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View Full Version : What's the worst thing the MAN has done to you or your family?

4/28/2010, 01:24 PM
When I was a kid, my Dad was briefly involved with some local Democratic organizing before the 1972 Presidential elections. The next Spring, the IRS audited my Dad's taxes over a tax deduction. Years later, it was revealed Nixon used the IRS to get at his political enemies - Democrats, Jews, Ivy League element (aka Jews), blacks who were not like the Fifth Dimension, other minorities, anyone who voted for McGovern, Pat Paulsen, Hollywood types, hippies - and the IRS was used to harass opponents even at a fairly low level, like a Third World dictator would use his government officials.

Assorted harassment by campus police (Keystone cops). When I was in the dorms at OU, this a-hole campus cop would come through and yell at the students, telling us to close a door, don't mess with that. He probably beat his wife regularly.

A-hole Seattle airport cop who did not like me using a chair from the screening area to sit down and put my shoes on. He rudely yelled: "Hey, what are you doing?" "Putting my shoes on." He probably had a falling out with his mistress.

Rude NYC cops yelling for assorted reasons. They probably were going through bad divorces after getting caught cheating on their wives.

Harry Beanbag
4/28/2010, 01:44 PM
When I was a kid, my Dad was briefly involved with some local Democratic organizing before the 1972 Presidential elections. The next Spring, the IRS audited my Dad's taxes over a tax deduction. Years later, it was revealed Nixon used the IRS to get at his political enemies - Democrats, Jews, Ivy League element (aka Jews), blacks who were not like the Fifth Dimension, other minorities, anyone who voted for McGovern, Pat Paulsen, Hollywood types, hippies - and the IRS was used to harass opponents even at a fairly low level, like a Third World dictator would use his government officials.

This is why I try not to get myself on any "lists".

4/28/2010, 01:46 PM
The day I quit being a stupid ****ing pothead liberal "the MAN" ceased to exist.

I ain't scared of no man...

4/28/2010, 02:04 PM
No kidding. I've never had any run ins with the "man" because I'm not out there breaking the law every 15 minutes or stirring up **** I shouldn't be stirring.

4/28/2010, 02:19 PM
NP + C&CDean = the "man"

4/28/2010, 02:23 PM
You better watch your step hippy boy. The Man is on your case.

4/28/2010, 02:24 PM
my biggest vice is speeding :O

4/28/2010, 02:25 PM
he's not hippy boy...we renamed him "Alan"

4/28/2010, 02:29 PM
i need a satchel, like Indiana Jones wears

4/28/2010, 02:35 PM
A fag bag?

4/28/2010, 02:35 PM
They only pointed their guns at me twice, but that was before I was 18 so it don't count. And yes, I was setup kinda sorta. :D

4/28/2010, 02:39 PM
When I was a kid, my Dad was briefly involved with some local Democratic organizing before the 1972 Presidential elections. The next Spring, the IRS audited my Dad's taxes over a tax deduction. Years later, it was revealed Nixon used the IRS to get at his political enemies - Democrats, Jews, Ivy League element (aka Jews), blacks who were not like the Fifth Dimension, other minorities, anyone who voted for McGovern, Pat Paulsen, Hollywood types, hippies - and the IRS was used to harass opponents even at a fairly low level, like a Third World dictator would use his government officials.

Assorted harassment by campus police (Keystone cops). When I was in the dorms at OU, this a-hole campus cop would come through and yell at the students, telling us to close a door, don't mess with that. He probably beat his wife regularly.

A-hole Seattle airport cop who did not like me using a chair from the screening area to sit down and put my shoes on. He rudely yelled: "Hey, what are you doing?" "Putting my shoes on." He probably had a falling out with his mistress.

Rude NYC cops yelling for assorted reasons. They probably were going through bad divorces after getting caught cheating on their wives.

Rarely are these sorts of encounters a one-sided affair.

If it keeps happening to first your dad, and then you, maybe the problem is.... you.

If you go around flaunting authority, thumbing your nose, and being a general d**che-rocket, I'm not going to be nice to you either. See below.

