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8/26/2010, 01:48 PM
Football Notebook: Aug. 25, 2010

* Daily Staff Reports/The Daily

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Finch still in recovery

Freshman running back Roy Finch is still in a cast but expected to play in the season opener against Utah State, coach Bob Stoops said Wednesday.

Finch suffered a hairline fracture to his ankle last week, but the fracture is not displaced, Stoops said.

“Generally these things take 6-8 weeks, but it’s the kind of thing they could look at it after five and say he’s good,” he said.

These to statements contradict themselves. Safe to say Roy is not playing in game 1.

Clay and Calhoun to share carries

Freshman running back Brennan Clay and sophomore running back Jermie Calhoun will share the load in replacing senior running back Mossis Madu against Utah State, running backs coach Cale Gundy said.

Gundy said Clay’s versatility would be an asset for the team.

“He can play wide receiver almost as good as he plays tailback,” Gundy said.

Ball control has also set the two running backs apart from the rest, Gundy said.

“There are some little things I still need to work on, but that’s why they call it practice,” Calhoun said.

So i guess Clay is playing in game 1. Interesting.

Stills bouncing back from injury

Freshman wide receiver Kenny Stills is back and getting back in the swing of things in camp after suffering a groin pull, Norvell said.

He said Stills has been working hard to make up for lost time.

“He’s in here all day long watching film,” Norvell said.

Norvell said one of the things that makes Stills so good is his personal motivation.

“He puts a lot of pressure on himself,” Norvell said.

— Aaron Colen/The Daily

Stoops comments on WR depth chart

Junior Ryan Broyles, senior Cameron Kenney and freshman Kenny Stills were listed as starting receivers on Monday’s updated depth chart.

However, the coaching staff has said all week that the positions are not final and are subject to change.

“I felt this week they’ve been more competitive, a little bit better, but they need to keep improving,” coach Bob Stoops said.

When asked why the receivers were not performing up to the standards necessary to compete, Stoops had several guesses.

“It’s either inexperience, it’s either not want to, it’s either lack of talent,” Stoops said, “but we’re telling them what to do out there but they’re trying and hopefully it will keep getting better.”

— Clark Foy/The Daily

Crucifax Autumn
8/26/2010, 02:28 PM
Lots of that makes no sense whatsoever. I think some editor chopped it up in such a way as to make it all mean things the writer didn't intend. That or the writer is a moron.

8/26/2010, 02:49 PM
Probably both.

Crucifax Autumn
8/26/2010, 03:04 PM
True enough!

8/26/2010, 03:13 PM
What has happened to j miller? He was supposed to be just as good as Calhoun. I know he sat out the spring with an injury, but is he still hurt?

8/26/2010, 03:19 PM
I heard that while he's cleared to practice and play, he's not really 100% yet on what was a torn ACL. That to me, spells redshirt since he didn't a year ago. It's a shame he got hurt when he did. Because he seemed to be the only guy on hand to hit what little bit of a hole the line would open between the tackles and he had good acceleration.