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View Full Version : Dez Bryants mom is a lesbo? How'd we miss this?

4/22/2010, 09:21 AM
Three years of really good jokes gone forever!

oh yeah, nttawwt


4/22/2010, 09:25 AM
Dez may be a lesbian as well.......trapped in a man's body.

4/22/2010, 09:38 AM
That kid's had a hard life. Hope he turns out okay...

4/22/2010, 09:48 AM
Dez may be a lesbian as well.......trapped in a man's body.

For all the kid's faults, I really can't hold this against him. Hell, I've had the same problem my whole life!

4/22/2010, 10:12 AM
Yeah the kids had no direction you cant blame him or run him down for things beyond his control and are just part of a tough hand he was dealt. He is a great athlete and reciever and to be able to hold it together and avoid any major derailing incidents until last year (after his worth had been proven) was pretty dang good. A big % woulda never made it out of high school. Its judgement and comments like that sometimes gives fans from certain schools a bad image.

4/22/2010, 10:16 AM
Not only is his mom a lesbian, she's black, so we should probably make fun of that too.

4/22/2010, 10:17 AM
For all the kid's faults, I really can't hold this against him. Hell, I've had the same problem my whole life!

I know, it's really hell with all this uncontrollable lust for women that we male lesbians have to endure. I mean, I literally can not sit in the same room with a woman and not be tormented by those naughty thoughts of what havoc we might wreak on one another.

and worse, now I'm finding out that St. Tebow probably can't hep me either.

Woe, woe is me.

4/22/2010, 10:19 AM
BOKEBACK COWGIRL? Sorry it is a cheap shot but cheap shots are all I can afford.

4/22/2010, 10:39 AM
Good to see Xenophobia is alive and well these days. Why is this in a football forum?

4/22/2010, 10:40 AM
It's April and we have a loooooooooooooooong way to go to summer camp, not to mention next season.

Buckle on your hat Bud, it's gonna be a long spring/summer.

4/22/2010, 11:00 AM
It's April and we have a loooooooooooooooong way to go to summer camp, not to mention next season.

Buckle on your hat Bud, it's gonna be a long spring/summer.
Brother, it's duct taped on.;)

4/22/2010, 11:54 AM
Good to see Xenophobia is alive and well these days. Why is this in a football forum?

We hate foreigners? :confused:

4/22/2010, 12:01 PM
And your point is . . . what? Good Lord, don't you have something more IMPORTANT to worry about?

4/22/2010, 12:01 PM
Lez Bryant??

4/22/2010, 12:06 PM
We hate foreigners? :confused:
Fear of gays/lesbians and yes foreigners.

Jukebox hero sucked.;)

Scott D
4/22/2010, 12:39 PM
That would explain his growing reputation as a Diva among NFL Franchises....Dez is working his way into the second round from what I've heard.

stoops the eternal pimp
4/22/2010, 12:53 PM
he wont get past jerruh jones

4/22/2010, 01:36 PM
ding ding ding, we have a winnah!

4/22/2010, 01:51 PM
That would explain his growing reputation as a Diva among NFL Franchises....Dez is working his way into the second round from what I've heard.
NFL.com says he might be a 1rd pick to the Bungles.

4/22/2010, 01:54 PM
Leave the poor kid alone....he went to lOSUr, isn't that punishment enough?

Leroy Lizard
4/22/2010, 02:04 PM

4/22/2010, 02:42 PM
Leave the poor kid alone....he went to lOSUr, isn't that punishment enough?


4/22/2010, 03:03 PM

4/22/2010, 03:07 PM
He managed to cut his college career short, way short of what was expected, and that is in an environment where there are a lot of people whose jobs depend on keeping track of these guys.

I know he isn't the only college athlete to slip through the cracks (puhleeze, no pun intended) but considering he was one of the pokes top three guys on a team they banked everything on being a South Division contender well . . .

So the worries of a another lot of people whose jobs depend on making sure they get the right guys for their respective teams are legitimate.

Would you use your team's #1 draft pick on a guy who is physically the top WR but may have some serious personality issues or look at other players who may only be the 2nd best rated at their position but w/o the drama?

Dez has some people in his corner but his track record so far is that he can't take a leak and guarantee it'll hit the ground.

He should zip it and smolder in silence till he signs on the dotted line.

