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View Full Version : Tea Party Time-Out: 7 Ways To Calm The Conservative Temper Tantrum

3/24/2010, 10:59 AM

I laughed.

Name-calling (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/23/opinion/23herbert.html?partner=rss&emc=rss), throwing things (http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/03/22/pols.dems.vandalized/index.html?eref=rss_us&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fcnn_us+(RSS%3A+U.S.)), even threatening to run away from home (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/03/09/limbaugh-ill-leave-us-if_n_491536.html) — many conservative responses to the healthcare bill sound a lot like a toddler's temper tantrum. Perhaps we can use some parenting tactics to deal with them.

Since rational discourse clearly isn't working, we scoured parenting books looking for ways to calm the childish antics of John Boehner (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/postpartisan/2010/03/screaming_a_bipartisan_activit.html), Glenn Beck (http://mediamatters.org/mmtv/201003220074), and mobs of angry Tea Partiers (http://www.buzzfeed.com/awesomer/the-tea-party-the-circus/). Below, some helpful anti-tantrum techniques, and how we might apply them to the current cry-fest.

1. Technique: Let Them Cry It Out

Aristotle [...] stated that when children screamed they should not be repressed, because screaming played an important role in their development. If a child wished to protest vocally against the order of things in his environment, Aristotle would let him cry out his tantrum. He thought evil humors might be drained out of the system by free expression. -Parents and Their Problems (http://books.google.com/books?id=69knAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA34&dq=tantrum+subject:%22parenting%22&lr=&as_drrb_is=b&as_minm_is=1&as_miny_is=1900&as_maxm_is=1&as_maxy_is=1950&as_brr=0&ei=FsaoS5zFFaCSyQSUgZX0Cg&cd=4#v=onepage&q=tantrum%20subject%3A%22parenting%22&f=false), 1914

Application: Conservatives have compared the passage of healthcare reform to a civil war (http://article.nationalreview.com/428984/its-a-civil-war-what-we-do-now/dennis-prager?page=1), Pearl Harbor (http://mediamatters.org/mmtv/201003220074), and 9/11 (http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/0310/GOP_candidate_compares_health_care_passage_911.htm l). Once they get to the actual apocalypse, there will be nothing left to compare it to, and perhaps their "evil humors" will be drained.

2. Technique: Demonstrate Negative Consequences

Show [the child] how ridiculous and futile his loss of control was, and tell him how much he will lose of companionship and accomplishment when he is a man if he does not learn self-control. -Parents and Their Problems (http://books.google.com/books?id=69knAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA34&dq=tantrum+subject:%22parenting%22&lr=&as_drrb_is=b&as_minm_is=1&as_miny_is=1900&as_maxm_is=1&as_maxy_is=1950&as_brr=0&ei=FsaoS5zFFaCSyQSUgZX0Cg&cd=4#v=onepage&q=tantrum%20subject%3A%22parenting%22&f=false)

Application: The GOP may be figuring this one out for itself. Of the healthcare debate (punctuated as it was by the shout of "baby-killer"), one Republican said (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0310/34838.html#ixzz0j0qvRDS9): "It was like a mob at times. It wasn't good for us. ... Remember, it took years [for Democrats] to recover from the bad publicity the anti-Vietnam protests generated." The Republicans have already lost "companionship and accomplisment" — will they learn self-control?

3. Technique: Adjust Uncomfortable Clothing

A child who has frequent temper tantrums often has inborn traits of temperament that lead to frustration. For example, she may be very sensitive to changes in temperature or noise level, or to the feel of different clothes on the skin. She has a tantrum every time her parents put her socks on, unless the seams at the toes are in exactly the right place. -Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care
Application: Maybe Republicans just need their socks in a different place — such as the mouth.

4. Technique: Teach New Terms

Tantrums are common during the second year of life, a time when children are acquiring language. Toddlers generally understand more than they can express. Imagine not being able to communicate your needs to someone - a frustrating experience that may precipitate a tantrum. As language skills improve, tantrums tend to decrease. -Temper Tantrums, (http://kidshealth.org/parent/emotions/behavior/tantrums.html) Kidshealth.com

Application: Perhaps conservatives just need to learn a few words. They could start with "Democrats" instead of "Social Democrats (http://article.nationalreview.com/428984/its-a-civil-war-what-we-do-now/dennis-prager?page=1)" or socialists, and move on to "President Barack Obama," instead of "illegal immigrant," "Hitler," or "Antichrist (http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2010-03-22/scary-new-gop-poll/)."

