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7/6/2010, 08:41 PM
We had to take our 3yr old son Jason in to get checked out.He split his head open when he crashed into our brick fireplace,while screwing around on our slick wood floor in the living room.I have warned Jason and his older brother Ryan 6 ,not to run,slide,spin or otherwise screw around on the wood flloor because this could happen.They got the message now but things will be back to normal as soon as the shock value fades.

In any case I am relieved to say Jason is OK,although he did get EIGHT stitches.Good news is he didn't suffer LOC,his Cat- scan came back OK,neuroexam was normal.We are to watch him for signs of concussion for 24 hours but the DR. thinks it is very unlikely. Thanks for allowing me to vent.

7/6/2010, 08:44 PM
glad everyone is okay

head injuries are always scary

and they bleed. a lot.

7/6/2010, 08:45 PM
Dayum Kids
Glad it seems like he be ok .
Got to love the little turds, But they can scare ya to death:cool:

7/6/2010, 08:45 PM
I say lock him in the shed for a few days. You know just to be on the safe side.

Glad hes ok

7/6/2010, 09:00 PM
Glad he's ok!

Leroy Lizard
7/6/2010, 09:09 PM
We had to take our 3yr old son Jason in to get checked out.He split his head open when he crashed into our brick fireplace,while screwing around on our slick wood floor in the living room.I have warned Jason and his older brother Ryan 6 ,not to run,slide,spin or otherwise screw around on the wood flloor because this could happen.They got the message now but things will be back to normal as soon as the shock value fades.

Times have changed. My dad would have simply said "Told ya' to be careful!" and that would have been the end of it.

7/7/2010, 02:42 AM
I had to get stitches about 5 times as a kid, im sure my parents loved my recklesness

Glad he is ok

7/7/2010, 03:15 AM
Glad to hear he is okay. at age 4, a wood floor with a throw rug threw me. Split my eyebrow open for five stitches. The skin layed down over my eyelid and Dad thought I had gouged out my eye when he saw it.

Glad your kiddo is okay. He should be fine, I mean - look how I turned out.:eek:

7/7/2010, 05:21 AM
i've only had had stitches twice. both thumbs about 8 years apart

went about half way through both times

7/7/2010, 07:16 AM
Glad to hear he's okay. Too many kids bust their heads on fireplaces.

Frozen Sooner
7/7/2010, 07:32 AM
Glad he's OK, stoopified.

7/7/2010, 07:37 AM
Thank goodness he's ok. Babies r us sells some stick on bumpers that conceal the edges. May or may not work for you kind of fireplace.

7/7/2010, 07:44 AM
Thank goodness he's ok. Babies r us sells some stick on bumpers that conceal the edges. May or may not work for you kind of fireplace.

Or, you could put down some fresh varnish and right before it dries, sprinkle on a generous helping of sand. No more slippy floors. ;-)

Seriously, glad the little guy is ok. Our youngest had an unfortunate forehead-fireplace interaction when he was 3 or so. Scary stuff.

7/7/2010, 08:05 AM
Thank goodness he's ok. Babies r us sells some stick on bumpers that conceal the edges. May or may not work for you kind of fireplace.

Glad he's okay too. BTW, I just installed these bumpers on my brick fireplace on Monday. It hasn't been tested out yet but it seems like it will work fine and doesn't look bad at all.

7/7/2010, 08:53 AM
I can relate....when I was about there age, I, not once but twice, cracked the back of my head on the old column radiators that were in the really old house I grew up in.

I was sitting in a kids size director-style chair and tipped back to far, lost my balance and whack....instand red hair.

Nothing a few stiches didn't fix.

7/7/2010, 08:57 AM
C'mon guys, bumpers on the fireplace? Whatever happened to a good whoopin' when the kids don't do what they're told? Besides, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger (or hopefully smarter). I've let every one of my kids touch the hot stove (or the hot fireplace insert) after I told them no a million times. A burned pinky teaches a lesson a thousand "nos" could never do.

Glad the kid is OK though. I spent many a day/night in the ER getting my dome sewed up, and many more hauling my kids to get theirs tailored as well. Raising kids ain't easy...

7/7/2010, 09:02 AM
Glad he's ok. It's a miracle so many of us survive that stuff. I'm a member of the split my head open being a dummy when I was three club.

7/7/2010, 09:14 AM
Probably the worst time for me was when I took one of the boys in (he was maybe 2?) to get his head sewn up. They put him in this little papoose looking thing where they laced his arms down to his sides so he couldn't move while they sewed him up. Being claustrophobic myself, I couldn't hardly watch. He didn't give a **** about the head wound, all he wanted was out of that trap. Sheer panic/terror, eyes rolled back in the head and the whole deal. Still creeps me out.