Scott D
4/22/2010, 03:08 PM
he wont get past jerruh jones

we all know that jerruh is going to be so hammered by the time dallas picks, he'll take tebow in the 1st round ;)

4/22/2010, 03:13 PM
we all know that jerruh is going to be so hammered by the time dallas picks, he'll take tebow in the 1st round ;)
Lordeee, that would be funny.
"****it,if'n i'm going downi'mgonna dragg PhillipsandThiS Ho mutha DoWN wiTH me...getBiBle ThumPa, RomatOmato caN'tPasss fer ****.":D

4/22/2010, 04:03 PM
good god, who on earth would ever want to be famous?!

dez bryant is a college athlete whos made a few mistakes. the world analyzes and judges ever breath he takes in minute detail... fair enough, hes an athlete in a high profile sport and will soon be making millions of dollars. it comes with the territory.

but that gives us license to rip through his mother's personal life?? dez bryant playing football means that we can use his mother for internet forum fodder? how the hell is her sexuality any of our goddamn business?

is the twinge of shame i feel while reading some of the more classless comments justified? or am i overreacting? it really bothers me that we feel we can tear through her life without thought or pause. almost like flicking a mosquito: "so what if add another dimension of public humiliation to this woman's life? her son plays football"


4/22/2010, 04:13 PM
Nah, I agree with you BleedCrimson. I'm not poking at Dez's mommy, and not really Dez. The NFL scouts have done that enough for everyone.

Besides, Sammie's mom was a Poke. :stunned:


:mad: But seriously, she was. WAS. I think she's a Sooner mom for life now.

4/22/2010, 04:44 PM
Dear Ibleed,
It's only poking fun if you think that sexual orientation other than straight is something to be ashamed of.
If, like most people I know, orientation has become somewhat like hair or eye color in terms of a person's value, then the joking becomes a bit more benign.
Assuming you're male, try and find a lesbian to go drinking with; you can share so much in the way of perverse guy fun with them you may never go back to drankin' with straight people (at least exclusively) again.
And they make absolutely killer wing women. Just so long as they bring back two. Sharing is not my long suit.

4/22/2010, 04:49 PM
It would explain his hereditary asthma, he could only catch his breathe in snatches.

See, it's called a joke. No beavers were injured during the telling of this joke. PC police you now have the floor.....

4/22/2010, 04:52 PM
I don't wanna hear anyone talk about his muffed catches.......

4/22/2010, 05:07 PM
Instead of the jay -z symbol that all the pros and Demarco Murray do after a td, he could take his fingers and.......

4/22/2010, 05:45 PM
I hope he is successful, not like he has ever hurt anyone

Lott's Bandana
4/23/2010, 12:38 AM
Seemingly, she hasn't always been.

4/23/2010, 08:19 AM
Wow. And here I thought this quote from OrP was tacky...

"Does the Bradford Rams jersey come with an arm sling?"

This thread has that all beat to hell. :mad:

4/23/2010, 09:29 AM
to many people investing in stock market were doing so using their credit. those people only thought they were rich.

4/23/2010, 09:51 AM

Would you use your team's #1 draft pick on a guy who is physically the top WR but may have some serious personality issues /QUOTE]

jerry is still kicking himself for not drafting randy moss for that exact reason. imo he figured it was worth the gamble this time.

4/24/2010, 11:29 AM
Fear of gays/lesbians and yes foreigners.

Jukebox hero sucked.;)

Fear of gays/lesbians is homophobia and I see we have a lot of them on this board. So what his mom is gay? How does that effect his football playing?

4/24/2010, 12:15 PM
Not only is his mom a lesbian, she's black, so we should probably make fun of that too.

So ya sayin she's Black licorice?
Or just a chocolate Popsicle ?

4/24/2010, 02:55 PM
Seemingly, she hasn't always been.

Clearly there was at least one time that she wasn't.

4/24/2010, 02:57 PM
Nah, I agree with you BleedCrimson. I'm not poking at Dez's mommy, and not really Dez. The NFL scouts have done that enough for everyone.

Besides, Sammie's mom was a Poke. :stunned:


:mad: But seriously, she was. WAS. I think she's a Sooner mom for life now.

Neither is anyone else , Less they use a strap on :D

4/24/2010, 04:50 PM
"I’m aware of his baggage. He had a dysfunctional upbringing. He admits to being troubled by his mother’s decision to live openly as a lesbian."

