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5/25/2010, 11:31 AM
Ok Im movin it to the main page to hopefully get some answers and I am totally serious about this. Why are so many people associated with UT so freakin weird. Literally mentally deranged. I know there are a lot of good people that come from there but there is also an overwhelming % that you see talk to whatever and you say thats weird SOB. The place is crawling with them. You can see it in the news recently with Vince's breakdown and Ricky Williams Run Ricky Run those suckers are out there. They got sucked into it and there are plenty others. I have had this conversation with others and a lot of Longhorn Fans since I am from Texas...while they agree they still have no answer.
Boomer Sooner

5/25/2010, 11:38 AM
You're just paying attention to it more because of where you are and what team you like.

5/25/2010, 12:17 PM
I once wore a white collared shirt (professional enough attire, but not professional to the point that I'd die in the sunny weather) to OU-Texas. The fans act the same on both sides of the field. All fanbases have their arseholes, their walking, talking stereotypes, the ones you snap pics of for good or bad reasons, the t-shirt fans that change t-shirts when too many players go down to injury (grumble grumble), and the die-hard fans you love to tailgate with.

You will see many die-hard fans that you will love to tailgate with here. I'm sure out of the billions of Texas alumni, at least a few are good diehards that tailgate well... but if a few of the billion are weirdos, it's understandable :D

5/25/2010, 12:33 PM
I once wore a white collared shirt (professional enough attire, but not professional to the point that I'd die in the sunny weather) to OU-Texas. The fans act the same on both sides of the field. All fanbases have their arseholes, their walking, talking stereotypes, the ones you snap pics of for good or bad reasons, the t-shirt fans that change t-shirts when too many players go down to injury (grumble grumble), and the die-hard fans you love to tailgate with.

You will see many die-hard fans that you will love to tailgate with here. I'm sure out of the billions of Texas alumni, at least a few are good diehards that tailgate well... but if a few of the billion are weirdos, it's understandable :D

Dayum.. just when I had given up all hope on you Badj... you come out with a well thought out, objective post. Dang.

Leroy Lizard
5/25/2010, 12:35 PM
Ok Im movin it to the main page to hopefully get some answers and I am totally serious about this. Why are so many people associated with UT so freakin weird. Literally mentally deranged. I know there are a lot of good people that come from there but there is also an overwhelming % that you see talk to whatever and you say thats weird SOB. The place is crawling with them. You can see it in the news recently with Vince's breakdown and Ricky Williams Run Ricky Run those suckers are out there. They got sucked into it and there are plenty others. I have had this conversation with others and a lot of Longhorn Fans since I am from Texas...while they agree they still have no answer.
Boomer Sooner

Maybe Austin attracts them.

5/25/2010, 12:49 PM
Dayum.. just when I had given up all hope on you Badj... you come out with a well thought out, objective post. Dang.

so, we got into a little argument last season. doesn't mean we still can't be respectful rivals, amirite?

Texas still sucks, but some longhorns suck less than others :P

5/25/2010, 01:13 PM
No yall completely dont understand...Im not talking about what they wear to the game thats tradition for them no matter how gay it is. It is the really odd ones and honestly I dont see a lot of it or at least as much of it at Texas-OU and Im there every year. Its around the campus or the alums that have been subject to it for 4 years. Something happens to some of them.

Herr Scholz
5/25/2010, 01:33 PM
Yes, I'm sure this is a question based on a very scientific study. :rolleyes:

Why do so many Sooner fans grab men's nutsacks? What is it about Norman and OKC that makes them do that? It's so weird.

5/25/2010, 01:52 PM
Yes, I'm sure this is a question based on a very scientific study. :rolleyes:

Why do so many Sooner fans grab :texan: nutsacks? What is it about Norman and OKC that makes them do that? It's so weird.

Cause its Rare to find a :texan: with balls ?

5/25/2010, 01:57 PM
Cause its Rare to find a :texan: with balls ?



5/25/2010, 02:41 PM
There some of that true austin Faggism Scholz and I thought you were one of the better ones. Thats a very intelligent comeback although weird as heck a lot of them are smart. Hell Scholz yall sell the shirts Keep Austin Weird. Its a fact there are some for real purebred oddities there. Ive been around Austin and on 6th street multiple times...they are there... Only problem is it has infiltrated the campus and is affecting a decent percentage of your students.

Herr Scholz
5/25/2010, 02:50 PM
Oh, you previously said a vast majority of Longhorns were mentally deranged. Now it's only a percentage? Man, we're getting more normal by the minute. Except for me. Apparently I'm homosexual now. Damn. You're obviously a level headed and objective person so thanks for pointing that out for me.

And just an FYI, UT is a pretty conservative place with a gigantic Greek system. People who don't know any better lump UT and Austin (which has it's share of hippies for sure) together all the time.

5/25/2010, 02:57 PM
Technically, a vast majority is a percentage. 80% is a vast majority and percentage.

That being said, I know very few horn fans that are jackasses in person. Online, everyone's a jackass. You jackass.

