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6/5/2010, 01:48 PM
The Cleveland County hoosegow is currently clothing inmates in yellow striped pants and hot-pink tops. the look is completed with "Jellies" sandals.

Me likey!



6/5/2010, 01:55 PM
This is all well and good until 27 inmates escape in one of those little Shriner cars.

6/5/2010, 01:57 PM
That's two speks in one day for you mister. That's a record for me.

6/5/2010, 01:58 PM
Danke, Herr Homey.

6/5/2010, 02:03 PM
Danke, Herr Homey.

Your welcome.

Serious question. I was reading a book about firemen (yes, I refuse to use the gender-neutral PC term "firefighter," mainly because I don't feel that wimmens have any place on the fireground...but I digress) and was interested to note many fire departments insist on classic leather fire helmets to this day. Here's my question: do you guys in the TFD still wear the classic leather fire helmet?

6/5/2010, 02:09 PM

We had a few that we field tested for awhile, as returning to a leather "new yorker" style helmet was a big deal for a lot of guys. Aside from the traditional look, there's the school of thought that they take wear and tear better than the newer style fiberglass and composite as well as some recent studies coming out as to the ability of treated leather components actually decontaminating more thoroughly than rubber and synthetic materials. The only complaint is that they're like wearing a cinderblock on top of your head. I've worn 'em teaching with OSU and it's insane how much more you can do over the course of the day in a lighter helmet.

So no, we don't use the leather helmets and last I've heard, we don't plan on it any time soon. Good question, though!

6/5/2010, 02:17 PM
The Cleveland County hoosegow is currently clothing inmates in yellow striped pants and hot-pink tops. the look is completed with "Jellies" sandals.

Me likey!



In Payne County they call this Monday.

6/5/2010, 04:20 PM
Those look like a couple of messican landscapers that beat the **** out of their last employer that tried to pay them off in beer.