Thats more than 2 carry on's.. That pay 75 extra dollars kinda baggage!!!

4/24/2010, 04:52 PM
I dont see a NFL locker room being a good place for him to open up about his moms chain connected to her wallet!!

4/24/2010, 05:03 PM
And how is another human's sexual orientation any of our business if they are not our spouse or significant other?

4/24/2010, 05:04 PM
It's always fun to make fun of players for other teams.

That being said, does anyone else find this a bit disturbing:"I’m aware of his baggage. He had a dysfunctional upbringing. He admits to being troubled by his mother’s decision to live openly as a lesbian. "

Er -- your mom being gay means you had a dysfunctional upbringing? All because she's cool with what she is?

I realize a lot of people might think this, but usually they don't come right out and say it. But, surely, if this kid has "baggage" it entails more than his mother digging chicks instead of dudes, right? To me, baggage is stuff like "daddy beat me", or "mommy was a crack whore", or "I didn't have any parents and so had to raise myself while living in a burnt-out car on the streets of Chicago".

Not, "My mom was gay. That made me a sad panda."

Am I missing something? Is it a football thing -- like, the homophobia rampant in football meant that he couldn't fit in with his peers? Did his mom hit on all his girlfriends?

I'm assuming there's a bunch more and the writer just did a lousy job with his story. As in the grand scheme of things, "Mom is gay" doesn't even seem to rise to the level of, "Mom drank, and it was more than socially."

4/24/2010, 05:16 PM
A good parent is a good parent. A bad parent is a bad parent. I would much prefer a good gay parent to a bad straight one. I would prefer a Muslim parent to an abusive Baptist one. Hatred of labels is just hatred especially if it involves sexuality, ethnicity or religious preferences. Sting wrote a song 25 years ago that addressed America's then "Boogie Man", the Soviets, with the lines: "We share the same biology, Regardless of ideology, What might save us, me, and you, Is if the Russians love their children too."

4/24/2010, 05:27 PM
And how is another human's sexual orientation any of our business if they are not our spouse or significant other?

I live in wisconsin.. I hear that blue state stuff all the time!!

Scott D
4/24/2010, 08:34 PM
Honestly, since I care nothing about his mother or her sexual orientation....my only question is will Dez hold out longer than Crabtree?

Leroy Lizard
4/24/2010, 10:38 PM
Wow. And here I thought this quote from OrP was tacky...

"Does the Bradford Rams jersey come with an arm sling?"

That's actually not bad for an OP thread. Actually a tad funny.

Leroy Lizard
4/24/2010, 10:42 PM
Fear of gays/lesbians is homophobia and I see we have a lot of them on this board. So what his mom is gay? How does that effect his football playing?

How does Tebow's Christian witnessing affect his football playing? We yammer on and on about that all the time.

Leroy Lizard
4/24/2010, 10:49 PM
Sting wrote a song 25 years ago that addressed America's then "Boogie Man", the Soviets, with the lines: "We share the same biology, Regardless of ideology, What might save us, me, and you, Is if the Russians love their children too."

I think I'm going to cry.

Awww, who am I kidding? I, for one, don't give a rat's **** about Sting and his crappy songs.

"Gee, I wonder how I feel about this issue? I'm torn one way, and then the other. I know! Let me see what STING THINKS!!!"

4/24/2010, 10:55 PM
Fear of gays/lesbians is homophobia and I see we have a lot of them on this board. So what his mom is gay? How does that effect his football playing?

I am definitely phobed about a man putting another man's member in his mouth. I would rather you take your enlightenment over to the SouthOval where I don't have to be sickened by it.

4/25/2010, 01:14 AM
How does Tebow's Christian witnessing affect his football playing? We yammer on and on about that all the time.

Welll.... Maybe we'd talk about Dez more if he painted "Muff Diving Mom" in his eye black? :)

Tebow stuck his religious junk in our faces more than an over-enthusiastic audience-participation-squad member of Cirque de Soleil. There's no world in which any of we, the fans, could have possibly talked about his religion more than he did.

Not sure it's entirely fair to compare those two things as if they were equal. There's "none of your business" when it's just part of some kid's family life, and then there's "none of your business" when your mom's featured in a (perfectly tasteful, nothing wrong with it) Superduperbowl ad.

Really, I don't care (I just like to play devil's advocate). Frankly, it makes me a little disappointed that:

1) We didn't really know when he played.

