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Salt City Sooner
4/11/2010, 10:34 PM
Insert any faceplant pic you want to here:

NORMAN -- Oklahoma tackle Donald Stephenson, who is contending for a starting position this spring, was taken into custody Saturday for outstanding municipal warrants, according to the Norman Police Department public information log.

The incident comes one year after Stephenson’s arrest over a warrant for failing to pay a speeding ticket. He eventually posted $223 bond to comply with that warrant and the original citation.

Stephenson was the projected starting left tackle when OU’s spring season began. The 6-6, 285-pounder missed the 2009 season while suspended for undisclosed reasons.

“Hopefully this year he’ll be able to do the right things and stay on the field and be accountable to the team,” OU coach Bob Stoops said last month as spring practice opened. “If he does he has a chance to be a really good player.”


4/11/2010, 10:48 PM

4/11/2010, 10:52 PM
So wait, is he starting saturday or not?

4/11/2010, 10:58 PM
add Wille Warren to the list. Just because they play for OU doesn't make them above the law. Hat's off to the Norman PD....gotta be between a rock and a hard place.

4/11/2010, 11:10 PM
Jesus H., I doubt Stoops will have any sympathy for the kid. I was looking forward to see if he lives up the the praise. Those Utah St. DEs are gonna be all over Landry.

Leroy Lizard
4/11/2010, 11:24 PM
He procrastinated when it came time to pay his traffic tickets, thinking the problem would go away. As long as he does what is needed, I see no reason to pursue this any further.

4/12/2010, 12:52 AM
I wonder what Stoops will do with this one. It's a minor thing but with his history we may see some kind of penalty or suspension.

4/12/2010, 12:52 AM
Didn't something quite similar happen to Gresham about this time last year? Agreed, this is a routine procedure. As long as he pays the tickets and fees, and pays his penance to the team, he'll be out there on the field. Hey, at least he didn't fall asleep drunk at a stop light or crash into someone's apartment!

4/12/2010, 06:27 AM
He procrastinated when it came time to pay his traffic tickets, AFTER BEING GIVEN A SECOND CHANCE FOR A SIMILAR SITUATION LAST YEARthinking the problem would go away. As long as he does what is needed, I see no reason to pursue this any further.


The highlighted text is reason to pursue this further if I am the coach. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is a clarion of more problematic issues.

4/12/2010, 08:03 AM

Pull your head out of your a**, nimrod. You represent, and are being given an education courtesy of, the University of Oklahoma.

Pull. Head. Out. NOW.

4/12/2010, 08:13 AM
Well, we need him this year... we need everyone healthy and with their nose clean. I just hope Mensik comes back with no problem.

4/12/2010, 09:03 AM
don't care. doesn't matter.

4/12/2010, 09:09 AM
NCAA wonks out there: what if the athletic office solicited lawyer volunteers to monitor traffic tickets, etc.? Would that be a violation? I am sure you could get lawyers to volunteer and pass heads ups to Stoops to lean on little Johnny to high his happy azz down to the courthouse to pay his tickets.

4/12/2010, 09:30 AM
They don't need a lawyer to do that. Any staff member, i.e. Stoop's secretary, can go to oscn.net, run the kid's name and see if there are any tickets. I used to do this once a month on my own kids. It is very easy and it does pay off.

4/12/2010, 09:38 AM
Just looked it up (Small Claims: FORCIBLE ENTRY & DETAINER <$1500.) Filed by Sooner Traditions in March and he was served on Friday, April 9.

4/12/2010, 10:09 AM
HEh. That's no traffic ticket....

4/12/2010, 10:11 AM

The highlighted text is reason to pursue this further if I am the coach. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is a clarion of more problematic issues.

I've seen that phrase before, but a different conclusion.

4/12/2010, 10:27 AM
Just looked it up (Small Claims: FORCIBLE ENTRY & DETAINER <$1500.) Filed by Sooner Traditions in March and he was served on Friday, April 9.

Someone didn't pay there rent.....

4/12/2010, 11:45 AM
Pull your head out of your a**, nimrod. You represent, and are being given an education courtesy of, the University of Oklahoma.