5. Technique: Withhold Treats

While [the child] is absent in his tantrum, let some nice little thing occur, so he may experience a loss, and say how sorry you are that he had not controlled himself sooner that he might have been there. Perhaps it might be the eating of an orange or some other dainty that he likes; the showing of some pretty picture; the telling of some nice story of which he is fond; or the playing of some game that he enjoys. Never let his outbreak get him what he wanted. -Parents and Their Problems (http://books.google.com/books?id=69knAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA34&dq=tantrum+subject:%22parenting%22&lr=&as_drrb_is=b&as_minm_is=1&as_miny_is=1900&as_maxm_is=1&as_maxy_is=1950&as_brr=0&ei=FsaoS5zFFaCSyQSUgZX0Cg&cd=4#v=onepage&q=tantrum%20subject%3A%22parenting%22&f=false)

Application: If Rush Limbaugh actually runs off to sulk in Costa Rica like he threatened to do if healthcare reform passed (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/03/09/limbaugh-ill-leave-us-if_n_491536.html), we should do something really fun while he's gone. We could all eat a tasty orange, or, you know, get some necessary medical care.

6. Technique: Speak Their Language

It helps to think of your toddler as sort of a caveman. With all their grunting and grabbing, toddlers often seem quite primitive. To communicate with them, you have to speak in a primitive and almost prehistoric type of language - Toddler-ese - with lots of gestures. It needs to be as energetic and dramatic as the child is being. To speak Toddler-ese, use:

# Short phrases.
# Tons of repetition.
# A passionate tone of voice.
# Lots of exaggerated facial expressions and body gestures (like big smiles, frowns and vigorous pointing). -"How To Calm A Toddler In Seconds (http://www.drphil.com/articles/article/293)," by Dr. Harvey Karp

Application: Glenn Beck (http://mediamatters.org/mmtv/201003220074) already seems to speak Toddler-ese, so this should be easy. Luckily, Jon Stewart (http://www.indecisionforever.com/2009/11/06/jon-stewarts-pitch-perfect-glenn-beck-impression/) knows how mirror Beck's "passionate tone" and "vigorous pointing." But, says Karp, "Don't be surprised if it takes four or five repetitions before you even begin to get your little buddy's attention!" So Stewart may have to do his Beck impression three or four more times.

7. Technique: Remove Them From "Public Situations"

Some youngsters, of course, use tantrums as a form of control; they've learned that kicking and screaming bring them what they want. If that's the case in your house, there's only one way to remedy the situation: stick to your guns, buy yourself earplugs if necessary, and keep him out of public situations where he may try his most vigorous shindigs in an effort to bend you to his will. -Your Child's Self-Esteem (http://books.google.com/books?id=klpvGJllL80C&pg=PA206&dq=tantrum+subject:%22parenting%22&lr=&as_drrb_is=b&as_minm_is=1&as_miny_is=1700&as_maxm_is=1&as_maxy_is=1980&as_brr=0&ei=fMioS7O9K478zQTHy-izCA&cd=3#v=onepage&q=tantrum%20subject%3A%22parenting%22&f=false)

Application: Simple: vote them out of office.

Send an email to Anna North, the author of this post, at [email protected].

3/24/2010, 11:05 AM
8. Answer only one question on the 2010 Census form and then brag on the South Oval board about what a ballsy thing you did.

3/24/2010, 11:28 AM

3/24/2010, 11:31 AM
9. Watch conservatives laugh last in November.

3/24/2010, 12:38 PM
9. Watch conservatives laugh last in November.

I think that is #7... vote them out.

3/24/2010, 01:04 PM
9. Watch conservatives laugh last in November.
I think you mean Republicans. If you join in, you'll be deluding yourself just as surely as the Democrats are now.

3/24/2010, 01:12 PM
Its a little funny watching liberals fret over the fact that, after all these years, they are finally facing real opposition to their broken policies of "social justice".
Congradulations people of America, your captors are frightened of you. That is why they will jump through any flaming hoop to rush through every liberal tennent they can before its too late.

3/24/2010, 01:18 PM
Its a little funny watching liberals fret over the fact that, after all these years, they are finally facing real opposition to their broken policies of "social justice".Heh, the "social justice" policies of the 50s and 60s were of course famous for their bipartisanship and political comity.

3/24/2010, 01:26 PM
Heh, the "social justice" policies of the 50s and 60s were of course famous for their bipartisanship and political comity.

