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7/27/2010, 10:38 AM
with a stainless steel snake.

That's right sportsfans, Homey's 50 and therefore he's gonna ride the chrome-plated colon camera.

Advice is hereby solicted from those who have endured exploration of their previously un-charted and unexplored poop chute.


7/27/2010, 10:53 AM
Private Doc or da V.A. ?

Frozen Sooner
7/27/2010, 11:47 AM
with a stainless steel snake.

That's right sportsfans, Homey's 50 and therefore he's gonna ride the chrome-plated colon camera.

Advice is hereby solicted from those who have endured exploration of their previously un-charted and unexplored poop chute.


I have chronic ulcerative colitis, so I have to undergo this every couple of years.

It's not QUITE as unpleasant as it sounds, though having a metal tube stuck up your heiny sounds incredibly unpleasant.

They dope you up, so you don't really feel that much. The most unpleasant part of the experience is the 24 hour cleanse you have to do before the procedure.

7/27/2010, 12:04 PM
I have been avoiding this one for 5 years now. I have my check up with the Doc today and I'll bet he brings this up......again. So many other things I'd rather do....like getting stung by bees.

7/27/2010, 12:08 PM
Homey, I did it this January, as I, too, turned 50. To echo the frozen one, the prep is the only unpleasant part. I have no recollection of the actual procedure, or a few hours following.

stoops the eternal pimp
7/27/2010, 12:10 PM
I imagine some Air Supply playing quietly in the background and some pleasant conversation before the procedure will make everything go a lot smoother

7/27/2010, 12:15 PM
The GF had one last Wed. Piece of cake, she worried about it fer 2 days for no reason. I had one 3 years ago, worst part is the prep. You need someone to drive you to the doctors playhouse though.

7/27/2010, 12:21 PM
Soooo.....what is all this prep stuff??

7/27/2010, 12:24 PM
Moooooooooon Rivvvvvverrrrrrrrrrrrrr......

7/27/2010, 12:25 PM
I imagine some Air Supply playing quietly in the background and some pleasant conversation before the procedure will make everything go a lot smoother

Making Love Out of Nothing At All?

7/27/2010, 12:30 PM
Thats why I asked if Private Doc or VA
Them Bastages didnt give me anything But a sore ***:mad:

Harry Beanbag
7/27/2010, 12:31 PM
Whew! I thought these started at 40, I'm still good for awhile. Have a good time!

7/27/2010, 12:35 PM
Soooo.....what is all this prep stuff??

DrainO for people.

stoops the eternal pimp
7/27/2010, 12:38 PM
Soooo.....what is all this prep stuff??


stoops the eternal pimp
7/27/2010, 12:40 PM

7/27/2010, 12:41 PM
My freshman year roommate talked me into one of these when I was 17, so I'm thinking I'm set for a while. He was gentle and I remember very little. I'm still waiting on the results, though.

Crucifax Autumn
7/27/2010, 12:54 PM
In the words of Clayton Williams, just lay back and enjoy it.

7/27/2010, 01:00 PM
Piece of cake Homey...felt nothing...was making snappy jokes in recovery under the influence.

And ask for the magnesium something or other drink in the prep...man that stuff cleared me out, and you don't have to be drinking every five minutes.
(magnesium carbonate?)

7/27/2010, 01:13 PM
good thing that prep doesn't mean some sort of a warm up exercise....

7/27/2010, 01:20 PM
STEP is NOT a doctor. No matter what he tells you.

7/27/2010, 01:42 PM
don't they roofie you so you don't remember?

i hear the fun part is all the extra air in your colon when they are done

7/27/2010, 01:46 PM
Private Doc or da V.A. ?

My PCP gave me a referral to the best butt guy in Tulsa. All paid for by Uncle Sugar (TRICare).

And for the record, I can't fathom why a guy would spend all those years in medical school, internship and residency to at some point decide, "yup, I'm specializing in people's lower bowels!"

