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Sooner in Tampa
6/15/2010, 06:14 AM
Those stupid sluts from the land of the corn!! All I hear from those doosh canoes is: We were sick of * bullying us around :rolleyes:

Guess what bugeaters...YOU HAVE SUCKED the last 8 yrs, that why you got bullied, you weren't bringing anything to the table...no t.v's, no championships...NOTHING! You struggled in the sorry *** North Division...yes you gave a valiant effort in the CCG, but SO WHAT you still lost! I guess the writing was on the wall about the inferiority complex the kids of the corn had developed when Peterson fired Solich in '03..."and would not surrender the Big XII to Oklahoma and *"

Heres another hot flash for ya...you will now be theoSu's bitch...They call the shots in the Big 10 + 2. You just changed pimps...that's it!

You can continue to think that you will recruit well in Texas...but you won't. You will still get some stray cats and dogs...but for the most part, your pipeline will dry up. How many kids are REALLY gonna want to play in Wisc, Minn, or Illinois in the dead of winter? They are not going to say..."Oh, I will go play for a school where I will NEVER play in my own region...let alone my own state." Good luck with that selling point. But hey, you have the Ohio messiah...Big Bad Bo. Now that you are in the Big 10 + 2, Big Bad Bo is going to roll into Ohio and scoop up all the kids that would have went to theoSu if the bugeaters hadn't joined the conferece :rolleyes:

The bugeaters threw away a TON of history in order to run the Big 10 + 2...I, for one, hope they rot away in the God forsaken rust belt.

6/15/2010, 07:13 AM
They really f'd up when they hired that F'nut Callahan......

Sooner in Tampa
6/15/2010, 07:19 AM
I just read this on Yahoo Sports...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I am feeling better about this deal all the time!!

"This round of expansion hasn’t yielded a major financial windfall for anyone but Texas and Oklahoma. The Big Ten isn't appreciably richer with Nebraska on board and the Pac-10 may wind up poorer with CU and Utah."

6/15/2010, 07:31 AM
I just read this on Yahoo Sports...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I am feeling better about this deal all the time!!

"This round of expansion hasn’t yielded a major financial windfall for anyone but Texas and Oklahoma. The Big Ten isn't appreciably richer with Nebraska on board and the Pac-10 may wind up poorer with CU and Utah."

That is true, that SC/Utah game would be fun to be in town just for laughs....just imagine the mormons in sunny big fake titted coke snorting Los Angeles with all the extra wives in tow.:D

We need a new version of Randy Newmans "I Love LA" for when that day comes.:)

6/15/2010, 07:32 AM
Bug eating ba$ters won't even be able to find Happy Valley.

King Barry's Back
6/15/2010, 07:48 AM
Pac Whatever is going after Utah? Jilted by TX and Oklahoma, and you go after freaking Utah?

That's definitely a come down.

I here Missouri is looking for a conference, and it doesn't have to be the Big 10.

6/15/2010, 08:29 AM
Those stupid sluts from the land of the corn!! All I hear from those doosh canoes is: We were sick of * bullying us around :rolleyes:

Guess what bugeaters...YOU HAVE SUCKED the last 8 yrs, that why you got bullied, you weren't bringing anything to the table...no t.v's, no championships...NOTHING! You struggled in the sorry *** North Division...yes you gave a valiant effort in the CCG, but SO WHAT you still lost! I guess the writing was on the wall about the inferiority complex the kids of the corn had developed when Peterson fired Solich in '03..."and would not surrender the Big XII to Oklahoma and *"

Heres another hot flash for ya...you will now be theoSu's bitch...They call the shots in the Big 10 + 2. You just changed pimps...that's it!

You can continue to think that you will recruit well in Texas...but you won't. You will still get some stray cats and dogs...but for the most part, your pipeline will dry up. How many kids are REALLY gonna want to play in Wisc, Minn, or Illinois in the dead of winter? They are not going to say..."Oh, I will go play for a school where I will NEVER play in my own region...let alone my own state." Good luck with that selling point. But hey, you have the Ohio messiah...Big Bad Bo. Now that you are in the Big 10 + 2, Big Bad Bo is going to roll into Ohio and scoop up all the kids that would have went to theoSu if the bugeaters hadn't joined the conferece :rolleyes:

The bugeaters threw away a TON of history in order to run the Big 10 + 2...I, for one, hope they rot away in the God forsaken rust belt.

Really? Seriously? Keep telling yourself that.

Nebraska left because they've seen the writing on the wall for years. Texas is the reason the SWC folded and Texas is the reason the Big 12 is the laughing stock of college football right now. Texas is the one who demanded there be a CCG. Texas is the one who demanded the CCG be played in Jerry's World each year. Texas is the one who demanded the Big 12 HQ be moved. Texas is the one who looked at moving conferences MONTHS ago but when told they wouldn't get their way, they took their ball and went home to pout. Texas is the one who put the conference in jeopardy and now they're viewed as "saviors"? B.u.l.l.s.h.i.t

The Big 12 has been and will continue to be full of uncertainty. Unless the Big 12 selects a Commisioner with brass cajones to stand up to Texas, the Big 12 will continue to struggle while the remaining conferences look on with eagerness hoping for any chance to pounce.

OU gets approximately $20 mil a year after the new tv contract is hammered out (maybe...at least that's what Texas is telling everyone) and Nebraska keeps it's self-respect and dignity. I think that's a pretty good deal for Nebraska.

We didn't throw away history. The Big 8 threw away history by allowing Texas to join the conference. From that point forward, IMO, Texas was not going to allow the OU/NU rivalry to continue and be forced to play second fiddle in the RRR. Your boys in power conceded. Does it suck walking away from that tradition and history? Absolutely. Does it suck not having to bow down to UT everytime them bastards throw a Texas size temper tantrum? Hell no!

OU would serve itself well by separating itself from the Big 12/Longhorn Conference. But until then, and despite your best efforts at trying to convince yourself otherwise, OU (and the other remaining schools) will still be Texas' bitch.

6/15/2010, 09:00 AM
When did this become a Big10/11/whatever board???

6/15/2010, 09:03 AM
When did this become a Big10/11/whatever board???

When our conference dwindled to 10/11 teams ;)

(see, it had 11 teams for awhile, because Nebraska left first)

Bourbon St Sooner
6/15/2010, 09:07 AM
And you'll be tOSU's bitch. Enjoy your new rivalry with Iowa. That will be a big ratings grabber.

6/15/2010, 09:13 AM
Here's what I don't understand...where was this deal 2 months ago? Dr. Tom said that in their last meeting he wanted 2 things, more money and a long term guaranty that Texas would not leave the conference. Texas would not negotiate for more money and would only guaranty another 4 years. If the Big 12 fell apart in 4 years, where would that leave Nebraska. The only conferences that really fit Nebraska is the Big 10 or the Big 12. In 4 years would there be an offer from the Big 10 for Nebraska? I think Nebraska had to look out for themselves and who could blame them. I understand that everyone thinks Nebraska messed everything up, but looking at their options it seems it was the only choice they could make at the time. Now Texas wants to negotiate. Like I said, where was this deal 2 month ago?

6/15/2010, 09:19 AM
So Dr. Tom just trashed generations of tradition and respect for what exactly??

Oh yeah, only a little more money (maybe) and to play third or 4th fiddle to Meatchicken and tOSU, and eventually ND. ( just wait, you think * was hard to deal with? HAHAHAHA)

Hope it is all worth it.

So enjoy your new rust belt friends.

Sooner in Tampa
6/15/2010, 09:19 AM
Really? Seriously? Keep telling yourself that.

Nebraska left because they've seen the writing on the wall for years. Texas is the reason the SWC folded and Texas is the reason the Big 12 is the laughing stock of college football right now. Texas is the one who demanded there be a CCG. Texas is the one who demanded the CCG be played in Jerry's World each year. Texas is the one who demanded the Big 12 HQ be moved. Texas is the one who looked at moving conferences MONTHS ago but when told they wouldn't get their way, they took their ball and went home to pout. Texas is the one who put the conference in jeopardy and now they're viewed as "saviors"? B.u.l.l.s.h.i.t

OU gets approximately $20 mil a year after the new tv contract is hammered out (maybe...at least that's what Texas is telling everyone) and Nebraska keeps it's self-respect and dignity. I think that's a pretty good deal for Nebraska.

I guess you missed all this:

For the Longhorns and Sooners, there was little doubt that the best place in terms of actual football was the Big 12. There was never a reason to leave.

They already dominate, both in terms of on-field victories and in controlling the talent-rich local recruiting turf. The two schools have combined to reach five of the last seven BCS title games. It was almost impossible for the Pac-16 to offer greener grass than that

Life is potentially even better now for Texas and Oklahoma.

UT and OU can keep on winning and keep on cashing checks.

This round of expansion hasn’t yielded a major financial windfall for anyone but Texas and Oklahoma. The Big Ten isn't appreciably richer with Nebraska on board and the Pac-10 may wind up poorer with CU and Utah.

So run along now baby boy...theoSu is calling...they need their shoes shined!!

6/15/2010, 09:22 AM
To Husker fans on here - I grew up in Ohio and still have family back there who live and breath Ohio State to the point it is obnoxious especially one Uncle. If you think that Ohio State doesn't run the Big 10, then think again and when they are not pulling strings Michigan is doing the pulling. Why does OSU have a favorable schedule every year? Ask yourself that -- it is aimed to get them the conference championship.

You think Texas was bad -- you haven't seen anything yet. Their refs are not any better and play favorites as well. Then Michigan will rear its ugly head along with Michigan State and the rest of the conference are step children who once in a while will win but not often. That's where the power is in the Big 10 and will remain.

Word in Columbus is that for three years Nebraska will get a payout of what they were paid by the Big 12. That was some deal -- not! You all exchanged one set of problems for another plus a lot farther to travel all because you had your noses out of joint.

The funniest joke of all was Nebraska saying Education when you were the only school to vote against increased requirements for athletes.

Have fun in the Big 10 -- you had to blame everyone else for you splitting the Big 12 -- we appreciate your millions you will be handing to the Big 12 for getting in a snit against Texas. We also appreciate the millions more Oklahoma is going to be receiving from TV revenue over your snit.

6/15/2010, 09:23 AM

Way to rationalize things. By the way...Mack Brown called....he's needing you guys to lick his *** clean

6/15/2010, 09:25 AM
I am not disagreeing with you concerning the value of the Big 12. However, without a long term guaranty from Texas to stay in the conference, where would this leave Nebraska in the future. Would there be an offer from the Big 10 then? It appeared that if Texas chose to leave, so would Texas A&M, OU, Tech & OSU. Where would that leave Nebraska? Stop hating for just one moment and look at it from their view point. I am still asking the question...where was this deal 2 months ago?

6/15/2010, 09:28 AM
I lived in Omaha for twelve years (left Norman the year OU went on probation and left just after Nebraska ended their 10 years of dominance, it was hell on earth) and am somewhat of a Nebraska fan.
There are two reasons Nebraska left in my mind:
1 - better $$ and no UT
2 - instantly relevant
Make no mistake, NU will be good in the Big X. They would have remained second fiddle in the Big XII for the forseeable future and that's got nothing to do with $$. Nebraska is loaded and the fans will have their children go without food so the football team can get new helmets.
Get ready to win again Nebraska, and get ready for some booooring *** football games, and get ready to get your asses handed to you in the Rose Bowl.

Sooner in Tampa
6/15/2010, 09:28 AM

Way to rationalize things. By the way...Mack Brown called....he's needing you guys to lick his *** clean
Really...you corn huggin faggot...you have 4 posts, so you just brought your sorry *** here for THAT??

Beat it asswipe

6/15/2010, 09:28 AM
By the way...Michigan, tOSU, Pennstate and Iowa just called....they are needing you guys to lick their *** clean


6/15/2010, 09:31 AM
There's a few on here that don't rationalize what's going on, ss. They just have a grudge against NU for some reason. Whatever.

