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6/3/2010, 10:59 AM
So apparently we're going back to Jerryworld for three straight years?
Link (http://www.tulsaworld.com/sportsextra/blogs/blog.aspx?blogid=13#8641)

The basketball bids are Tulsa, Dallas, Oklahoma City, Kansas City, Mo. and perhaps Omaha (???)

The baseball bids are Tulsa, Round Rock, Texas (???), Omaha and Oklahoma City.

Reading this, I think there is absolutely no way that they can shut the north division out of hosting all three... so KC has to get either football or basketball (basketball!) and that leaves football or baseball open for South hosting.

I am not sure on all the football bids, but it almost seems a foregone conclusion that Jerryworld is getting a monopoly on host duties for the next several years (booooo!)

6/3/2010, 11:29 AM
Football should be in the South for two reasons: first, the North doesn't really produce good football teams.Second, if it's held in an open stadium, to do so in the North means playing in a frozen hell.
Basketball is indoors anyway, so let it roam.
Baseball, no one cares and/or are too drunk by the third inning to know where they are....and it's during good weather.

6/3/2010, 11:32 AM
SEC has their championship in Atlanta every year and you don't hear the west teams bitching about it.

The North can go to hell for all I care. They bitch more than they win anything.

6/3/2010, 11:51 AM
JerryWorld pwns KC anyway.

6/3/2010, 11:52 AM
JerryWorld pwns KC anyway.

Out of all the Big 12 title games I've been to, KC was by far my least-favorite, but if I lived in KC, I'd probably feel differently. Houston was fun as was old Jerryworld. I have not been to new Jerryworld, and really have no desire to.

6/3/2010, 12:49 PM
It needs to come back to Houston. 2002 was a fun game when we beat Colorado, I attended. Reliant Stadium is great. I'm sure 2005 was good too, but I was too busy trying to ignore texas and VY to watch that game.

Herr Scholz
6/3/2010, 01:07 PM
I think all the championship games should rotate. Although Jerryworld for football, OKC for baseball and KC for basketball seems to be a good mix. Round Rock has a great facility for baseball (but not the hotels and restaurants that Bricktown offers), American Airlines Arena in Dallas is great for a basketball tourney. Cold weather games for football should be mixed in there as well.

6/3/2010, 01:14 PM
Pansies that don't like cold games should just stay home and drink their appletinis.

6/3/2010, 01:30 PM
I would really love to go to another Big 12 Football but will not go if it's JerralWorld. KC, SA or Houston is fine with me. Hell even the Cotton Bowl would be greatness.:D

6/3/2010, 01:45 PM
Hoops will rotate between KC, OKC, and Dallas IMO
Baseball will stay in OKC
Football will stay south hopefully, playing in KC is retarded

6/3/2010, 01:51 PM
They should just play it in Norman. Since we basically own it anyhow.

6/3/2010, 02:08 PM
^^^^Sound reasoning

Herr Scholz
6/3/2010, 02:11 PM
They should just play it in Norman. Since we basically own it anyhow.

Not at the moment. ;)

6/3/2010, 02:24 PM
Not at the moment. ;)

We own NORMAN. Get yer facts straight before ya contradict us! :P

What SHOULD happen is they expand the BCS, have the Cotton Bowl (at Jerryworld) be a BCS game for the Big 12 invitee (which we'll never have to go, since we'll be in the title game, lol) and an at-large. Then, Jerry Jones wouldn't be so persistent with getting the Big 12 title game, which should be split between North locations and South locations. Football is the biggest sport in our division, so it should give both divisions equal opportunities to host. Fair is fair.

6/3/2010, 02:25 PM

6/3/2010, 02:26 PM
Pansies that don't like cold games should just stay home and drink their appletinis.

This. Kansas City is by FAR the best city to host the Big 12 football championship. San Antonio would be 2nd.

Dallas - meh
Houston -MEH

Stay home if you need your football in 70 degree weather only. Frankly, maybe you should just stick to summer sports like WNBA and Golf.

