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View Full Version : Apparently Glen Beck is NOW a "Journalist"

8/31/2010, 12:49 PM
Yup, people who love and hang on Glen's every word always trump up how he's "proud NOT to be a 'journalist'" and say that as if it's something to brag about (fyi: it isn't).

Well...here Glen goes...contradicting himself...AGAIN.

Looks like he's gone and launched his own "news web site." He says will be "a place where you can find breaking news, original reporting, insightful opinions and engaging videos about the stories that matter most."

That wacky Beck...will he ever stop?? :D


Oh...I'm SURE it'll have "original reporting." I'll bet he's going to pioneer an entire new frontier of "original reporting" where the reporters report on things with no facts to back themselves up other than the facts that they post on their own website to back up what they are reporting on their own website.

You know...kinda like one of Beck's shows.

Enjoy, TinFoilies. :D

8/31/2010, 12:53 PM
I am sure Glenn is as much a "journalist" as anyone on the HUFPUF Post.

8/31/2010, 01:03 PM
In the past, Glen referred to himself as a "rodeo clown". On Saturday, he portrayed himself as an evangelist (odd, considering he's a non-Christian Mormon), and now he's a "journalist." Too bad Dr. Cornelia Wilbur (of "Sybil" fame) is dead, because she'd probably diagnose him with multiple personality disorder.

8/31/2010, 01:08 PM
Heh! So LAS, what's new over there in Hollywood? Anything exciting that we should all hear about?

8/31/2010, 01:29 PM
So does this make Arianna Huffington a journalist in LAS' eyes?

Or is it her site with a collection of writers?

I think I'll go with option B and wager $2,000, Alex Trebek.

And I'll also suggest that Glenn's site will be nothing more than a copy cat of the Huffpo, Daily Caller, Hot Air, etc.

With the exception of having a Goldline banner at the top.

Frozen Sooner
8/31/2010, 01:31 PM
Heh! So LAS, what's new over there in Hollywood? Anything exciting that we should all hear about?

Man, you didn't even notice the crack about Mormons not being Christians.

8/31/2010, 01:56 PM
Attacking Huffington for her site is about the same as anyone attacking Rupert Murdoch for his.

Rupert Murdoch
Born 11 March 1931 (1931-03-11) (age 79)
Melbourne, Australia

Ariana Huffington
Born Arianna Stassinopoulos
July 15, 1950 (1950-07-15) (age 60)
Athens, Greece

Seems everyone is being whornswaggled by both sides IMO.

Hell...at least Beck wasn't born in Canada. It's close but still not Canada....lol

Glenn Lee Beck
February 10, 1964 (1964-02-10) (age 46)
Everett, Washington, U.S.

8/31/2010, 03:41 PM
So does this make Arianna Huffington a journalist in LAS' eyes?

Or is it her site with a collection of writers?

I think I'll go with option B and wager $2,000, Alex Trebek.

And I'll also suggest that Glenn's site will be nothing more than a copy cat of the Huffpo, Daily Caller, Hot Air, etc.

With the exception of having a Goldline banner at the top.I agree with everything you said. The point, of course, is that Arianna Huffington has never made such claims to either be or not be a journalist.

The Right Reverend Sir Beckistan, howeverz...

8/31/2010, 03:42 PM
Heh! So LAS, what's new over there in Hollywood? Anything exciting that we should all hear about?There's always stuff going on over here, though we're about to hit the "End of Summer Dead Season."

I'm getting ready to head to London for a bit. Then a Thanksgiving SCUBA trip to Cabo. THAT is what I'm REALLY excited about.

Other than that, it's all just work.

Any specific projects you're interested in?

Bourbon St Sooner
8/31/2010, 03:42 PM
Uh, mods can we get a seperate Glen beck board?


8/31/2010, 03:46 PM
There's always stuff going on over here, though we're about to hit the "End of Summer Dead Season."

I'm getting ready to head to London for a bit. Then a Thanksgiving SCUBA trip to Cabo. THAT is what I'm REALLY excited about.

Other than that, it's all just work.

Any specific projects you're interested in?

If I remember correctly you're a writer, and I'm always interested in what separates the good ones from the not so good ones.