Time will tell how this all works out, but I like how NU is sitting at the moment.

6/15/2010, 09:32 AM
Those stupid sluts from the land of the corn!! All I hear from those doosh canoes is: We were sick of * bullying us around :rolleyes:

Guess what bugeaters...YOU HAVE SUCKED the last 8 yrs, that why you got bullied, you weren't bringing anything to the table...no t.v's, no championships...NOTHING! You struggled in the sorry *** North Division...yes you gave a valiant effort in the CCG, but SO WHAT you still lost! I guess the writing was on the wall about the inferiority complex the kids of the corn had developed when Peterson fired Solich in '03..."and would not surrender the Big XII to Oklahoma and *"

Heres another hot flash for ya...you will now be theoSu's bitch...They call the shots in the Big 10 + 2. You just changed pimps...that's it!

You can continue to think that you will recruit well in Texas...but you won't. You will still get some stray cats and dogs...but for the most part, your pipeline will dry up. How many kids are REALLY gonna want to play in Wisc, Minn, or Illinois in the dead of winter? They are not going to say..."Oh, I will go play for a school where I will NEVER play in my own region...let alone my own state." Good luck with that selling point. But hey, you have the Ohio messiah...Big Bad Bo. Now that you are in the Big 10 + 2, Big Bad Bo is going to roll into Ohio and scoop up all the kids that would have went to theoSu if the bugeaters hadn't joined the conferece :rolleyes:

The bugeaters threw away a TON of history in order to run the Big 10 + 2...I, for one, hope they rot away in the God forsaken rust belt.

I thought it was cold in Cornville in the winter?

6/15/2010, 09:40 AM
There's a few on here that don't rationalize what's going on, ss. They just have a grudge against NU for some reason. Whatever.

Time will tell how this all works out, but I like how NU is sitting at the moment.

I guess you are right JP. I live in Oklahoma and my husband is a Sooner fan and I actually like the fact that I can now be a Sooner fan along with him.

6/15/2010, 09:40 AM

Way to rationalize things. By the way...Mack Brown called....he's needing you guys to lick his *** clean
To put it simply, NU could not compete against Texas so you left? Wow!
But you want to play against Michigan/OSU/Iowa/etc...do you think the talent level just drops off because you went to another conference???

Ask Arkansas how that worked out.:rolleyes:

6/15/2010, 09:45 AM
I guess you are right JP. I live in Oklahoma and my husband is a Sooner fan and I actually like the fact that I can now be a Sooner fan along with him.

It's just crazy the vitriol that some are spewing. Well, I guess I'm not that surprised, as a lot of younger fans didn't get to experience the awesome respected rivalry in person.

I agree with you, though. I like the fact that I can cheer for the Sooners when they aren't playing NU.

Sooner in Tampa
6/15/2010, 09:52 AM
It's just crazy the vitriol that some are spewing. Well, I guess I'm not that surprised, as a lot of younger fans didn't get to experience the awesome respected rivalry in person.

I agree with you, though. I like the fact that I can cheer for the Sooners when they aren't playing NU.
Spare me that bull****...I have been a part of the NU vs. OU rivalry for a long damn time...Selmon was a freshman...so I have watched a few games

This whole corn huggers being the best fans is ****...I am not going to go through all the instances, but rest assured, after walking a mile in my shoes...I detest the bugeaters

6/15/2010, 09:59 AM
To put it simply, NU could not compete against Texas so you left? Wow!
But you want to play against Michigan/OSU/Iowa/etc...do you think the talent level just drops off because you went to another conference???

Ask Arkansas how that worked out.:rolleyes:

This had nothing to do with competition. I think Pelini and Staff proved that last year.


This had everything to do with doing what is best for NU. Academically...financially...it was the smartest move NU could have made. Coach Devaney (predecessor to Osborne for the younger generation) lobbied for Nebraska to be in the Big 10.

6/15/2010, 10:00 AM
Spare me that bull****...I have been a part of the NU vs. OU rivalry for a long damn time...Selmon was a freshman...so I have watched a few games

This whole corn huggers being the best fans is ****...I am not going to go through all the instances, but rest assured, after walking a mile in my shoes...I detest the bugeaters

I'm not trying to change your feelings, just like I don't try to change Husker fan that hates OU because "Switzer was a cheater & recruited a bunch of thugs like Charles T.". Which I think is retarded to bring up because it's nothing more than fan posturing, which I see in this thread.

Dude, both sides have fans that hate each other, but I appreciate the fact that our rivalry was hammered out on the field year in & year out, but at the end of the day we could sit back & throw beers down together with respect.

To each their own, bro, but I'm just saying I'll always cheer for OU and miss the rivalry for what it was.

stoops the eternal pimp
6/15/2010, 10:00 AM
What does what conference you play football in have to do with academics? I'll take this question off the air..

6/15/2010, 10:04 AM
Spare me that bull****...I have been a part of the NU vs. OU rivalry for a long damn time...Selmon was a freshman...so I have watched a few games

This whole corn huggers being the best fans is ****...I am not going to go through all the instances, but rest assured, after walking a mile in my shoes...I detest the bugeaters

That's a ridiculous generalization of Husker Fans. You would like me and I'm a Husker Fan.

Sooner in Tampa
6/15/2010, 10:05 AM
That's a ridiculous generalization of Husker Fans. You would like me and I'm a Husker Fan.
:D pssst...My mom is a Husker Fan

6/15/2010, 10:05 AM
What does what conference you play football in have to do with academics? I'll take this question off the air..

The Big Ten puts a lot of effort into collaborative research efforts. This helps the academic standing of your university. Nebraska spends a lot more on research than they do on athletics. Nebraska is also building a large new research park that will benefit from access to the Big Ten/CIC dollars. This will provide more jobs and other assorted community benefits.

6/15/2010, 10:10 AM
:D pssst...My mom is a Husker Fan

See, you don't detest all bugeaters!!

Sooner in Tampa
6/15/2010, 10:12 AM
See, you don't detest all bugeaters!!
I never said ALL :P

6/15/2010, 10:36 AM
This had nothing to do with competition. I think Pelini and Staff proved that last year.


This had everything to do with doing what is best for NU. Academically...financially...it was the smartest move NU could have made. Coach Devaney (predecessor to Osborne for the younger generation) lobbied for Nebraska to be in the Big 10.
Pellini should have never let that game get to the point that resetting the clock put his team at a disadvantage.

If this was the smartest move that you could have made, then why didn't you make this move back when the BigXII was formed if you all were so upset about how Texas was doing business?? But you waited until now and point the finger at Texas saying it was their fault? BS, total BS.

When Ohio State decides to **** NU in the *** without the benefit of lube then let us know how rosey things are up there ok?

Sooner in Tampa
6/15/2010, 10:40 AM
When Ohio State decides to **** NU in the *** without the benefit of lube then let us know how rosey things are up there ok?
HA...**** that...don't let us know...we won't care!!

6/15/2010, 10:44 AM
Pellini should have never let that game get to the point that resetting the clock put his team at a disadvantage.

If this was the smartest move that you could have made, then why didn't you make this move back when the BigXII was formed if you all were so upset about how Texas was doing business?? But you waited until now and point the finger at Texas saying it was their fault? BS, total BS.

When Ohio State decides to **** NU in the *** without the benefit of lube then let us know how rosey things are up there ok?

Absolutely agree with the clock issue. It sucks the way it turned out but if our offense had any pulse that night, there's no doubt in my mind we would have won.

Why didn't we leave earlier? The offer was never really there. The idea was...but the offer was never really there. Until now.

But keep thinking things are rosey in the Big 12? When that new tv deal is signed, sealed and delivered, let us know how it turns out for ya. Until then, watch your backs because UT will stab you and the other teams, in the back quicker than Boise St can pull off the Statue of Liberty play.

Position Limit
6/15/2010, 10:50 AM
gotta agree with the huskers on this one. they left with dignity intact. and did what was best for them. they've seen the writing on the wall for years. they held a small but decent hand and played it. and it will pay off big time. business is business and nebraska knows it. boren and castiglione had a great hand and tons of leverage and pissed it away to texas. all for a few million more. what a shame. good god this is embarrassing. best of luck to you huskers.

6/15/2010, 11:00 AM
HA...**** that...don't let us know...we won't care!!

6/15/2010, 11:04 AM
gotta agree with the huskers on this one. they left with dignity intact. and did what was best for them. they've seen the writing on the wall for years. they held a small but decent hand and played it. and it will pay off big time. business is business and nebraska knows it. boren and castiglione had a great hand and tons of leverage and pissed it away to texas. all for a few million more. what a shame. good god this is embarrassing. best of luck to you huskers.

laughable. boren, castiglione, and stoops did what they though was best for OU.

6/15/2010, 11:05 AM
in the back quicker than Boise St can pull off the Statue of Liberty play.

Yeah, like NU could have done any better with that years squad on the field.:rolleyes:

Personally this is a case of the devil you know(Texas) vs the devil you don't know(OSU)and in this case I would side with Texas, see you in a bowl game sometime.

6/15/2010, 11:10 AM
Yeah, like NU could have done any better with that years squad on the field.:rolleyes:

Personally this is a case of the devil you know(Texas) vs the devil you don't know(OSU)and in this case I would side with Texas, see you in a bowl game sometime.

Don't know what you're talking about. I have forever blocked from my memory, anything having to do with Husker football and Callahan. I'm just glad NU is finally done with his ***-clownery

6/15/2010, 11:14 AM
gotta agree with the huskers on this one. they left with dignity intact. and did what was best for them. they've seen the writing on the wall for years. they held a small but decent hand and played it. and it will pay off big time. business is business and nebraska knows it. boren and castiglione had a great hand and tons of leverage and pissed it away to texas. all for a few million more. what a shame. good god this is embarrassing. best of luck to you huskers.

Best of luck to the Sooners, too. :)

6/15/2010, 11:16 AM
Don't know what you're talking about. I have forever blocked from my memory, anything having to do with Husker football and Callahan. I'm just glad NU is finally done with his ***-clownery
I was referring to your shot at OU in the game against Boise, NU would have been lucky just to get close enough to have scored a field goal against that Bronco team..as much as I hate it. To this day, I hate that ****ing schoolyard play. That and the flea flicker.

I just looked, Callahan works for the Jets. Heh, one more reason to dislike that team.

6/15/2010, 11:25 AM
I was referring to your shot at OU in the game against Boise, NU would have been lucky just to get close enough to have scored a field goal against that Bronco team..as much as I hate it. To this day, I hate that ****ing schoolyard play. That and the flea flicker.

I just looked, Callahan works for the Jets. Heh, one more reason to dislike that team.

I understood what you were referring to and you're absolutely correct. We were a bunch of incompetent buffoons during Callahan's tenure incapable of poking ourselves in our own eyes. That's why I've blocked those years from my memory. :P

And you're correct about Callahan being with the Jets. I guess he's the O-Line coach. Last I heard also, Cosgrove (former D-Co) is coaching High School football.

Bottom line for me is this. OU deserves much more than what is being offered right now from UT/Big 12 but your AD and Prez sold your soul to UT and the Big 12. A lot of teams are already banking on the "proposed" tv revenue before the deal has even been completely worked out. Mark my words, UT is working behind the scenes to secure a more lucrative deal for themselves. And it's unfortunate the original Big 8 teams didn't stand by NU. Maybe if that had happened, this conference wouldn't be in the predicament it's in now.

6/15/2010, 11:54 AM
Nebraska will come out of this better than any of the rest of us other than maybe Texas.

You can scream about them all you want, but they did something about Texas' bullying and they are in a much better situation for them now.

We are in a dying/dead conference with a stronger well fed bully, with TV money numbers that are imaginary as of currently, and with those numbers being strictly temporary.

Yeah, we showed those huskers!