4/28/2010, 02:41 PM
A fag bag?


personally, i don't see it ;)

4/28/2010, 02:42 PM
Chuck bait right there.

4/28/2010, 02:45 PM
Norman police. A bunch of us were staying in our frat house over Christmas. One of our brothers was drunk and forgot his key, so he broke into the house using a credit card on a window entry. Sorority girl next door sees this guy climbing through the window. Norman and OU police respond and had 10 of us handcuffed with guns drawn. I said, "Guys, look at the composite on the wall. We are all there". Took them 20 minutes to decide it was okay and to let us loose.

Harry Beanbag
4/28/2010, 02:48 PM
Chuck bait right there.


4/28/2010, 02:49 PM
Nope. I've seen Nope and he ain't no Nope.

4/28/2010, 02:50 PM
yermom....see...I told ya you could be brothers!

4/28/2010, 06:20 PM
But, Sir, you ARE the Man!

4/28/2010, 06:21 PM
I screwed up on my taxes this year. Failed to claim a "making work pay" credit on line 63 of my form 1040. So the man kindly added $400 to my already large $9,200 refund check. The man likes me :)

4/28/2010, 07:33 PM

personally, i don't see it ;)

Thats a Satchel....:D

4/28/2010, 07:36 PM
The Cops got pepper spray in my eyes after we beat the huskers in 2000.

4/28/2010, 07:38 PM
Norman PD arrested one of my brothers when he asked "Which one of you jokers is in charge?"

Evidently they all were in charge....lol

4/28/2010, 07:40 PM
I think I got a ticket on the Turnpike once because why Wife had oSu stuff on. I should have told him we picked her up hitchihking and she was holding us hostage. :D

4/29/2010, 06:08 AM
the state of oklahoma suspended my license once and didnt tell me about it till 3 years later when i got pulled over and ended up in handcuffs in yukon.

as for my family as a whole, when my grandfather died, he left my parents about 400 acres of hickory farmland in southern indiana. about 5 years before we were supposed to start cutting those trees down, the guy who owned the property next to ours decided he didnt like the creek running through his place, so he damed it up... and flooded about 380 of our 400 acres, making it impossible to harvest those trees. we tried to sue. judge said nope. we couldnt afford the property taxes on it after that and the land was siezed by the state and auctioned off for about 200 bucks an acre.

4/29/2010, 02:08 PM
When I was still in high school, my brother was learning how to drive and got into a little accident (not his fault, other car was running around with its blinker on everywhere). However, since this idiot's insurance was the same company as ours, suddenly the insurance company is canceling coverage left and right, till they discover who was at fault in the accident about a month later.

The car, which was older, was worth less than what repairs would cost. The incident soured my parents on having kids who drive (just IMHO, but likely true) and I didn't end up even getting a learner's permit till I was 21.

You boys pay higher insurance for a reason. :mad:

4/29/2010, 02:11 PM
About 10 years ago I went into the town office and announced I was there to pay my dog tax. I looked over to the end of the counter and there was an Officer staring me down. Looked to me like he was running through the code book in his head trying to find a statute I had violated. The clerk weren't to nice to me either.

4/29/2010, 02:21 PM
I got in a little trouble in Norman once when I stumbled out of a bar and a policeman was standing close by...all I asked was "Occiffer can you help me find my car?"

Crucifax Autumn
4/29/2010, 02:47 PM
The man was always keeping me down when I lived in texass. Cops dicked with me for walking down the street or standing in a friend's yard.

Now that I'm in Vegas I could smoke a joint naked in the middle of Boulder Highway and they'd just tell me to get out of the road and stand on the sidewalk.

4/29/2010, 03:12 PM
OCPD screwed me over good when I was a teenager involved in a fender bender. Back when Britton Road was two lanes with a turn lane down the middle, all marked, I got nailed from behind about a block from my home by a fellow and his wife who were visiting from Tulsa. The guy was a doctor and he was driving a car that belonged to the hospital he worked for. I thought he was going to get ticketed for hitting me so imagine my shock/anger when the officer let him drive off and wrote me up! The explanation was that Britton Road, striped as three lanes notwithstanding, was an unmarked four lane and I was out of lane. He also said that if he had ticketed the doctor it would have meant hauling him downtown since he was not from the City and so on and so forth.