In the back of my mind I always have ideas for fictional stories, so I suppose I'm just curious as to what takes it from idea to full-blown excellent writing.

8/31/2010, 03:48 PM
If I remember correctly you're a writer, and I'm always interested in what separates the good ones from the not so good ones.

In the back of my mind I always have ideas for fictional stories, so I suppose I'm just curious as to what takes it from idea to full-blown excellent writing.

i'm a much better writer than he is :P

he's just lucky.

8/31/2010, 03:50 PM
i'm a much better writer than he is :P

he's just lucky.

Well then... You also: Same questions. :D

8/31/2010, 09:52 PM
did you look at the huffingtons post of most ridiculous pics from the 8/28 rally?

8/31/2010, 09:54 PM
If I remember correctly you're a writer, and I'm always interested in what separates the good ones from the not so good ones.

In the back of my mind I always have ideas for fictional stories, so I suppose I'm just curious as to what takes it from idea to full-blown excellent writing.

Yea, he is writer. writes for 2 months and lives off unemployement for the 10 months remaining like a good LA hollywood person does. Oh....I am so waiting for the Big one to hit. ....course it will be Bushes fault.

8/31/2010, 10:03 PM
I don't see how Beck is contradicting himself. He just owns the site. He's hired 4 journalists to oversee and write for it.

8/31/2010, 10:07 PM
If I remember correctly you're a writer, and I'm always interested in what separates the good ones from the not so good ones.

In the back of my mind I always have ideas for fictional stories, so I suppose I'm just curious as to what takes it from idea to full-blown excellent writing.

LAS would like to learn that also .:D

Crucifax Autumn
8/31/2010, 10:21 PM
Yea, he is writer. writes for 2 months and lives off unemployement for the 10 months remaining like a good LA hollywood person does. Oh....I am so waiting for the Big one to hit. ....course it will be Bushes fault.

Haven't you ever seen a movie about Hollywood? Thye don't go on unemploymant, they wait tables. :D

8/31/2010, 10:52 PM
or bartend. ;)

8/31/2010, 11:23 PM
Bags of **** = Glenn Beck, Rupert Murdoch & Arianna Huffington.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/1/2010, 12:58 AM
Uh, mods can we get a seperate Glen beck board?

kplzthx.He sure worries a lot of folks on this website.

9/1/2010, 01:15 AM
Well then... You also: Same questions. :D

depends on what you're writing.

is it a comedy? a trajedy? love story?

for me, what separates good writing from bad is believable dialogue. i thought aaron sorkin's sports night and the west wing were both incredibly good shows, even if sometimes the banter between characters seems too fast at times to really make me believe the characters were actually having that conversation.

thats TV writing, tho, which is what i'm best at.

writing short stories is different than writing movies, and writing a novel is vastly different than writing a sitcom, where you have to resolve the episode in about 17 minutes worth of dialogue.

the best advice i can give someone who is attempting to tell a story for the first time is go in with a plan. have all your characters and plotlines mapped in an outline before you start putting dialogue and setting in.

also if you're writing in the first person, be sure to describe events as the character would percieve them. a lot of times when i read, some writers deviate from that and it bugs the ever living **** out of me.

Mississippi Sooner
9/1/2010, 01:19 AM
First time novelists usually find it easiest to write in the first person but, as you said, they must remember to stay in the mode consistently. Nothing is more jarring than to read a first person account that occasionally jumps into an omnipotent point of view.

Crucifax Autumn
9/1/2010, 01:53 AM
Spelling. Punctuation. Grammar.

When I was working freelance with small press fiction magazines, the editors I got to know all said that those three things caused them to toss many manuscripts aside without reading the entire thing. Very few people are perfect in this regard, but that's one of the reasons for revisions, proofreading, and having a few trusted friends look over your work. These days the biggest problem is writers replacing those things with spellcheck and grammar check on the computer.

My other big piece of advice, and one with which editors and publishers agree, is FIND YOUR OWN VOICE. The best writers of both literary and popular fiction have this down. I don't care if it's Stephen King or Kurt Vonnegut, you KNOW it's them when you read a passage even when they are writing third person about subject matter unusual to their work. That's what makes your writing genuine and yours.

