing like weenises for 55 minutes instead of using our superior strength and power to crush them and grind them down like they deserved. If not for that single game, NOBODY would mention BSU and the BCS in the same breath. Ever.

That said, if Bob ever leaves, I want Chris Petersen at OU! :D

9/13/2010, 08:59 AM
Your answer:

Never in the course of human events has a team been given more respect by so many while beating so few.


Frozen Sooner
9/13/2010, 09:03 AM
yeah, i can't even IMAGINE the kind of benefits those 2 and 3 star juco players must be receiving from boise.

I'm a bit leery of how much better those players get once they get to Boise. Nobody hits the 2-3 star jackpot THAT much.

9/13/2010, 10:26 AM
Agreed but if it is so unfair then the teams who play them in the bowls and non conference games need to beat them, and some of the bigger programs need to step up and play them non conf

The problem with this is that Boyzee thinks enough of themselves to believe that the elite schools should play them home and home. A trip to idaho means nothing to the OUs, uts, tOSus of the world. They aren't going to get it. At least Fresno scheduled teams that they would play anywhere anytime.

9/13/2010, 03:01 PM
The problem with this is that Boyzee thinks enough of themselves to believe that the elite schools should play them home and home. A trip to idaho means nothing to the OUs, uts, tOSus of the world. They aren't going to get it. At least Fresno scheduled teams that they would play anywhere anytime.

Exactly. "Play anyone, anytime, anywhere...... as long as we get a $1 million paycheck."

The problem will always be that no major school has anything to gain by playing them. Remember when we tried to schedule them 2 years ago for a 2 home 1 away deal? They balked and wanted only a home and home. That is what pises me off. They act like they can;t get a big school to schedule them, when all they want is either a big paycheck or "Elite Treatment." Sorry, we are better off playing Florida, Ohio State, Alabama, etc, than the elitists from Boise State. :mad:

Hell, Nebraska just broke off talks off scheduling them due to the $1 million demand!

9/13/2010, 03:07 PM
Agreed but if it is so unfair then the teams who play them in the bowls and non conference games need to beat them, and some of the bigger programs need to step up and play them non conf

Boise only wants it on their (unrealistic) terms.

9/13/2010, 03:18 PM
Boise only wants it on their (unrealistic) terms.

We were at the Orygone - Boys St game last year, and that god awful blue/purple field has got to give them an unfair advantage too. It throws you off as a fan sitting in the stadium watching the game, so I can only imagine what it does to the opponent who's playing on the field.

9/13/2010, 03:21 PM
Say what you want but no team in any sport should be eliminated from the championship picture before the first game is played. No other sport eliminates half of the teams from contention before play begins. The system is the problem not Boise St.

stoops the eternal pimp
9/15/2010, 11:48 AM
Oregon St upsets them or Nevada will

Crucifax Autumn
9/15/2010, 12:26 PM
Oregon St upsets them or Nevada will

Oh yeah. The game where I always try to be a good Nevada resident and pull for those guys only to be disappointed again and again.

And yep...I think Nevada will pull it off this year! Christ...I sound like a poke.

9/15/2010, 12:40 PM
I hate BSU. But we have only OUrselves to blame for having to put up with them and their 98% popcorn schedule every year. It's all because we did not man up and beat them in that Fiasco Bowl. We lost that game by playing like weenises for 55 minutes instead of using our superior strength and power to crush them and grind them down like they deserved. If not for that single game, NOBODY would mention BSU and the BCS in the same breath. Ever.

The two teams were pretty even. Most of OU's top talent, outside of the injured Peterson, was very young still.

9/15/2010, 12:52 PM
Sorry....If Boise St. was .500 team every year we would not be hearing about them....There record is why you hear the talk.....

9/15/2010, 01:00 PM
The problem with this is that Boyzee thinks enough of themselves to believe that the elite schools should play them home and home. A trip to idaho means nothing to the OUs, uts, tOSus of the world. They aren't going to get it. At least Fresno scheduled teams that they would play anywhere anytime.
And look what happened to Fresno. Nobody talks about them as a "BCS buster" anymore. Boise State isn't going to let that happen to them.

I hate that Boise has gotten themselves so close to a two-game schedule for a BCS Title berth, but you have to admit that they're good at what they're doing.

The whole home and home insistance lets them say they'll play anyone without actually having to do it. They get the respect from the media regardless.

They're awesome at finding regular season BCS opponents who appear impressive, but aren't really. Look for them to schedule USC here in a couple of years after the probation has really hit them hard.

Then there's just plain luck. In the BCS bowl games they've made, they've gotten extremely fortuous draws. The mid major vs. mid major BCS bowl from last year was a joke.

9/15/2010, 01:15 PM
Boise was a "FLUKE" win against OU. If they played us 10 times they win their 1 game and get their *** kicked 9 times. Yet everyone thinks they are one of the elite and greatest teams in college football because they pulled some crap out of their *** to beat a legitimate team. I for one am tired of hearing about the Boise State 1 claim to fame win. PLAY US AGAIN AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS!! Bet you won't pull no Statue of Liberty, King Kong press, Jumping Jack Flash crap again!

Scott D
9/15/2010, 02:06 PM
Say what you want but no team in any sport should be eliminated from the championship picture before the first game is played. No other sport eliminates half of the teams from contention before play begins. The system is the problem not Boise St.

to be fair, using that logic, the Yankees should play some random Minor League Double A affiliate in the World Series this year.

9/15/2010, 02:24 PM
Not accurate Scott, those other teams are all in the same division, a dbl A team isnt. Itd be like saying the Cubs shouldnt be eliminated on day 1 :D