There was no way for me to prove it but I believe this doctor made a contribution to the police benevolence fund when he was making his statement. Anyway, the officer wasn't a complete a-hole as he suggested I contest the ticket, correctly noting that the doctor would probably not drive back from Tulsa for OKC traffic court. I did so and got out of paying for the ticket. Little did I know this one was not finished.

I was guilty of something. My car had been sitting unused in the front yard and my dad asked me to sell it. Because I hadn't been driving it I had let the insurance lapse. The only reason I was on the road that day was to drive to the nearest gas station to air up the tires. Since I was uninsured there was no one to pay for the damage to the Tulsa hospital's car, about $600 worth (a lot of money to a kid in the 70's). I was sued.

There was also a matter of the DMV asking me to put up a $10,000 bond for being in a wreck w/o liability. I got lucky on this one.

A lawyer working pro bono for me was friends with someone at DMV. We went to the hearing together and explained how I contested the ruling by the investigating officer that Britton Road was an unmarked four lane when it was clearly a marked three lane. The DMV agreed and I did not have to put up the bond. That only left the hospital's insurance company.

They were after me for years. The lawyer managed to hold them off all that time, which had to have cost them more money than they wanted what with driving to OKC from Tulsa only to get delay after delay granted to me. Eventually, my dad settled with them for $200. I guess they wanted a moral victory. I learned to never drive w/o insurance but I still carry bad feelings about the OCPD over it.

4/29/2010, 03:59 PM
I didn't realize this thread was just a tell-all from everybody's stupid years.

Let's see...

I got busted for shoplifting, burglary, possession of a controlled substance (multiple times), grand larceny, armed robbery, possession of a prohibited weapon, assault and battery, and a myriad of other crimes. All before my 18th birthday. I've spent time in jail in Arizona, Texas, Nevada, North Carolina, and Colorado. Every time I go to buy a new gun they have to do a secondary background/FBI check because the "prohibited weapon" charge pops up - but then clears on the second go-round for whatever reason.

All that being said (and I really only brushed the tip of the iceberg here) "the Man" didn't do a damn thing to me. I was the ****ing idiot - just like most of you are when the Man cracks your ***.

Then I put down the bong, the cokespoon, the freebase pipe and decided to fly right. And like I said before, "the Man" ceased to exist that very day. Amazing how that **** happens.

4/29/2010, 05:04 PM
I am The Man.

Don't make me install a smoke detector in your house.


4/29/2010, 06:49 PM
I am The Man.

Don't make me install a smoke detector in your house.


Don't forget to tell them you've been schooled on forcible entry.

proud gonzo
4/29/2010, 07:48 PM
Norman police. A bunch of us were staying in our frat house over Christmas. One of our brothers was drunk and forgot his key, so he broke into the house using a credit card on a window entry. Sorority girl next door sees this guy climbing through the window. Norman and OU police respond and had 10 of us handcuffed with guns drawn. I said, "Guys, look at the composite on the wall. We are all there". Took them 20 minutes to decide it was okay and to let us loose.

The other nine of you were too stupid to open the damn door for him? I can see how that's The Man's fault. :rolleyes:

4/29/2010, 07:57 PM
I was 21 and tried to buy some more beer at Homeland on Lindsay street. Cashier thought my ID was fake.....wouldn't sell me the beer and wouldn't return my DL. I wouldn't leave.....cops showed up....arrested me for public intox....but I got my DL back. Didn't sue or bitch or complain....just figured it was either karmic payback or a prepayment.

4/30/2010, 12:35 AM
Dear Lord. What is wrong with you some of you? Some of you are a bunch of whiney-*** bitches, that is fo-shure. Why is it the good ones went overseas.?.. oh... that's right.... BECAUSE THEY'RE THE GOOD ONES!

I popped a couple of times, and the only thing I have to say about "the man" (who were in no particular order my dad, my dean, and the campus police) is that I am thankful that they fulfilled one particular aspect of their "control" over me, and that is they didn't let me kill myself through my own stupidity!

