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View Full Version : Homey, you ain't gonna like this...

8/18/2010, 01:48 PM

Washington (CNN) -- Lying about military honors is not a crime, a federal appeals court has ruled, tossing out the prosecution of a California public official who falsely claimed to have won the prestigious Medal of Honor.

"We have no doubt that society would be better off if Alvarez would stop spreading worthless, ridiculous, and offensive untruths," the panel concluded in its ruling, handed down Tuesday. "But, given our historical skepticism of permitting the government to police the line between truth and falsity, and between valuable speech and drivel, we preemptively protect all speech, including false statements, in order that clearly protected speech may flower in the shelter of the First Amendment."

8/18/2010, 06:32 PM
And so they effectively mute the speech of anyone who dares to think a MOH is something special? Doesn't this just make everything drivel now?

I just think that line of thinking is wrong.

8/18/2010, 06:41 PM
Ya can Lie about the MHO but dont ya dare lie to a Fed.or Congress:mad:

8/18/2010, 08:08 PM
Whatever. People have "stolen valor" for as long as jackwagons have felt inadequate and/or less of man because they haven't served, or otherwise felt compelled to exaggerate their service. They'll still get found out, as they always have, and embarrased. By men, not the Feds. Just ask John Kerry.

8/19/2010, 01:33 PM
I think your taking this very well.