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View Full Version : New Avatar in theaters!!!

Stitch Face
5/4/2010, 01:16 PM
Okay, I lied. It’s not in theaters. But you can see my new avatar here on Soonerfans.

Started thinking maybe one’s avatar colors others’ reactions to one’s posts. Like, whenever I read something posted by Gkeeper I naturally assume it’s a busty airhead saying it. Or when LAS had the Zoolander avvie I just sorta began to think of LAS as Zoolander. I mean, just like him. Or how Soonerloyal seems like such a crabby bitch sometimes. Is that right to assume, just because of her avatar? Of course not.

I mean, I don’t want anyone to think I’m some kind of dimwitted brute just because of that old Hulk avatar, so I changed it. From now on, you may associate me with one of our most learned and esteemed founding fathers, James Madison. I expect the quality of my posts and the respect I garner to go up immediately.

5/4/2010, 01:18 PM
Or, we'll all come to think of James Madison as poophead. ;)

Stitch Face
5/4/2010, 01:19 PM
You, sir, are out of order!

5/4/2010, 01:25 PM
James Madison was a drunk and a liar! And for that we love him.

Stitch Face
5/4/2010, 01:31 PM
Thanks for those clicks of encouragement, Dolphin Guy. I now eagerly await input from some of the other regulars, like Groucho, Jeff Capel, Wavy OU Flag, etc.

5/4/2010, 02:16 PM
boobs rule... especially on a hot chick wearing a sooner t-shirt.

Stitch Face
5/4/2010, 02:20 PM
boobs rule... especially on a hot chick wearing a sooner t-shirt.


5/4/2010, 03:44 PM
boobs rule... especially on a hot chick wearing a sooner t-shirt.
your avatar is an inspiration to us all.

Scott D
5/4/2010, 08:29 PM
you mother****ers are trying to give me a heart attack.