You are going to get kicked in the nuts in your lifetime. And it won't always be "the man". (And you girls will get your titties twisted.. it happens.)

But lexsooner, and a couple of you others, you are some gutless dirty hippies.

I'm not the man, but I think if I meet any of you, I am going to kick you in the nuts.... just for the fun of it.

You deserve it.

4/30/2010, 07:01 AM
But lexsooner, and a couple of you others, you are some gutless dirty hippies.

Aint that the truth! Lex, get a haircut and put the tie shirt away.

4/30/2010, 07:51 AM
Aint that the truth! Lex, get a haircut and put the tie shirt away.

Ha, ha! I miss smoking the ganja with you and drinking Milwaukee's Best beer and getting the munchies and ordering Pizza Shuttle!

Judging from my comments and those of others on this thread, I think we all have it good in this country and our complaints about "oppression" are small. That is the whole point. Now if you hack off a cop or worse, injure one, expect to be threatened and/or beaten. That's just how it is.

4/30/2010, 08:45 AM
The other nine of you were too stupid to open the damn door for him? I can see how that's The Man's fault. :rolleyes:


4/30/2010, 09:10 AM
So, I found out last night about the yermom lookalike in the pic in this thread.

My kid was going on and on about how great this move - The Hangover - was and how we just had to watch. So last night, he pops in the DVD. I'm watching it and all of a sudden I see this dude with the fag bag. I go "hey, that's the dude on the whiner thread."

The flick was alright, but it wasn't anywhere near great. Actually, it was pretty damn stupid, but it was mildly entertaining.

4/30/2010, 09:35 AM
... And I will continue to let out my inner Cartman...

... you will respect mah athoritah...

... dam hippays!...

4/30/2010, 09:40 AM
I don't recollect all of the details about this, so I'm just going from the gist of what I remember...

A few years ago, my mom was driving on I-40 when she was hit from behind by a state truck. No injuries thankfully, but her car was totaled. Anyway, long story short, it turned out to be a years long headache, mainly for the insurance company, but also for my folks, as apparently the state gets to determine whether or not they are at fault, and wether or not they are going to pay anything...and they take their sweet time in doing so. They wound up paying the full amount my parents insurance determined they were on the hook for, but it was dragged out for well over a year.

4/30/2010, 09:45 AM
To me, "the man" is not the po po or other authority, but is the cluster**** of beaurocracy that ensures NOTHING in this country can be done expedicously.
Now consider, who can't have a discussion on anything without creating a new beaurocracy?

Chuck Bao
4/30/2010, 11:43 AM
So, this is the whiners’ thread? It just seems that most people posting here either have legitimate complaints or just sharing some funny stories.

For the record, I think that I have been afforded so many advantages in education and my career that I didn’t really deserve and it’s hard to blame the “man” for much of anything. It couldn’t be that “white guilt” thing being bandied about, because I know that isn’t true in my case. Maybe, it is more of the “that white dumbass guilt thing” and I mean that only in a very modern context.

Let’s see. I got a job with the local bank in an executive training program in my senior year in high school. The women I worked with were all “Awww hell no, so we gotta train you to be our boss some day?” (okay, a little dumb white *** male guilt there).

I got a full-ride university scholarship at Southeastern from a foundation set up by a Native American who got rich off of oil. The only stipulation of the foundation was that Native Americans would get the scholarship only if they were equally qualified. I think that GPA was a factor in that and it is pretty easy to keep near a 4.0 average in a very uncompetitive high school, especially since all senior level math and science classes were canceled my senior year because of lack of interest. (a little tiny more white *** male guilt trip)

I got a research assistant job at Baylor mainly because it is pretty easy to keep near a 4.0 average at Southeastern. At Baylor, and I guess elsewhere, masters programs do not like students to fail. I was really bad there, but to make a “C” grade you really have to work at not putting in any effort. (No guilt trip at all – get into the good schools and that’s half of the battle)

