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Serge Ibaka
7/20/2010, 03:47 PM
Did anybody go see it? I want to hear other peoples' take on WTF happened--it's a crazy one.

It's not the GOAT or anything, but it's definitely a fun theater-outing that is worth it's price imo. I don't go to the movies very often, but it's the most fun I've had there since Avatar (Inception is probably better).

7/20/2010, 04:09 PM
Hated avatar and I had a dream that I would hate inception.

Crucifax Autumn
7/20/2010, 04:10 PM
How the hell are the two even comparable?

Serge Ibaka
7/20/2010, 04:11 PM
How the hell are the two even comparable?

They're both movies.

7/20/2010, 04:12 PM
well done

Crucifax Autumn
7/20/2010, 04:22 PM
Good enough for me I suppose. Luckily you didn't say "They both have good plots" or I'd have to argue a bit.

Serge Ibaka
7/20/2010, 04:24 PM
Good enough for me I suppose. Luckily you didn't say "They both have good plots" or I'd have to argue a bit.

The Avatar plot is very tiresome. It's all eye-candy, and that's good enough for me.

Crucifax Autumn
7/20/2010, 04:25 PM
As long as you understand the difference I'm good.

And I'm not even bitching about the green plot so much as the fact that it's unoriginal and cheaply executed.

Serge Ibaka
7/20/2010, 04:29 PM
As long as you understand the difference I'm good.

And I'm not even bitching about the green plot so much as the fact that it's unoriginal and cheaply executed.

It's Dances with Wolves goes Science Fiction.

I can dig-it, but it's hardly world-shattering. And regardless, generalizing Indian culture is a lot easier when you turn them into blue aliens who engage in nature-orgies.

Crucifax Autumn
7/20/2010, 04:32 PM
I'm still waiting for the real Smurf movie.

7/20/2010, 04:34 PM
Avatar would have been utter **** if it didn't look awesome. i still suggest seeing it in the theater. that's how good i thought it looked.

Inception was great. highly recommended. i loved the ending.

7/20/2010, 04:42 PM
Does what's her name still have a great rack? Or did she get too skinny and lose them?

7/20/2010, 04:49 PM

7/20/2010, 05:29 PM
no she dosnt, shes like 80 lbs

7/20/2010, 06:14 PM
Ellen Page? The chick from Juno? I don't think she's ever had what I'd call a "great rack". She is pretty damn cute though.

7/20/2010, 06:22 PM
Ellen Page? The chick from Juno? I don't think she's ever had what I'd call a "great rack". She is pretty damn cute though.

Ever seen Hard Candy?

Yeah, not so cute. ;-)

7/20/2010, 06:33 PM
Inception is better than The Matrix.

7/20/2010, 07:07 PM
Ellen Page? The chick from Juno? I don't think she's ever had what I'd call a "great rack". She is pretty damn cute though.

Oh right, she sucks. I had her mixed up with the American Beauty girl. Come to think of it, I haven't seen her since then.

7/20/2010, 07:52 PM
imdb says Thora Birch has been in a lot of indie movies since then. Nothing I've heard of.

7/20/2010, 08:24 PM
It's odd I haven't seen her in anything. I usually see more indies than anything.

7/20/2010, 09:19 PM
Inception is amazing.

7/20/2010, 10:06 PM
I loved Inception. It was clever and somehow kept my attention for nearly 2 1/2 hours. I particularly thought it was an interesting movie since I dream pretty much every night. Now I am trying to remember my dreams and think about what happened.

7/20/2010, 11:58 PM
Inception is better than The Matrix.

you know, i can't seem to argue with this

especially with the sequels

7/21/2010, 12:47 AM
I havent heard one bad word about Inception yet, I cant wait to see it. If it is better than the 1st time I saw the Matrix, It must be Solid

7/21/2010, 10:03 AM
You all are dreaming and when you wake up it won't all seem as cool as you think it is.

7/21/2010, 10:17 AM
Instead of following the sheep to "Inception", go see something challenging like "Valhalla Rising".