2) Sensitivity means we can't just giggle and call him Lez Bryant.

I'm sorta old-school in my mockery. If you're different, I say that's reason to make fun of you. Which means, basically, that we can all be mocked -- 'cuz we're all different somehow. But I do feel a little weird about some stuff. The rules don't always make sense: Sometimes you can't make fun of people because it's "just what they are", like black, or gay. Yet other times, you can, like when they're short. Or ugly. Or short and ugly. Or really absurdly tall. Or have a giant creepy growth on their neck like they're trying to bud off a new clone of themselves and/or a new head (yeah, Beamer, I'm looking at you, buddy).

Kinda miss the old days when we just made fun of everyone, in an equal opportunity sort of way.


Leroy Lizard
4/25/2010, 01:27 AM
Welll.... Maybe we'd talk about Dez more if he painted "Muff Diving Mom" in his eye black? :)

Okay, that was funny.

Tebow stuck his religious junk in our faces more than an over-enthusiastic audience-participation-squad member of Cirque de Soleil.

No he didn't.

Let's get this straight once and for all: The media followed him around and stuck its cameras in his face. And then we watched it and commented about it ad nauseum. Other than the one Super Bowl ad, this has been all about the public and its fascination with everything he did.

Tebow is the Brittany Spears of sports. And by talking about him, we are not much better than those who read People magazine.

There's no world in which any of we, the fans, could have possibly talked about his religion more than he did.

He talked about his religion, because we asked him about his religion over and over again.

Sometimes you can't make fun of people because it's "just what they are", like black, or gay. Yet other times, you can, like when they're short.


Leroy Lizard
4/25/2010, 01:29 AM
I am definitely phobed about a man putting another man's member in his mouth. I would rather you take your enlightenment over to the SouthOval where I don't have to be sickened by it.

I never understood the whole "phobia" moniker when it comes to the term homophobia.

I'm not fond of ketchup, but I'm not scared of it. (Or... maybe I am, and I just don't know it.)

4/25/2010, 09:52 PM
Funniest thread in a long time......I am still laughing at the strap-on....heh :D


4/25/2010, 10:24 PM
Okay, that was funny.

No he didn't.

Let's get this straight once and for all: The media followed him around and stuck its cameras in his face. And then we watched it and commented about it ad nauseum. Other than the one Super Bowl ad, this has been all about the public and its fascination with everything he did.

Tebow is the Brittany Spears of sports. And by talking about him, we are not much better than those who read People magazine.

He talked about his religion, because we asked him about his religion over and over again.


Well, sure, the fans were probably as much to blame -- hadn't considered it from that angle. Mostly just sick of hearing about it, and I've never been very fond of hearing about other teams' players in the first place. Kinda have OU blinders on, really.

I think the Tebow backlash is, as much as anything, a reflection of how comfortable atheists (and the quasi-religious) have gotten in voicing their opinion of religion. There have always been a few loudly anti-religious voices (just as there'll always be the one guy yelling that we should adopt a full-on Marxist system, or that Esperanto should be mandatory for all high school students) but having large numbers of folks publicly say, "Yeah, God ain't my thing." is modestly recent.

I sure don't remember it being so acceptable back in the 80s, at least.

I didn't/don't like the kid, but I don't know if I could give an honest accounting of why that is. Part is bound to be the over-saturation of hearing about him all the damned time. Part is losing to him in the title game (probably a really big part). Part is that when he's getting "fired up" he always reminds me of a bratty toddler told he can't have another cookie -- something about the way he screws his face up like he's about to start crying the tantrum of all tantrums. Is that fair of me? Nope. Not at all. But we humans, if we're honest, are seldom entirely fair.

The thing about black, gay, or short was just my complaining that we used to be able to make fun of people for any attribute (although as a scrawny white kid, I was always careful to avoid making fun of anyone for being black) but sensitivity means now we've got few such outlets left. Heck, pretty sure if I started cracking wise on short people 'round here, some midget-rights activist would get all uppity and angry with me. They might anyhow, seeing as I dropped the M word.


Leroy Lizard
4/25/2010, 10:25 PM
You'd make me feel a lot better if you said my posts were funny too.

Leroy Lizard
4/25/2010, 10:30 PM
Well, sure, the fans were probably as much to blame -- hadn't considered it from that angle. Mostly just sick of hearing about it, and I've never been very fond of hearing about other teams' players in the first place. Kinda have OU blinders on, really.