Heh! So, I go to Hong Kong to teach at Hong Kong Baptist University under a Baylor lecturer-for-student exchange program. I finished that and actually get a positive commendation of the British university auditor for making my course work and exams more local oriented. And, I did work my *** off there before the era of personal computers (hand-written lecture notes and drawing diagrams on a chalk board are mind boggling now). (It amazes me how people overseas assume that Americans are the consummate entrepreneurs just before China shows us how it is done 15-20 years later)

I answered an ad in the paper for a stock market analyst position at the leading stock brokerage firm in Hong Kong. The head of research picked me because he went to U of H and thought Baylor was a good school. One good thing led to another and I wound up head of research for a leading Thai brokerage firm at the age of 26. I have been head of research for various brokers in Thailand for the last 22 years. It seems that I just lucked into a pretty good gig. (there is huge snobbery in English, the international language. Note to those studying now: if you can write publishable English, you’re in!)

The only issue I have with “the man” is with the US embassy. Funny how this ties into immigration or even tourist visas. I understand to some degree: US embassy staff in Bangkok are constantly having to discourage American men from marrying Thai women after a week of shacking up together. I only wanted to take my friend to the US to meet my family during a two-week holiday after we had shacked up together for four years. I had a permanent and well paying job in Thailand and my friend was enrolled and attending a Thai university studying pre-law. He qualified in terms of money in his bank account and the round-trip tickets were already paid for. I was shocked when the US embassy officer stamped a permanent “Denied to enter the US” in his passport.

The problem was that I told my family that my friend would be visiting with me and I was my typical dumbass self to think that it would be a done deal. When I told my family, my dad got all angry and was about to call the Oklahoma US Senators. I stopped him because I doubt if the Oklahoma senators would even take his call on this matter even though he was pretty big in throwing BBQ fundraisers locally or cooking the BBQ for fundraisers elsewhere for the politicos.

You know what? I never told my dad that I was gay. As sad as this case was, I am looking at it as a very positive thing and it was my dad’s ultra-masculine way of supporting me. And, he would never admit to it but it is what it is.

4/30/2010, 12:22 PM
So, this is the whiners’ thread? It just seems that most people posting here either have legitimate complaints or just sharing some funny stories.

For the record, I think that I have been afforded so many advantages in education and my career that I didn’t really deserve and it’s hard to blame the “man” for much of anything. It couldn’t be that “white guilt” thing being bandied about, because I know that isn’t true in my case. Maybe, it is more of the “that white dumbass guilt thing” and I mean that only in a very modern context.

Let’s see. I got a job with the local bank in an executive training program in my senior year in high school. The women I worked with were all “Awww hell no, so we gotta train you to be our boss some day?” (okay, a little dumb white *** male guilt there).

I got a full-ride university scholarship at Southeastern from a foundation set up by a Native American who got rich off of oil. The only stipulation of the foundation was that Native Americans would get the scholarship only if they were equally qualified. I think that GPA was a factor in that and it is pretty easy to keep near a 4.0 average in a very uncompetitive high school, especially since all senior level math and science classes were canceled my senior year because of lack of interest. (a little tiny more white *** male guilt trip)

I got a research assistant job at Baylor mainly because it is pretty easy to keep near a 4.0 average at Southeastern. At Baylor, and I guess elsewhere, masters programs do not like students to fail. I was really bad there, but to make a “C” grade you really have to work at not putting in any effort. (No guilt trip at all – get into the good schools and that’s half of the battle)

Heh! So, I go to Hong Kong to teach at Hong Kong Baptist University under a Baylor lecturer-for-student exchange program. I finished that and actually get a positive commendation of the British university auditor for making my course work and exams more local oriented. And, I did work my *** off there before the era of personal computers (hand-written lecture notes and drawing diagrams on a chalk board are mind boggling now). (It amazes me how people overseas assume that Americans are the consummate entrepreneurs just before China shows us how it is done 15-20 years later)

I answered an ad in the paper for a stock market analyst position at the leading stock brokerage firm in Hong Kong. The head of research picked me because he went to U of H and thought Baylor was a good school. One good thing led to another and I wound up head of research for a leading Thai brokerage firm at the age of 26. I have been head of research for various brokers in Thailand for the last 22 years. It seems that I just lucked into a pretty good gig. (there is huge snobbery in English, the international language. Note to those studying now: if you can write publishable English, you’re in!)

