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View Full Version : Canada reassessing healthcare system

6/1/2010, 04:20 PM

This will be us in about 5 years. Canada only has to pay for 30 million people. You think it'll be easier to pay for about 300 million people?

6/1/2010, 04:22 PM
I wonder who decides what's "medically necessary"? Maybe a panel of some sort?

6/1/2010, 04:25 PM
Mama grizzlies!

6/1/2010, 05:21 PM

6/1/2010, 07:01 PM
Why are they having trouble paying for healthcare in Canada? I thought it was free.

6/1/2010, 07:12 PM
Nothing like that is perfect. I'd be more suspect if they didn't do reviews of the system and think that it was good enough. If the Gov't is reviewing it do to the costs...I'd think that would be seen as a good sign considering most folks here who are against Gov't run healthcare think it will bankrupt the U.S. and be a blank check

I know the healthcare system we have in this Country isn't perfect as every Doctor I've seen in the last 6 months scares the **** out of me.

Leroy Lizard
6/1/2010, 07:16 PM
It's not a fair comparison. Canada has a bunch of people who are going to become old within the next few years.

Canada is also working to control other costs such as hospital executives' and doctors' independently set salaries and restricting costs for new medical technology and drugs.

Wage and price fixing.

Leroy Lizard
6/1/2010, 07:18 PM
...very Doctor I've seen in the last 6 months scares the **** out of me.

Well, you won't have this problem if the gub'ment decides your problem isn't "medically necessary."

6/1/2010, 07:26 PM
That's the thing with me though...after 8 years of the Bush administration trying to scare the entire Country into thinking they had the answers...I really don't give a ****. Most of us are so screwed already that leaving it in it's current state won't matter either. I'm already scared so why would anything a lizard thinks would scare me more?

Leroy Lizard
6/1/2010, 07:31 PM
That's the thing with me though...after 8 years of the Bush administration trying to scare the entire Country into thinking they had the answers...I really don't give a ****.

I do.

Well, not about you.

6/1/2010, 07:51 PM
Bush didn't have the answers but no form of big spending, big government type thing has the answers. This is basically the Bush era on steroids. The debt went way up starting in Bush's 2nd term from about 6.5 trillion to around 9 trillion. Since Obama took over it's gone from 9 trillion to 13 trillion in 2 years! Eventually the debt will be too large to ignore and the government won't be able to pay for anything.

Leroy Lizard
6/1/2010, 07:55 PM
We'll all be working for the government by then, mowing the Mexican President's yard.

6/1/2010, 08:07 PM
Bush didn't have the answers but no form of big spending, big government type thing has the answers.

This is the type of canned response we get from nearly every person on the Fox Network and they are the same folks who were behind the Bush Administration that didn't do one damn thing to reduce the size of the Federal Gov't.


Although you may believe all of that crap your saying...It's just my opionion that if there is someone that has all the answers to fix what is wrong....they are decades from being in a position to be able to actually do anything as the Republican and the Democratic Parties have a lock in giving you two people to choose from every four years.

We're headed in the direction that the current powers that be have set us on and no amount of bitching or Fox Network viewpoints are probably going to be able to stop it. I have no faith that any Republican that is elected would be able to do anything about it either.

One thing I do still have faith in is this....

Americans have always answered the call when our Country is in real danger. Manufactured danger ended up with Barack Obama as POTUS.

Any continued efforts by the Republican Party to manufacture danger will continue to empower the current administration IMHO.

I truly believe the McCain Palin ticket tried to continue to manufacture danger and a thought that our Country was in so much trouble that there was only one answer and that was to elect them. Their job at selling that stuff was either not very good, not believable, not true or not the direction that most Americans had any faith in or they would be running this Country and leading us to the promised land that you think is possible without the Obama Administration.

What you and they continue to do is try and scare us. Unless we do go bankrupt...I don't believe they will be able to beat Obama so the only way is probably give them a shot at what they have put into motion.

I don't like change...but I also don't like being bald faced lied to either.

6/1/2010, 08:19 PM
This is the type of canned response we get from nearly every person on the Fox Network and they are the same folks who were behind the Bush Administration that didn't do one damn thing to reduce the size of the Federal Gov't.


Although you may believe all of that crap your saying...It's just my opionion that if there is someone that has all the answers to fix what is wrong....they are decades from being in a position to be able to actually do anything as the Republican and the Democratic Parties have a lock in giving you two people to choose from every four years.

We're headed in the direction that the current powers that be have set us on and no amount of bitching or Fox Network viewpoints are probably going to be able to stop it. I have no faith that any Republican that is elected would be able to do anything about it either.

One thing I do still have faith in is this....

Americans have always answered the call when our Country is in real danger. Manufactured danger ended up with Barack Obama as POTUS.