7/21/2010, 10:26 AM
I saw the first 30 minutes of the Matrix. I thought it sucked. The girlfriend did too. She decided we should do something else.

God bless the Matrix.

The end.

I will be seeing Inception.

7/21/2010, 10:28 AM
first Christopher Cross, now this?

there seemed like a LOT of Matrix in this movie, and maybe some Vanilla Sky

Serge Ibaka
7/21/2010, 01:12 PM
I like the Matrix.

I was only 11 when it was first released, so I have a difficult time judging it in context. But my assumption is that the Matrix was a more ground-breaking than Inception.

Inception is still a good movie--I just don't know if it's worth the cultural distinguishing that the Matrix has enjoyed for the last decade.

7/21/2010, 05:35 PM
Joey Pants in an interview prior to the 1st Matrix Movie being released was asked..."What is the Matrix?".

Joey...."About 2 hours long."

7/21/2010, 06:13 PM
I like the Matrix.

I was only 11 when it was first released, so I have a difficult time judging it in context. But my assumption is that the Matrix was a more ground-breaking than Inception.

Inception is still a good movie--I just don't know if it's worth the cultural distinguishing that the Matrix has enjoyed for the last decade.

i think it's better than The Matrix now, but not better than The Matrix then

King Crimson
7/23/2010, 02:38 PM
***Spoilers, maybe***

i thought Inception was amazingly lame. a conventional "heist" flick tricked up with a bunch of shallow psychobabble. all the cool visuals you already saw in the previews for months: the folding of Paris, the Escher staircase, not much else. after that it's a mediocre Bond flick about the ambiguously defined "dreams". what about "architecture", about this and that......that all sort of disappears so the young chick can be the moral conscience of the flick.

i thought it was kinda, mostly dumb.

if there were less "action" and less zero-gravity "fighting" and more developing the theory it might not have been so dumb and conventional. a lot jumping edits, too. Nolan kind of whiffed here, IMO.

what does it mean to have a "militarized subconscious"? Why is "subconscious" used and not "unconscious"? the latter was the choice of Freud, the one who first (outside the Ancient Greeks and Persians)....who interpreted dreams. that's more interesting than a zero-grav set of fist-fights.

something about the movie doesn't add up.....it's all hurried, there's not background to things the audience is supposed to accept on faith (like the existence of "limbo" and that Cobb has been there?).

7/23/2010, 02:39 PM
So what you are saying is that you want to appear as 'too smart' to enjoy it :D

King Crimson
7/23/2010, 02:42 PM
outside of Monica Belluci, there's no reason to watch the 2 and 3 Matrix flicks.

King Crimson
7/23/2010, 02:43 PM
So what you are saying is that you want to appear as 'too smart' to enjoy it :D

not at all, with Nolan at the helm...i think you had a right to expect something different. what you got was conventional.

i just think there are questions that could have been explored by a film of this kind, that were not in play and might as well have been Ocean's 11.

7/23/2010, 03:49 PM
***Spoilers, maybe***

i thought Inception was amazingly lame. a conventional "heist" flick tricked up with a bunch of shallow psychobabble. all the cool visuals you already saw in the previews for months: the folding of Paris, the Escher staircase, not much else. after that it's a mediocre Bond flick about the ambiguously defined "dreams". what about "architecture", about this and that......that all sort of disappears so the young chick can be the moral conscience of the flick.

i thought it was kinda, mostly dumb.

if there were less "action" and less zero-gravity "fighting" and more developing the theory it might not have been so dumb and conventional. a lot jumping edits, too. Nolan kind of whiffed here, IMO.

what does it mean to have a "militarized subconscious"? Why is "subconscious" used and not "unconscious"? the latter was the choice of Freud, the one who first (outside the Ancient Greeks and Persians)....who interpreted dreams. that's more interesting than a zero-grav set of fist-fights.

something about the movie doesn't add up.....it's all hurried, there's not background to things the audience is supposed to accept on faith (like the existence of "limbo" and that Cobb has been there?).

