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5/2/2010, 01:26 PM
Huskers with open ears! Are any Big Twelve fans in love with Texas? .01 on the clock? The Huskers lost a great game in not playing OU every year. Do you trust the lonhorns? Just a couple of thoughts. I'm seeking sooner opinions. Don't crab me out, is causes me to spaz out! plus raises my blood pressure. *Smile* A link to an opinion from a OWH sports writer below!


5/2/2010, 01:33 PM
I would not want the Huskers to leave. I want our yearly rivalry game back.
I know it's not practical, but I would rather see Texas go. We would still keep the Red River game. It won't happen, which is fine. The Big 12 would be hurting if we lost those tv sets.

5/2/2010, 03:37 PM
Huskers with open ears! Are any Big Twelve fans in love with Texas? .01 on the clock? The Huskers lost a great game in not playing OU every year. Do you trust the lonhorns? Just a couple of thoughts. I'm seeking sooner opinions. Don't crab me out, is causes me to spaz out! plus raises my blood pressure. *Smile* A link to an opinion from a OWH sports writer below!


Whorns . . . hate em. Obno, self-centered, self-righteous, arrogant and these are the fans I am talking about. While certain players have risen above the rabble, for the most part they come across as spoiled children who somehow have it in their head that they are entitled to success without earning it.

The .01 was the correct call but it was sheer luck for Ponyboy and Mack that it turned out that way. That night, the best defense almost won the game. In retrospect, Ndamakung Suh's best play would have been if he had sat that final .01 so that Ponyboy would not have been pressured to throw the ball away.

Miss the annual Big Red Rivalry. It made both teams better because they had to be or suffer a terrible beating (Sooners can attest to this). Was a great end of season game and guaranteed both teams got the schedule boost.

5/2/2010, 04:27 PM
You wont find a person on this board " in love with the horns " hard to love a bunch of ghey nazi"s.

5/2/2010, 04:38 PM
You wont find a person on this board " in love with the horns " hard to love a bunch of ghey nazi"s.

Stop insulting ghey nazis.

5/2/2010, 04:50 PM
It would be cool to get the Nebraska rivalry back. I personally think y'all beat Texas last year, I don't care what the rules say. But everytime the horns play inside their state lines they seem to usually get the benefit of the doubt on stuff like that. But no, Neb should stay. If anyone should go, it should be Baylor, then bring TCU in or something like that..

5/2/2010, 05:12 PM
I don't see anyone from the Big 12 taking a step down to join the Big 10, unless of course, they're skeered! ;)

5/2/2010, 05:25 PM
we will likely play tex every yr regardless so if they want to leave, be gone...they arent good enough to compete with OU on a yr to yr basis when it comes to conference superiority and they know it

5/2/2010, 07:01 PM
I would not want the Huskers to leave. I want our yearly rivalry game back.
I know it's not practical, but I would rather see Texas go. We would still keep the Red River game. It won't happen, which is fine. The Big 12 would be hurting if we lost those tv sets.

I think Nebraska should jump all over the opportunity. They deserve better than the Big XII north. This would make it possible for NU and OU to renew their annual rivalry.

It's sad but it looks like the Big XII is on the verge of extinction.

Crucifax Autumn
5/2/2010, 07:32 PM
I think they should stick around and dominate the north so they can play us yearly in the CCG.

5/2/2010, 07:45 PM
Huskers with open ears! Are any Big Twelve fans in love with Texas? .01 on the clock? The Huskers lost a great game in not playing OU every year. Do you trust the lonhorns? Just a couple of thoughts. I'm seeking sooner opinions. Don't crab me out, is causes me to spaz out! plus raises my blood pressure. *Smile* A link to an opinion from a OWH sports writer below!


I hate saxet , Not just the TEAM but the whole ****ing state.

The Neb Game was the Best game /series we ever had IMHO
Best watched with Turkey sammichs :cool:

Hell Whorns are same same shat here
But we gots a Corn Fan MOD
outta tell ya sompun about how the Diff. teams are perceived :D :cool:

5/2/2010, 07:47 PM
I think they should stick around and dominate the north so they can play us yearly in the CCG.