If you are referring to the good work done in the early days of the civil rights movement, I'll not go off on that tangent as "social justice" today means the new slavery.

3/24/2010, 01:53 PM
Heh. I've never seen "comity" used in a sentence before. Hell, come to think of it, I've never even heard of it.

Half a Hundred
3/24/2010, 02:09 PM
Heh, the "social justice" policies of the 50s and 60s were of course famous for their bipartisanship and political comity.

Oh they were very bipartisan. It's just that parties represented diverse sectional and economic interests, rather than ideological interests in those days.

Heh. I've never seen "comity" used in a sentence before. Hell, come to think of it, I've never even heard of it.

McCain said it several times during the 2008 elections, usually about how the Dems were "destroying the comity of the Senate".

Irony, thy name is politics.

3/24/2010, 02:19 PM
Oh they were very bipartisan. It's just that parties represented diverse sectional and economic interests, rather than ideological interests in those days.Fair point, I would say that the fractions engaged in that debate were every bit as cententious as now, or if Dems had the sack to force an actual filibuster maybe Coburn could teach Thurmond a thing or two about reading recipe books.

I will say this, the fundraising model of pooling small donations is going to poison the well of political discourse.

Half a Hundred
3/24/2010, 02:24 PM
Fair point, I would say that the fractions engaged in that debate were every bit as cententious as now, or if Dems had the sack to force an actual filibuster maybe Coburn could teach Thurmond a thing or two about reading recipe books.

I will say this, the fundraising model of pooling small donations is going to poison the well of political discourse.

Coburn's just crazy enough to make a martyr of himself in such an action. That wouldn't be a good political move for the Dems.

Why do you see small donations as such a problem?

Scott D
3/24/2010, 02:24 PM
That well was poisoned long ago.

3/24/2010, 02:32 PM
Why do you see small donations as such a problem?Everybody has $25, not everybody has $2k, and few have $500k. The fundraising model of going after 20,000 contributions of $25 means appealing to the lowest common denominator of what should be a learned process. To take it a step further, I actually favor picking Pres. candidates by convention again.

3/24/2010, 04:14 PM
I think that is #7... vote them out.

No, I was talking 'bout the laughing that comes after.

3/24/2010, 05:14 PM
Coburn's just crazy enough to make a martyr of himself in such an action. That wouldn't be a good political move for the Dems.

Why do you see small donations as such a problem?

Everybody has $25, not everybody has $2k, and few have $500k. The fundraising model of going after 20,000 contributions of $25 means appealing to the lowest common denominator of what should be a learned process. To take it a step further, I actually favor picking Pres. candidates by convention again.

I have a question for yall .

Are these small contributions reported ? ya know like a candidate has to do with the Big money?

3/24/2010, 08:56 PM
I think the tea party movement needs to actively rid themselves of the kooks who are giving it a bad name. Being fiscally conservative and protesting the government's actions is a rational step but there are too many in the group who act irrationally and simply embarrass the others. For their own benefit tea partiers should actively call out those who give the movement a bad name.

But, then again, I'm not a tea partier. The movement started after the financial bailouts and I think their anger is misplaced considering Republican appointees played a critical role in the bailouts and they happened under both administration - not to mention that I firmly believe that lack of regulation in the financial sector played a key role in us getting to the point where we needed the bailouts lest we wanted to enter a deflationary spiral.

3/24/2010, 09:01 PM


hawaii 5-0
3/24/2010, 09:09 PM
The Teabaggers and the Republicans will split their votes, allowing the Dems to remain in power.

3/24/2010, 09:17 PM
The Teabaggers and the Republicans will split their votes, allowing the Dems to remain in power.

HA!!! Just wait until you see what will happen in Illinois...:pop:

3/24/2010, 09:19 PM
I think the tea party movement needs to actively rid themselves of the kooks who are giving it a bad name. Being fiscally conservative and protesting the government's actions is a rational step but there are too many in the group who act irrationally and simply embarrass the others. For their own benefit tea partiers should actively call out those who give the movement a bad name.

But, then again, I'm not a tea partier. The movement started after the financial bailouts and I think their anger is misplaced considering Republican appointees played a critical role in the bailouts and they happened under both administration - not to mention that I firmly believe that lack of regulation in the financial sector played a key role in us getting to the point where we needed the bailouts lest we wanted to enter a deflationary spiral.

I totally agree with this. I have respect for a lot of the tea party message... its too bad a lot of the people associated with the good parts are steaming piles of monkey ****.