6/15/2010, 12:04 PM
Nebraska will come out of this better than any of the rest of us other than maybe Texas.

You can scream about them all you want, but they did something about Texas' bullying and they are in a much better situation for them now.

We are in a dying/dead conference with a stronger well fed bully, with TV money numbers that are imaginary as of currently, and with those numbers being strictly temporary.

Yeah, we showed those huskers!

The step down in competition will siginificantly help their win/loss record. Though, like the rest of the Big 10, will routinely get roped on the national scene.

Position Limit
6/15/2010, 12:07 PM
Nebraska will come out of this better than any of the rest of us other than maybe Texas.

You can scream about them all you want, but they did something about Texas' bullying and they are in a much better situation for them now.

We are in a dying/dead conference with a stronger well fed bully, with TV money numbers that are imaginary as of currently, and with those numbers being strictly temporary.

Yeah, we showed those huskers!

very well written. if ou bolted out of this stupid confrence where would that leave texas? i'll play a game of cards with boren or castiglione anytime. well played huskers. very well played.

6/15/2010, 12:14 PM
very well written. if ou bolted out of this stupid confrence where would that leave texas? i'll play a game of cards with boren or castiglione anytime. well played huskers. very well played.
you leave because you are losing. not because you are dominating. why change your recipe for success?

6/15/2010, 12:22 PM
So much for our fanbase being classy. We probably still are, except for some of the pukes on this message board. One who is intelligent would figure that if they believed Nebraska to be as irrelevant and jerky as they claim it is, they would be perfectly happy with them leaving the conference.

6/15/2010, 12:25 PM
Here's my take on the whole thing.

A) This had nothing to do with strength of conference, win/loss record, etc. So lets forget about that idea

B) Texas wanted/needed Nebraska to either tow the party line or leave. And since Nebraska would never tow the party (read: Texas) line, they chose to leave. The whole expansion talk was nothing more than a ploy by Texas to force Nebraska's hand. They (Texas) just never thought Nebraska would follow thru and call UT's bluff.

C) Having Colorado also leave is a bonus. What else can they offer besides a stadium full of ****-filled balloons? Having them out of the Conference now opens the door to eliminating the CCG which Mack Brown has stated he was not in favor of.

What Texas wants, Texas gets

6/15/2010, 12:27 PM
Here's my take on the whole thing.

Having them out of the Conference now opens the door to eliminating the CCG which Mack Brown has stated he was not in favor of.

Of course he doesn't favor it. It would require him to play a real game.

6/15/2010, 12:27 PM
Here's my take on the whole thing.

A) This had nothing to do with strength of conference, win/loss record, etc. So lets forget about that idea

i firmly believe it does. i think if nebraska's football program was at their 1995 pinnacle, in 2010, none of this would be happening.

B) Texas wanted/needed Nebraska to either tow the party line or leave. And since Nebraska would never tow the party (read: Texas) line, they chose to leave. The whole expansion talk was nothing more than a ploy by Texas to force Nebraska's hand. They (Texas) just never thought Nebraska would follow thru and call UT's bluff.
actually i dont think Texas cared one way or another what Nebraska would do. OU did, I'm sure.

C) Having Colorado also leave is a bonus. What else can they offer besides a stadium full of ****-filled balloons? Having them out of the Conference now opens the door to eliminating the CCG which Mack Brown has stated he was not in favor of.
agree. i also like the idea of a 10-team round-robin conference. though hate to see another old rival leave.

Sooner in Tampa
6/15/2010, 12:40 PM
they would be perfectly happy with them leaving the conference.

Now that we get a $20M deal...I AM glad the bugeaters are gone!!!

Good Riddance!!!

Position Limit
6/15/2010, 12:46 PM
as much as i disagreed with a confrence champ game it was one of the few things that has made this confrence somewhat respectable the last several years. and had greatly benefited ou. face it, college football is very much about hype, especially the media variety. money talks and wins and loses walk. nebraska's future looks much brighter than than ou's right now. especially from a fans perpective.

6/15/2010, 12:46 PM
Why does anyone give a crap about Nebraska leaving? I don't want to hear any crap about 'tradition'. The OU-Nebraska game has never been the same since the Big XII was formed.

6/15/2010, 12:48 PM
as much as i disagreed with a confrence champ game it was one of the few things that has made this confrence somewhat respectable the last several years. and had greatly benefited ou. face it, college football is very much about hype, especially the media variety. money talks and wins and loses walk. nebraska's future looks much brighter than than ou's right now. especially from a fans perpective.

this is a bit, right?

you pullin our legs!

6/15/2010, 12:49 PM
I hope we go to a nine-game conference schedule, with us playing everyone else every season. Less whining when determining a conference champ.

I want to schedule non-conference games with Nebbish and CU after both leave. Immediately. Like, the first year they're out. Grudge matches for the win.

6/15/2010, 12:54 PM
Why does anyone give a crap about Nebraska leaving? I don't want to hear any crap about 'tradition'. The OU-Nebraska game has never been the same since the Big XII was formed.


6/15/2010, 01:11 PM

I want it back. As soon as possible. I hope your fans do too. Think Dr. Ozzy would make it happen? Home and homes year in year out from here to eternity?

6/15/2010, 01:18 PM

Way to rationalize things. By the way...Mack Brown called....he's needing you guys to lick his *** clean

France just called, they want to thank you for being bugger pussies and running away faster then they do.

King Barry's Back
6/15/2010, 01:28 PM
It's just crazy the vitriol that some are spewing. Well, I guess I'm not that surprised, as a lot of younger fans didn't get to experience the awesome respected rivalry in person.

I agree with you, though. I like the fact that I can cheer for the Sooners when they aren't playing NU.

fwiw, I still resent TX for ending the storied tradition of the Oklahoma-Nebraska rivalry.

I am terribly disappointed that we will no longer play the Huskers, basically, ever.

Good luck with the Big Dogs of the Big Ten. hope that all works out for you.

BUT, let's face it, playing each other every other year at mid-season wasn't the same, and there was no way it was ever coming back.

So, hope you have fun if/when you get to Pasadena.

Hopefully we'll be playing a week later.

6/15/2010, 01:29 PM
I want it back. As soon as possible. I hope your fans do too. Think Dr. Ozzy would make it happen? Home and homes year in year out from here to eternity?

I'm going to guess it won't happen for a while. While the fans will want it the ADs won't.

I would guess we get Kansas back on our schedule pretty quick and maybe K-State or ISU after that.

6/15/2010, 01:31 PM
You know... Husker fans and Sooner fans alike once loathed Bill Callahan, but who would have known that the genius that hired him could see into the future back in 2003?

"I refuse to let the program gravitate into mediocrity. We won't surrender the Big 12 to Oklahoma and Texas."

Wow, so your program not only gravitated into mediocrity, but you also just surrendered the Big 12 to Oklahoma and Texas.

As they say in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, SO LONG AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH! :P

6/15/2010, 01:40 PM
You know... Husker fans and Sooner fans alike once loathed Bill Callahan, but who would have known that the genius that hired him could see into the future back in 2003?

Wow, so your program not only gravitated into mediocrity, but you also just surrendered the Big 12 to Oklahoma and Texas.

As they say in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, SO LONG AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH! :P

Touche' :D :D

6/15/2010, 01:42 PM
I want it back. As soon as possible. I hope your fans do too. Think Dr. Ozzy would make it happen? Home and homes year in year out from here to eternity?

From a fan point of view, I would love to see an annual OOC game each year. Absolutely love it. As good as the RRS is, it pales in comparison to annual NU/OU games of the Big 8 days. I think Oz would be all for it as well but I don't get to make the decisions.

6/15/2010, 06:01 PM
You know... Husker fans and Sooner fans alike once loathed Bill Callahan, but who would have known that the genius that hired him could see into the future back in 2003?

Wow, so your program not only gravitated into mediocrity, but you also just surrendered the Big 12 to Oklahoma and Texas.

As they say in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, SO LONG AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH! :P

That was Pederhan saying that. He was not a Husker!;)

6/15/2010, 06:06 PM
Hmmm. Whatever.
I still like Nebraska. I hope they win the Big Howevermany early and often

6/15/2010, 06:53 PM
I here Missouri is looking for a conference, and it doesn't have to be the Big 10.

Mountain Oyster Conference

6/15/2010, 07:25 PM
If Neb is as "dominant" as they are now with an actual tx recruiting pipeline and a cakewalk north division then, yeah, they are coming out way better with a new "in" for rustbelt recruiting and possible Div.1 teams in their division. It's hilarious that anybody thinks ou or tx comes out worse than the bugeaters. puff-puff, PASS.:D

6/16/2010, 11:51 AM
You damn Huskers need to go find your own board. Losers.

6/16/2010, 11:57 AM
anybody else consider that we played Nebs and Texas every year for a long, long time....and it didn't seem to hurt our championship chances (we won six under that format).
I wouldn't be opposed to scheduling Nebs annually. Home and home or at a neutral site. It'd be earlier in the season, but it'd still be a battle.

and Nebraska would have the chance to see how their team would stack up against Div 1 competition in the post season. Something they are unlikely to see in the fatslowwhite10-11-12 conference.

6/16/2010, 12:08 PM

Way to rationalize things. By the way...Mack Brown called....he's needing you guys to lick his *** clean

Bob just put a call into Mack to shine up OUr SIX BIG 12 Championship trophies, BTW.

sooner n houston
6/16/2010, 12:29 PM
I for one hate that we, OU, are now seen as UT's lap dog. The way we have been a yes man to them in the past few days is disgusting. I wish we had had the option of following NU to the Big 10. UT will eventually throw this confrence overboard, and if it suit them, us with it. How you people suddenly love and or trust UT is beyond my comprehension!

6/16/2010, 12:47 PM

6/16/2010, 12:50 PM
Much of the current perception is the work of the national sporting press. They are made up of modestly talented men (and a couple of equally mundane women) who must produce copy for their daily bread. That they produce 99% dreck and 1 % scores or photographs is, therefore, not surprising.
If Bob et co performs in October, hopefully in a stylish, 65-13 type manner, the talk will all be about how Texas got a tiger by the tail and hoo-boy aren't they sorry now.
Don't sweat it in the meantime. The only people whose opinions we should care about are other sooner fans.

6/16/2010, 12:53 PM
Much of the current perception is the work of the national sporting press. They are made up of modestly talented men (and a couple of equally mundane women) who must produce copy for their daily bread. That they produce 99% dreck and 1 % scores or photographs is, therefore, not surprising.
If Bob et co performs in October, hopefully in a stylish, 65-13 type manner, the talk will all be about how Texas got a tiger by the tail and hoo-boy aren't they sorry now.
Don't sweat it in the meantime. The only people whose opinions we should care about are other sooner fans.


6/16/2010, 12:54 PM
Oh, yeah...


6/16/2010, 01:48 PM
The only people whose opinions we should care about are other sooner fans.

Please identify yourselves as Sooner fans so that I am not confused. All the mentions of other conferences and rivals repeatedly during the past few weeks have me confused as to who is who anymore.

And for the record, I am badger, and I am a Sooner fan. :)

6/16/2010, 02:04 PM
Really? Seriously? Keep telling yourself that.

Nebraska left because they've seen the writing on the wall for years. Texas is the reason the SWC folded and Texas is the reason the Big 12 is the laughing stock of college football right now. Texas is the one who demanded there be a CCG. Texas is the one who demanded the CCG be played in Jerry's World each year. Texas is the one who demanded the Big 12 HQ be moved. Texas is the one who looked at moving conferences MONTHS ago but when told they wouldn't get their way, they took their ball and went home to pout. Texas is the one who put the conference in jeopardy and now they're viewed as "saviors"? B.u.l.l.s.h.i.t

The Big 12 has been and will continue to be full of uncertainty. Unless the Big 12 selects a Commisioner with brass cajones to stand up to Texas, the Big 12 will continue to struggle while the remaining conferences look on with eagerness hoping for any chance to pounce.

