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View Full Version : The Dorms and the Blues

Stitch Face
5/20/2010, 12:45 PM
Who the hell is playing BB King that loud??? I'm trying to study for an anthropology test tomorrow.

stoops the eternal pimp
5/20/2010, 12:56 PM
sorry..Would you prefer some Muddy Waters?

5/21/2010, 05:03 PM
Dorm living, what a concept.

My first impression as I approached Cross Center, specifically Ditmars House, room 26, was "This is an insane asylum!" I could easily distinguish half a dozen different songs emanating from stereos, phones ringing, loud voices and thinking "They expect me to live here?"

5/21/2010, 06:24 PM
I remember trying to sleep while our suitemate printed out a paper at very odd hours...dot matrix...lol, I'm OLD!!!

5/21/2010, 06:34 PM
At least it was the blues. You need to find out who this person is. He/she will do well in life. They're already on their way by choosing blues over rap/country/pop/etc.

5/21/2010, 06:37 PM
what is a college student doing on a message board full of old geezers? that's no way to study or to get laid.

5/21/2010, 07:23 PM
My advice is to go elsewhere to study...or turn up your own music. The only thing the dorms are good for is partying and screwing. Go Walker Tower!!!

5/21/2010, 11:51 PM
My advice is to go elsewhere to study...or turn up your own music. The only thing the dorms are good for is partying and screwing. Go Walker Tower!!!

People partied at the dorms? Sh*t, I guess I missed out on half of my college experience...


5/22/2010, 10:06 AM
My sarcasm meter doesn't work on you. I can't tell if you're serious. My floor of Walker Tower was like a frat house.

5/22/2010, 11:17 AM
Del, there was a basement fire the year I was in Walker, at like 3 in the morning, they made us all get outside, via the stairwells at the end of the halls. I've never seen so many half-dressed guys, many in robes that were a lovely shade of pink or lilac. So funny, good times.

My parents always yelled "NO SEX!! NO DRUGS!! NO BOOZE!!" at me growing up. Then one day, a complete 180. They said, "YOU'RE GOING TO COLLEGE!!!!" ;)

5/22/2010, 11:27 AM
My sarcasm meter doesn't work on you. I can't tell if you're serious. My floor of Walker Tower was like a frat house.

Walker 12 West was nicknamed Animal House when I was there.

5/22/2010, 11:43 AM
walker's the only way to go.

and people are still in school? i thought college was out...

5/22/2010, 11:44 AM
My sarcasm meter doesn't work on you. I can't tell if you're serious. My floor of Walker Tower was like a frat house.

it hasn't changed much. :D