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View Full Version : Red Dawn is awesome and you're not

7/17/2010, 02:47 PM
First, I want to say that I love Red Dawn. It is probably one of my all time favorite movies. It's just 110 minutes of pure bad assness. Now the re-make is suppose to come out this November and I'm actually excited to see it. From what I've heard they went balls deep with this which is a good thing. Now everybody has different taste and if the movie isn't for you fine. However, I hate nut sucking Obama zombies who demonize this movie and anybody who likes it and hope for its destruction.

Also, what even really pisses me off is now they're all for the boycott of the remake because it "hurts the feelings of poor innocent China" and it's "the most unnecessary, irresponsible, Sinophobic film in America’s history, and that's saying a lot (http://www.theawl.com/2010/05/real-america-red-dawn-remade-china-is-coming-for-our-children)" according to some.

Look, I know you're upset that your mother went into labor in that traffic jam on the way to the abortion clinic and she has told you since the day you could walk and to express your anger you hate America and your wet dream is of America becoming a communist state. I get it. You suck as a human and the only joy you get is to ruin other's pleasures. This is why you became a liberal.

Don't **** with my movies though and SHUT THE **** UP when it comes to **** you know nothing about. You scream about Red Dawn being a propaganda film because the Soviets are the enemies and lose. Yes, the Commies do get their butts kicked in the new film. So I guess conservatives do have something to look forward to. (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/the_big_picture/2010/06/is-a-hollywood-liberal-conspiracy-keeping-red-dawn-away-from-theaters-/comments/page/2/#comments) No **** Sherlock!? The original was made during the Cold War what do you expect!? You think a movie with Americans getting their asses handed to them by the Reds would bring in the money? I highly doubt it! For the new film, what's wrong with kicking communist ***? Oh that's right, you secretly love them and hate to see them lose. *** hats like you probably spit on Vietnam soldiers when they came back calling them baby killers and telling the wives of dead soldiers, "They got what they deserved." Why not go to China and Google "Tiananmen Square" when you get the chance? Why not protest the government? When you do let me know how that "re-education camp" worked out for you.

As for propaganda, it's not. Want a real propaganda movie? Why don't you watch Casablanca, which was made to get America into WW2, or anything by Micheal Moore?

Before we begin hearing about the “hurtfeelingsoftheChinesepeople,” I would point out that this film also hurts the feelings of some American people who know we can do better than this. (http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/evanosnos/2010/06/red-dawn-again.html)

Better how? Have you seen the **** Hollywood has been putting out? Of course your type probably masturbates with carbon credits rammed up your *** to the re-make of The Day the Earth Stood Still. Those movies suck and the messages are weak. What did the original Red Dawn teach us that guns are awesome, America is better than Russia, and Cubans have pussies for soldiers? Sounds like a good message to me. What the **** is your problem with it?

Look, I know Red Dawn is too "pro America" in your eyes and you hate patriotism. However, some of us do and want to see the movie. If you don't want to, that's fine, watch whatever you want to you have the freedom of choice, for now. Don't try to keep me from watching it though. Not only does it make you a cervix with legs but other people might associate other Americans, like me, with you. I don't want to be associated with a cervix with legs so please be quiet and let the rest of us enjoy our movies and we'll gladly let you enjoy yours.

7/17/2010, 03:11 PM
Um, angry much?

7/17/2010, 03:29 PM
Um, angry much?

Lototomy side effects.

Leroy Lizard
7/17/2010, 03:31 PM
t "re-education camp" worked out for you.

As for propaganda, it's not. Want a real propaganda movie? Why don't you watch Casablanca, which was made to get America into WW2, or anything by Micheal Moore?

Do I have to? Why not just watch some Stalinist documentaries. Same thing.

Frozen Sooner
7/17/2010, 03:38 PM
Boy, if there was only some way you could work Mexicans into this rant, it'd be perfect.

7/17/2010, 03:39 PM
don't forget the blacks and muslims!

7/17/2010, 03:42 PM
Ooooh the race card. Didn't see that one coming. HAHAHAHA.

Crucifax Autumn
7/17/2010, 03:43 PM
Boy, if there was only some way you could work Mexicans into this rant, it'd be perfect.

That's the sequel, "Rio Grande Dawn"

7/17/2010, 03:44 PM
Ooooh the race card. Didn't see that one coming. HAHAHAHA.

I hope you get raped by a pack of whities!