OU gets approximately $20 mil a year after the new tv contract is hammered out (maybe...at least that's what Texas is telling everyone) and Nebraska keeps it's self-respect and dignity. I think that's a pretty good deal for Nebraska.

We didn't throw away history. The Big 8 threw away history by allowing Texas to join the conference. From that point forward, IMO, Texas was not going to allow the OU/NU rivalry to continue and be forced to play second fiddle in the RRR. Your boys in power conceded. Does it suck walking away from that tradition and history? Absolutely. Does it suck not having to bow down to UT everytime them bastards throw a Texas size temper tantrum? Hell no!

OU would serve itself well by separating itself from the Big 12/Longhorn Conference. But until then, and despite your best efforts at trying to convince yourself otherwise, OU (and the other remaining schools) will still be Texas' bitch.

You can't be serious! "laughing stock of college football", really? In its 15 years, the Big12 has played for 8 national titles, won 3, and has had 4 Heisman winners. Face it, you NU fans have had a bad taste in your mouths ever since that horrible Mackovic coached horn team beat Osborns powerhouse in that first Big12 title game. Nebraska went into the toilet after Osborn bailed and NU has been relegated to the status of insignificance ever since...and they don't like it. Maybe the powers that be in Lincoln thought the Big10 looked good because Michigan is down and you figure Joe pa has to retire or die soon. Fact is, NU will be middle of the pack and will watch Ohio State, PSU, and Michigan make all the decisions.
By the way, here's the REAL definition of Laughing Stock: A team who get's spanked on their home field by Iowa State.
On second thought, I guess you can't blame the Big10 for wanting to roll out another doormat.

Herr Scholz
6/16/2010, 02:18 PM
huskers, OU and UT are partners. The Sooners are nobody's lapdog. We'll keep this conference going until it suits us to go somewhere else.

A few things about the big bad bully Texas running you off:

neb was the only school to vote against a raise in academic requirements
neb was the only school to vote against a Big XII title game
neb was the only school to vote against the Big XII offices moving to Dallas
neb was the only school to vote against Jerry World.

Where's the disdain towards the other 10 members who voted against you time and again? Perhaps you girls who were the ones who couldn't play nice with others and took your ball home when you didn't get your way.

And neb has ALWAYS voted against equal revenue sharing in this conference because it suited you, because you made more money than anyone else not named UT and OU. The huskers made a good move to a quality conference, no doubt, but the spin and excuses of why are simply ridiculous.

6/16/2010, 02:21 PM
I have read just about every Big10 board (or team board) I can find, and I haven't seen ONE Big10 fan claim that Ohio State runs the show. Not one.

OU bent over and took it from the rear from Bevo. It's sad to see a great program like OU feel the need to be anyone's bitch.

Herr Scholz
6/16/2010, 02:24 PM
OU did no such thing. They made a good business decision that benefitted them just like Texas. And we were working together. To believe otherwise is simply uninformed.

6/16/2010, 02:27 PM
OU did no such thing. They made a good business decision that benefitted them just like Texas. And we were working together. To believe otherwise is simply uninformed.

And suddenly you have all the information, right? You better fight hard, because the national perception is that the conference is Texas and its 9 whores.

From a PSU fan:

Thank you, Longhorns!

Thank you for declining any overtures by the BigTen to join its conference. Thank you for deciding that joining the BigTen wasn’t in your best interests. Because it wasn’t until recently that I, a fan of Penn State and the BigTen, realized that your joining probably wasn’t in OUR best interests. You’ve got a great intercollegiate athletics program, that’s for sure. And your academics are certainly on par with the best public colleges in the country. You enjoy a large in-state population and a large and devoted fan base. Many conferences would line up to sign up the Longhorns. The Pac10 did and was willing to also take your unremarkable in-state siblings to secure your allegiance. The BigTen considered a lesser conference schedule for you to facilitate retaining your traditional rivalry games. You certainly are the belle of the ball. But as is often the case, the belle of the ball - - the pretty girl who has the world at her feet - - is also a conniving, self-centered, high-maintenance female dog.

These are not the words of a jilted courter of your affections. These are the words of someone who has come to understand the meaning of the word conference. An organization of EQUALS with common interests and whose decisions are guided to benefitting the value of the conference brand over the individual member brand. Conference members work together and share equally that which is produced by the group. To you, a conference is merely a recurring set of athletics opponents that can be exploited to serve your interests over that of the collective group. Your interest in preserving the BigXII was hardly a heroic or magnanimous gesture to save those less prestigious programs that would suddenly find themselves without a home. No, your interests in saving the conference were to leverage your marquee value to grab an even larger slice of the conference revenue pie.

You are King of the BigXII conference and you sit in a higher, padded chair at the head of a long conference table while your subjects sit on foot stools at the far end. The BigTen conference table is a round table, with neither a head nor foot and all chairs are of equal height and comfort. You would have found it uncomfortable at our table even as you elbowed for more space or a better view. And we would have found your company unbearable once we saw past your fair looks. A sincere “thank you” is owed to you and a word of caution is offered. Don’t be surprised if one day, your subjects storm the castle with torches and barbeque spits - - as slaughtered Longhorn would make a fine feast.

6/16/2010, 02:29 PM
I am badger, and I am a Sooner fan. :)

I am deweydw, and I am a Sooner fan.

6/16/2010, 02:29 PM
I think I've seen more homosexuality in this thread than anywhere on the site.

Nice job.

Herr Scholz
6/16/2010, 02:33 PM
And suddenly you have all the information, right? You better fight hard, because the national perception is that the conference is Texas and its 9 whores.
It's actually like 2 leaders and 8 others.

But please let me know what the other insiders in Happy Valley think. That means a helluva lot. UT and OU have run this conference together since its inception.

6/16/2010, 02:35 PM
huskers, OU and UT are partners. The Sooners are nobody's lapdog. We'll keep this conference going until it suits us to go somewhere else.

A few things about the big bad bully Texas running you off:

neb was the only school to vote against a raise in academic requirements
neb was the only school to vote against a Big XII title game
neb was the only school to vote against the Big XII offices moving to Dallas
neb was the only school to vote against Jerry World.

Where's the disdain towards the other 10 members who voted against you time and again? Perhaps you girls who were the ones who couldn't play nice with others and took your ball home when you didn't get your way.

And neb has ALWAYS voted against equal revenue sharing in this conference because it suited you, because you made more money than anyone else not named UT and OU. The huskers made a good move to a quality conference, no doubt, but the spin and excuses of why are simply ridiculous.

totally agree

6/16/2010, 02:35 PM
If Herr Sholz from the OU message board is an insider, then my apologies. But I have a lot doubt on that issue.

For now, the national perception is that Texas Whorned the remaining members of the Big12.

6/16/2010, 02:36 PM
If Herr Sholz from the OU message board is an insider, then my apologies. But I have a lot doubt on that issue.

For now, the national perception is that Texas Whorned the remaining members of the Big12.

18 months ago, the national perception was that Barack Obama would be an awesome president. How's that working so far?

6/16/2010, 02:38 PM
If Herr Sholz from the OU message board is an insider, then my apologies. But I have a lot doubt on that issue.

For now, the national perception is that Texas Whorned the remaining members of the Big12.
The national perception is that most of the 10 teams remaing are "winners". ISU, KU, ISU, and MU because they still have a conference and will double their revenue. And OU, UT, and A&M because they will make a ridiculous amount of money, and still play their longtime geographical rivals.

Herr Scholz
6/16/2010, 02:40 PM
If Herr Sholz from the OU message board is an insider, then my apologies. But I have a lot doubt on that issue.

For now, the national perception is that Texas Whorned the remaining members of the Big12.

I'm a Longhorn fan who lives in Austin. I know the relationship that our ADs have had since this conference formed in '96 and it's always been a good and equal business partnership between OU and UT.

6/16/2010, 02:55 PM
Except the whole fence thing. Yall was straight bitches about that right there. :D

6/16/2010, 02:55 PM
I have read just about every Big10 board (or team board) I can find, and I haven't seen ONE Big10 fan claim that Ohio State runs the show. Not one. Horse****, every Buckeye fan i've encountered considers them to be the ONLY team that runs the conference.

OU bent over and took it from the rear from Bevo. It's sad to see a great program like OU feel the need to be anyone's bitch.

Bitch? Get used to that role, you are the Baylor of the Big10 now.

6/16/2010, 02:59 PM
Here is one for all the Nebraska haters out there.


6/16/2010, 03:00 PM
Bitch? Get used to that role, you are the Baylor of the Big10 now.

lol, Nebraska will win the big 12 this year, yet somehow become the Baylor of the Big10?


6/16/2010, 03:00 PM
Bitch? Get used to that role, you are the Baylor of the Big10 now.

With Bo Pelini? Nice try.

6/16/2010, 03:02 PM
With Bo Pelini? Nice try.


6/16/2010, 03:02 PM
It's actually like 2 leaders and 8 others.

But please let me know what the other insiders in Happy Valley think. That means a helluva lot. UT and OU have run this conference together since its inception.
True, the only more delusional members of the Big10 are those freaks who worship that old man.


It will be comical though when he retires(if he ever does)and that team struggles to find a coach to please the masses.:D

6/16/2010, 03:05 PM
It will be comical though when he retires(if he ever does)and that team struggles to find a coach to please the masses.:D

I myself will miss the "Rawr, brains!" zombie JoePa memes on the innerwebz

6/16/2010, 03:06 PM
With Bo Pelini? Nice try.
Um, Pellini ain't JoePa/Tressel, not even close. Damn good assistant but I don't believe he will ever be a great coach.

When his tour of the corn is over, I hear Les Miles still needs someone to clean the ****ters in Death Valley though.

6/16/2010, 03:06 PM
Nebraska hasn't won a conference championship since the 20th century.

Doubt that changes any time soon.

6/16/2010, 03:07 PM
I myself will miss the "Rawr, brains!" zombie JoePa memes on the innerwebzHell, we can fark a skeleton and use that for laughs, no?

"I shoulda used more FIBER!!!!"

6/16/2010, 03:07 PM
Um, Pellini ain't JoePa/Tressel, not even close. Damn good assistant but I don't believe he will ever be a great coach.

When his tour of the corn is over, I hear Les Miles still needs someone to clean the ****ters in Death Valley though.
LOL no, when Nebraska runs the table and makes the BCS championship this year, it will become apparent he is by far the best coach in the Big 12. Also, learn how to spell his name right you ignorant hick.

6/16/2010, 03:08 PM
LOL no, when Nebraska runs the table and makes the BCS championship this year, it will become apparent he is by far the best coach in the Big 12. Also, learn how to spell his name right you ignorant hick.

so you're saying you're going to clear that Iowa St. hurdle this year?

6/16/2010, 03:11 PM
so you're saying you're going to clear that Iowa St. hurdle this year?

We actually have an offense this year, and lest we forget we were a "made up last second rule" away from winning the Big XII last year.

Clearly, Pelini could never match big choke stoops. I mean Bob is 4 and 10 in his last 14 "big games", thats what legans are truly made of.






6/16/2010, 03:11 PM

Mr. Suh graduated. Nebs big shot was 2009.

6/16/2010, 03:12 PM
Um, Pellini ain't JoePa/Tressel, not even close. Damn good assistant but I don't believe he will ever be a great coach.

Um, no one said he can be compared to JoePa or Tressel. I was responding to the idiotic statement that Nebraska will be the Baylor of the Big10. I certainly don't ever remember any coach from Baylor holding OU to 3 points.

6/16/2010, 03:14 PM

Mr. Suh graduated. Nebs big shot was 2009.

Mr. Suh was no doubt a great, great player, as was Gerald McCoy. Just as I'm sure OU has a talented DT to help fill the gap, so does Nebraska.

Jared Crick...and also, B. Steinkuhler may find a way to join the discussion.