6/3/2010, 02:28 PM
Pansies that don't like cold games should just stay home and drink their appletinis.

We have 3 domes in the Big 12 and you want to play in 10 degree weather, I think that is We Todd Ed

6/3/2010, 02:41 PM
Pansies that don't like cold games should just stay home and drink their appletinis.

Exactly! (although sometimes I mix in a lemon drop martini for variety)

6/3/2010, 02:42 PM
We have 3 domes in the Big 12 and you want to play in 10 degree weather, I think that is We Todd Ed

Dallas, Houston, San Antonio and St Louis.
I have watched more than my share of cold weather games over the years.
I just think if you are going to have a showcase game of the best-of-the-best, you should play it in as ideal conditions as possible. Let the teams decide the winner - not weather conditions.

Why do you think the Super Bowl has always been played in Florida, Arizona, Georgia, Texas and California (or in a dome in the north)?
If the weather is about 10 below when New Jersey gets to host it, they will never get another SB approved in an outdoor, northern stadium.

6/3/2010, 02:42 PM
I think Badg told him to say that :D

6/3/2010, 02:43 PM
Dallas, Houston, San Antonio and St Louis.
I have watched more than my share of cold weather games over the years.
I just think if you are going to have a showcase game of the best-of-the-best, you should play it in as ideal conditions as possible. Let the teams decide the winner - not weather conditions.

Why do you think the Super Bowl has always been played in Florida, Arizona, Georgia, Texas and California (or in a dome in the north)?
If the weather is about 10 below when New Jersey gets to host it, they will never get another SB approved in an outdoor, northern stadium.

Correct, wasnt even thinking of STL

6/3/2010, 04:15 PM
St. Louis will never host another B12 football game, they see nothing of value in it.

Even though it's been extremely cold, I've enjoyed every game at Arrowhead except 2003. It's a great venue for football and I hope it continues to host.

I was extremely disappointed in Jerryworld and will never go back unless OU is there playing for #8,9,etc. If you have to have a permanent domed location for the B12CCG, put it in San Antonio.

Overall, I think if the south gets football permanently, KC will be given the bball tournament to compensate and OKC will get hosed in the whole deal.

6/3/2010, 04:19 PM
OKC will get baseball and pool play, hooray

Mississippi Sooner
6/3/2010, 04:43 PM
I think they should have the Big 12 football championship game in Jackson, MS.

But then, I'm geographically biased.

6/3/2010, 05:10 PM
Baseball, no one cares and/or are too drunk by the third inning to know where they are....and it's during good weather.

LIES, I was extremely upset last week when I attended the Big 12 tournament and not able to drink unless I was in the club section. You would think they would serve booze for general admission, we would have stayed longer, but being a broken college student we have our limits.

Not to mention the three hour rain delay last Thursday.

6/3/2010, 05:13 PM
Oh and why is Nebraska (read Osbourne) upset that the Big 12 championship for football is in Dallas as opposed to Kansas City. Warmer weather theoretically means less injuries correct? Also, it's not like Nebraska has a traveling problem for fans. Any info on this would be appreciated

Mr. Nuke
6/3/2010, 05:29 PM
Oh and why is Nebraska (read Osbourne) upset that the Big 12 championship for football is in Dallas as opposed to Kansas City. Warmer weather theoretically means less injuries correct? Also, it's not like Nebraska has a traveling problem for fans. Any info on this would be appreciated
I don't think he or anyone is overly upset about it here. Osborne and Nebraska would just like to see the rotation continue as Kansas City is a 3 hour drive from Omaha and Lincoln. It is nice to have the chance to drive to the game every other year.

6/3/2010, 09:29 PM
Nebraska won its only Big XII championships in San Antonio. They have never lost there. They have never won in a North venue. It is more a travel issue and a power struggle for Osborne. Maybe a lot more of the latter.

Does any Texas team even leave the State in November?