I think the Tebow backlash is, as much as anything, a reflection of how comfortable atheists (and the quasi-religious) have gotten in voicing their opinion of religion. There have always been a few loudly anti-religious voices (just as there'll always be the one guy yelling that we should adopt a full-on Marxist system, or that Esperanto should be mandatory for all high school students)

Probably the same guy. :D

but having large numbers of folks publicly say, "Yeah, God ain't my thing." is modestly recent.

But they will always preface it by making comments that lead you to think that they are true believers. Truth is, they only know about six Bible verses, all of them memorized to argue with Christians.

I know two right off the top of my head: "rich man/no go needle" and "sinner-stone no throw."

4/25/2010, 11:47 PM
It's always fun to make fun of players for other teams.

That being said, does anyone else find this a bit disturbing:"I’m aware of his baggage. He had a dysfunctional upbringing. He admits to being troubled by his mother’s decision to live openly as a lesbian. "

Er -- your mom being gay means you had a dysfunctional upbringing? All because she's cool with what she is?

I realize a lot of people might think this, but usually they don't come right out and say it. But, surely, if this kid has "baggage" it entails more than his mother digging chicks instead of dudes, right? To me, baggage is stuff like "daddy beat me", or "mommy was a crack whore", or "I didn't have any parents and so had to raise myself while living in a burnt-out car on the streets of Chicago".

Not, "My mom was gay. That made me a sad panda."

Am I missing something? Is it a football thing -- like, the homophobia rampant in football meant that he couldn't fit in with his peers? Did his mom hit on all his girlfriends?

I'm assuming there's a bunch more and the writer just did a lousy job with his story. As in the grand scheme of things, "Mom is gay" doesn't even seem to rise to the level of, "Mom drank, and it was more than socially."

Mom was in prison during Dez's childhood for selling drugs (and probably other things).

Dez bounced around from house to house like a foster kid.

His pops was in his 40s. His mom was in her teens when she had him.

He had a pretty rough upbringing. He's not all that smart, but he's done a helluva job keeping his nose clean (at least compared to what should be expected of a kid in his situation).

King Barry's Back
4/26/2010, 05:51 AM
Good to see Xenophobia is alive and well these days. Why is this in a football forum?

Doesn't xenophobia mean that you are scared of people from a different country? Why is THIS in a football forum?

4/26/2010, 08:54 AM
Three years of really good jokes gone forever!

oh yeah, nttawwt


Not for NFCE fans...we are already getting a fund together to buy Mama and her Bull Dyke Dream Seats behind the visitor's bench.

4/26/2010, 09:02 AM
It would explain his hereditary asthma, he could only catch his breathe in snatches.

See, it's called a joke. No beavers were injured during the telling of this joke. PC police you now have the floor.....

That's some funny stuff right there.. :D

4/26/2010, 10:10 AM
Mom was in prison during Dez's childhood for selling drugs (and probably other things).

Dez bounced around from house to house like a foster kid.

His pops was in his 40s. His mom was in her teens when she had him.

He had a pretty rough upbringing. He's not all that smart, but he's done a helluva job keeping his nose clean (at least compared to what should be expected of a kid in his situation).

Okay, well, this makes a lot more sense. Parents dealing drugs and doing time is, y'know, something that can be rough on a kid. A lot easier to empathize with than "Mom liked to hang out with Other Mom".

The NFL seems to be going through a rough patch of its own, when it comes to character issues. Used to be none of it mattered, and teams still don't seem to have properly adjusted their evaluation process to reflect the current penalty climate. Fact is, character shouldn't drive you off because short of real morons like Pacman Jones, it can be managed. (It's as if that guy desperately *wanted* to be banned from football. Maybe his subconscious did it as a defense measure to avoid concussions? Or maybe he was thick as pigshiite?)

4/27/2010, 05:15 PM

4/27/2010, 05:42 PM
i just gained a lot of respect foer dez. if some guy interviewing me asked if my mom was a hooker, i would have exploded and whooped the **** out of him. dez showed a lot of restraint. and the dolphins need to fire that *******. what the hell kind of an interview question is that?

4/28/2010, 01:19 PM
I never said, Hey, Dez's daddy is a turkey baster. I never made fun of the fact she is a fur trader, I simply noted that we missed it for 3 years!

Very disappointing. I expect more form this group.