Which, so far as I can remember, does not cover traffic tickets, rent, or delinquent rent, and as we know jobs are hard to come by and maintain for athletes. I know, I know, they don't need to drive fast (if at all), they don't need to live anywhere but the athletic dorms--but how much of your college driving time was spent under the speed limit, with your seat belt on? How much of your social time was sober and on campus?

4/12/2010, 11:55 AM
Just looked it up (Small Claims: FORCIBLE ENTRY & DETAINER <$1500.) Filed by Sooner Traditions in March and he was served on Friday, April 9.

There's half of your year's suspension right there. It was never actually announced what he did, other than "academics and some other issues."

4/12/2010, 02:07 PM
Let's not go all whornfans.com here - Donald and Willie Warren both settled their warrants.

Link (http://www.tulsaworld.com/sportsextra/OU/article.aspx?subjectid=92&articleid=20100412_92_0_NORMAN432583)

Donald was arrested for failure to stop (then failure to appear for failure to stop) and Willie was in for going 40 in a 25 mph zone (the failure to appear). That's it. Nothing more.

They paid their debt to society by paying their debt to Norman PD. It's over. They're in the clear. Let he (or she) who is without little police ticket (over the age of 16) cast the first stone.

4/12/2010, 02:11 PM

Are you saying that YOU, Badger, have been the recipient of police attention?

The scales have fallen from my eyes, my heart is on the ground. The clay feet of my idols crumble before my eyes.

What was it for? Something good, I hope.

4/12/2010, 02:21 PM
Yes, I was once pulled over and issued a ticket for going 37 in a 25. It was in one of Norman's notorious speed traps. It was 40, then it was suddenly 25. I didn't slow down fast enough after getting on the 25 mph one, I got a ticket. It wouldn't surprise me if the same thing happened WW and to many of you.

Alas, that's where the similarities end. I had to pay $100 or so before the court date, WW waited till after the court date and then had to post bond as well.

As for Donald... well, I've also been cited for failure to stop (I DID TOO STOP! BULLSH!T, officer!) but it was only a warning, probably because the officer knew it was BS.

I'm just a bad driver, people. If you see me on the road, avoid me.

4/12/2010, 02:38 PM
Alright, I'm totally confused. I know, shocking. But is he still in trouble or not? What's this deal with the forcible entry--is that from last year? Is he all settled and cleared or is there crap still pending?

4/12/2010, 04:00 PM
He procrastinated when it came time to pay his traffic tickets, thinking the problem would go away. As long as he does what is needed, I see no reason to pursue this any further.

Yeah, but did you know he also parks his car on his lawn?

4/12/2010, 04:20 PM
Which, so far as I can remember, does not cover traffic tickets, rent, or delinquent rent, and as we know jobs are hard to come by and maintain for athletes. I know, I know, they don't need to drive fast (if at all), they don't need to live anywhere but the athletic dorms--but how much of your college driving time was spent under the speed limit, with your seat belt on? How much of your social time was sober and on campus?

Respectfully, that's neither here nor there. The athletes can lose said scholarships if they don't TCOB as they should. The majority of players don't find themselves in those situations, and if they do, the majority of those take care of it, correct? Their monetary situation is indeed slim. Why make it slimmer by behaving in a manner that can cost you $$$?

And FWIW, I was sober the whole time I lived on my campus, and drove the speed limit. It was my frosh year, living with my grandmother, that I had a few too many a few times :O - and then our group had a DD. When I drove places, I still didn't speed though. :D

OT, I was 49 when I got my first (only and last) speeding ticket - $86. Woulda been over $600, if not for my "My Sons Are MARINES" and "SEMPER FI" bumper stickers. And the (once a Marine, ALWAYS a Marine) Devil Dog cop, bless his heart.

But I didn't have an athletic scholly to OU. LOL

Leroy Lizard
4/12/2010, 04:53 PM
Yeah, but did you know he also parks his car on his lawn?

That sounds like a two-game suspension.

4/12/2010, 05:06 PM
The forcible entry thing was 2009, I'm pretty sure. Since he was pretty much suspended and never heard from last season, nobody bothered to write an article about Bob's Big, Bad, Out-of-Control football players.

Crucifax Autumn
4/12/2010, 08:02 PM
They will this season. Last year we "weren't good" so they just filed all the stories for later.

