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View Full Version : Stoops says, "You just cannot separate blood"

9/11/2010, 08:36 PM
On how he felt about beating the Noles today....

"It's a rotten place to be because I appreciate the way our team played and all that, but you just cannot separate blood," Bob Stoops said. "I just don't like it. I knew that coming into the game I didn't, and I'm positive of it now after the game."

9/11/2010, 08:38 PM
True u can't separate blood... But it is a game and it shouldn't be that tough to play against ur brother.

9/11/2010, 08:39 PM
True u can't separate blood... But it is a game and it shouldn't be that tough to play against ur brother.

I think the Stoops family is extremely close so i can imagine it would be very difficult for all of them

9/11/2010, 08:40 PM
Bob called off the dogs pretty early. If we were playing anyone else and their players were getting in cheap shots like the Noles were, you would have seen passes thrown in the last 12 mins of play.

9/11/2010, 08:47 PM
Stoops called off the dogs and Jimbos dumbass kept heaving hail Marys. Bob was noticeably peeved.

9/11/2010, 08:57 PM
It's just a game, but football is in the Stoops DNA...more so than most of us can imagine. Can you imagine taking that and turning it against your little brother.

9/11/2010, 10:00 PM
You know how we all felt like we had to score 60 points every game a couple of years ago because the media acted like if we didn't something was wrong....we hit 44 today and I just knew bob could've had us put up 60, but no way was he gonna let it happen.

9/11/2010, 10:09 PM
Bob called off the dogs pretty early. If we were playing anyone else and their players were getting in cheap shots like the Noles were, you would have seen passes thrown in the last 12 mins of play.


9/11/2010, 10:29 PM
I remember Bob saying a year or two ago, before Mark ever went to FSU, he would hate to face his brothers in a game, and that he knew it was prolly going to happen at some point, but if it did, he hoped it would be in a national championship game, because then even the loser would be happy for the winner or something to that effect. 4 boys, shared a room and often a bed, lost their dad at a young age (Mark especially, he was only 20 or 21), they are all very close. You could see it on the field today when Bob reached out and grabbed his brother into a tight hug--some roles in life don't change, no matter how old you are. I know Bob is very glad and thankful to have this big win, I think he just feels bad it comes at the cost of his "favorite" little brother. The Stoopses are a very unique bunch in college football, I doubt we'll see another family like them very soon.

And like I tell my son, be thankful for your sister, because she is the only person alive who will ever know how truly crazy your parents are. The sibling bond runs deep.

9/11/2010, 10:36 PM
That's true for the Stoops brothers. In the Gundy family, however, Cale kicks the sheep poo out of Mike on a regular basis and no one seems to mind.

9/11/2010, 10:58 PM
BobStoops >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Squeaky Mack Brown

Crucifax Autumn
9/11/2010, 11:03 PM
I just wish Bob wouldn't have let little bro have 3 scores. It's nice and all and I try to protect my little sisters too, but I'd have preferred another 20 points or so and a shutout. If I hadn't seen Bob about to go after Brent on the sideline after their last score I'd actually believe it was part of the gameplan as easy as it got for them in the last few minutes. The other bro woulda coached the D to a pick six on the final play.

MyT Oklahoma
9/11/2010, 11:04 PM
If God and family wasn't more important than anything else in this life then Stoops wouldn't be the man to coach OU.

9/11/2010, 11:06 PM
I you look at Bob Stoops' tenure at OU (with the exception of 20008) he has almost always called of the dogs at halftime when holding a 21+ point lead or even less. Bob has done the grind it out on the ground in the second half many times.

9/11/2010, 11:24 PM
True u can't separate blood... But it is a game and it shouldn't be that tough to play against ur brother.

It should be just a game for us fans.

It's not just a game when it's what you do for a career and how you put meat on the table.

Imagine if your job performance was judged at the expense of your own brother. As the oldest of a trio, I got to say that would really suck.