Any continued efforts by the Republican Party to manufacture danger will continue to empower the current administration IMHO.

I truly believe the McCain Palin ticket tried to continue to manufacture danger and a thought that our Country was in so much trouble that there was only one answer and that was to elect them. Their job at selling that stuff was either not very good, not believable, not true or not the direction that most Americans had any faith in or they would be running this Country and leading us to the promised land that you think is possible without the Obama Administration.

What you and they continue to do is try and scare us. Unless we do go bankrupt...I don't believe they will be able to beat Obama so the only way is probably give them a shot at what they have put into motion.

I don't like change...but I also don't like being bald faced lied to either.

The problem is that Obama campaigned on being different when he's exactly the same and probably even worse than the republicans, which I bet nobody in here thought would be possible. Not even most of those on Fox. Everything Obama campaigned on from how bad Bush handled Katrina to the Washington Lobbyists, he's basically been just like Bush. Basically every campaign thing he said about how bad Bush was, is a lie because he is a big fan of how Bush ran the government apparently. He's running the government just like Bush except MORE government spending that they can't pay for.

6/1/2010, 08:34 PM
Like any of us thought he'd run it with less.

We all knew it was coming...I guess you've finally turned on the TV....lol

To say that he's the same as Bush except for the spending is laughable. He's a lot smarter than Bush and his ideals are way different.

Bush got two terms. It's all you get. Again...if you think it shouldn't be four more years of Obama....you better start finding a guy to replace him with and you better do it in a hurry.

For me...the Republicans are simply waiting on Obama to make a or enough mistakes and get to the point that he's so unpopular that a blind porn star that drives a truck could get elected in 2012.

If you think that will be any better...I have to say it...your crazy.

6/1/2010, 08:48 PM
I don't think republicans can necessarily do better. Conservatism can do better. That's what the tea party is really all about. We need to quit all the spending quit all the taxing. Make it a flat tax. To where everyone pays about a certain % of taxes not just the rich paying for almost everything. Rich people find ways to beat tax it's a bad idea to lean on them to pay for everything, they find ways around it. Also the rich take up only about 1% of the population there's just not enough people in that range to pay for everything.

So I propose a flat tax and a big cut in spending at least 50% in spending and probably much more than that. The last time we did anything similar to what I would want to do was the 1920s just after a depression. The 20s ended up being one of the most innovative and prosperous decades in US history. It probably would have continued if progressives didn't take over and tried to fix things. The more FDR tried to fix things the worse the economy got in the decade. Sound familiar?

6/1/2010, 08:50 PM
You should run for office.

6/1/2010, 11:59 PM
Oh and I know that the real best tax system for a free market is a Fair Tax but I also know that it would basically take away government power and lobbyists in one swoop and won't ever happen unless Libertarians take over politics. Republicans and democrats would NEVER want a fair tax because it would take away most government power.

6/2/2010, 12:28 AM
Why are they having trouble paying for healthcare in Canada? I thought it was free.

because there's nothing in canada to tax.

you cant compare canada to the united states, for any reason... especially when you consider the fact that the overwhelming majority of canadians live within 30 miles of the us border.

canada is just a northern version of backwoods alabama... without the summer heat.

6/2/2010, 12:29 AM
Oh and I know that the real best tax system for a free market is a Fair Tax but I also know that it would basically take away government power and lobbyists in one swoop and won't ever happen unless Libertarians take over politics. Republicans and democrats would NEVER want a fair tax because it would take away most government power.

why do you want to tax the fairs?

6/2/2010, 12:31 AM
I do.

Well, not about you.

Cause ST aint gonna cry at yer funeral either is he.:pop:

Leroy Lizard
6/2/2010, 01:57 AM
Cause ST aint gonna cry at yer funeral either is he.:pop:

He's not invited. It's in my will.

Bourbon St Sooner
6/2/2010, 12:27 PM
Well, at least the Canadians have enough sense to look at their oncoming fiscal train wreck and do something about it. Our politicians know the unsustainability of our current path but keep making things worse.

Leroy Lizard
6/2/2010, 12:50 PM
Because their aim is to get everyone hooked on the government i.v. Obamacare is the first step toward that goal.

They don't care if it's working 20 years from now.

6/2/2010, 08:25 PM
Strange. This is all news to my oldest Marine's girlfriend in Vancouver; to her family too. She is prepping for her trip to the US to work at Disney World as a Canadian Rep. (we get her with us for a year! This mama is THRILLED!!) She's 19, and just switched from her parent's health coverage to her own non-student, $20K-$50K per year income-based coverage. Poor baby girl, she's obviously suffering under the broken, blighted Socialist coverage. It's costing her (wait for it)...$11 a year.