5/25/2010, 02:58 PM
Oh, you previously said a vast majority of Longhorns were mentally deranged. Now it's only a percentage? Man, we're getting more normal by the minute. Except for me. Apparently I'm homosexual now. Damn. You're obviously a level headed and objective person so thanks for pointing that out for me.

And just an FYI, UT is a pretty conservative place with a gigantic Greek system. People who don't know any better lump UT and Austin (which has it's share of hippies for sure) together all the time.

So yer admitting Yall like the Ghey sects ?:eek:

5/25/2010, 03:17 PM
Cause its Rare to find a :texan: with balls ?

Oh snap.

5/25/2010, 03:24 PM
Who would care enough to know not to lump UT and Austin together...I'm sorry I thought that was where the university was...just for the record Oklahoma is in Norman and we are proud of it...I also said I know plenty of good ppl from there but was just trying to get some insight on the rest...

5/25/2010, 03:44 PM
There is a reason that a filmmaker produced a movie titled "Slackers" that was based on his real-life experiences from spending several years as a resident of Austin. According to the film, a slacker was defined as anyone who had taken every course in the UT catalog and managed not to graduate.

But that's movies, not real-life, based on it, but not real.

Now if it is real you want, just spend even a few minutes perusing someplace like hornfans.com and you will understand what BigTime is talking about.

In my experience, as a group, the orange faithful are the most arrogant, obnoxious fanbase anywhere. That some of that fanbase also crosses over into weird does not surprise me.

Herr Scholz
5/25/2010, 03:51 PM
Who would care enough to know not to lump UT and Austin together...
I don't know, someone who might want to know what they were talking about?

I also said I know plenty of good ppl from there but was just trying to get some insight on the rest...
No you didn't. You said most were mentally deranged. You used the word "overwhelming". You said you knew a few "good people". Your questions and general tone are ridiculous and uninformed and don't merit a serious response.

Herr Scholz
5/25/2010, 03:59 PM
Now if it is real you want, just spend even a few minutes perusing someplace like hornfans.com and you will understand what BigTime is talking about.
I have 2 degrees from UT and have lived here for 20 years (before and after the tech boom). I'm pretty sure I know just a little bit more than you two. BTW, the broad sweeping generalizations that you guys are making aren't speaking well for your critical thinking. It's just making you look biased and angry.

5/25/2010, 04:07 PM
Herr......If you are gonna come in here on a regular basis and speak your mind you are gonna have to be big enough to take the occassionally beating. At least you don't get banned like anyone who is not a conformist at that hornfans or orangebloods or any other site.

Just take it and move on. You have good stuff but you're not at home here..... you are a welcome visitor.....at least in my world.

5/25/2010, 04:16 PM
Any Sooner fan who calls it "Texas-OU" is one of our weird ones.

Herr Scholz
5/25/2010, 04:18 PM
You have good stuff but you're not at home here..... you are a welcome visitor.....at least in my world.

5/25/2010, 04:19 PM
I have 2 degrees from UT and have lived here for 20 years (before and after the tech boom). I'm pretty sure I know just a little bit more than you two. BTW, the broad sweeping generalizations that you guys are making aren't speaking well for your critical thinking. It's just making you look biased and angry.

Ya forgot the part about a Die hard :texan: hater :P

5/25/2010, 04:30 PM
I poke fun at certain places any opportunity I get, but truth is I just don't have anymore desire to live amongst whorns anymore than I do amogst my next door neighbors. I've been to Austin a few times. Most of my whorn fan encounters have been in San Antonio (family ties and B12 Champeenship visit) and in Dallas (RRS trips). When you get out of the West End of Dallas, where everyone and their brother is drunk and arguing OU/TX on RRS Eve, you'll find the tailgaters and fair goers to be pretty cool, as you find with OUr own. Hell, I went to the RRS three times years and ran into the same RV of Tejas fans who made a dinner bet following the game. Loser does the grilling for the night. Complete strangers in 2004, randomly met them in the same RV area in both 2005 and 2007.

I laughed when I told them "good luck this season" in 2007 as we were leaving and the guy said "now, wait a minute... you go **** yourself, Soonerman!" Sarcasm was obvious, you just can't part ways with a rival fan without a good-natured joke or two.

5/25/2010, 04:32 PM
To add, you may "hate" Texas more than any other program, but draw the line at football, seriously. I'd rather live in Austin than in Stoolwater or Lubbock... and I'll take a Tejas loss to them any day of the week. :D

East Coast Bias
5/25/2010, 04:42 PM
For me I think it takes a lot of critical thinking to make really good sweeping generalizations..

5/25/2010, 05:07 PM
To add, you may "hate" Texas more than any other program, but draw the line at football, seriously. I'd rather live in Austin than in Stoolwater or Lubbock... and I'll take a Tejas loss to them any day of the week. :D

I da know... I've been to Stoolwater and Lubbock only a couple times each and mainly just passing though so I can't speak so much for them. However, I've been to Austin on more occasions than I can count for business reasons, with some several days at a time, and I can't think of any place I'd rather NOT be.