That's why I said instead of following the multiplex sheep to "Inception", I plan to see something challenging like "Valhalla Rising".

7/23/2010, 04:09 PM
not at all, with Nolan at the helm...i think you had a right to expect something different. what you got was conventional.

i just think there are questions that could have been explored by a film of this kind, that were not in play and might as well have been Ocean's 11.

You can do a crapload worse than Oceans 11.

7/23/2010, 04:23 PM
I really enjoyed it. I thought Joseph Gordon-Levitt stole the show, and now that it has come out that Nolan has tapped him to play the Riddler in the new Batman movie I'm even more excited.

Gordon-Levitt's character has some great scenes the movie, and without giving away anything, his fight scene that spanned 30 odd minutes with cut-in's was great.

Inception has now cemented my #1 most anticipated Blu-Ray purchase. I saw it in Denver on one of their giant screens and maybe that helped, but I'll probably go see it again. Also, the English/South-African (whatever he is) was probably my favorite character in the movie. But knowing what I know now, more Michael Cain would of been welcomed.

7/23/2010, 05:18 PM
Ellen Page? The chick from Juno? I don't think she's ever had what I'd call a "great rack". She is pretty damn cute though.

She's f'ing adorable. I'd hit that 6-ways to Sunday and thrice after Church.

7/23/2010, 05:20 PM
No you wouldnt, youd blow your load too early

7/23/2010, 05:21 PM
No you wouldnt, youd blow your load too early

But it'd be the beeeeessssssssst I've ever had!

7/23/2010, 05:22 PM
well duh

King Crimson
7/23/2010, 05:43 PM
I really enjoyed it. I thought Joseph Gordon-Levitt stole the show,

see Brick. had J G-L and is better by a lot than Inception.

7/23/2010, 09:32 PM
That's why I said instead of following the multiplex sheep to "Inception", I plan to see something challenging like "Valhalla Rising".

Oh my God. You are so sophisticated. Are you going to see Valhalla Rising with The Most Interesting Man In The World?

7/23/2010, 09:46 PM

7/25/2010, 10:38 AM
saw it last night.

I give it 8 of 10.

7/25/2010, 11:30 AM
imdb says Thora Birch has been in a lot of indie movies since then. Nothing I've heard of.

Indie films will keep the tops coming off of her, guys. Think it through!


7/25/2010, 03:30 PM
Sorry Sic-Em, Ellen swings the other way. But maybe you can straighten her out?

7/25/2010, 03:32 PM
Sorry Sic-Em, Ellen swings the other way. But maybe you can straighten her out?

Ellen Page is a lesbian? I did not know this.

7/25/2010, 04:40 PM
Sorry Sic-Em, Ellen swings the other way. But maybe you can straighten her out?

Is that confirmed?

It would be the difference between 15 and 30 seconds. (15 seconds if she DOES swing the other way)

7/26/2010, 09:51 AM
Oh my God. You are so sophisticated. Are you going to see Valhalla Rising with The Most Interesting Man In The World?

No, I am The Most Interesting Man In The World, and I don't like crowded movie theaters.

7/26/2010, 10:33 AM
I really enjoyed this. Saw it Friday. Someone wrote a really interesting piece about the heist being a metaphor for the process and catharsis involved in making movies. How it can provide real feelings through false creations. I think the movie is as challenging as you want it to be, which is impressive to me.

Crucifax Autumn
7/26/2010, 12:09 PM
I loved it myself, but I've been a Nolan fanboy since Following.

7/26/2010, 12:12 PM
She's f'ing adorable. I'd hit that 6-ways to Sunday and thrice after Church.

She's cute for a lesbian.

Speaking of lesbians, anybody else think that Jared from Subway is starting to look like one?

My Opinion Matters
7/26/2010, 01:21 PM
It didn't meet my expectations, but Nolan is my favorite contemporary filmmaker, so my expectations were probably a little too high.

Serge Ibaka
7/26/2010, 01:25 PM
I don't think Ellen Page is gay.

