View Full Version : EDSBS article 100 things about the upcoming football season

8/15/2010, 09:06 PM

Some of these are awesome and downright funny...
Some of my favorites
95. Les Miles will microwave popcorn in his office. The instructions will say two and a half minutes. Les Miles will rely on his gut to tell him when it's done.

62. Landry Jones is not a new quarterback: please remember that he started after Sam Bradford's injury in the BYU game.

61. Please also remember that were it not for one bulky Mormon and gravity, Oklahoma does way, way better than their 8-5 record last season, where Jones still managed to throw for 3,000 yards and 26 TDs. Plus: MUSTACHE POWER. If he brings it back, no harm can come to him

8. Florida RB Jeff Demps will injure himself tripping over the sound barrier on a run at one point in the season.