7/27/2010, 01:48 PM
I think I would rather just die and call it a life well lived than undergo this procedure.

7/27/2010, 01:52 PM
I think I would rather just die and call it a life well lived than undergo this procedure.

I tend to agree Sic
After what they put me thru or rather what they Put thru ME:mad:
No meds and those chicks musta been Man Haters cause they wernt Gentle at all:mad: :mad:

7/27/2010, 01:56 PM
I think I would rather just die and call it a life well lived than undergo this procedure.

I agree. But my maternal grandfather died of colon cancer in 1988 and it was a horrible death. Thus, I'm willing to endure this procedure to avoid going through what he did.

stoops the eternal pimp
7/27/2010, 02:06 PM
STEP is NOT a doctor. No matter what he tells you.

and that really wasn't a thermometer either

7/27/2010, 02:11 PM
relax, enjoy the ride and post your pics on facebook

7/27/2010, 02:12 PM
my old roommate had his on the fridge for a long time :D

7/27/2010, 02:13 PM
I tend to agree Sic
After what they put me thru or rather what they Put thru ME:mad:
No meds and those chicks musta been Man Haters cause they wernt Gentle at all:mad: :mad:

They could at least give you the common courtesy of a reach around while they're back there.

7/27/2010, 02:21 PM
I have chronic ulcerative colitis, so I have to undergo this every couple of years.

It's not QUITE as unpleasant as it sounds, though having a metal tube stuck up your heiny sounds incredibly unpleasant.

They dope you up, so you don't really feel that much. The most unpleasant part of the experience is the 24 hour cleanse you have to do before the procedure.

Ditto. Being knocked out helps tremendously. "Now Mr. Soonerjack, if you would just start countin' backwards from 100..." Me, "Ok. One huuu......zzzzzz"

Then once you're home you can eat whatever and take a nap to end all naps.

Good luck, Homey and for all of you sissies out there GET YOU BUTT TO THE DOCTOR.

7/27/2010, 02:22 PM
My PCP gave me a referral to the best butt guy in Tulsa. All paid for by Uncle Sugar (TRICare).

And for the record, I can't fathom why a guy would spend all those years in medical school, internship and residency to at some point decide, "yup, I'm specializing in people's lower bowels!"Think about how much you're paying, how many people are there on the same day, and how often your doctor gets a call at 2 A.M. on Christmas.

7/27/2010, 02:34 PM
A colonoscopy is kind of like rape, just lay there and try and enjoy it.

stoops the eternal pimp
7/27/2010, 02:49 PM
I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you

Frozen Sooner
7/27/2010, 02:54 PM
I think I would rather just die and call it a life well lived than undergo this procedure.

Man, you're going to feel really stupid when you develop colon cancer, still have to undergo invasion of that area of your body for treatment, and then die a horrible and painful death (which, as it should go without saying, I don't wish on you at all)-when you could have just caught the problem back when it was treatable.

Considering you don't eat any vegetables, you're already at a higher risk.

7/27/2010, 05:25 PM
is your doc's name JLew?...if it is...run....run fast...run far

7/27/2010, 07:34 PM
To answer the question about the prep, you go to the pharmacy, you actually have to have a prescription for it, to get a gallon jug and a packet of powder. This is the stuff to clean you out so they can see inside. They also supply some "flavor" packets but having done this twice now, I suggest you throw those away.

Anyway, go home, run some cold water into the jug, mix in the packet of powder and every five minutes, drink an 8 ounce glass of the stuff.

Sounds easy, right?

Wait'll you get a taste of the stuff. Oh boy! I can't describe it but it is not pleasant. The flavor packets are supposed to make it more palatable but IMO just leave a bad after taste of the stuff. I found it better to chug a glass of the stuff straight (i.e. no flavor packets) then rinse with clear water.

The hard part for me was getting the full gallon to go down. I have never made it. However, if it does it's thing, that is, you start to go and go and go, then you really don't have to finish.