Soooo...WTF is the Cons' whine again? :rolleyes:

Leroy Lizard
6/2/2010, 11:12 PM
Strange. This is all news to my oldest Marine's girlfriend in Vancouver; to her family too.

Maybe she should read the news more often.

6/3/2010, 07:10 AM
Strange. This is all news to my oldest Marine's girlfriend in Vancouver; to her family too. She is prepping for her trip to the US to work at Disney World as a Canadian Rep. (we get her with us for a year! This mama is THRILLED!!) She's 19, and just switched from her parent's health coverage to her own non-student, $20K-$50K per year income-based coverage. Poor baby girl, she's obviously suffering under the broken, blighted Socialist coverage. It's costing her (wait for it)...$11 a year.

Soooo...WTF is the Cons' whine again? :rolleyes:

This is complicated...so I'll go slow. WE.ARE.BROKE.BUSTED.BANKRUPT Our debt has reached 97% of GDP. We find ourselves here because we can't pay for the entitlements be have had for the previous century. Throw in an expensive "war" and there you go. If you want to be liberal, fine. I just want to know were you guys get off pretending like it's ok if you can't pay your bills. We do everything possible to be responsible in our own lives and our gub'ment spending is an insult to drunken sailors.

WE have to stop it. Just cause your party spends money on the stuff you like, doesn't mean we can afford it.

6/3/2010, 09:19 AM
Strange. This is all news to my oldest Marine's girlfriend in Vancouver; to her family too. She is prepping for her trip to the US to work at Disney World as a Canadian Rep. (we get her with us for a year! This mama is THRILLED!!) She's 19, and just switched from her parent's health coverage to her own non-student, $20K-$50K per year income-based coverage. Poor baby girl, she's obviously suffering under the broken, blighted Socialist coverage. It's costing her (wait for it)...$11 a year.

Soooo...WTF is the Cons' whine again? :rolleyes:

But the cost of her care isn't really $11 per year. That is why they are having to reevaluate their plans. Sure people pay a higher tax rate. Sure the employers are carrying a much heavier burden, but even with those extra taxes they can't pay all the bills.

I am glad that your friend hasn't encountered any problems, their lucky. If these overhauls go into place, it is a lot more likely that she will.

Why are we following their lead again?

6/3/2010, 09:45 AM
If they can't pay the bills they can get a job at Disneyland for their kids and take the summer off to go fishing and camping. Once her checks start coming in the mail...things will be better.

Bourbon St Sooner
6/3/2010, 09:51 AM
Strange. This is all news to my oldest Marine's girlfriend in Vancouver; to her family too. She is prepping for her trip to the US to work at Disney World as a Canadian Rep. (we get her with us for a year! This mama is THRILLED!!) She's 19, and just switched from her parent's health coverage to her own non-student, $20K-$50K per year income-based coverage. Poor baby girl, she's obviously suffering under the broken, blighted Socialist coverage. It's costing her (wait for it)...$11 a year.

Soooo...WTF is the Cons' whine again? :rolleyes:

It costs her $11 a year? So I guess she doesn't pay taxes then?

This is the kind of simpleton thinking that always amazes me. It's kind of like we can solve all of our energy problems by switching to electric cars. I mean where does electricity comes from? It comes from the wall right? That's as clean as your can get.

Bourbon St Sooner
6/3/2010, 09:54 AM
But the cost of her care isn't really $11 per year. That is why they are having to reevaluate their plans. Sure people pay a higher tax rate. Sure the employers are carrying a much heavier burden, but even with those extra taxes they can't pay all the bills.

I am glad that your friend hasn't encountered any problems, their lucky. If these overhauls go into place, it is a lot more likely that she will.

Why are we following their lead again?

Taxes are funny money. It comes straight out of your check so its not really there right? That health care really only costs her $11 per year. It's just like Ben Bernanke's magical printing presses. Let the party go on forever!

Leroy Lizard
6/3/2010, 10:46 AM
Taxes are funny money. It comes straight out of your check so its not really there right? That health care really only costs her $11 per year. It's just like Ben Bernanke's magical printing presses. Let the party go on forever!

$11 buys what? Three Aspirin tablets? Yeah, we can really run our health care system on $11 per year per person.

6/3/2010, 11:43 AM
Obama just got us over the $13 Trillion mark on the national debt.

And Obamacare hasn't even started yet!!!!! Scary times.

Federal debt tops $13 trillion mark

At $13 trillion, that figure has risen by $2.4 trillion in about 500 days since President Obama took office, or an average of $4.9 billion a day. That's almost three times the daily average of $1.7 billion under the previous administration http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/jun/2/federal-debt-tops-13-trillion-mark/

Who knew HOPENCHANGE meant doubling unemployment & tripling the debt? Well I guess some of us did, NM.