3/24/2010, 09:21 PM
has anybody actually teabagged before? likes? dislikes??? is it impossible not to laugh?

we are talking about the same teabagging right?

i giggled

A Sooner in Texas
3/24/2010, 09:22 PM
I have a question for yall .

Are these small contributions reported ? ya know like a candidate has to do with the Big money?

Vet, candidates (on the federal, state and local levels) are required to report every single dollar contributed, every in-kind contribution (like catering for a fundraiser, etc.), who donated each contribution - including their occupation and address - and every expenditure and what that expenditure was for, such as office supplies, consultants, you name it. Not to do so is illegal and can result in pretty hefty fines - and some front-page stories, as I've had to write.

Should be pretty easy to find out all that information. Don't know the name of the agency in Oklahoma, but it's the Texas Ethics Commission for state candidates. If you want to look up federal elected officials, go to the Federal Election Commission. Should be easy-to-find links on how to look things up.

3/24/2010, 09:32 PM
Vet, candidates (on the federal, state and local levels) are required to report every single dollar contributed, every in-kind contribution (like catering for a fundraiser, etc.), who donated each contribution - including their occupation and address - and every expenditure and what that expenditure was for, such as office supplies, consultants, you name it. Not to do so is illegal and can result in pretty hefty fines - and some front-page stories, as I've had to write.

Should be pretty easy to find out all that information. Don't know the name of the agency in Oklahoma, but it's the Texas Ethics Commission for state candidates. If you want to look up federal elected officials, go to the Federal Election Commission. Should be easy-to-find links on how to look things up.

Very true....even back in the 60's and 70's when my Dad was in the OK House of Reps...

3/24/2010, 09:38 PM
Vet, candidates (on the federal, state and local levels) are required to report every single dollar contributed, every in-kind contribution (like catering for a fundraiser, etc.), who donated each contribution - including their occupation and address - and every expenditure and what that expenditure was for, such as office supplies, consultants, you name it. Not to do so is illegal and can result in pretty hefty fines - and some front-page stories, as I've had to write.

Should be pretty easy to find out all that information. Don't know the name of the agency in Oklahoma, but it's the Texas Ethics Commission for state candidates. If you want to look up federal elected officials, go to the Federal Election Commission. Should be easy-to-find links on how to look things up.

Aw hell gurl ya mistake me fer some one who really cares :D

So ya sayin if a 25 $ Campaign deal came in whoever gets it HAS to Report the Amount and the Donor ?

Thats alot of reprotin aint it ?

3/24/2010, 09:41 PM
vet u like tea-bagging ?

3/24/2010, 09:45 PM
vet u like tea-bagging ?

Depends bro
am I the Tea-bagger or the Tea=baggee :eek:
Makes a dif .

3/24/2010, 09:47 PM
u ever been the tea-baggee? :D ... CK?

A Sooner in Texas
3/24/2010, 09:58 PM
Aw hell gurl ya mistake me fer some one who really cares :D

So ya sayin if a 25 $ Campaign deal came in whoever gets it HAS to Report the Amount and the Donor ?

Thats alot of reprotin aint it ?

It is a lot of reprotin, but it's the law - even if it's just $5. Every. single. dime.
And you don't have to care, Vet...I'll do the caring for us, ok? ;)

3/24/2010, 10:09 PM
Aw hell gurl ya mistake me fer some one who really cares :D

So ya sayin if a 25 $ Campaign deal came in whoever gets it HAS to Report the Amount and the Donor ?

Thats alot of reprotin aint it ?

On a serious note it is...many POLS have gone down for bad reportin....I'm just waiting for the day BHO gets busted.....Tony Rezko fund raising for him???....he has dodged this one so far....and all the bucks raised from Oprah??....loopholes there....

3/24/2010, 10:21 PM
u ever been the tea-baggee? :D ... CK?

till a month er so ago I had never heard the term

It is a lot of reprotin, but it's the law - even if it's just $5. Every. single. dime.
And you don't have to care, Vet...I'll do the caring for us, ok? ;)

Get er done gurl, But some one told me that if the donate was below like 500 bucks that it didnt have to be ported and the person named. Like I said I dont GAF cause I think they all crooks ;)

On a serious note it is...many POLS have gone down for bad reportin....I'm just waiting for the day BHO gets busted.....Tony Rezko fund raising for him???....he has dodged this one so far....and all the bucks raised from Oprah??....loopholes there....