Winnah !

5/2/2010, 08:01 PM
I think they should stick around and dominate the north so we can dominate them yearly in the CCG.

Fixed :D

5/2/2010, 08:03 PM
I asked for opinions and I got them! I think Huskers and Sooners would round out the Big Ten Quite nicely. Wishful thinking again.. You folks are funny! Especially the sooner that hates the whole state of Texas. Is that possible? (Still laughing!) To be honest: I sent a link to a couple of Husker fans that took a visit here. I've received responses and the're laughing their (you know whats off!) Thanks folks: You all made my day!

5/2/2010, 08:05 PM
i just don't have a problem with how the big 12 is set up right now.

5/2/2010, 08:11 PM
I asked for opinions and I got them! I think Huskers and Sooners would round out the Big Ten Quite nicely. Wishful thinking again.. You folks are funny! Especially the sooner that hates the whole state of Texas. Is that possible? (Still laughing!) To be honest: I sent a link to a couple of Husker fans that took a visit here. I've received responses and the're laughing their (you know whats off!) Thanks folks: You all made my day!

Son that Must be ME , Hell when Im traveling West I stop in Elk City or Sayre to make sure Im gassed up and dont need to Pizz before I hit the Panhandle
I aint stoppin fer nuthin.

Theres ONLY Two reasons fer a Sooner to ever Go south of the RED.
One to Watch the Red River War
the other to recruit some of those poor High school Kids to Come to God Country

5/2/2010, 08:16 PM
Wouldn't Nebraska be negatively affected re: its recruiting in Texas if it went to the Big 10? I know they do a pretty good job nationally, but isn't Texas the feeding trough that keeps most all of us fed?

5/3/2010, 10:49 AM
Son that Must be ME , Hell when Im traveling West I stop in Elk City or Sayre to make sure Im gassed up and dont need to Pizz before I hit the Panhandle
I aint stoppin fer nuthin.

Theres ONLY Two reasons fer a Sooner to ever Go south of the RED.
One to Watch the Red River War
the other to recruit some of those poor High school Kids to Come to God Country

And here I thought I was the only one who gassed up before entering Texas...and driving on fumes until I got back over the river. Been known to bring my own cooler and not stop at their restaurants, either.

5/3/2010, 11:19 AM
A much more fitting end to th ebig XII championship would have been Suh blocking the field goal. That's what I was personally cheering for.

5/3/2010, 11:19 AM
We can't afford ($$$$$) to lose **.

All of you who criticize the STATE of Texas forget how many of our athletes and students are from Texas and choose to be part of both worlds. It's ** that you can hate (at least out loud). When you make ridiculous statements about the state of Texas you are taking shots at Billy Sims, Brian Bosworth, Jack Mildren, AD and thousands of others. Even if you can't help thinking that way because that's the way you were brought up, please try keeping it to yourself. It's counterproductive to what is trying to be accomplished by the entire University.

5/3/2010, 11:21 AM
Taking Texas meant taking it's younger siblings that said "me too" so I doubt that Texas will go anywhere without its little bratty brothers A&M, Tech and maybe even Baylor. Us, on the other hand, we can all abandon the state of Texas (for the conference, not for recruiting, heh) for anyone in a heartbeat.

I would like to say that Nebraska got screwed in that last second, but we all saw the replay - the ball hit the ground with a second left. It was the right call, even if it wasn't what we all wanted. You guys had the chance to win the game if you blocked the field goal. It didn't happen and we're all sorry it didn't.

If you all do go to the Big Ten, look for us to arrange home-and-homes with you. Frequently. We owe you a loss that we couldn't give you this year... or at least a few MADE field goals :D

:mad: wait a sec, i'm not smiling about that at all.

5/3/2010, 12:21 PM
We can't afford ($$$$$) to lose **.

All of you who criticize the STATE of Texas forget how many of our athletes and students are from Texas and choose to be part of both worlds. It's ** that you can hate (at least out loud). When you make ridiculous statements about the state of Texas you are taking shots at Billy Sims, Brian Bosworth, Jack Mildren, AD and thousands of others. Even if you can't help thinking that way because that's the way you were brought up, please try keeping it to yourself. It's counterproductive to what is trying to be accomplished by the entire University.