6/4/2010, 11:44 AM
All right, looks like it's Dallas for football, OKC for baseball and KC for basketball

Link (http://www.tulsaworld.com/default.aspx)

Interesting note on the womens tourney

6/4/2010, 11:50 AM
Thats what weve been saying, makes sense for the time being

Mississippi Sooner
6/4/2010, 12:38 PM
If that Pac-10 merger does go through, it would be interesting to see what happens to the championship game. Jerry can out-muscle Kansas City, but how would he do against Los Angeles?

6/4/2010, 12:38 PM
Like there's even gonna be a Big XII in 3 years...

6/4/2010, 01:32 PM
Oh and why is Nebraska (read Osbourne) upset that the Big 12 championship for football is in Dallas as opposed to Kansas City.

Cause he's a whiny little bitch.

Big XII: "We'll put the championship game at the Deathstar for the next few years."

Osborne: "Does Texas want that?"

Big XII: "Yes."

Osborne: "Then I'm opposed to it. They think they can control everything. They are selfish. Why can't I recruit Prop 48 gangsters.. err... student athletes any longer?"

6/4/2010, 01:53 PM
Awww, who turned Lid green? ;)

The N is for Nowledge, not Niceness... actually, after this season, it might be for Ndamukong.

6/4/2010, 02:38 PM
Dr. Tom is like the majority of the people outside of Texas regarding this issue. "It's already the BIG TEXAS CONFERENCE, why keep giving their big cities all this extra money and tourism? Why should our fans have to travel to the SOUTH for a NORTH-vs-SOUTH championship EVERY YEAR?"

Some want to be all aggy toward the Dallas Cowboys and say it's big, bad Jerry's fault. If I were a successful businessman, I'd probably push for a big-time profitable game to be hosted in my state-of-the-art venue, too. And if I was an arrogant billionaire like most any professional team owner, my competitive side would tell my competitors "go **** yourself, this is why I spent so much $$$ on this place." Big, bad NFL owner is hosting a Super Bowl there in a couple of years, too. If it ended up being a Giants/Steelers game, they'd **** and moan about putting money in Jerry's pockets, too.
Highest bidder will win for the same reason Baylor won't go to the SEC if said SEC wants to take a few BIG 12 teams. Money.

6/4/2010, 02:53 PM
very true, goin'. If it's North vs. South, it shouldn't be in the South, should it? Atlanta is very close to being in the middle of the SEC's east and west, but Dallas is nowhere near the middle of the Big 12 conference.

(is KC either? no, so making it move between the two every year or so is a good idea)

The baseball and basketball tourneys are not North vs South, so that's not as big of a deal about placement, but in football, there needs to be a level of fairness.

although, we can all pretty much assume that the Big 12 is goin' bye-bye soon, so what will Jerry do to sell season tix then? lol

6/4/2010, 03:23 PM
LIES, I was extremely upset last week when I attended the Big 12 tournament and not able to drink unless I was in the club section. You would think they would serve booze for general admission, we would have stayed longer, but being a broken college student we have our limits.

Not to mention the three hour rain delay last Thursday.

Well, now it seems SOMEONE needs a 'College Student 102' refresher course. Ahem.
Here's what you do:
1. proceed until close to the stadium. General kit required: ball cap, hard mirrored shades, tank top, shorts, beach sandals.
2. Make item that closely resembles baseball bat but has origin in Mexico or Jamaica disappear.
3. Having previously refilled a 1/2 gal Mountain Dew bottle with a fifth of vodka, then topped up with Dew, enter the stadium.
4. Send minion to procure soft drinks at concession stand. (ice, man, ice).
5. Find stadium zone unpopulated by civilians and in direct sun.
6. Enjoy fine, sporting afternoon.

At least that's the way it was done in the 1970's. Please don't tell me that such things as 'rules' are now effectively standing in the way of a calming day at the game. Boy Scout Motto: Be Prepared.

6/4/2010, 04:46 PM
Football in Kansas City in December is awesome. Grow a pair or stay home.

