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Sooner in Tampa
7/23/2010, 10:56 AM
"We stabilized the financial system,” Biden said. We were on the brink of a depression ... We avoided a total economic meltdown," he said. “There are 3 million [more] Americans working today than there were before we took office.

“Barack and I are realists," the vice president added. "Government is not the answer. But we also know we can plant seeds. These seeds that have been planted have generated whole new industries.”

Is Walter DRUNK???

3 million more people working???? Where? The census is DONE.

If govt isn't the answer...then why are they trying to do EVERYTHING?

What new industries???

For those that don't get the reference to Walter...google Jeff Dunham's main dummy...the spitting image of Biden

7/23/2010, 11:00 AM
Sorry, but I kinda have a life creedo to do the opposite of what Jeff Dunham fans think is a good idea.

Sooner in Tampa
7/23/2010, 11:03 AM
Sorry, but I kinda have a life creedo to do the opposite of what Jeff Dunham fans think is a good idea.
??? Who is a Jeff Dunham fan???

I just said the buffon looked like the dummy

7/23/2010, 11:09 AM
??? Who is a Jeff Dunham fan???

I just said the buffon looked like the dummyWhich, don't get me wrong, was hysterical and I really hope your observation catches on. However, the daily Drudge Report outrage thread plus Jeff Dunham references is just a bit more awesome than I can handle at once.

7/23/2010, 11:16 AM
SIT must have gotten that email I got..2 pictures side by side...the dummy on the left is Walter....Jeff Dunhams....the one the right is Obama's.

7/23/2010, 11:48 AM
Jeff Dunham is a Baylor man. His comedy sucks and isn't even remotely funny, but none of that matters because he's a Baylor man and Baylor men deserve ALL of your respect. ;)

7/23/2010, 11:58 AM
If government is not the answer then why have they expanded the government more than anyone in the last 60 years?

7/23/2010, 12:09 PM
philosophy is to make more people (ie voters) more dependant on the government. they've done the math. next is to increase the number of voters with illegals.
"you don't bite the hand that feeds you" - they'll try to keep feeding more and more

Sooner in Tampa
7/23/2010, 12:13 PM
However, the daily Drudge Report outrage thread plus Jeff Dunham references is just a bit more awesome than I can handle at once.
That's really just a TAD bit overstated :rolleyes: ...the last time I checked, Drudge just provides a link to a story...and the story itself was far from "outrage"

But hey...ignore the basis for the question with superfluous drivel...that's fine by me.

My Opinion Matters
7/23/2010, 12:14 PM

7/23/2010, 12:31 PM
It's not a conspiracy. It's just stupid and dishonest, two words that should be added to the presidental seal. In my lifetime, that seems to be the two qualities we demand in our president.

7/23/2010, 12:40 PM
That's really just a TAD bit overstated :rolleyes: ...the last time I checked, Drudge just provides a link to a story...and the story itself was far from "outrage"

But hey...ignore the basis for the question with superfluous drivel...that's fine by me.OK, the basis of the question is whether or not Biden believes what he himself is saying, the answer is no. A VP's primary role is that of cheerleader and since the job comes with no actual accountability, they are allowed to paint wildly rosy pictures without a personal stake in backing them up. So, we can either pretend this somehow matters (it doesn't), or take a larger view that this is done to take spotlight off of Obama and put it on Biden during a news cycle in which it is advantageous to do so. That, or it's an insidious socialist/commie/muslim/nazi plot to kill your nana via death taxes.

7/23/2010, 01:37 PM
IOW, blatant lying is ok

7/23/2010, 01:44 PM
IOW, blatant lying is okNot at all, I'm just done pretending it's anything but prepackaged spectacle.

Crucifax Autumn
7/23/2010, 02:10 PM
If the census is already completed why did we finally have a worker drop by TODAY? Obviously there's still work to be done if this is the very first time anyone in my apartment complex has heard from them. We never even received a letter here.

7/23/2010, 02:21 PM
If the census is already completed why did we finally have a worker drop by TODAY? Obviously there's still work to be done if this is the very first time anyone in my apartment complex has heard from them. We never even received a letter here.

The last stage is following up on addresses from which they received no letters. So it makes since that you never got a letter and are now seeing the workers. The word is most Census workers have been let go weeks ago.