I don't claim to be an expert, but I know a lot about writing. I completed multiple courses with mentors through the Writer's Digest school, majored in journalism, and have been published about 25 times, not counting poetry. This in addition to reading every book on the craft I could ever lay my hands on.

Leroy Lizard
9/1/2010, 02:10 AM
My other big piece of advice, and one with which editors and publishers agree, is FIND YOUR OWN VOICE.

You mean, the world doesn't need another Hunter S. Thompson?

Crucifax Autumn
9/1/2010, 02:13 AM
Nope. The world only needed the one and even he would have been no one had he lacked a voice, agree with his weirdness or not.

9/1/2010, 06:06 AM
Yea, he is writer. writes for 2 months and lives off unemployement for the 10 months remaining like a good LA hollywood person does. Oh....I am so waiting for the Big one to hit. ....course it will be Bushes fault.heh...you say stupid things more consistently than any person I know.

9/1/2010, 06:07 AM
or bartend. ;)
Or own 4 bars.

9/1/2010, 06:07 AM
I don't see how Beck is contradicting himself. He just owns the site. He's hired 4 journalists to oversee and write for it.Of course you don't see...LOL! :D

9/1/2010, 06:08 AM
i'm a much better writer than he is :P

he's just lucky.
Luck's got nuttin' ta do with it. Lot of hard work got me where I am now.

9/1/2010, 06:10 AM
As for the "writing shop talk"...bah...I come here to take a BREAK from work. LOL!

9/1/2010, 08:08 AM
Beck could never be an objective journalist....he won't be allowed on "Journolist"....

9/1/2010, 08:28 AM
Or own 4 bars.

with 1000 yard shooting ranges?

9/1/2010, 11:27 AM
<crickets chirping>

9/1/2010, 12:28 PM
As for the "writing shop talk"...bah...I come here to take a BREAK from work. LOL!

So you can wright MORE fiction ?

Sooner in Tampa
9/1/2010, 12:50 PM
with 1000 yard shooting ranges?

9/1/2010, 03:43 PM
Man, you didn't even notice the crack about Mormons not being Christians.

Considering some of the "Christians" I grew up around... Fine by me.:D

9/1/2010, 09:28 PM
with 1000 yard shooting ranges?Though it would be FUN...I also think tragedy would result if I combined the two. :D

9/1/2010, 09:28 PM
So you can wright MORE fiction ?Sure.

And I'm not nearly as good of a wrighter as you are.


9/2/2010, 12:13 AM

And I'm not nearly as good of a wrighter as you are.


Man I never realized just how GOOD you are , Ya busted me on a spelling mistake. Dude I bow to yer awesomeness :rolleyes:

9/2/2010, 01:00 AM
for all you freaks that don't care for Glenn Beck you sure do talk about him alot.

Cash envy I suppose.

9/2/2010, 01:16 AM
Man I never realized just how GOOD you are , Ya busted me on a spelling mistake. Dude I bow to yer awesomeness :rolleyes:Touchy Turtle...

9/2/2010, 01:17 AM
Touchy Turtle...


9/2/2010, 01:40 PM



9/2/2010, 01:46 PM



Man , I just caint keep up with yer wit and allsomeness :rolleyes:

9/2/2010, 02:02 PM
Yup, people who love and hang on Glen's every word always trump up how he's "proud NOT to be a 'journalist'" and say that as if it's something to brag about (fyi: it isn't).

Well...here Glen goes...contradicting himself...AGAIN.

Looks like he's gone and launched his own "news web site." He says will be "a place where you can find breaking news, original reporting, insightful opinions and engaging videos about the stories that matter most."

That wacky Beck...will he ever stop?? :D


Oh...I'm SURE it'll have "original reporting." I'll bet he's going to pioneer an entire new frontier of "original reporting" where the reporters report on things with no facts to back themselves up other than the facts that they post on their own website to back up what they are reporting on their own website.

You know...kinda like one of Beck's shows.

Enjoy, TinFoilies. :D

obsession noted, carry on.

9/3/2010, 02:27 PM
obsession noted, carry on.Lame comeback and lack of ability for original thought noted.