4/12/2010, 08:08 PM

The highlighted text is reason to pursue this further if I am the coach. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is a clarion of more problematic issues.

I'll be the *** to say it. Anyone ever consider maybe he didn't have the money to pay? Maybe it wasn't procrastination, but a lack of money.

4/12/2010, 08:20 PM
I'll be the *** to say it. Anyone ever consider maybe he didn't have the money to pay? Maybe it wasn't procrastination, but a lack of money.

Once he got arrested, he sure came up with the money in a hurry. He should've done that before he got arrested.

Leroy Lizard
4/12/2010, 10:36 PM
I'll be the *** to say it. Anyone ever consider maybe he didn't have the money to pay? Maybe it wasn't procrastination, but a lack of money.

Avoiding the court is not a good way to handle the situation. Show up. Tell him you're broke. Let him work out a payment plan.

4/13/2010, 12:58 AM
Ooooh cool - is this the thread where I get to act all indignant and righteous about a 19 year old's behavior!!?? Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!! Count me in.

4/13/2010, 09:06 AM
Let's see....

First there is the little issue of being arrested and charged with multiple counts of burglary of motor vehicles, theft and criminal damage...

Then.. being suspended from his high school for at least 10 days so he had to fax his LOI from an Office Depot...


Then there was the suspension for.. "undisclosed" reasons last year...

Then... there was that pesky unpaid speeding ticket resulting in a warrant being issued for him...

But hell's bells... everyone deserves a 4th or 5th chance. :D

4/13/2010, 09:12 AM
Ouch... wasn't aware of that stuff. Man, some people are just screw ups. I'm anxious to see what Stoops does with this situation.....

4/13/2010, 03:09 PM
As a law enforcement professional, I see where these kids can get into trouble, but along comes players like #93 McCoy & #14 Bradford and all of the other players on the roster that make great strides in keeping it together and avoid trouble. I think we should give credit to the many, and not focus on the one! Stoops will do what is right and if the kid has made right his wrongs, nuf said! BOOMER SOONER!

4/13/2010, 05:05 PM
Give credit to the McCoys, Bradfords, Claytons, etc. But don't realistically expect every college player to do what's right. Remember the vast majority of them are still 18-24 year-old guys.

Bourbon St Sooner
4/14/2010, 08:54 AM
Let's see....

First there is the little issue of being arrested and charged with multiple counts of burglary of motor vehicles, theft and criminal damage...

Then.. being suspended from his high school for at least 10 days so he had to fax his LOI from an Office Depot...


Then there was the suspension for.. "undisclosed" reasons last year...

Then... there was that pesky unpaid speeding ticket resulting in a warrant being issued for him...

But hell's bells... everyone deserves a 4th or 5th chance. :D

If you're one of Lid's clients, just know that he did all of this research on a 20 year old kid and charged YOU $500 an hour for it.

4/14/2010, 08:56 AM
If you're one of Lid's clients, just know that he did all of this research on a 20 year old kid and charged YOU $500 an hour for it.

Don't be absurd.

I charged TWO clients for that time.

Jello Biafra
4/14/2010, 09:00 AM
Let's see....

First there is the little issue of being arrested and charged with multiple counts of burglary of motor vehicles, theft and criminal damage...

Then.. being suspended from his high school for at least 10 days so he had to fax his LOI from an Office Depot...


Then there was the suspension for.. "undisclosed" reasons last year...

Then... there was that pesky unpaid speeding ticket resulting in a warrant being issued for him...

But hell's bells... everyone deserves a 4th or 5th chance. :D

if we want lip from you, we'll scrape it from a zipper. worry about your own ****hole team. by the way, watched your spring game last night....nice offense lol

4/14/2010, 09:05 AM
There are a ****load of everyday people that have outstanding warrants for traffic offenses and i would bet that some of them even post on this here forum

4/14/2010, 09:27 AM
True, but how hard is it to pay a ticket after you get it? Esp if you play at a program like OU and your career is on the line.... and to further the point, if you have already been in trouble and are already walking a fine line.

But, I hope he plays, we need him! :D

4/14/2010, 11:16 AM
In the latest practice videos at soonersports.com (4/13) Donald, or someone wearing his#59 in practicing...
That's a good sign