You Hush yer Ho mouth , You aint the Boss of me .:P

5/3/2010, 12:41 PM
You Hush yer Ho mouth , You aint the Boss of me .:P

Yo Momma!

5/3/2010, 12:44 PM
Wonder where those mobile home park comments come from ?

5/3/2010, 12:48 PM
I'm no fan of Tejas, and they're no fan of us... but we both mutually understand and respect what eachother brings to the conference. There's no replacement for a big dog like an OU or a TX in a conference. It immediately becomes a one-team joke of a league... like the old SWC, or the WAC. If they leave, we're not going to stop playing them... we played them for years before the BIG 12... they'll still have an opportunity to derail our season as will we for theirs. Basically, should Tejas or Nebbish ever leave, life wouldn't just all be swell and we wouldn't be the same nor better off at all by adding a TCU or a Houston or anything else like that. We'd be headed to a more competitive setting, as well. And like Tejas with A&M and Tceh... we'd likely have that orange disease riding OUr coattails wherever we go, likely c0ck-blocking us from an SEC invite.

5/3/2010, 06:17 PM
Why would the Huskers leave a conference that they helped started?

Are they just scared that they are unable to compete for championships now?

Yes, they got screwed against Texas...and I do not think any big 12 team fan is a fan of Texas, except Texas fans.

5/3/2010, 06:45 PM
Stop insulting ghey nazis.

Rush Limbaugh has no place on this sports website.

5/3/2010, 06:53 PM
Why would the Huskers leave a conference that they helped started?

Are they just scared that they are unable to compete for championships now?

Yes, they got screwed against Texas...and I do not think any big 12 team fan is a fan of Texas, except Texas fans.

The refs handed UT the NU win this year, the KU win a couple of years ago and the win against the Sooners in 2006 and 2008.

In 2006, Big 12 WWE refs wrongfully and wilfully called an incomplete forward pass that went from the OU 11 to the 12.5 yard line a fumble that was returned for a UT TD, which was coupled with a failure to call multiple UT interferences against Sooner receivers. In 2008, twice refs called personal fouls on a Sooner defensive player who held McCoy up to keep him from being injured, which kept UT scoring drives going and called interceptions incomplete passes as per the ABC announcers.

5/3/2010, 07:05 PM
My political views have no place on the football thread of this sports website.


5/3/2010, 08:07 PM
Is it possible that someone might just post a list of all the times ou's been robbed by the refs? Then rather than having multiple posters dredge up bits and pieces constantly, they could just point to a link. Otherwise it just comes across as aggy.

5/3/2010, 08:25 PM
The refs handed UT the NU win this year, the KU win a couple of years ago and the win against the Sooners in 2006 and 2008.

In 2006, Big 12 WWE refs wrongfully and wilfully called an incomplete forward pass that went from the OU 11 to the 12.5 yard line a fumble that was returned for a UT TD, which was coupled with a failure to call multiple UT interferences against Sooner receivers. In 2008, twice refs called personal fouls on a Sooner defensive player who held McCoy up to keep him from being injured, which kept UT scoring drives going and called interceptions incomplete passes as per the ABC announcers.

The final play vs neb was called correctly, in 06 we lost by 18pts, in 08 id agree with those personal foul calls being horrible

5/4/2010, 01:22 PM
[QUOTE=OU_Sooners75;2875067]Why would the Huskers leave a conference that they helped started?


5/4/2010, 01:49 PM
NP and I discussed the whole conference collapsing thing last night, and while it seems uncertain where we'd go (MWC, perhaps?) I don't think we'd just die as a program without the Big 12 the way some of our members would - Iowa State, Kansas State, even Oklahoma State would struggle.

The success those programs have had lately - OSU in football (somewhat, haha), KSU in basketball and ISU in womens basketball - it was in the Big 12. It was because of the Big 12 that their success mattered. Put them in CUSA or the WAC and see who cares.

5/4/2010, 02:12 PM
IMO, creating superconferences of 16 or 20 teams would be bad for the sport