The only issue I have with “the man” is with the US embassy. Funny how this ties into immigration or even tourist visas. I understand to some degree: US embassy staff in Bangkok are constantly having to discourage American men from marrying Thai women after a week of shacking up together. I only wanted to take my friend to the US to meet my family during a two-week holiday after we had shacked up together for four years. I had a permanent and well paying job in Thailand and my friend was enrolled and attending a Thai university studying pre-law. He qualified in terms of money in his bank account and the round-trip tickets were already paid for. I was shocked when the US embassy officer stamped a permanent “Denied to enter the US” in his passport.

The problem was that I told my family that my friend would be visiting with me and I was my typical dumbass self to think that it would be a done deal. When I told my family, my dad got all angry and was about to call the Oklahoma US Senators. I stopped him because I doubt if the Oklahoma senators would even take his call on this matter even though he was pretty big in throwing BBQ fundraisers locally or cooking the BBQ for fundraisers elsewhere for the politicos.

You know what? I never told my dad that I was gay. As sad as this case was, I am looking at it as a very positive thing and it was my dad’s ultra-masculine way of supporting me. And, he would never admit to it but it is what it is.

Good story. That had the potential to be boring read, but I found it very interesting. Big ups Chuck.

4/30/2010, 12:26 PM
Back in retail, it was slightly amusing that "the man" was putting men in all the higher-paid, manager-track positions while all the girls were in cashier positions, a position that had very little possibility of promotion (except to head cashier, which paid 25 cents per hour more for twice as much work).

But, I guess it goes a little bit both ways. You guys are expected to be breadwinners, leaders, successful, because so many of you guys are, and if you aren't, then it must be incredibly frustrating seeing so many of your peers be where you want to and expect to be.

As a chick, we can always blame "the man" for keeping us down. What excuse do the guys have? Must suck ;)

4/30/2010, 12:35 PM
Back in retail, it was slightly amusing that "the man" was putting men in all the higher-paid, manager-track positions while all the girls were in cashier positions, a position that had very little possibility of promotion (except to head cashier, which paid 25 cents per hour more for twice as much work).

But, I guess it goes a little bit both ways. You guys are expected to be breadwinners, leaders, successful, because so many of you guys are, and if you aren't, then it must be incredibly frustrating seeing so many of your peers be where you want to and expect to be.

As a chick, we can always blame "the man" for keeping us down. What excuse do the guys have? Must suck ;)

I wish more men would blame who I do...myself. I,m the one who chose the arts over science. Which loosely translates to droppong out of college to live in bars and be a "rock star".
BTW, I would do it again.

4/30/2010, 12:41 PM
well, it seems most women choose arts over science...

4/30/2010, 12:48 PM
well, it seems most women choose arts over science...

Maybe if I had chosen a real science...it did not take long to realize that psychology is the black magic of science. Snake oil salesmen and degenerates I tell you.:D

4/30/2010, 12:52 PM
i was more baiting Badger with that than you, i guess it kinda fits both

as far as "the man" keeping women down, that glass ceiling is a lot higher than i have gotten to :D

in IT i have had a lot of women bosses/managers

4/30/2010, 01:04 PM
i was more baiting Badger with that than you, i guess it kinda fits both

as far as "the man" keeping women down, that glass ceiling is a lot higher than i have gotten to :D

in IT i have had a lot of women bosses/managers

I should have done IT. In school I didn't know I had those skills as I was held back by economic status(never had a puter as a child). :D

4/30/2010, 01:20 PM
i guess i was fairly lucky there

4/30/2010, 01:39 PM
i was more baiting Badger with that than you, i guess it kinda fits both

:D I had the winky at the end of my post to show I'm just joking around with you boys.

:mad: but serious face now, if only men can become Navy SEALs, why haven't all of you done what I'll never be able to do?


4/30/2010, 01:57 PM
:D I had the winky at the end of my post to show I'm just joking around with you boys.