7/17/2010, 03:49 PM
Depends, are they hawt white wimmens?

7/17/2010, 03:51 PM


Leni Riefenstahl

7/17/2010, 03:55 PM
Depends, are they hawt white wimmens?

You know, this is going to be offensive on many levels, but frankly my dear, IDGAS: Why do so many black d00ds like fat white chicks? On a related theme, why do so many fat white chicks like black d00ds?


Frozen Sooner
7/17/2010, 03:58 PM
1. Different standards of beauty.
2. What, are YOU going to date them?

Crucifax Autumn
7/17/2010, 04:01 PM
Only in America does every fat girl get a chance to get her Mandingo-fantasy on.

Brings a tear to my eye.

7/17/2010, 04:10 PM
Homey with a house full of mulatto grandchildren.

Brings a tear to my eye.

Hey-O! :D

7/17/2010, 04:20 PM
I liked Red Dawn (1984), too. Though strictly speaking, in the movie we got our a$$es handed to us, but at least in northern New Mexico, some kids fought back (Wolverines!).

If some don't like the new one because the invaders are Chinese, would they prefer if they had been from Middle Eastern countries instead? North Koreans would have made a believable enemy but in life they don't have the resources to mount an invasion of the U.S. Who does that leave? Aliens (been done too many times already)?

Leroy Lizard
7/17/2010, 04:25 PM


Leni Riefenstahl

You haven't followed Leni's biography very closely, have you?

Crucifax Autumn
7/17/2010, 04:38 PM
There's so many crackers in my apartment complex that the pool looks like a big bowl of soup.

Leroy Lizard
7/17/2010, 04:48 PM
There's so many crackers in my apartment complex that the pool looks like a big bowl of soup.


7/17/2010, 05:50 PM
Boy, if there was only some way you could work Mexicans into this rant, it'd be perfect.

don't forget the blacks and muslims!

Why? I'm an equal opportunity hater or to quote R. Lee...

You are the lowest form of life on Earth. You are not even human, ****ing beings. You are nothing but unorganized grabastic pieces of amphibian ****....I am hard but I am fair. There is no racial bigotry here. I do not look down on n*ggers, kikes, wops or greasers. Here you are all equally worthless.

Anyway, there's no need to target any specific races now that we're in post-racial America.

7/17/2010, 06:27 PM
Only in America does every fat girl get a chance to get her Mandingo-fantasy on.

Brings a tear to my eye.

So, am I to understand fat white chicks either gotta go lesbian, or go black dood for their seckshual pleasuring?

7/17/2010, 07:18 PM
Too be fair, I feel exactly the same way about Arthur being remade.

7/17/2010, 08:57 PM
I liked Red Dawn (1984), too. Though strictly speaking, in the movie we got our a$$es handed to us, but at least in northern New Mexico, some kids fought back (Wolverines!)

Bool****. The line held from Colorado through Oklahoma, and Texas i.e., there were some rednecks with guns taking it to the bitches.

7/17/2010, 09:12 PM
I think it might be on hiatus because of MGM being broke

Crucifax Autumn
7/18/2010, 01:43 AM
So, am I to understand fat white chicks either gotta go lesbian, or go black dood for their seckshual pleasuring?

No, but when you throw all those assorted qualifiers into the setup the joke gets lost in the clutter and loses its effectiveness. :P

On this same note, how many times do you see a big fat blonde white woman with either a really skinny cowboy or a just hopped the river Mexican dude darker than the mole on her a$$?

7/18/2010, 05:39 PM
Bool****. The line held from Colorado through Oklahoma, and Texas i.e., there were some rednecks with guns taking it to the bitches.

They filmed it near Santa Fe. Same as Silverado.

Colorado should sue.

7/18/2010, 06:16 PM
I dated this hawt blonde named Dawn before I met the love of my life.

Leroy Lizard
7/18/2010, 06:46 PM
I dated this hawt blonde named Dawn before I met the love of my life.


7/18/2010, 07:17 PM

STFU. Seriously.

7/18/2010, 08:11 PM
I dated this hawt blonde named Dawn before I met the love of my life.

So you often woke up at the crack of...

7/18/2010, 10:04 PM
F*ckin' rants. How do they work?


7/18/2010, 10:25 PM
I dated this hawt blonde named Dawn before I met the love of my life.

So you often woke up at the crack of...

I see what you did there! ;)

Leroy Lizard
7/18/2010, 11:42 PM
STFU. Seriously.