6/16/2010, 03:16 PM
We actually have an offense this year, and lest we forget we were a "made up last second rule" away from winning the Big XII last year.

Clearly, Pelini could never match big choke stoops. I mean Bob is 4 and 10 in his last 14 "big games", thats what legans are truly made of.


Uhhhh, sure you wanna go there?

Maybe you were born in 1993, but I can talk about Dr. Tom's track record if you wish. lol

6/16/2010, 03:16 PM
We actually have an offense this year, and lest we forget we were a "made up last second rule" away from winning the Big XII last year.

Clearly, Pelini could never match big choke stoops. I mean Bob is 4 and 10 in his last 14 "big games", thats what legans are truly made of.

You have an offense this year? Awesome that you know that here in mid-June.

You lost the Big XII title game fair and square -- stop whining.

As for Bob, his 6 conference titles, winning record vs. Texas and Nebraska, 2 Heismans, and 1 NC speak for itself.

All Bo has is a home loss to Iowa St. and a chewing gum addiction.

Again, you've won as many trophies in this century as Baylor.

6/16/2010, 03:17 PM
LOL no, when Nebraska runs the table and makes the BCS championship this year, it will become apparent he is by far the best coach in the Big 12. Also, learn how to spell his name right you ignorant hick.

Name calling, did I hurt your cornfed feelings? Best coach? You had your chance but time ran out.:D

6/16/2010, 03:17 PM

Mr. Suh graduated. Nebs big shot was 2009.

Ha, no.

Overall Nebraska is stronger in 2010 then 2009....







6/16/2010, 03:18 PM
Uhhhh, sure you wanna go there?

Maybe you were born in 1993, but I can talk about Dr. Tom's track record if you wish. lol

3 National Titles > 1 National Title








6/16/2010, 03:18 PM
You have an offense this year? Awesome that you know that here in mid-June.

Yeah, crazy to predict next year, but it's definitely not absurd of the OU fan claiming Nebraska will be the Baylor of the Big10.

6/16/2010, 03:18 PM
We actually have an offense this year, and lest we forget we were a "made up last second rule" away from winning the Big XII last year.

Clearly, Pelini could never match big choke stoops. I mean Bob is 4 and 10 in his last 14 "big games", thats what legans are truly made of.


What the **** is a legan you ignorant hick?

6/16/2010, 03:20 PM
You have an offense this year? Awesome that you know that here in mid-June.

You lost the Big XII title game fair and square -- stop whining.

As for Bob, his 6 conference titles, winning record vs. Texas and Nebraska, 2 Heismans, and 1 NC speak for itself.

All Bo has is a home loss to Iowa St. and a chewing gum addiction.

Again, you've won as many trophies in this century as Baylor.
1. Offense is improved, just because its "mid-june" doesn't mean it isn't. But great argument.
2. Not really whinning, just reminding you how close we were last year. Much closer then 7-5 lol
3. Stoops was good for a while, frankly he just doesn't have it any more. Can't win a big game, period.
4. Glad we are judging everything on a scale since OU won their last championship in 2001, when was their last championship prior to that? 94, 95, 97? Oh wait, that was the team of the millennium, the Nebraska Cornhuskers.





6/16/2010, 03:21 PM
3 National Titles > 1 National Title

he didn't win one until his 22ND season.

he lost 7 consecutive bowl game. he was the OG "coach choke".

i know you are only 17, but you should at least be able to read history books by now.

6/16/2010, 03:22 PM
What the **** is a legan you ignorant hick?

Legend, obvious typo. Not to many hicks in NYC last time I checked there, go back to your Indian Casinos and meth lab.




6/16/2010, 03:23 PM
he didn't win one until his 22ND season.

he lost 7 consecutive bowl game. he was the OG "coach choke".

i know you are only 17, but you should at least be able to read history books by now.

3 > 1




6/16/2010, 03:23 PM
3 National Titles > 1 National Title

Osborne lost about 15 straight bowls before he ever won his first NC -- which came after he'd been a HC for over 2 decades.

It was an annual ritual if you don't remember -- get punked by Switzer and then choke away another bowl game.

Work hard in the offseason -- repeat process.

Stoops in Year 11 >>>>>>>> Osborne in Year 20.

*prepares to see the same Harlem image 30 more times because it can't respond*

6/16/2010, 03:24 PM
1. Offense is improved, just because its "mid-june" doesn't mean it isn't. But great argument.
2. Not really whinning, just reminding you how close we were last year. Much closer then 7-5 lol
3. Stoops was good for a while, frankly he just doesn't have it any more. Can't win a big game, period.
4. Glad we are judging everything on a scale since OU won their last championship in 2001, when was their last championship prior to that? 94, 95, 97? Oh wait, that was the team of the millennium, the Nebraska Cornhuskers.





Just how many BigXII championships have the huskers won since it started? I'm waiting.

6/16/2010, 03:24 PM
Osborne no doubt had a period in which he struggled in the bowl games. 7 losses in a row, but NU was the underdog each time, and NU faced a Top4 team in each game.

It takes a lot to reach a bowl game in which you're facing a Top5 ranked team.

So yes, Osborne struggled. But he left the game winning 3 of 4 National Championships...not a bad way to go out.

6/16/2010, 03:24 PM
3 > 1

7 > 5


6/16/2010, 03:25 PM
7 > 5


Oh I am sorry, I forgot Stoops won 7 national championships, which was what the argument was about right?











6/16/2010, 03:26 PM
Osborne no doubt had a period in which he struggled in the bowl games. 7 losses in a row, but NU was the underdog each time, and NU faced a Top4 team in each game.

It takes a lot to reach a bowl game in which you're facing a Top5 ranked team.

So yes, Osborne struggled. But he left the game winning 3 of 4 National Championships...not a bad way to go out.
So Osborne should be commended for getting to bowl games and Stoops shouldn't?

6/16/2010, 03:26 PM
....the team of the millennium, the Nebraska Cornhuskers.

:O 4 U.

Nebraska wasn't even the all-time best team from the Big 8.

Or the Big 12.

And they won't be in the new Rust Belt 12.

Now again, post your pictures because you can't type back.

6/16/2010, 03:27 PM
Oh I am sorry, I forgot Stoops won 7 national championships, which was what the argument was about right?

thru 11 years

1 > 0

and osborne went ANOTHER 11 before winning one.


6/16/2010, 03:27 PM
Osborne lost about 15 straight bowls before he ever won his first NC -- which came after he'd been a HC for over 2 decades.

It was an annual ritual if you don't remember -- get punked by Switzer and then choke away another bowl game.

Work hard in the offseason -- repeat process.

Stoops in Year 11 >>>>>>>> Osborne in Year 20.

*prepares to see the same Harlem image 30 more times because it can't respond*
Osborne > Stoops
Pelini > Stoops
Stoops > Mack Brown

end of story





6/16/2010, 03:28 PM
Osborne no doubt had a period in which he struggled in the bowl games. 7 losses in a row, but NU was the underdog each time, and NU faced a Top4 team in each game.

It takes a lot to reach a bowl game in which you're facing a Top5 ranked team.

So yes, Osborne struggled. But he left the game winning 3 of 4 National Championships...not a bad way to go out.

well said.

6/16/2010, 03:28 PM
thru 11 years

1 > 0

and osborne went ANOTHER 11 before winning one.

Call me when Stoops gets three, and three out of four years champ ;)



6/16/2010, 03:28 PM
So Osborne should be commended for getting to bowl games and Stoops shouldn't?
Logic, it escapes thru fields of corn.:D

6/16/2010, 03:28 PM
dude, are you focking retarded?

why are you posting these pictures?

6/16/2010, 03:29 PM
I just saw another wire story on how Michigan's and the rest of the north's economy (read: employment) is worse than any other place in the country.

Not sure that a few years from now the Big Ten will look like a greener pasture

6/16/2010, 03:30 PM
I think we may be biting into some toll nip.

No one can be this stupid.

6/16/2010, 03:31 PM
I just saw another wire story on how Michigan's and the rest of the north's economy (read: employment) is worse than any other place in the country.

Not sure that a few years from now the Big Ten will look like a greener pasture
Wow, do you understand the basic economics of college football?

6/16/2010, 03:31 PM
Osborne > Stoops
Pelini > Stoops In your dreams
Stoops > Mack Brown

end of story


I'm still waiting on your answer as to how many BigXII championships NU has won? Or are you planning on posting another stupid picture?

6/16/2010, 03:31 PM
dude, are you focking retarded?

why are you posting these pictures?


6/16/2010, 03:33 PM
I'm still waiting on your answer as to how many BigXII championships NU has won? Or are you planning on posting another stupid picture?

We will see who wins more in 2010, only thing that really matters at this point.

Or you sooner fans can continue to cling to your past empty big XII championships. 2001 was nice, I agree, but the rest of em? Utter failures.


6/16/2010, 03:33 PM

**Thank God Switzer retired or I'd never be invited back here**

6/16/2010, 03:34 PM
**Thank God Switzer retired or I'd never be invited back here**

It by retired you mean forced out?

You'd still be wrong. Nobody could ever stop Tommie Fraizer and that team.


6/16/2010, 03:35 PM
We will see who wins more in 2010, only thing that really matters at this point.

Just watch out for Iowa State, girl.

6/16/2010, 03:36 PM
So Osborne should be commended for getting to bowl games and Stoops shouldn't?

Not my belief at all. I think Stoops is a great coach who has had a recent struggle in some big games. He also had a history of winning big games, so I don't see it as a big deal.

I think the direction of this thread was set by the first post, calling Nebraska "sluts" and "bitches." It's only gotten worse from there.

6/16/2010, 03:36 PM
You'd still be wrong. Nobody could ever stop Tommie Fraizer and that team.

You all said the same thing about Taylor.

Osborne: 5-12 vs. Switzer -- zero NCs as long as Barry roamed the sidelines in Norman.

time for you to find another picture

6/16/2010, 03:37 PM
We will see who wins more in 2010, only thing that really matters at this point.

Or you sooner fans can continue to cling to your past empty big XII championships. 2001 was nice, I agree, but the rest of em? Utter failures.

So, this means you have won....jack ****?

6/16/2010, 03:37 PM
Nobody could ever stop Tommie Fraizer.

Well, except a blood clot and 3rd grade arithmetic.

6/16/2010, 03:37 PM
The pictures really are annoying. One would be enough.

6/16/2010, 03:38 PM
Well, except a blood clot and 3rd grade arithmetic.

I wouldn't go there...

6/16/2010, 03:40 PM
You all said the same thing about Taylor.

Osborne: 5-12 vs. Switzer -- zero NCs as long as Barry roamed the sidelines in Norman.

time for you to find another picture

Osborne also led Nebraksa to 0 major NCAA infractions, nor was he kicked out of college football.

6/16/2010, 03:41 PM
Pictures of mentally disabled should be disallowed. It has been said numerous times that the man with face paint and the OU shirt is mentally disabled. Have some decency. You can trash a rival school without resorting to this type of behavior.

6/16/2010, 03:42 PM
Nebraska's 21st Century Trophy Case

http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/3186/50811oa1wws.jpg (http://img267.imageshack.us/i/50811oa1wws.jpg/)

6/16/2010, 03:43 PM
Pictures of mentally disabled should be disallowed. It has been said numerous times that the man with face paint and the OU shirt is mentally disabled. Have some decency. You can trash a rival school without resorting to this type of behavior.

I've seen that picture many times, but I never heard the male was mentally disabled. I think you're assuming that it's widely known, when perhaps it isn't.

Posting it while knowing of his condition is out of line, continuing to post it is out of line, and posting 5 pics in a row is just plain stupid.

6/16/2010, 03:43 PM
Osborne also led Nebraksa to 0 major NCAA infractions, nor was he kicked out of college football.

Good thing winning with women batterers isn't an NCAA infraction.

5-12 vs. Switzer -- with zero NCs

6/16/2010, 03:43 PM
This whole thing will be humourous in december, when Nebs has won the North and then gets hammered within an inch of its life by little old OU.