:mad: but serious face now, if only men can become Navy SEALs, why haven't all of you done what I'll never be able to do?


Because 99% of us just aren't that tough.

4/30/2010, 04:24 PM
Because 99% of us just aren't that tough.

If Navy Seals included chicks, there wouldn't be a 70 percent drop rate. There'd be a 70 percent pass rate, with the 30 percent failures being all the men being held back by "the man"

(see, made it relate to the thread)

:P ok, i'll stop thread jacking now

6/15/2010, 09:27 AM
Now that I'm in Vegas I could smoke a joint naked in the middle of Boulder Highway and they'd just tell me to get out of the road and stand on the sidewalk.

That is one mental image that i'm trying to get out of my mind.

Frozen Sooner
6/15/2010, 10:08 AM
Hm. AT&T just told me I wasn't eligible for an upgrade to the iPhone 4 until January, even though I was supposed to be eligible for an upgrade in December 2009.

That's about it.

Jello Biafra
6/15/2010, 10:08 AM
I didn't realize this thread was just a tell-all from everybody's stupid years.

Let's see...

I got busted for shoplifting, burglary, possession of a controlled substance (multiple times), grand larceny, armed robbery, possession of a prohibited weapon, assault and battery, and a myriad of other crimes. All before my 18th birthday. I've spent time in jail in Arizona, Texas, Nevada, North Carolina, and Colorado. Every time I go to buy a new gun they have to do a secondary background/FBI check because the "prohibited weapon" charge pops up - but then clears on the second go-round for whatever reason.

All that being said (and I really only brushed the tip of the iceberg here) "the Man" didn't do a damn thing to me. I was the ****ing idiot - just like most of you are when the Man cracks your ***.

Then I put down the bong, the cokespoon, the freebase pipe and decided to fly right. And like I said before, "the Man" ceased to exist that very day. Amazing how that **** happens.

amazing how these type of activities clean your perception up for the rest of your life...you and i have led very similar lives lol (well, minus armed burglary and the black tar heroine binges apparently ;) )...i was bitter the first 18 years of my life and was mad at "the man" until i was escorted off campus in 87 and joined the army and then, i REALLY went buck wild...

now, its a catch 22 with me. do i let my boys do the same stupid asssed things i did or do i try to lead them down the correct path from jump street? the man is always there, its just wether or not you choose to confront him.


6/15/2010, 11:06 AM
The Man and I drank a few beers on his yacht one time. He's so busy oppressing all you wankers, so I was really surprised he was able to set aside the time. But he did, just me and The Man, kickin' back with a six pack of High Life.

I figured a dude with a yacht and a job oppressing people would drink some froo-froo beer. He doesn't. And he's a sucker for those candy coated roasted peanuts, too. I'll be answering the phones for him for as long as he'll have me. Workin' for The Man. Win.


6/16/2010, 07:07 PM
We're the most law and order people that exists.

"The man" - has been auditing us for the last 3-4 years over very small things on our taxes. I'm talking about things with no more significance than $100 - $200. Yet, we have a presidential administration where half the bastards are blatant tax cheats. So I think I can say WTF without further adieu.

Last year, our good friends at the federal tax collectin' office sent us a "late fee penalty" of $240 because they claimed they didn't receive our return until 4/29/09. Fortunately, Mrs. VJ kept the little green certified mail receipt with the postmark. But, in the interim, the good officer at the IRS told Mrs. VJ to go ahead and pay the penalty and they'd investigate and if it was determined that we had mailed our tax return in by 4/15 (and we did), then they'd issue a refund of the penalty. Otherwise, interest would accrue on the non-payment of penalty.

I blew up. I sent them all of the information with the postmarked receipt and my explanation on why I was not paying the penalty fine. Three months later, they responded and cleared us but still insisted we pay them $15 for interest accrued during the investigation. I told Mrs. VJ to pay it to get them to shut the hell up. How much would a lawyer charge me to fight the bastards?

So far this year, they've left us alone. And we owed more this year than ever. Yes, The Man does exist and when they decide to f*ck with you, it makes you wonder what's behind it.

Hell, it's not like I'm out at Tea Parties waving signs or anything!!