You do this the night before and maybe it doesn't kick in. Get up early after a night's rest and start in on it again. A glass or two was all it took to push my system to the point of no return.

The procedure itself is a piece of cake. Once they mainlined me with a dose of Demerol I could have been the entertaiment in a Turkish prison and not noticed.

7/27/2010, 07:48 PM
I think I would rather just die and call it a life well lived than undergo this procedure.
riding a scooter might be the only thing worse.

or so i've been told on the soonerfans....

7/27/2010, 08:20 PM
Moooooooooon Rivvvvvverrrrrrrrrrrrrr......

Widddddddddddddddder than a miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeee .......

7/27/2010, 08:25 PM
To answer the question about the prep, you go to the pharmacy, you actually have to have a prescription for it, to get a gallon jug and a packet of powder. This is the stuff to clean you out so they can see inside. They also supply some "flavor" packets but having done this twice now, I suggest you throw those away.

Anyway, go home, run some cold water into the jug, mix in the packet of powder and every five minutes, drink an 8 ounce glass of the stuff.

Sounds easy, right?

Wait'll you get a taste of the stuff. Oh boy! I can't describe it but it is not pleasant. The flavor packets are supposed to make it more palatable but IMO just leave a bad after taste of the stuff. I found it better to chug a glass of the stuff straight (i.e. no flavor packets) then rinse with clear water.

The hard part for me was getting the full gallon to go down. I have never made it. However, if it does it's thing, that is, you start to go and go and go, then you really don't have to finish.

You do this the night before and maybe it doesn't kick in. Get up early after a night's rest and start in on it again. A glass or two was all it took to push my system to the point of no return.

The procedure itself is a piece of cake. Once they mainlined me with a dose of Demerol I could have been the entertaiment in a Turkish prison and not noticed.

I have had it done three times and the prep is the only bad part. I have always just had a little bottle of stuff I took several hours before and another three hours before. My wife had it done earlier this year and she just took some pills every 15 minutes for two hours.

The scoping is nothing and you are home an hour or so after it's done.

7/27/2010, 08:50 PM
Just make sure there's plenty of Versed and other neat-o anesthetics. If you know any classified information or other stuff you don't want heard....well, issue a disclaimer ahead of time or or have a federal agent standing by in case you start yakkin as you drift into a few moments of extreme euphoria. That's all I got.

Oh yeah, the worst part by far is the "prepping" -- when everything coming out is merely yellow, you're good! :D

7/27/2010, 08:51 PM
To answer the question about the prep, you go to the pharmacy, you actually have to have a prescription for it, to get a gallon jug and a packet of powder. This is the stuff to clean you out so they can see inside. They also supply some "flavor" packets but having done this twice now, I suggest you throw those away.

Anyway, go home, run some cold water into the jug, mix in the packet of powder and every five minutes, drink an 8 ounce glass of the stuff.

Sounds easy, right?

Wait'll you get a taste of the stuff. Oh boy! I can't describe it but it is not pleasant. The flavor packets are supposed to make it more palatable but IMO just leave a bad after taste of the stuff. I found it better to chug a glass of the stuff straight (i.e. no flavor packets) then rinse with clear water.

The hard part for me was getting the full gallon to go down. I have never made it. However, if it does it's thing, that is, you start to go and go and go, then you really don't have to finish.

You do this the night before and maybe it doesn't kick in. Get up early after a night's rest and start in on it again. A glass or two was all it took to push my system to the point of no return.

The procedure itself is a piece of cake. Once they mainlined me with a dose of Demerol I could have been the entertaiment in a Turkish prison and not noticed.

I had the smell of that stuff in my nose for a few days. Even now, I have occasional PTSD-like olfactory flashbacks.

Chuck Bao
7/27/2010, 08:55 PM
I allowed this done to me about 5 years ago in Thailand's top five star rated hospital. Yeah, the one that flies the national flags of all the international patients inside.