Now, go find some more photos, put some oooooo-kewl tag line on them and copy them fourteen times in your reply. it won't matter to me....cause you're on 'ignore'.

Bu-bye, and thanks for playin'...

6/16/2010, 03:44 PM
Nebraska's 21st Century Trophy Case

http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/3186/50811oa1wws.jpg (http://img267.imageshack.us/i/50811oa1wws.jpg/)

And that's also how many times Nebraska football has been banned from postseason play...

6/16/2010, 03:45 PM
This whole thing will be humourous in december, when Nebs has won the North and then gets hammered within an inch of its life by little old OU.

But to be fair, OU also thought the Sooners would hammer Nebraska in 2009.

Only thing that came of that was excuse after excuse.

6/16/2010, 03:46 PM
Good thing winning with women batterers isn't an NCAA infraction.

No doubt Nebraska has had players get in trouble with the law, as has Oklahoma. Still, Nebraska does not have the history of cheating that OU has. I really was suprised when OU didn't elect to move to the SEC.

6/16/2010, 03:51 PM
No doubt Nebraska has had players get in trouble with the law, as has Oklahoma. Still, Nebraska does not have the history of cheating that OU has. I really was suprised when OU didn't elect to move to the SEC.

Nebraska doesn't have a Nebraska St. or a Nebraska A&M in their state to turn them in all the time either.

You just took illiterate mouth breathers and girl friend beaters and whipped the same other six patsies as we did -- but then you played us and generally wound up spending most of your New Years Days watching us play on TV in Miami.

Enjoy those beautiful Rust Belt winters.

6/16/2010, 03:52 PM
But to be fair, OU also thought the Sooners would hammer Nebraska in 2009.

Only thing that came of that was excuse after excuse.

What planet were you on before that game? We all thought we were screwed since it was a road game.

6/16/2010, 03:56 PM
Nebraska doesn't have a Nebraska St. or a Nebraska A&M in their state to turn them in all the time either.

Enjoy those beautiful Rust Belt winters.

So your excuse for OU getting busted cheating all the time is because Okie State keeps turning you in?

Also, I wouldn't talk about women beaters when OU has one on its current roster.

6/16/2010, 04:00 PM
So you're excuse for OU getting busted cheating all the time is because Okie State keeps turning you in?

Also, I wouldn't talk about women beaters when OU has one on its current roster.

Octavian is so mad.

6/16/2010, 04:01 PM
We have won 2 more national championships then Oklahoma in the past 20 years.


Arguing with a bunch of inbred meth addicted baptist hicks is getting tiring as I have schooled you all over and over again in this thread. I'm going to go have sex with the cast of Gossip Girl.
Enjoy your floods, tornadoes and lives that are truly going nowhere.

http://telepromptedanthems.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/u-mad1.jpgMETH? I clearly ask you how many BIGXII championships that NU has won, YOU START NAME CALLING, YOU LOSE CALLAHAN!

Throw up another picture dip****, it won't change the fact that you have 0, that is 0, once more since you are impaired to some degree...0 conference titles!

Time to call Callahan back wouldn't you say?:D


6/16/2010, 04:03 PM
What planet were you on before that game? We all thought we were screwed since it was a road game.

I was on planet soonerfans.com reading the prediction thread:

I counted at least 45 OU fans picking OU to win, I didn't see any OU fan pick Nebraska to win.

6/16/2010, 04:04 PM
METH? I clearly ask you how many BIGXII championships that NU has won, YOU START NAME CALLING, YOU LOSE CALLAHAN!

Throw up another picture dip****, it won't change the fact that you have 0, that is 0, once more since you are impaired to some degree...0 conference titles!

Why doesn't NU get credit for winning the 1999 Big12 title? The 1997 title?

6/16/2010, 04:07 PM
Why doesn't NU get credit for winning the 1999 Big12 title? The 1997 title?
Er, ****, ya got me on that one. I was wrong.

But that puts you in the same class as A&M, does that make you feel better?

6/16/2010, 04:10 PM
Er, ****, ya got me on that one. I was wrong.

But that puts you in the same class as A&M, does that make you feel better?

Why does A&M's one title put them in the same class as Nebraska's 2?

6/16/2010, 04:12 PM
Why does A&M's one title put them in the same class as Nebraska's 2?

Or that one national title we won in big XII era puts us in the same class as Oklahoma's one national title won.

He so mad.

6/16/2010, 04:15 PM
Why does A&M's one title put them in the same class as Nebraska's 2?
****, my bad. 2, wow. Can you hang your hat on that one?

6/16/2010, 04:17 PM
What planet were you on before that game? We all thought we were screwed since it was a road game.

Yeah, who knew that at the beginning of the year we would essentially suit up our 2nd and 3rd teamers to start.

NU sucks and I'm glad they're gone in two years.

6/16/2010, 04:18 PM
****, my bad. 2, wow. Can you hang your hat on that one?

2 isn't as terrible as you'd make it sound, but of course NU expected more. Solich's recruiting and Callahan's everything took the program down a wicked, twisted road.

6/16/2010, 04:20 PM
Yeah, who knew that at the beginning of the year we would essentially suit up our 2nd and 3rd teamers to start.

NU sucks and I'm glad they're gone in two years.

And this is what I was talking about in regards to the excuses.

The week before the NU-OU game, Sooner fans were predicting Oklahoma to win. Most were picking OU to win by 10+.

That's just not Sooner fans, that's Sooner fans on this very board. Then after the loss, the excuses came. "Oh, we're beat up and injured." Well, hell, you knew that going into the game, right?

6/16/2010, 04:25 PM
My crystal ball sees a lock on this thread very soon.

6/16/2010, 04:25 PM
2 isn't as terrible as you'd make it sound, but of course NU expected more. Solich's recruiting and Callahan's everything took the program down a wicked, twisted road.
Firing Solich was stupid in my opinion, not every year was going to be a slam dunk and I liked the guy and he was no Osborne but his replacement was an horrible.
As bad if not worse than Blake.

6/16/2010, 04:27 PM
My crystal ball sees a lock on this thread very soon.


6/16/2010, 04:27 PM
And this is what I was talking about in regards to the excuses.

The week before the NU-OU game, Sooner fans were predicting Oklahoma to win. Most were picking OU to win by 10+.

That's just not Sooner fans, that's Sooner fans on this very board. Then after the loss, the excuses came. "Oh, we're beat up and injured." Well, hell, you knew that going into the game, right?

I picked us to lose against NU by 13 I think. I didn't realize that the NU offense sucked as bad as it did.

If the game is in Norman, OU wins by three touchdowns.

Regardless, a win is a win, congrats.

6/16/2010, 04:31 PM
This whole thing is like a trainwreck that I can't help but watch. The minute I want to put my two cents in and make a comment......I get 5 pics scrolling down the page and more idiotic comments.

Oh and Happy, NU 5 MNC> OU 4MNC in your "golden age". I'll see that and raise you modern era OU 7>NU 5. This thread is hilarious

6/16/2010, 04:33 PM
They fired him because he knocked up a cheerleader and had a drinking problem.
5,000+ posts and you obviously know nothing about college football.

Wow, get outside fatty, there are other things in this world besides your mom's basement.

Let me know when you have something intelligent to say, let's see now, i've been called a hick/racist/fatty. You know what, I don't give a **** either.
I'm fat, not a hick, and i'm damn sure not a racist.

I'm not the one on a Sooner board claiming to be a husker either.

6/16/2010, 04:56 PM
So your excuse for OU getting busted cheating all the time is because Okie State keeps turning you in?

There's a big difference between being in close proximity to a group of rival programs, and all the media and legal counterparts who are entailed with that situation....and being all alone up in a frozen tundra where you're left to your own crooked devices and county-by-county "scholarships" -- with no rival journalist or fanbase to ever check out your "walk-on" programs

huge difference

6/16/2010, 04:58 PM
Octavian is so mad.

heh...why would I or any Sooner be mad? We're not the ones who have to travel around and recruit out of the crumbling Midwest for the rest of our lives.

And we're about to nab all your lunch money on your way out the door. And just in case you're unable to recognize....you're a Husker on a Sooner board. Not the other way around.

6/16/2010, 05:11 PM
This has been a humorous thread to read but all 10 pages (so far) can be summed up as just a couple of bitter husker fans who's team got dominated, run into the ground, embarrassed, and ended up living in the shadows of OU and UT during their stint in the Big12.
Their responses here are simply parting shots as they tuck tail and run scared. Kinda pathetic.

6/16/2010, 05:20 PM
Firing Solich was stupid in my opinion, not every year was going to be a slam dunk and I liked the guy and he was no Osborne but his replacement was an horrible.
As bad if not worse than Blake.

Solich was a good guy, but I don't think he was cut out to be HC for a program like Nebraska. Some guys are just meant to be assistants, and I think he was one of them.

Callahan was a disaster. No ifs, ands or buts about it.

6/16/2010, 05:22 PM
I picked us to lose against NU by 13 I think. I didn't realize that the NU offense sucked as bad as it did.

If the game is in Norman, OU wins by three touchdowns.

Regardless, a win is a win, congrats.

I'd like to know where you purchased that crystal ball of yours.

You were one of the very, very, very few OU fans who picked NU to win.

6/16/2010, 05:25 PM
.you're a Husker on a Sooner board. Not the other way around.

God bless 'em, it's alot like the first day your kids go to school, you have to hold his or her hand, and let them know it's gonna be ok and then show them the door to the classroom.

Here you go boys-


The last one is an intelligent, insightful conversation about the merits of NU being in it's new conference.

Huskers93, the point of the article is not to disrespect any school not named Notre Dame or Texas. Rather it is to point out that this is about the future shape of college athletics (read "the money of college athletics"). While your football team has great history, this matter is actually about the financial marketability of 11 member institutions. An invitation into this select group of universities is based upon adding to the clout of the Big Ten Network. Notre Dame, with its national reach, and Texas, with the massive TV markets across that state are real prizes. In that context, you must see where Lincoln and Omaha simply don't measure up by comparison. If it was just about football, your point has merit. But Big Ten expansion really is about money.


Someone is going to get his feelings hurt reading this.

6/16/2010, 05:32 PM
Solich was a good guy, but I don't think he was cut out to be HC for a program like Nebraska. Some guys are just meant to be assistants, and I think he was one of them.

Callahan was a disaster. No ifs, ands or buts about it.
Rule of thumb for any university, if the coach is no good for Al Davis then he won't be better anywhere else.:D

But on the bright side of things, at least you aren't A&M , they have sucked since RC was fired.

6/16/2010, 05:33 PM
There's a big difference between being in close proximity to a group of rival programs, and all the media and legal counterparts who are entailed with that situation....and being all alone up in a frozen tundra where you're left to your own crooked devices and county-by-county "scholarships" -- with no rival journalist or fanbase to ever check out your "walk-on" programs

huge difference

You are great at making excuses, I'll give you that much.

6/16/2010, 05:34 PM
Rule of thumb for any university, if the coach is no good for Al Davis then he won't be better anywhere else.:D

But on the bright side of things, at least you aren't A&M , they have sucked since RC was fired.

Now A&M firing RC was the dumbest thing they've ever done.

6/16/2010, 05:38 PM
Now A&M firing RC was the dumbest thing they've ever done.
Yep, damn sure was and he had some incredible defenses back in the day, that firing didn't make sense.
I sure miss seeing him coach that team, they were fun to watch....for aggy.

6/16/2010, 05:43 PM
Yep, damn sure was and he had some incredible defenses back in the day, that firing didn't make sense.
I sure miss seeing him coach that team, they were fun to watch....for aggy.

I think that's what A&M is going to have to do, hire a great defensive minded coach. When you think A&M, you think defense and the Wrecking Crew. Now they're all offense, no defense.