This will probably mean that the basketball tournaments will stay in Kansas City, which sucks for OKC. The baseball tournament is nice, but not nearly as big a deal as having basketball, if the men and women continue to have their tourneys in the same city.

6/4/2010, 05:04 PM
Football in Kansas City in December is awesome. Grow a pair or stay home.

Oh look, another "im tougher than you cus I can sit out in 10 degrees weather" post. This is the biggest crock ive heard, I have no issues at all sitting in cold weather, rainy weather, hot weather, etc... for football. The point to all you tough guys is that there is no reason at all to play the game outside in KC in December when we have 4 domes available in great cities.

6/4/2010, 05:21 PM
Oh look, another "im tougher than you cus I can sit out in 10 degrees weather" post. This is the biggest crock ive heard, I have no issues at all sitting in cold weather, rainy weather, hot weather, etc... for football. The point to all you tough guys is that there is no reason at all to play the game outside in KC in December when we have 4 domes available in great cities.

It's not that I'm tough, it's that people who have a problem being outside in the elements where football is supposed to be played are pussies. That's what your couch is for.

And there are really only 2 domes available. Houston is too far away for the North teams (San Antonio almost is), and St. Louis will never host another Big 12 event again.

6/4/2010, 05:24 PM
It has nothing to do with being pussies and its really pretty sh*tty of you to talk like that. Ive flown to Seattle, LA, Oregon, New Orleans, Phoenix, etc... to watch OU in person, so I guess if you havent that makes you a *****?

My point is, its not that I mind the elements (im sure others do) its just that it doesnt make sense when we have the stadiums in Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, Etc... and since when does the stadium need to be in the middle for a conf title game. 70% of the people in the stands are corporate f*cks anyway

6/4/2010, 05:27 PM
It has nothing to do with being pussies and its really pretty sh*tty of you to talk like that. Ive flown to Seattle, LA, Oregon, New Orleans, Phoenix, etc... to watch OU in person, so I guess if you havent that makes you a *****?

My point is, its not that I mind the elements (im sure others do) its just that it doesnt make sense when we have the stadiums in Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, Etc... and since when does the stadium need to be in the middle for a conf title game. 70% of the people in the stands are corporate f*cks anyway

No, that means you have more disposable income than some people. Congratulations to you for that poor comparison.

And my bigger complaint with holding the football title game "permanently" in Arlington is that now Kansas City is being compensated with the basketball tournaments, and OKC won't get to host. Hosting the baseball tournament is nice, but it's not like hosting basketball.

6/4/2010, 05:38 PM
No, that means you have more disposable income than some people. Congratulations to you for that poor comparison.

And my bigger complaint with holding the football title game "permanently" in Arlington is that now Kansas City is being compensated with the basketball tournaments, and OKC won't get to host. Hosting the baseball tournament is nice, but it's not like hosting basketball.

No the comparison was made to show how retarded your statement was. Being able to go to those games doesnt make me any more of a fan than anyone else and preferring KC over a dome doesnt make you any better of a fan than anyone else, yet you act like it which is sad.

Another reason your statement doesnt hold water is because it is a blanket statement just to prove a point and the point is sh*t. I have seen OU when it was 110 degrees in the stadium, I was there during a monsoon against Iowa state I believe, ive been there for cold to the bone games as well as many OU fans have.

Doesnt make any sense when there are good alternatives to put the game in a place where elements can have an impact.

6/4/2010, 05:47 PM
I didn't say it made you any more of a fan if you can stand the elements. I said it made you a ***** for not being able to stand outside for 4 hours with several layers of clothes on to watch football. You're still a good fan if you watch all of the games on TV. So nice retarded statement yourself, retard.

And I really don't care about where you have seen OU play.

So you're basically saying that every school and team everywhere might as well build domes so that weather is never a problem. Then we can have sterile environments and stadiums with no personality like most of the NFL. That would be great. Or maybe we could just build a giant dome over the entire country.