If you have ever been anally deep thrusted, it is nothing compared to this. It's like you are getting your internal organs re-arranged. Like Olevet, I was not put out. If you are put out, bless your lucky stars that you never get that experience of a "little" puff of air. Heh! I said "put out".

7/27/2010, 09:23 PM
By the way, once back in the dark ages of the early 1980s, I had it done without any anesthetic at all. Right there in the doctor's office. It wasn't actually too painful, but it was terribly, horribly, nastily uncomfortable. When it was done, I think I cut an uninterrupted 30-second fart. :eek: (sorry) Thank God for all the advances in medicine and anesthesia since then!

7/27/2010, 09:33 PM
After all the Toilet sitten from that shat they make ya drink to clean ya out. the ole Roids were inflamed to say the least. Then these 2 broads were back there trying to shove that thing up my *** , I finally Yelled at em to At least Spit on the dayum thing .:mad:

7/27/2010, 09:38 PM
It's not supposed to go in and out like that!!


8/10/2010, 10:11 PM
So how did things look up there?

8/10/2010, 10:17 PM
The scope is not stainless or metal.....

8/10/2010, 11:24 PM
Whew! I thought these started at 40, I'm still good for awhile. Have a good time!

i hear they'll have a pill by then.

8/11/2010, 09:22 AM
i had it done in Jan; it's not bad. the prep is the only bad part. well, also anticipation.

8/11/2010, 09:58 AM
After all the Toilet sitten from that shat they make ya drink to clean ya out. the ole Roids were inflamed to say the least. Then these 2 broads were back there trying to shove that thing up my *** , I finally Yelled at em to At least Spit on the dayum thing .:mad:

Vet, that may be the funniest post I have ever read. I'm just now able to see thru the laughing tears...:D

8/11/2010, 10:32 AM
you go to the pharmacy to get a gallon jug and a packet of powder. This is the stuff to clean you out so they can see inside.

Some drug company joker gave this devil's brew the name Go-Lytly. It would be more aptly named Colon-Blow.

You have to drink a full gallon of this Go-Lytly in a 2-4 hour period - 8 ounces at a time. The liquid has a sort of "thickness" to it, so it is not quite like water. The taste is sort of like a soured lime with monosodium glutimate mixed in. You will have flash backs to this taste later.

I marked off 8 ounces on a cheap drinking glass with a sharpie as my tool to ingest this stuff. To this day I will not use that glass for any purpose.

As you can probably guess you "go lightly" every 10 minutes or so blasting the bowl and "clensing" yourself. The prep is the worst part, and almost as bad is having to not eat until the procedure is finally over sometime the next day.

The procedure itself is nothing. You fart some air afterward. Big deal.

It's a sobering thing to think that there are literally thousands of people "dying of embarrassment" becase they will not have a colon scope or have their prostate checked. Colon cancer is one of the most preventable cancer deaths. As another poster pointed out if you get colon cancer your area will be "violated" much more often and roughly and if you're lucky you'll get off with only having to crap in a pouch through a hole in your side for the rest of your life. :eek:

Preservation Parcels
8/11/2010, 05:24 PM
My father's funeral was Monday.

He was a big, strapping man - 6'4" tall, and 200 lbs of lean muscle. A while ago, I looked out the back window to see him a hundred feet in the air. He was holding the trunk of the tree in one hand and a chainsaw in the other. His booming voice could be heard from the other side of the barn and corral all the way to the house. He mostly ate fresh food from his organic gardens, and he never smoked or drank.

Two years ago, he was diagnosed with colon cancer. He fought hard, but it won. When he died, he weighed under a hundred pounds, and his voice had turned to a high wheeze.

There are people who will miss you as much as I miss him.

Get the test. Please.

8/11/2010, 05:31 PM
God bless... Sorry for your loss, and you're doing the right thing in using his story to save others.