Man , I just caint keep up with yer wit and allsomeness :rolleyes:True. True.

9/3/2010, 10:17 PM
Or own 4 bars.

Glad you're going to spread your wealth around like your President wants you to.

9/3/2010, 10:20 PM
Luck's got nuttin' ta do with it. Lot of hard work got me where I am now.

That's a good socialist comrad. Work hard for your govt. Capitalism doesn't look good on you.

9/3/2010, 11:33 PM
That's a good socialist comrad. Work hard for your govt. Capitalism doesn't look good on you.

you are aware, of course, that any government program is socialist, right?

feel free to opt out of your social security retirement, and feel free to let your house burn down when it catches fire, or go to every single person who might send you a letter in the mail and pick it up yourself.

you should also stop using the internet, telephones, roads, and air travel, since it was all paid for by evil socialist programs.

if you hate socialism, and feel that strongly against it, you can always just refuse to use government services on principle.

i'm guessing your principles only extend as far as your convenience.

Leroy Lizard
9/3/2010, 11:39 PM
you are aware, of course, that any government program is socialist, right?

feel free to opt out of your social security retirement...

If I've been forced to pay, I want my goddamn money!

if you hate socialism, and feel that strongly against it, you can always just refuse to use government services on principle.

Can you refuse to pay for them?

9/3/2010, 11:45 PM
Can you refuse to pay for them?

you can... its called tax evasion and its a crime :P

Leroy Lizard
9/3/2010, 11:53 PM
you can... its called tax evasion and its a crime :P

Then you can't refuse.

So if I'm forced to pay, then I might as well take advantage of the services I am paying for.

9/3/2010, 11:59 PM
Then you can't refuse.

So if I'm forced to pay, then I might as well take advantage of the services I am paying for.

only if you realize the necessity of socialism in a civilized society. now i don't advocate government ownership of business, but to just blindly say "socialism bad" is ignorant, short-sighted, and quite frankly incredibly stupid.

the overwhelming majority of people that claim to hate socialism don't even know what socialism is.

Leroy Lizard
9/4/2010, 12:13 AM
only if you realize the necessity of socialism in a civilized society. now i don't advocate government ownership of business, but to just blindly say "socialism bad" is ignorant, short-sighted, and quite frankly incredibly stupid.

the overwhelming majority of people that claim to hate socialism don't even know what socialism is.



9/4/2010, 12:16 AM
herp derp

you can troll others, but you won't troll lo lo lo me.

9/4/2010, 12:23 AM


and which particular socialist model is that?

Leroy Lizard
9/4/2010, 12:31 AM
Who cares? It's socialism.

A man worships the devil. I don't particularly care which denomination.

9/4/2010, 12:36 AM
Who cares? It's socialism.

A man worships the devil. I don't particularly care which denomination.

well played.

Leroy Lizard
9/4/2010, 12:38 AM
Jim Beam helps.

9/4/2010, 03:52 PM
Glad you're going to spread your wealth around like your President wants you to.Hey, I've got no problem either paying my taxes (which are a higher amount than you pay), helping my fellow man or contributing to a stable society.

Why do you?

That's a good socialist comrad. Work hard for your govt. Capitalism doesn't look good on you.Funny...Capitalism is working GREAT for me...and I'm a Republican, no less.

Of course, anyone who thinks we've had a truly Capitalistic economy for the past 30 years is not only an idiot, but they are wearing a peanut butter helmet.

Who's Troll handle are you, by the way? ;)

9/4/2010, 03:54 PM
nonsense nonsense nonsense...durka durka durka...

9/4/2010, 03:56 PM
Who cares? I mean, I have no real idea, but I'm angry and I don't know why!!! It's socialism, or so I'm told...so I repeat it LOUDLY!!!

A man worships the devil. I don't particularly care which denomination. I don't even care if he worships the devil! I just care that I was TOLD he worships the devil. Even though there is overwhelming proof that the claim he worships the devil is a complete fabrication, I'm going to believe it because, well, it justifies my confused ANGER! RAWR!!!
Fixed. :D

Leroy Lizard
9/4/2010, 04:06 PM
Fixed. :D

Since you changed 90% of the words, couldn't there have been an easier way?