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View Full Version : History of Sooner Football - Coming on DVD

9/1/2010, 07:10 PM
I just ran acorss this and thought some of you might be interested. I CAN'T WAIT! Get yours before they run out!

Mississippi Sooner
9/1/2010, 07:19 PM
Beyond cool. I'm in.

9/1/2010, 10:05 PM
guess what yankee now wants for christmas?

Eddie Money
11/2/2010, 03:47 AM
Just watched this last night, it is great! Very professional, a Ken Burns' Baseball kind of presentation. Spencer Tillman does a great job and there are many great photographs and video clips.

I learned a lot about the early years from the Land Run to the hiring of Bud, such as how Benny Owen lost his arm, the first OU/OSU game in Guthrie that had players jumping in the river to get a fumble, and Walter Cronkite's early stint as the voice of the Sooners. I never knew that Coach Tatum took the team to Cuba after their first bowl victory and got fired for it, either!

This was a lot more professional than I anticipated and I can't wait for the next DVD!