6/4/2010, 06:02 PM
I didn't say it made you any more of a fan if you can stand the elements. I said it made you a ***** for not being able to stand outside for 4 hours with several layers of clothes on to watch football.

Calling someone a ***** for preferring a dome or nice weather city in a championship game over a stadium outside in 10 degree weather is the same as saying you are a better fan, plain and simple.

You're still a good fan if you watch all of the games on TV. So nice retarded statement yourself, retard.

Dont call people pussies, especially fellow OU fans, especially over something so rediculous. And I didnt call you a retard, I said your statement was retarded

And I really don't care about where you have seen OU play.

Pay attention, I wasnt trying to impress you by listing the games I have traveled to see. I was saying that you calling people pussies for this is the same as me saying you are a bad fan if you dont travel to see the team, its weak sauce

So you're basically saying that every school and team everywhere might as well build domes so that weather is never a problem. Then we can have sterile environments and stadiums with no personality like most of the NFL. That would be great. Or maybe we could just build a giant dome over the entire country.

What are you talking about? Why do you think the BCS games are in New Olreans (Dome), Florida (nice weather), Glendale (dome and nice weather), and LA (nice weather) and why do you think that Super Bowls with 2014 as the exception are played in a dome or a nice weather locale? Teams dont have to build a dome, you have several nice weather or dome locations in each region.

6/4/2010, 06:06 PM
You're still incorrectly assuming that I think being able to stand colder weather makes one a better fan. You can keep going, though. Maybe you can discuss it with someone who cares, because I'm done.

"Rediculous" is not a word. "Ridiculous" is, though.

And that last paragraph was called "laying it on thick". Jesus.

6/4/2010, 06:10 PM
Start a **** poor argument by calling people names, being called on it, throwing a fit, then running away right after throwing in spelling smack, impressive.

6/4/2010, 06:13 PM
All I said was "grow a pair or stay home". You're the one that threw a fit about it. And you were wrong about it the whole time.


6/4/2010, 06:18 PM
So, to cover it one last time, just because I want everyone to see where you stand. Me or anyone else saying that having the championship game in a dome stadium is preferable to KC are pussies.

Cus none of us said we wouldn't sit in KC, I certainly didn't. I didn't say that I haven't been to or wouldn't go back to KC. Just said that having it at a dome stadium makes more sense.

So, because I am using sound logic I lose, gotcha. So OU fans, anyone else who feels this way, you are a ***** as well. Good to know!

See, all along I just thought that people who talk sh*t and call people names unprovoked on a message board were the actual pussies. Guess not! Glad you cleared that up.

Oh btw, I didnt see you sitting out in 100 degree weather today at the OU baseball game, I had a spot open next to me.

6/4/2010, 06:23 PM
Calling my statement "retarded" isn't any better than what I said, but keep enjoying the view from your high horse. And I would prefer it to keep rotating between KC and Arlington or San Antonio, so that the basketball tournaments can continue to rotate. I never said that it should only be in Kansas City, and I never said anything about you personally until you started crying.

And how do you know I wasn't at the baseball game? Nice assumption.

6/4/2010, 06:24 PM
I didnt see anyone yelling profanities at those sitting under umbrellas or tents so I just assumed

6/4/2010, 06:26 PM
Right, because I "yelled profanities" on the internet, when you were using more words censored by the board than I was.

6/4/2010, 06:28 PM
Those words that were censored were just a repeat of what you were saying.

And the last post was a joke, I guess I shoulda posted this :D

6/8/2010, 12:02 AM
Football championship games at night, in December, in Kansas City are retarded. imo

If the networks would see fit to allow the game in the afternoon it would be merely dumb.

Leroy Lizard
6/8/2010, 12:10 AM
Those words that were censored were just a repeat of what you were saying.

And the last post was a joke, I guess I shoulda posted this :D

Oh boy, a slap fight! I feel left out.

6/8/2010, 12:17 AM
You wouldnt have understood, I was using actual logic and reason :D