7/26/2010, 03:31 PM
And in duh news, Inception remained #1 at the box office this weekend.

7/26/2010, 03:45 PM
She might be able to kick our collective azzes.


She's kinda buff.

7/26/2010, 03:59 PM
She's buff.

In a good way, I bet she has a really good grip.

7/26/2010, 05:11 PM
She might be able to kick our collective azzes.


She's kinda buff.

How so? She weighs about 90 pounds. Oh because you can see some ab muscles? Ok.

And Serg/LAS troll. My old lady has contended for years that she's gay and she should know. She was a D-1 athlete.:D

7/26/2010, 05:13 PM
I don't care if she's gay, straight or likes to hump alpacas. She's still hot.

7/26/2010, 05:15 PM
I don't care if she's gay, straight or likes to hump alpacas. She's still hot.

Yep. And if she likes to hump alpacas then that bodes well for my chances with her........I think.

7/26/2010, 05:16 PM
Yep. And if she likes to hump alpacas then that bodes well for my chances with her........I think.

Careful what you wish for. She might be the dude who wears the Oscar.

7/26/2010, 05:19 PM
Careful what you wish for. She might be the dude who wears the Oscar.

Eh. Win/win.

7/26/2010, 05:30 PM
How so? She weighs about 90 pounds. Oh because you can see some ab muscles? Ok.

And Serg/LAS troll. My old lady has contended for years that she's gay and she should know. She was a D-1 athlete.:D

It was a joke.

You're no newb. So you're aware that not every post on the South Oval is one to be taken seriously and then refuted, right?

7/26/2010, 06:42 PM
It was a joke.

You're no newb. So you're aware that not every post on the South Oval is one to be taken seriously and then refuted, right?

Forgive me, I forget everyone on here but I do know that there's plenty of nerds on here who would think she is actually quite buffed.:)

7/27/2010, 08:59 AM
No worries! I'm pretty sure either one of us could take her. :)

7/27/2010, 12:20 PM
No worries! I'm pretty sure either one of us could take her. :)

Ah we can just let SicEm wrassler her.

7/27/2010, 12:20 PM
Oh and Johnny, she's hot? She's cute enough but hot? Eh.

7/27/2010, 01:20 PM
Oh and Johnny, she's hot? She's cute enough but hot? Eh.

See, I find cute to be hot. I'm not a fan of the gorgeous "model" type look. It's just too fake, you know? I like cute girls with distinguishable characteristics.

7/27/2010, 01:21 PM
See, I find cute to be hot. I'm not a fan of the gorgeous "model" type look. It's just too fake, you know? I like cute girls with distinguishable characteristics.

Who's that one girl you spank it to? With the pretty green eyes.

7/27/2010, 01:25 PM
Who's that one girl you spank it to? With the pretty green eyes.

Man, you're going to have to be way the hell more specific. I have a large stable of imaginary concubines.

7/27/2010, 01:29 PM
Man, you're going to have to be way the hell more specific. I have a large stable of imaginary concubines.

I don't think it was Zooey Deschanel, but it may be.

7/27/2010, 01:30 PM
I bet you're thinking of Alexis Bledel, but she has blue eyes.

7/27/2010, 01:37 PM
I bet you're thinking of Alexis Bledel, but she has blue eyes.
Jesus Tap Dancing Christ. Not only is she not attractive, but she can't act either. What the hell are they paying her for?

And what are YOU thinking of her for?

7/27/2010, 01:38 PM
Jesus Tap Dancing Christ. Not only is she not attractive, but she can't act either. What the hell are they paying her for?

And what are YOU thinking of her for?

She's cute as ****. And right in SicEm's spank-bank-wheelhouse. I'd hit it.

Serge Ibaka
7/27/2010, 01:42 PM
Ellen Page is totally cute, and she's a good actress (see: Hard Candy; Juno--She was less impressive in Inception, but it was just a crappy/annoying role).