The Oophra thing is what was mentioned to me , I dont know .

Crucifax Autumn
3/24/2010, 11:52 PM
I recommend that the teabaggers reign in the idiots threatening assassination and so on before they f*ck up a good thing they've got going. The racial crap probably needs to go as well, much like the assorted other cheap crap. Those guys are best when they are being grown up and serious, not when they are acting like characters out of Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Scott D
3/25/2010, 01:06 AM
I really can't take any mass protest seriously.

Crucifax Autumn
3/25/2010, 01:15 AM
That's why they use racial slurs and throw bricks. THAT makes everyone take 'em seriously!

3/25/2010, 02:37 AM
Jlew...we don't need to know about your and Crux's tea-baggin adventures.

3/25/2010, 02:42 AM
I recommend that the teabaggers reign in the idiots threatening assassination and so on before they f*ck up a good thing they've got going. The racial crap probably needs to go as well, much like the assorted other cheap crap. Those guys are best when they are being grown up and serious, not when they are acting like characters out of Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Cru , Ya say that like yer convinced its just the Far right that is doing this ?
Ive been convinced for years that either side will act like idiots and act like they are from the opposite side just to discredit the other .
They all suck :pop:

Harry Beanbag
3/25/2010, 03:51 AM
I think people on both sides of this debate need to grow up and act like adults. Yes, that especially includes the people who think the Tea Party is nothing but a bunch of red neck, racist, neanderthals.

Crucifax Autumn
3/25/2010, 05:38 AM
Cru , Ya say that like yer convinced its just the Far right that is doing this ?
Ive been convinced for years that either side will act like idiots and act like they are from the opposite side just to discredit the other .
They all suck :pop:

I mention the idiocy of both sides constantly on this board, but this particular topic is about far right morons, not far left morons.

As for what Harry says, I agree, but I also think the smart people in the movement need to call out the "red neck, racist, neanderthals". The last I checked vandalism and threatening assassination are kinda illegal.

Chuck Bao
3/25/2010, 08:12 AM
I think people on both sides of this debate need to grow up and act like adults. Yes, that especially includes the people who think the Tea Party is nothing but a bunch of red neck, racist, neanderthals.

I was going to say that I am thinking it but I am not going to say it. But, then Cru's response was much better. Dang, I should not have posted that either. I must be drunk. :P

Crucifax Autumn
3/25/2010, 08:22 AM
Seriously...I'd suggest the same thing if there was some liberal group out there with a few members trying to lower the age of consent to 10 as they hammered spikes into trees and through bricks through Michael Steele's window with notes calling him an "uncle tom oreo cracker lovin' bitch".

Idiots are idiots and either side should be smart enough to realize that that kinda crap in unproductive and makes them all look like idiots.

3/25/2010, 09:39 AM
Unless the Tea Party folks contain a significant number of people who voted for Democrats in the last cycle, they won't make a damn bit of difference on election day.

Bourbon St Sooner
3/25/2010, 10:15 AM
I totally agree with this. I have respect for a lot of the tea party message... its too bad a lot of the people associated with the good parts are steaming piles of monkey ****.

It's just like the anti-globalization movement. Once you put together a protest, the anarchists are naturally going to be attracted to that event. And who's going to get the media attention - the guy holding up a sign peacefully or the guy throwing a rock through a window or calling a congressman n*gger.

3/25/2010, 12:32 PM
That is all true and I hate the anarchists and any other groups who act like disruptive idiots.

The difference is that the tea-baggers are portraying themselves as an expression of the sentiment of the average American and the idiots in the group completely undermine this.

To my knowledge the anti-war folks (at least ones from this century) or the anti-globalization folks never implied that they were representing the majority of Americans.

Half a Hundred
3/25/2010, 02:33 PM
Everybody has $25, not everybody has $2k, and few have $500k. The fundraising model of going after 20,000 contributions of $25 means appealing to the lowest common denominator of what should be a learned process. To take it a step further, I actually favor picking Pres. candidates by convention again.

I couldn't disagree more. A "learned process" only keeps power entrenched within those who already have it. It does nothing but create an aristocracy.

Scott D
3/25/2010, 04:43 PM
Personally I'm amused that they have no problem calling themselves teabaggers. Next I expect the next movement to be that of those calling themselves fluffers.

Crucifax Autumn
3/25/2010, 04:46 PM
And the one after that will certainly be felchers!

Half a Hundred
3/25/2010, 05:15 PM
I haven't seen Santorum in a while, what's he up to?