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View Full Version : LaGarrette Blount throws another punch...

Mad Dog Madsen
8/19/2010, 09:18 AM
Didn't see this posted.


Mississippi Sooner
8/19/2010, 09:36 AM
Dana White needs to sign this guy immediately.

Crucifax Autumn
8/19/2010, 09:42 AM
"His past is his past"

Yeah, but this **** was LAST NIGHT!

8/19/2010, 09:43 AM
was "eerily similar" to his BSU punch LOL. Means it was a sucker punch with quick back peddling. What a class act. Guess he will make it in the NFL fo sho.

Mississippi Sooner
8/19/2010, 09:45 AM
Actually, I should have said, Dana White needs to sign this guy so for once he can get punched back.

8/19/2010, 09:48 AM
What's the big deal? Vince Young punched a guy in Titans practice.

Crucifax Autumn
8/19/2010, 09:49 AM
Yeah, but vince is mentally disabled, so he gets a pass on it.

8/19/2010, 10:05 AM
guys hit each other in practice all the time. i dont see the big deal. especially if the defender ripped his helmet off twice in two plays. you gotta stand up for yourself at some point

Mad Dog Madsen
8/19/2010, 10:27 AM
was "eerily similar" to his BSU punch LOL. Means it was a sucker punch with quick back peddling. What a class act. Guess he will make it in the NFL fo sho.

It was eerily similar and he did back pedal. lol! Take a look for yourself. It was pretty nasty. ...Such good teammates.


8/19/2010, 10:31 AM
This is such a surprise....

8/19/2010, 10:34 AM
lots o' jostling for roster spots to go. as an undrafted punk, he is a longshot. reading the story, it sounds like he was just defending himself when he was helmet-less. agree with fisher, not a big deal.

8/19/2010, 10:39 AM
guys hit each other in practice all the time. i dont see the big deal. especially if the defender ripped his helmet off twice in two plays. you gotta stand up for yourself at some point

This. Stuff like this happens in every camp. The only reason this is a story is that Blount has a history.

Mad Dog Madsen
8/19/2010, 10:40 AM
Close this thread... Let's go read about Nevada and Fresno State joining the Mountain West. Much more exciting!

8/19/2010, 11:35 AM
Now I don't want to question his intelligence, but why would you hit a dood that is wearing a helmet...

8/19/2010, 11:45 AM
Exactly, let me break my hand on your helmet dude. That will teach you - should have been a shot to the gut. Nonetheless - it isn't a big deal

What he did on national tv was the most thugest thing I have ever seen from a college athlete - maybe a 4th grader. Who stole my french fries behavior

8/19/2010, 11:51 AM
I never was a fan of Fisher, but this quote gained some respect from me:

"He apologized, and I said he didn't have to apologize," Fisher said. "It's football. It's training camp."

Honestly, if it weren't for the Oregon/BSU thing, this wouldn't be a story. I'm not a fan of guys being hotheads running around punching people...but in both cases, Blount was provoked. I'd be more concerned that it's so easy to get under his skin than the fact that he punched a dude.

8/19/2010, 12:00 PM
I never was a fan of Fisher, but this quote gained some respect from me:

"He apologized, and I said he didn't have to apologize," Fisher said. "It's football. It's training camp."

Honestly, if it weren't for the Oregon/BSU thing, this wouldn't be a story. I'm not a fan of guys being hotheads running around punching people...but in both cases, Blount was provoked. I'd be more concerned that it's so easy to get under his skin than the fact that he punched a dude.

Good point - if he becomes a regular and I'm on an opposing team, I'm going to try to get at least one yellow flag against him.

8/19/2010, 12:05 PM
Yeah, but vince is mentally disabled, so he gets a pass on it.

Yeah, and at least Vince's guy had a helmet on! Haha..

8/19/2010, 12:47 PM
Yeah, but vince is mentally disabled, so he gets a pass on it.

This made me spit out my Coke. Awesome

8/19/2010, 12:57 PM
guys hit each other in practice all the time. i dont see the big deal. especially if the defender ripped his helmet off twice in two plays. you gotta stand up for yourself at some point

It's not a big deal if he hits the guy:

a) while the helmet ripping is happening. THAT's defending yourself. This was afterwards. It's like trying to scream you're scared for your life AFTER you the bully knocks you down, you go home to get your gun, stop by the local Pizza Hut for their lunch buffett, drive back to the park, and then shoot the guy. The "defending your honor" thing is not what happened here.

2) You actually stand and fight the guy. Again, this is not what happened here. He sucker punched the guy (who may or may not have deserved the punch), then back-pedaled so his teammates could interfere. He's trying to look like he was standing up for himself, but really he just wanted to cheap shot someone and run away. That's about as un-defandable as it can get. Either stand up for yourself like you said (which I don't have a huge beef with...practices can get heated), or don't.

*****-*** classless move. And I'd say it to his or anyone else's face that did that.

8/19/2010, 01:06 PM
Yeah, and at least Vince's guy had a helmet on! Haha..

So did Blounts... :confused:

8/19/2010, 01:07 PM
Im a Titans fan, and i dont want this kid on my team. He obviously has an ego and anger.

8/19/2010, 01:29 PM
I didnt really care about the initial punch in the CFB it was his actions after that were out of control....