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3/19/2010, 03:43 PM
FWIW, OU is currently in 5th place, we have 2 gauranteed AAs and are ahead of osu at this point in the standings.

3/19/2010, 05:54 PM
Hats off the Tyler Caldwell,... who knew a freshman from Kansas would makes the semis? I watched his match on ESPN 360 and was impressed with his riding and not doing something stupid as the match winds down.

ALso, he made it into the quarterfinals with an escape with 1 second left in the match.

I'll be satisfied with a 5th place or better finish for the Sooners. Much better over last year's 34th place with no AAs.

Disappointed that patterson didnt have a better tournament, after his conference championship. The Cyclone he whipped in the Big 12 is now in the semis.

3/20/2010, 12:23 AM
Four All Americans this year. No national champs, but I'll take it after last year's dismal finish.

3/20/2010, 07:51 PM
OU currently in 3rd place as a team, we have an individual 3rd place, 4th place, and two 5th place finishes

3/20/2010, 09:00 PM
OU can do no worse than tied for fifth. About 1,000,000 people have come up to me here and said they were amazed by our turnaround.

141 - Zach Bailey took 4th (seeded fifth)
149 - Kyle Terry took 3rd (seeded third)
165 - Tyler Caldwell took 5th (unseeded)
197 - Eric Lapotsky took 5th (seeded sixth)

We graduate three starters (Terry, Lapotsky, and Shane Vernon), and have several really good wrestlers returning.

3/20/2010, 09:59 PM
Good job Sooners, ... 5th in the nation and ....


Biggest eye opener of the tourney is the 2nd place finish by Ivy League Cornell.

I'm sure the Hawkeyes will reload following the loss of 8 seniors, but hopefully the battle will be more competitive next year.

3/20/2010, 11:24 PM
I have a friend who went to rassle at Cornell, so I've got a soft spot for the other Big Red. Good for them.