6/16/2010, 05:49 PM
Yep, damn sure was and he had some incredible defenses back in the day, that firing didn't make sense.
I sure miss seeing him coach that team, they were fun to watch....for aggy.

:rcmad: getting fired was proof that A&M was all about beating Texas, not Oklahoma or anyone else.

Having winning seasons alone wasn't enough. Aggies gotta beat Texas, or none of those other wins matter. Thus, :rcmad: was fired.

6/16/2010, 05:59 PM
:rcmad: getting fired was proof that A&M was all about beating Texas, not Oklahoma or anyone else.

Having winning seasons alone wasn't enough. Aggies gotta beat Texas, or none of those other wins matter. Thus, :rcmad: was fired.

Problem is that grass ain't always greener on the other side, most often it's dead.

Sooner in Tampa
6/16/2010, 07:39 PM
I have read just about every Big10 board (or team board) I can find, and I haven't seen ONE Big10 fan claim that Ohio State runs the show. Not one.

OU bent over and took it from the rear from Bevo. It's sad to see a great program like OU feel the need to be anyone's bitch.
HOT FLASH FOR YA DICKCHEESE...We don't give a **** about the Big 10...Beat it!!!!

6/16/2010, 07:47 PM
5,000+ posts and you obviously know nothing about college football.
It didn't even take you 200 to prove that.

Sooner in Tampa
6/16/2010, 07:49 PM
They fired him because he knocked up a cheerleader and had a drinking problem.
5,000+ posts and you obviously know nothing about college football.

Wow, get outside fatty, there are other things in this world besides your mom's basement.
You sir are the most ignorant and annoying poster to come across here in a while

Thanks for stopping by...I am sure your stay will be short

Herr Scholz
6/16/2010, 07:52 PM
Why are you huskers still here? Sooners and Longhorns don't need or want you. GTFO and pay us our money, deadbeat little girls.

Sooner in Tampa
6/16/2010, 07:54 PM
Octavian is so mad.

GTFO and pay us our money

6/16/2010, 08:01 PM

Pay the man his money

6/16/2010, 08:03 PM
I don't think it's a for sure thing, in regards to NU and CU having to pay anything. There will be a legal battle, I imagine.

Herr Scholz
6/16/2010, 08:12 PM

Pay the man his money

Teddy KGB. Classic.

And bring your rube lawyers in the Texas court, huskers. I'm sure you'll fare very well. :D You'll just end up owing more. We're like the IRS.

6/16/2010, 08:17 PM
Why are you huskers still here? Sooners and Longhorns don't need or want you. GTFO and pay us our money, deadbeat little girls.

Just an FYI...despite recent happenings, OU still hates Texass. Just about everyone does.

Sooner in Tampa
6/16/2010, 08:30 PM
I don't think it's a for sure thing, in regards to NU and CU having to pay anything. There will be a legal battle, I imagine.
Yeah...good luck with that...you left because of "rumors"


GTFO and pay us our money

6/16/2010, 08:33 PM
Yeah...good luck with that...you left because of "rumors"


GTFO and pay us our money

What money?

Herr Scholz
6/16/2010, 08:37 PM
Just an FYI...despite recent happenings, OU still hates Texass. Just about everyone does.

Yeah, but your whole former conference hates you. None of your BS spin and crying about big bad Texas will change that.

And OU and UT fans have reached a new level of respect for each other after you ran away like a scared, little girl. We're partners in this mess.

Herr Scholz
6/16/2010, 08:38 PM
What money?


Sooner in Tampa
6/16/2010, 08:39 PM
What money?
Multiple outlets have reported that Nebraska and Colorado will be required to pay the league between $6 and $10 million for the privilege of leaving the league.

Pay up quitters!

6/16/2010, 09:09 PM
Multiple outlets have reported that Nebraska and Colorado will be required to pay the league between $6 and $10 million for the privilege of leaving the league.

Pay up quitters!

As noted by Nebraska Chancellor Harvey Perlman this week, there is no existing Big 12 bylaw that states that teams departing from the league must pay out a penalty fee to remaining conference members.

Mr. Nuke
6/16/2010, 09:13 PM
Multiple outlets have reported that Nebraska and Colorado will be required to pay the league between $6 and $10 million for the privilege of leaving the league.

Pay up quitters!
It is a hell of a lot more than that.

6/16/2010, 09:21 PM
And OU and UT fans have reached a new level of respect for each other after you ran away like a scared, little girl.

We are supposed to respect each other now???????:eek: :D


Oh and are we supposed to be singing Kumbaya around a campfire after this?

Herr Scholz
6/16/2010, 09:57 PM
We are supposed to respect each other now???????:eek: :D

We can respect each other as business partners while still hating each other on the field. They're not mutually exclusive.

You ever want to give up the Cotton Bowl weekend in October? How do you think we forced the city of Dallas to make $30M in improvements to that old stadium so we can stay there? That takes a business partnership. We're golden.

Now, let's get back to hating each other.

I will say I respect OU, Boren and Joe C for standing with us on this thing during this mess. That's new.

6/16/2010, 10:02 PM
I thought we always voted with you

Herr Scholz
6/16/2010, 10:11 PM
I thought we always voted with you

You did. We've been a voting block during the entire Big XII but this was different. Everybody had options.

6/17/2010, 12:17 AM
Back again after rubbing one out while watching the Twilight movies?

Herr Scholz
6/17/2010, 12:47 AM
I guess I got punked? Or is it played?

6/17/2010, 01:08 AM
I guess I got punked? Or is it played?
I believe it is trolled in this case.:D

6/17/2010, 09:49 AM
Husker fans are teh ghey.

6/17/2010, 10:22 AM
Husker fans are teh ghey.
This week they are, coming around like Zombies looking for brains....well that would make a great deal of sense now that I think about it.

I believe that standing in the cornfields, as a young man with little in the way of female companionship(that doesn't weigh more than a JD tractor)tends to make the male version of the children of the corn apt to acts of downright sillyness.

Acts of rage knowing that their football sucks,weeks upon weeks of constant masturbation have driven them to a state where the human brain can no longer exist and then the body starts to go, feeding on itself to the point that the Zusker(Zombie-Husker)needs to feed upon a victims brains to survive.

It's quite sad really.:D

6/17/2010, 10:40 AM

I like that. I'll have to use it on a couple of such who I know.

6/17/2010, 10:47 AM
It is a hell of a lot more than that.

Nebraska will forfeit around $8,000,000 this year.

And remember, they are not a full financial partner in the Big 10 next year. They will only receive around $10,000,000 from the Big 10 in 2011.

6/17/2010, 10:55 AM
What money?

Well, you have to pay for your pizza, sir.

6/17/2010, 11:00 AM
So, am I correct in my math:

They get zippo this year (well, they keep their gate), then $10 in '11? So they're more or less down about $8-10 bucks over the next two seasons? then they get the standard B10-11-12 payout? So, we're talking the '13 season before this business move goes 'black' for the. With opportunity costs factored in, they're looking at summer '15 before this move makes financial sense.

6/17/2010, 11:10 AM
Well they do sell those swell Herbie Husker bobbleheads, so they got that going for them. ;)

6/17/2010, 11:11 AM
So, am I correct in my math:

They get zippo this year (well, they keep their gate), then $10 in '11? So they're more or less down about $8-10 bucks over the next two seasons? then they get the standard B10-11-12 payout? So, we're talking the '13 season before this business move goes 'black' for the. With opportunity costs factored in, they're looking at summer '15 before this move makes financial sense.

Latest totals of revenue sharing for the Big XII

1. Oklahoma, $12.2 million
2. Texas, $11.8 million
3. Kansas, $11.5 million
4. Missouri, $10.4 million
5. Texas A&M, $10.2 million
6. Oklahoma State, $10.0 million
7. Colorado, $9.77 million
8. Nebraska, $9.73 million
9. Texas Tech, $9.2 million
10. Baylor, $9.1 million
11. Iowa State, $8.9 million
12. Kansas State, $8.4 million

Nebraska will forfeit 80% of their portion of the revenue sharing from now until July 1, 2011. Then they will receive the same amount they were normally receiving while in the Big XII from the Big 10. And they will continue to receive that amount until a later year that has already been determined but will not be announced.

So assuming that the numbers don't change too much from the 2008 season, Nebraska will forfeit 80% of 10 mil then only get paid $10 mil for at least a couple years. Probably 3 or 4.

Mississippi Sooner
6/17/2010, 11:15 AM

I'm picturing Stewie Griffin beating Brian over the head with a golf club and saying, "where's my money, man?"

6/17/2010, 11:16 AM
Dr. Ozzy couldn't even get his own beloved state of Nebraska to vote him into office. He probably does not know what he got his school into... but time will tell.

I know Nebby fans are nicenicenice, but a bunch of bad years in the Big Ten will change all of that fan support and era of good feelings, much like it made their fans storm out at halftime of Homecoming during Callyburger's last season (and Steve Pederson's last event as AD, lol)

6/17/2010, 11:26 AM
Dr. Ozzy couldn't even get his own beloved state of Nebraska to vote him into office. He probably does not know what he got his school into... but time will tell.

I know Nebby fans are nicenicenice, but a bunch of bad years in the Big Ten will change all of that fan support and era of good feelings, much like it made their fans storm out at halftime of Homecoming during Callyburger's last season (and Steve Pederson's last event as AD, lol)

Be careful tredding there. Our beloved state didnt vote in Bud either. He was like a demi-God here.

Dr. Tom and NU did what was best for them. Personally, and only time will tell if Im right, I think they made the best decision for them. I cant understand anyone wanting to stay in a dead conference over going to a robust one.

I dont see them having too many bad years in the Big X.

6/17/2010, 11:37 AM
Be careful tredding there. Our beloved state didnt vote in Bud either. He was like a demi-God here.

Good point. I'll leave the politics for the South Oval :D

6/17/2010, 03:47 PM
Dr. Ozzy couldn't even get his own beloved state of Nebraska to vote him into office. He probably does not know what he got his school into... but time will tell.

I know Nebby fans are nicenicenice, but a bunch of bad years in the Big Ten will change all of that fan support and era of good feelings, much like it made their fans storm out at halftime of Homecoming during Callyburger's last season (and Steve Pederson's last event as AD, lol)

We were playing OSU and I was at that game. I live out of state and I get to go to maybe 1 or 2 games a year. I was one of those fans who walked out at half time. It was the worst game I have ever watched!! Any high school team could have beat them that day. I never thought I would walk out at a Husker game but I felt as did many others, that the University needed a wake up call. If they did not make a change, that would have happened again and again. I think they got the message.

6/17/2010, 03:53 PM
SS, I might have stayed just to honor the 1997 championship team at halftime and the coach... if the 1985 team and barry switzer showed up at halftime of a game, even if OU was getting slayed, I would probably have to stay.

Then again, we haven't had to endure a lot of embarrassment on-field lately, cept perhaps BCS games, so I won't try to judge you all for walking out. :P

When I saw the end of that game, I got to see you score your first touchdown... I remember the announcers saying that the few remaining fans that held onto their balloons that long sarcastically let them fly after that. Lol.

Dr. Oz after the game apparently said he was worried that after such a result that Coach Callyburger wouldn't let him ever visit for a game again. Then, suddenly, Oz is your interim (and still) athletic director and he's at every football practice. hehe.

6/17/2010, 04:01 PM
I'm going to miss Nebraska. We went up for this past year's game and I had an awesome time, even though we lost (and looked bad doing it). The fans were all really nice, and the town is very pretty, if not flatter than your middle school prom date. :D

Bourbon St Sooner
6/17/2010, 04:05 PM
We actually have an offense this year, and lest we forget we were a "made up last second rule" away from winning the Big XII last year.

Clearly, Pelini could never match big choke stoops. I mean Bob is 4 and 10 in his last 14 "big games", thats what legans are truly made of.


Go away corn aggie. We hear that we're on the rise crap every year from our halloween sporting aggies. You guys last won a conference championship when? Same sh!t. Different year.