5/25/2010, 05:09 PM
I have 2 degrees from UT and have lived here for 20 years (before and after the tech boom). I'm pretty sure I know just a little bit more than you two.

Whenever someone has to say how many degrees they have, you know it's near the end of the argument. Seriously, Wherr the Whorn, did you have to sink to that? Derp derp, I have degrees?!?!

I may be mistaken, but the only avvie bets I've lost are with the other resident whorn... hell, I even got you to switch yours in 2006! Awww, remember 2006? It was with one of our awesome resident Huskers, to the victor of the Big 12 championship go the spoils.

:D just couldn't beat your little aggie bro for the Big 12 South, eh?

Love of loathe avvie bets, it was the greatest bet evar!

5/25/2010, 05:32 PM
Horns seem confused to the rest of us through no fault of their own. If they are raised in TX, they are brainwashed from Grade 1 that Texans are better than everyone else. Then, if they have external anal itch and go to UT, they are hip deep in the mantra "we are better than even the other texans that are better than everyone." A "better squared" if you will. Then, when these bi-ped dildos get out in the real world, little by little, even they realize that they've been duped. They can't figure out why or exactly who caused their superficial, naive arrogance when they're getting their a** kicked on a daily basis from other talented people who could give a sh*t where said horn is from.

That's why they have that confused look on their face.
that and they're queer, too

Herr Scholz
5/25/2010, 06:42 PM
Whenever someone has to say how many degrees they have, you know it's near the end of the argument. Seriously, Wherr the Whorn, did you have to sink to that? Derp derp, I have degrees?!?!

If you'd read the thread, badger, the conversation was about UT and Austin in general. So I was just pointing out I know what I'm talking about on those topics more than them.

5/25/2010, 08:26 PM
Can you blame those of us from Austin from being somewhat delusional? Beautiful women, good tex-mex, more sun than rain (but not in a "dustbowl" kinda way), real beer (sold cold)... Yep, every last one of us is certifiable.

5/25/2010, 08:36 PM
Some Texas fans are normal. OSU fans on the other hand...

5/25/2010, 10:09 PM
Any Sooner fan who calls it "Texas-OU" is one of our weird ones.

It implies we are the home team...I know what your sayin though puttin them before us I just don't think of it that way...there's a lot of perks that go with being the home team for that game

Herr Scholz
5/25/2010, 10:22 PM
It implies we are the home team...I know what your sayin though puttin them before us I just don't think of it that way...there's a lot of perks that go with being the home team for that game

You get to host recruits. What else?

5/25/2010, 10:51 PM
Yeah the beer is a definite upside...and scholz I don't doubt your knowledge of the town team or school. I was hoping you could give some answers with it rather than get all ticked off and defensive. You have still not answered the question the facts are there ...again you sell the shirts and some of your ut faithfulls are sucked into the madness...however I did get that one bit of new info...I now know The University of Texas at Austin is not associated with austin at all...so that's pretty awesome...any idea who utep associates with I'm just guessing its not el paso but who knows now

5/25/2010, 10:54 PM
That's the biggest one in my eyes...a huge sale for our recruits we are battling each other for...but there are a few others

Herr Scholz
5/25/2010, 11:14 PM
I was hoping you could give some answers with it rather than get all ticked off and defensive.
You wanted a serious answer of why an overwhelming % of Longhorns are "mentally deranged"? Really?

You have still not answered the question the facts are there ...
The facts? There are some t-shirts you've seen so an overwhelming majority of Longhorns aren't "good people"? Are you on crack?

Austin is a huge city. UT is not Austin. You obviously don't know jack squat about what you're talking about.

Herr Scholz
5/25/2010, 11:15 PM
That's the biggest one in my eyes...a huge sale for our recruits we are battling each other for...but there are a few others

Such as?

Curly Bill
5/25/2010, 11:39 PM
I like the city of Austin, it's a fun place to visit.

UT on the other hand could could erupt into a giant fireball and I'd be a happy bastage.

5/26/2010, 07:59 AM
You wanted a serious answer of why an overwhelming % of Longhorns are "mentally deranged"? Really?

yes there is a high % present...It's an honest question...I guess they get it from the part of austin ut's not in.

The facts? There are some t-shirts you've seen so an overwhelming majority of Longhorns aren't "good people"? Are you on crack?

No the t shirts only prove it is undeniably there...if its prominent enough to use as a slogan(that is well known) for a tshirt its obviously evident to more than just a few people

Austin is a huge city. UT is not Austin. You obviously don't know jack squat about what you're talking about.

I know your faggets...and I guess thats gonna have to be enough since you wont admit to the rest

6/1/2010, 02:17 PM
Definition of "mentally deranged" - a UT fan crawling an OU forum and whining about bias.

6/1/2010, 02:33 PM
I've drank good beer in States a lot less delusional than +exas.

Thinking your team is the Crown Jewel of College Football when there are so many more Teams with better histories of winning especially given the odds against them winning...

That's delusion.

+exas = the poster child for delusion.