7/7/2010, 10:19 AM
Probably the worst time for me was when I took one of the boys in (he was maybe 2?) to get his head sewn up. They put him in this little papoose looking thing where they laced his arms down to his sides so he couldn't move while they sewed him up. Being claustrophobic myself, I couldn't hardly watch. He didn't give a **** about the head wound, all he wanted was out of that trap. Sheer panic/terror, eyes rolled back in the head and the whole deal. Still creeps me out.
Damn...poor kid prolly thought he was being tortured. I get freaked out if I can't move my arms.
I guess it must be some time around 6 month to 1yr when they go from enjoying constriction to wanting free movement.

I Am Right
7/7/2010, 02:14 PM
We had to take our 3yr old son Jason in to get checked out.He split his head open when he crashed into our brick fireplace,while screwing around on our slick wood floor in the living room.I have warned Jason and his older brother Ryan 6 ,not to run,slide,spin or otherwise screw around on the wood flloor because this could happen.They got the message now but things will be back to normal as soon as the shock value fades.

In any case I am relieved to say Jason is OK,although he did get EIGHT stitches.Good news is he didn't suffer LOC,his Cat- scan came back OK,neuroexam was normal.We are to watch him for signs of concussion for 24 hours but the DR. thinks it is very unlikely. Thanks for allowing me to vent.

Sue the builder, it is the American way!

7/7/2010, 09:45 PM
It is now CRASH+ 30 hours and Jason is A-OK.He has no residual physical or psychological issues .He is already racing around and jumping off the bed just like NOTHING ever happened.The resilience of youth is amazing.

Thanks to all for their kind words and we ARE looking at bumbers.My wife is checking various store sites even as I type this.

7/7/2010, 09:51 PM
Glad he's OK Bro. When my Daughter knocked her front teeth out I realized that she was a hillbilly like me. :D She's 12 now and you can't even tell it happened. Kids are indestructible most times. Claustrophobia is fer wussies. An inhaler is the only cure. :D ;)

7/7/2010, 10:07 PM
We did the bumpers, and it saved a lot of trips to the ER. Not 'cause she wasn't doing what she was told, more just because she was little and not real coordinated. Little kids fall down a lot, and if there is a sharp surface or corner within a mile of the falling down spot, it will reach out and hit your kid on the head. It's science, don't argue.

As for me, I have an allsome eyebrow scar that I got at age 3 when I whacked my noggin on the coffee table about 30 seconds after my mama told me to quit jumping on the couch. Scars are cool!!! But I've also never owned a coffee table,hmmmm...co-inky-dink? I think not.

7/7/2010, 11:22 PM
a glass coffee table was thumb #1 in my above post... who buys those??

7/7/2010, 11:24 PM
^ They are in all kinds of movies, how else do bad guys get thrown thru them?

7/7/2010, 11:38 PM
a glass coffee table was thumb #1 in my above post... who buys those??

I had to get rid of one of those when my daughter was born. I knew better.

7/7/2010, 11:42 PM
i think my mom didn't like me :D

i took one out, my cat took care of the replacement

he came out a lot better than i did though

7/8/2010, 09:14 PM
I designed one once, cherry with a frosted, green glass inset. There was a sheet of 3/4 plywood under the glass and it had 3" x 1 1/2" of cherry bullnose trim around it. No one was going to fall through that table. Now a metal top table that I designed for a conference room, that would be hard on a kids noggin'

Good to see the kiddo is doin well stoop.

7/8/2010, 09:20 PM
It is now CRASH+ 30 hours and Jason is A-OK.He has no residual physical or psychological issues .He is already racing around and jumping off the bed just like NOTHING ever happened.The resilience of youth is amazing.

Thanks to all for their kind words and we ARE looking at bumbers.My wife is checking various store sites even as I type this.

When I was just a little older than him, my cousin dropped a giant jagged seashell right on my head splitting it open. I was at my grandmother's house, but thankfully my dad happened to be nearby at a re-enactment. He sewed me up with 6 stitches in his tent. I like to tell people I once had emergency battlefield care. :D

7/9/2010, 07:39 AM
My oldest son(Ryan 6) tried to get into the ER sweepstakes yesterday evening by jumping off Mom and Dad's bed and crashlanding.I told him he was going to have to do better than that to go to the ER.Now I am nervousely waiting his next move.

7/9/2010, 10:16 AM
My oldest son(Ryan 6) tried to get into the ER sweepstakes yesterday evening by jumping off Mom and Dad's bed and crashlanding.I told him he was going to have to do better than that to go to the ER.Now I am nervousely waiting his next move.

Lmao. You threw down the guantlet.