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View Full Version : Shotgun Silent Count....at home?

9/5/2010, 12:24 PM
Why is it that every time we ran shotgun last night, (or the pistol), Landry signaled for the snap by putting his hand down instead of giving a vocal count? Maybe Im clueless, but doesnt this tell the defense when we are going to snap it, essentially giving them a headstart on their rush? I dont think Ive ever seen us do this at home.... only on the road when its loud and you cant hear the vocal signal.

anyone know why we did this? does it even matter? seems to me like it would

9/5/2010, 12:30 PM
Defensive Lineman dont watch the QB, they watch the ball (or at least they are supposed to) and i think we were just getting used to it for our away environments.

Leroy Lizard
9/5/2010, 12:52 PM
Why is it that every time we ran shotgun last night, (or the pistol), Landry signaled for the snap by putting his hand down instead of giving a vocal count? Maybe Im clueless, but doesnt this tell the defense when we are going to snap it, essentially giving them a headstart on their rush? I dont think Ive ever seen us do this at home.... only on the road when its loud and you cant hear the vocal signal.

anyone know why we did this? does it even matter? seems to me like it would

If it mattered, the coaches wouldn't have the team doing it.

I remember a call-in show to Switzer once, when a fan told the coach that our FB was giving the snap away. (I think it was Leon Perry.) Switzer said that they review film and they look for those things and that there is nothing a fan will see that they won't. I think this is generally true.

9/5/2010, 01:11 PM
Riiiight, everyone knows people on message boards know more than head coaches!

9/5/2010, 01:31 PM
If it mattered, the coaches wouldn't have the team doing it.

I remember a call-in show to Switzer once, when a fan told the coach that our FB was giving the snap away. (I think it was Leon Perry.) Switzer said that they review film and they look for those things and that there is nothing a fan will see that they won't. I think this is generally true.

I heard that Switzer didn't see it and after that guy called him out on it...he killed a Graduate Assistant and ate his liver with some fava beans and rice.

9/5/2010, 01:33 PM
i didnt say it mattered. I thought it was strange and was asking if it did matter. Will we continue doing against FSU next week?

9/5/2010, 03:39 PM
I heard that Switzer didn't see it and after that guy called him out on it...he killed a Graduate Assistant and ate his liver with some fava beans and rice.

I call Bevo excrement. Switzer never like rice.

9/5/2010, 03:45 PM
I heard that Switzer didn't see it and after that guy called him out on it...he killed a Graduate Assistant and ate his liver with some fava beans and rice.

I call Bevo excrement. Switzer never like rice.
Did he have a nice Chianti with that meal?

9/5/2010, 07:24 PM
Why is it that every time we ran shotgun last night, (or the pistol), Landry signaled for the snap by putting his hand down instead of giving a vocal count? Maybe Im clueless, but doesnt this tell the defense when we are going to snap it, essentially giving them a headstart on their rush? I dont think Ive ever seen us do this at home.... only on the road when its loud and you cant hear the vocal signal.

anyone know why we did this? does it even matter? seems to me like it would

It doesn't signal to snap it, it just signals he's ready. Always done it that way.

9/5/2010, 07:52 PM
It doesn't signal to snap it, it just signals he's ready. Always done it that way.
This is correct. It's done so the center can look back up and see if anything is amiss with the defense.

9/5/2010, 08:06 PM

9/5/2010, 08:30 PM

What? 04 got one right? :D ;)

9/5/2010, 09:23 PM
Did he have a nice Chianti with that meal?


Screw that. Switzer only drank Pearl beer.

stoops the eternal pimp
9/6/2010, 12:19 AM
This is correct. It's done so the center can look back up and see if anything is amiss with the defense.

04 dropped some knowledge on you bitches...

9/6/2010, 05:10 PM
This brings up another question: I've attended some other teams' home games where the crowd kept rowdy during their own offensive series? Am I the only one that thinks this is stupid?

9/6/2010, 05:40 PM
This brings up another question: I've attended some other teams' home games where the crowd kept rowdy during their own offensive series? Am I the only one that thinks this is stupid?

In high school i(QBs) called protections at the line, and the announcer would always say "alright folks it 3rd and long, make some noise for the Panthers!!!"

and i was like shutthe****up. :D

Curly Bill
9/6/2010, 05:53 PM
In high school i(QBs) called protections at the line, and the announcer would always say "alright folks it 3rd and long, make some noise for the Panthers!!!"

and i was like shutthe****up. :D

It's been my experience that not many people in the world know less about football than the guys that announce high school football games. :D

9/6/2010, 06:58 PM
This brings up another question: I've attended some other teams' home games where the crowd kept rowdy during their own offensive series? Am I the only one that thinks this is stupid?

This was the case during 'good' games in Norman from my experience right up until Stoops got there (they just weren't loud at all during blowouts... either way). Anyway, if I remember correctly, Stoops complained about it a bit here and there during his first year or two here and people wised up.

But yeah, it's really stupid.

Leroy Lizard
9/6/2010, 08:40 PM
This brings up another question: I've attended some other teams' home games where the crowd kept rowdy during their own offensive series? Am I the only one that thinks this is stupid?

The key word is "crowd."