Sorry. I forgot you were sensitive about your economic ideals.

7/19/2010, 03:17 PM
Col. Andy Tanner: ...The Russians need to take us in one piece, and that's why they're here. That's why they won't use nukes anymore; and we won't either, not on our own soil. The whole damn thing's pretty conventional now. Who knows? Maybe next week will be swords.
Darryl Bates: What started it?
Col. Andy Tanner: I don't know. Two toughest kids on the block, I guess. Sooner or later, they're gonna fight.
Jed Eckert: That simple, is it?
Col. Andy Tanner: Or maybe somebody just forget what it was like.
Jed Eckert: ...Well, who *is* on our side?
Col. Andy Tanner: Six hundred million screaming Chinamen.
Darryl Bates: Last I heard, there were a billion screaming Chinamen.
Col. Andy Tanner: There *were*.
[he throws whiskey on the fire; it ignites violently, suggesting a nuclear explosion]

7/19/2010, 03:27 PM
That's the sequel, "Rio Grande Dawn"

Rosa Amanecer?

7/19/2010, 04:06 PM
No body puts baby in the corner like a 20mm shell from a Russian Hind-D helicopter! :D

7/19/2010, 06:56 PM
First, I want to say that I love Red Dawn. It is probably one of my all time favorite movies. It's just 110 minutes of pure bad assness. Now the re-make is suppose to come out this November and I'm actually excited to see it. From what I've heard they went balls deep with this which is a good thing. Now everybody has different taste and if the movie isn't for you fine. However, I hate nut sucking Obama zombies who demonize this movie and anybody who likes it and hope for its destruction.

Also, what even really pisses me off is now they're all for the boycott of the remake because it "hurts the feelings of poor innocent China" and it's "the most unnecessary, irresponsible, Sinophobic film in America’s history, and that's saying a lot (http://www.theawl.com/2010/05/real-america-red-dawn-remade-china-is-coming-for-our-children)" according to some.

Look, I know you're upset that your mother went into labor in that traffic jam on the way to the abortion clinic and she has told you since the day you could walk and to express your anger you hate America and your wet dream is of America becoming a communist state. I get it. You suck as a human and the only joy you get is to ruin other's pleasures. This is why you became a liberal.

Don't **** with my movies though and SHUT THE **** UP when it comes to **** you know nothing about. You scream about Red Dawn being a propaganda film because the Soviets are the enemies and lose. Yes, the Commies do get their butts kicked in the new film. So I guess conservatives do have something to look forward to. (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/the_big_picture/2010/06/is-a-hollywood-liberal-conspiracy-keeping-red-dawn-away-from-theaters-/comments/page/2/#comments) No **** Sherlock!? The original was made during the Cold War what do you expect!? You think a movie with Americans getting their asses handed to them by the Reds would bring in the money? I highly doubt it! For the new film, what's wrong with kicking communist ***? Oh that's right, you secretly love them and hate to see them lose. *** hats like you probably spit on Vietnam soldiers when they came back calling them baby killers and telling the wives of dead soldiers, "They got what they deserved." Why not go to China and Google "Tiananmen Square" when you get the chance? Why not protest the government? When you do let me know how that "re-education camp" worked out for you.

As for propaganda, it's not. Want a real propaganda movie? Why don't you watch Casablanca, which was made to get America into WW2, or anything by Micheal Moore?

Before we begin hearing about the “hurtfeelingsoftheChinesepeople,” I would point out that this film also hurts the feelings of some American people who know we can do better than this. (http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/evanosnos/2010/06/red-dawn-again.html)

Better how? Have you seen the **** Hollywood has been putting out? Of course your type probably masturbates with carbon credits rammed up your *** to the re-make of The Day the Earth Stood Still. Those movies suck and the messages are weak. What did the original Red Dawn teach us that guns are awesome, America is better than Russia, and Cubans have pussies for soldiers? Sounds like a good message to me. What the **** is your problem with it?

Look, I know Red Dawn is too "pro America" in your eyes and you hate patriotism. However, some of us do and want to see the movie. If you don't want to, that's fine, watch whatever you want to you have the freedom of choice, for now. Don't try to keep me from watching it though. Not only does it make you a cervix with legs but other people might associate other Americans, like me, with you. I don't want to be associated with a cervix with legs so please be quiet and let the rest of us enjoy our movies and we'll gladly let you enjoy yours.

Ranting. UR doing it right.