7/27/2010, 01:42 PM
She dayum sure aint UGLY :rolleyes:


7/27/2010, 02:12 PM
Thats not Ellen Page ^

7/27/2010, 02:17 PM
Thats not Ellen Page ^

No, that's Alexis Bledel. Sooner04 said she was ugly and couldn't act.

Pay 'tention!

7/27/2010, 02:23 PM
ah my fault, I just saw that Vet was commenting a post from farther back

7/27/2010, 05:05 PM
See, I find cute to be hot. I'm not a fan of the gorgeous "model" type look. It's just too fake, you know? I like cute girls with distinguishable characteristics.

I agree. But she's not hot.

Frozen Sooner
8/6/2010, 03:35 PM
I liked Inception. I was kind of hoping the big reveal at the end was that everything was going on in Mo's dream and she was trying to get over guilt at the death of her children.

8/6/2010, 09:09 PM
Alexis Biedel = Not Hot.

I mean, hot "enough," but I've lived a fairly shameless life in that regard. Maybe if she were halfway smart, or halfway good at, you know, acting.. she'd cross over into full-time hot. As it is, she's a cute blow-up doll... which, I feel like I have to explain to SicEm, is NOT hot. Got it? NOT hot.


8/6/2010, 09:32 PM
Alexis Biedel = Not Hot.

I mean, hot "enough," but I've lived a fairly shameless life in that regard. Maybe if she were halfway smart, or halfway good at, you know, acting.. she'd cross over into full-time hot. As it is, she's a cute blow-up doll... which, I feel like I have to explain to SicEm, is NOT hot. Got it? NOT hot.


Clearly, you have no taste in women. ;)

Crucifax Autumn
8/6/2010, 09:40 PM
He thinks you're cute though.

8/6/2010, 10:46 PM
He thinks you're cute though.

I really do. :D

8/7/2010, 10:32 AM
He thinks you're cute though.

Look, I'd f*ck him, but that does NOT mean that I think he's cute... In fact, the opposite more closely applies.


Crucifax Autumn
8/7/2010, 06:16 PM
Post of the day.

12/17/2010, 04:14 PM
I just got around to watching it. It's not a bad flick but Leo's last movie 'The Island' had a better twist to the ending. If you're in a dream why do you have to obey the laws of physics? Why were the fights typical run and gun? Matrix WAS a better movie.

***1/2 out of *****

12/17/2010, 04:46 PM
I really didn't care for it... thought it was overdone and the mission at the end seemed a bit pointless... and it dragged on forever.

Disclaimer: I had been drinking at the pool all day and had just finished a huge mexican dinner before making a snap decision to see it, so my adrenaline was non-existent by that time.

Plus, my expectations were maxed out so of course it underwhelmed..

***Spoilers, maybe***

i thought Inception was amazingly lame. a conventional "heist" flick tricked up with a bunch of shallow psychobabble. all the cool visuals you already saw in the previews for months: the folding of Paris, the Escher staircase, not much else. after that it's a mediocre Bond flick about the ambiguously defined "dreams". what about "architecture", about this and that......that all sort of disappears so the young chick can be the moral conscience of the flick.

i thought it was kinda, mostly dumb.

if there were less "action" and less zero-gravity "fighting" and more developing the theory it might not have been so dumb and conventional. a lot jumping edits, too. Nolan kind of whiffed here, IMO.

what does it mean to have a "militarized subconscious"? Why is "subconscious" used and not "unconscious"? the latter was the choice of Freud, the one who first (outside the Ancient Greeks and Persians)....who interpreted dreams. that's more interesting than a zero-grav set of fist-fights.

something about the movie doesn't add up.....it's all hurried, there's not background to things the audience is supposed to accept on faith (like the existence of "limbo" and that Cobb has been there?).

Yeah, what he said.

12/17/2010, 06:43 PM
Eh, the script set up rules for the dreamworlds and followed those rules. Is that how dreams really work? No, but story was coherent and the acting was great. I don't see how The Matrix is the better movie (terrible acting), but to each his own.