Bourbon St Sooner
6/17/2010, 04:22 PM
The biggest reason to hate children of the corn now - they're making us agree with whorns.

Look bugeater, if you have to brag about beating a 7-5 team at home when your only td drive was all of 2 yards, you're aggie. Please go to the rust belt 10 boards corn aggie!

Mississippi Sooner
6/17/2010, 04:26 PM
Funny that the final word on the Bugeaters is going on 12 pages and counting.

6/17/2010, 04:40 PM
I'm going to miss Nebraska. We went up for this past year's game and I had an awesome time, even though we lost (and looked bad doing it). The fans were all really nice, and the town is very pretty, if not flatter than your middle school prom date. :D

I am glad that you enjoyed yourself. I think Nebraska has some really nice fans. I really can't say that I have had problems with any fans except maybe Colorado's. I went to the OU/NU Big 12 Championship game and I did run in to some drunk NU fans that were pretty unruly. They were drunk (younger) and mouthy until OU scored and then they disappeared. Nebraska has some bad fans but I think most schools do.

6/17/2010, 04:55 PM
Methinks Osborn will be sounding like Frank Broyles in about five years. As Frank recently said, "When we left the SWC, we lost our rivaleries". I think he went on to say it was a poor, short sided decision.


6/17/2010, 07:47 PM
Methinks Osborn will be sounding like Frank Broyles in about five years. As Frank recently said, "When we left the SWC, we lost our rivaleries". I think he went on to say it was a poor, short sided decision.


Most of me doesn't want to join in this thread (it has turned quite sour to say the least), but I will respond to this logical post. I understand your opinion. But Osborne was looking far past five years. Yes, it is sad to leave, as he stated. But sadly, and it pains me to say this... The ou/nu rivalry was OVER with the creation of the big 12. We (Nebraska) have no other rivalries. And so it is....

I am born and raised a Husker, and it saddens me to know that our rivalry is completely over. And as a Husker fan, I will root for Oklahoma, minus a game against us. I understand many of you are upset. I can't change that. But...the best to you, and cheers to what once was....magnificent. :-)

6/18/2010, 03:55 PM
I hate to step on the good will, but...way to blow up a bridge on your way out with Osborne's statement.
I feel like Nebraska can go to hell.
Lobby for an OOC game late in the season and I will forgive you.

6/18/2010, 04:06 PM
I personally would have loved Oklahoma to come to the SEC. Would have been some shorter drives for me to see them play...I live in South Carolina. Nonetheless Im happy they didnt go out further west.

6/18/2010, 05:32 PM
For those of you who don't want to read this entire thread I have a brief summary of what was said here.

texass sucks c*cks in hell

Bugeaters suck c*cks in hell.

That about covers it.

6/18/2010, 09:27 PM
I heard Nebraska may try to dodge paying the fee based on the contractual clause they only have to "....If damages are suffered by the conference...."....They may say their leaving the conference turned out to be a benefit because the pot is divided by fewer teams

Help me understand something here. Does the Big 12 stay as is thru 2012 , or what? When do Colo & Neb actually leave? OR is the fine/fee for them leaving before a two year period or somehting like that?

Neb screwed up when they fired Solich. He was a good coach.

6/18/2010, 09:49 PM
I heard Nebraska may try to dodge paying the fee based on the contractual clause they only have to "....If damages are suffered by the conference...."....They may say their leaving the conference turned out to be a benefit because the pot is divided by fewer teams

Help me understand something here. Does the Big 12 stay as is thru 2012 , or what? When do Colo & Neb actually leave? OR is the fine/fee for them leaving before a two year period or somehting like that?

Neb screwed up when they fired Solich. He was a good coach.

Neb is out in 2011. CU in 2012, although I could see us letting them go sooner so we can get on with the round robin 10 team dealio.

Crimson Kid
6/18/2010, 10:05 PM
Of course he doesn't favor it. It would require him to play a real game.

Umm...... didn't stoops say he doesn't favor a CCG?

6/18/2010, 10:16 PM
Umm...... didn't stoops say he doesn't favor a CCG?

Yes he did...which I think is odd. Considering we practically own the Big 12 championship game.

6/19/2010, 07:56 AM
gotta agree with the huskers on this one. they left with dignity intact. and did what was best for them. they've seen the writing on the wall for years. they held a small but decent hand and played it. and it will pay off big time. business is business and nebraska knows it. boren and castiglione had a great hand and tons of leverage and pissed it away to texas. all for a few million more. what a shame. good god this is embarrassing. best of luck to you huskers. Finally, someone not talking smack! I don't see how the Huskers could turn down the Big 10/11 offer, I've heard figures of as high as 300 mil for research. This is a huge move forward for Nebraska. For the young Sooner fans that say the Huskers threw away tradition are just to young to remember Tom and Barry playing golf together. That's were pride is built! I appreciate the fact that this particular poster has a clear view as to what's realy going on in the politics of football and the fact that the Huskers have studied all of it's options and are doing what they believe is best for the University!

I hope the Sooners have success against the Longhorns every year!

Go sooners!:pop:

The Bones are Back
6/19/2010, 09:09 AM
I heard Nebraska may try to dodge paying the fee based on the contractual clause they only have to "....If damages are suffered by the conference...."....They may say their leaving the conference turned out to be a benefit because the pot is divided by fewer teams

Help me understand something here. Does the Big 12 stay as is thru 2012 , or what? When do Colo & Neb actually leave? OR is the fine/fee for them leaving before a two year period or somehting like that?

Neb screwed up when they fired Solich. He was a good coach.OU screwed up when they fired Smellyburger ( National Champion) and Blake (recruited players for your only NC in a couple decades), they were good coaches.

Seriously? Frank was a good coach? He was the reason the Cornhuskers disappeared from being the only Elite member of the Big XII after it was formed. He had Eric Crouch left..........Eric Crouch right........Eric Crouch up the middle for a couple years and then it was bowl trips to Shreveport.

If he were a decent coach he wouldnt be coaching the Mighty Bobcats from Ohio and coaching a decent team somewhere.

The only thing Franky ever did was beat lil Bobby Stoops, but being the king of choke artists makes this a less than mild accomplishment

6/19/2010, 11:02 PM
OU screwed up when they fired Smellyburger ( National Champion) and Blake (recruited players for your only NC in a couple decades), they were good coaches.

Seriously? Frank was a good coach? He was the reason the Cornhuskers disappeared from being the only Elite member of the Big XII after it was formed. He had Eric Crouch left..........Eric Crouch right........Eric Crouch up the middle for a couple years and then it was bowl trips to Shreveport.

If he were a decent coach he wouldnt be coaching the Mighty Bobcats from Ohio and coaching a decent team somewhere.

The only thing Franky ever did was beat lil Bobby Stoops, but being the king of choke artists makes this a less than mild accomplishment

You are a Husker fan? Seriously? Seriously. Sit down and have a talk with just about every college football coach in the country about Solich! Stoops, Osborne, Pelini, Gill...ANYONE!

One would think, after suffering through the Evil Empire of Pederson (excuse me, I just threw up!) and Callahan, that the lesson would have been learned in its entirety. Apparently NOT.

I won't resound to your response, other than to say please have a conversation with any of the above names about the firing of Solich before you get back to me. Geez...

The Bones are Back
6/19/2010, 11:31 PM
You are a Husker fan? Seriously? Seriously. Sit down and have a talk with just about every college football coach in the country about Solich! Stoops, Osborne, Pelini, Gill...ANYONE!

One would think, after suffering through the Evil Empire of Pederson (excuse me, I just threw up!) and Callahan, that the lesson would have been learned in its entirety. Apparently NOT.

I won't resound to your response, other than to say please have a conversation with any of the above names about the firing of Solich before you get back to me. Geez...Have a talk with any coach about Solich? Ok how about Milt Tenopir........know his son for 3 decades and have discussed what every rational person already knew as they watched the Huskers dissolve into getting smoked by anyone ranked, CU 62 points, KState ( repeatedly), PSU...etc etc.

I cant even talk about it because loosing in Shreveport and watching Franky fire a bunch of Husker legend coaches makes me want to throw up not a little, but ALOT.

6/19/2010, 11:51 PM
Have a talk with any coach about Solich? Ok how about Milt Tenopir........know his son for 3 decades and have discussed what every rational person already knew as they watched the Huskers dissolve into getting smoked by anyone ranked, CU 62 points, KState ( repeatedly), PSU...etc etc.

I cant even talk about it because loosing in Shreveport and watching Franky fire a bunch of Husker legend coaches makes me want to throw up not a little, but ALOT.

Go back to the BRB! Milt also supported Callahan, etc., so spare me. Talk to pelini and get back to me. This is utterly ridiculous.

I bet you were upset when Pederson was fired, too. Please. Just stop.

The Bones are Back
6/20/2010, 08:59 AM
Go back to the BRB! Milt also supported Callahan, etc., so spare me. Talk to pelini and get back to me. This is utterly ridiculous.

I bet you were upset when Pederson was fired, too. Please. Just stop.Go back to the be right back? Not sure why Milt wouldnt support Callahan, Milt and his O-Lines WERE Nebraska Football. McBride was Nebraska Football, lets talk to him. We can talk to Turner Gill as well. Whats Pelini going to say about Solich seriously " He hired me!" Maybe he would call him an offensive genius or an amazing recruiter.

Frank was a tough as nails Fullback , Box man for Tom, and an incredible position coach but the second he hired Dave Gillispie and chased Crouch to Omaha it was apparent he had no business coaching the Cornhuskers. Bobcats yes

6/20/2010, 11:10 AM
So Dr. Tom just trashed generations of tradition and respect for what exactly??
Oh yeah, only a little more money (maybe) and to play third or 4th fiddle to Meatchicken and tOSU, and eventually ND. ( just wait, you think * was hard to deal with? HAHAHAHA)

Hope it is all worth it.

So enjoy your new rust belt friends.It was a choice that had to be made: Tom didn't trash generations of Tradition. It was ended! Husker fans will always respect OU and never forget the tradition that was! It may be the same choice you will have to make someday and I wish you all the best! We could meet in an out of conference game but, will texas allow it? Think about it! BTW, OU is a team that I've torn up a lot of hats over when they would lose a game,

6/20/2010, 12:40 PM
Go back to the be right back? Not sure why Milt wouldnt support Callahan, Milt and his O-Lines WERE Nebraska Football. McBride was Nebraska Football, lets talk to him. We can talk to Turner Gill as well. Whats Pelini going to say about Solich seriously " He hired me!" Maybe he would call him an offensive genius or an amazing recruiter.

Frank was a tough as nails Fullback , Box man for Tom, and an incredible position coach but the second he hired Dave Gillispie and chased Crouch to Omaha it was apparent he had no business coaching the Cornhuskers. Bobcats yes

A Pedey and Callahan apologist. Still haven't learned your lesson, I see.

6/20/2010, 12:41 PM
It was a choice that had to be made: Tom didn't trash generations of Tradition. It was ended! Husker fans will always respect OU and never forget the tradition that was! It may be the same choice you will have to make someday and I wish you all the best! We could meet in an out of conference game but, will texas allow it? Think about it! BTW, OU is a team that I've torn up a lot of hats over when they would lose a game,

I know you're not implying Texas has ANY say in our OOC scheduling. WTF are you thinking?

The Bones are Back
6/20/2010, 11:42 PM
A Pedey and Callahan apologist. Still haven't learned your lesson, I see.Pedey ( as you call him) was a major component to our Domination during the 90s....Tom recommened him as our AD for this reason, then again Tom picked Solich so he had a hand in destroying the Huskers once in my opinion, and once in yours. Guess we're even. I have nothing against Callahan but seriously disliked Cosgroves travestry.

Pedersons mistake was in not firing Solich much sooner as we were getting slapped around by everyone with a heartbeat ( ranked, and unranked)