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View Full Version : Mike Leach's God Squad

3/12/2010, 12:21 PM
Don't ask, just click (http://sports.espn.go.com/dallas/ncf/news/story?id=4987339)

3/12/2010, 12:26 PM
If you want unedited, NSFW, click here (http://vmedia.rivals.com/uploads/902/921054.wmv).

3/12/2010, 12:27 PM
already posted http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2849574#post2849574

3/12/2010, 12:31 PM
Is this just T-tech trying to smear Mike with stuiff that's irrelevant to the legal issues of his lawsuit?

3/12/2010, 12:31 PM
Sorry - merge plz

3/12/2010, 12:32 PM
They are just absolutely thriving on kicking Leach in the teeth for something everyone with knowledge of the situation knows better to be not that big of a deal. Tech wanted him gone because of his personality and the fact that every off-season he spent more time entertaining interviews elsewhere than he did on Tech football. The drew an Ace (AKA a sportscaster's son who doesn't like big, bad coach who makes him work) and got rid of him.

3/12/2010, 12:57 PM
already posted http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2849574#post2849574

Some nOObs just dont know how to use the search feature :D

3/12/2010, 12:59 PM
Leach cracks me up. F Tech!

3/12/2010, 01:16 PM
Some nOObs just dont know how to use the search feature :D

I used the search feature - I didn't know that thread was the same thing. Dude didn't embed the video and entitled the thread "Call me Crazy."

Well call ME crazy, but that really doesn't sound anything like this.

As such, I'd prefer a merge under a Mike Leach title. That way, an even more n00bier n00b than me won't start yet another thread.

3/12/2010, 01:28 PM
I used the search feature - I didn't know that thread was the same thing. Dude didn't embed the video and entitled the thread "Call me Crazy."

Well call ME crazy, but that really doesn't sound anything like this.

As such, I'd prefer a merge under a Mike Leach title. That way, an even more n00bier n00b than me won't start yet another thread.

Dint ya see that Big Ole :D ? :P :D

3/12/2010, 01:32 PM
Dint ya see that Big Ole :D ? :P :D

I suppose a ;) would have made the sarcasm drip a little more off my last post. My bad.

3/12/2010, 02:12 PM
Anybody ever been cussed at by a coach :)

3/12/2010, 02:20 PM
I suppose a ;) would have made the sarcasm drip a little more off my last post. My bad.

Is ok , Im just being my usual smartassed self ;)

3/12/2010, 02:21 PM
Anybody ever been cussed at by a coach :)

Prolly just be those of us who Played any kinda sports :D

3/12/2010, 02:22 PM
He's not their preacher I don't get what's wrong with using the "Fword" every sentence.

3/12/2010, 02:39 PM
Did they win their next game after that speech?

3/12/2010, 02:42 PM
I think they did - I think their next game was against us. Pretty motivational speech then!

3/12/2010, 02:46 PM
Anybody ever been cussed at by a coach :)

Oh, goodness yes. The only coaches of mine in HS that didn't curse were the outdoor ones (track and cross country). If there was a lockerroom door that shut, the f-bombing never stops.

3/12/2010, 03:00 PM
I have no problem with the speech. This happens in locker rooms everywhere. No big deal.

3/12/2010, 03:06 PM
cant believe this is being reported as news. ridiculous.

3/12/2010, 03:17 PM
Did they win their next game after that speech?

Hey bro, they WON THAT game! He was pissed because they played bad and still won! That's why I love this guy.

I think their next game was against us.

And no, this was the week after they played us.

3/12/2010, 03:45 PM
Aaaah - well either way, it sure seemed to work.

3/12/2010, 03:54 PM
They lost to f***ing Texas A&M! How the F*** did that happen?!

3/12/2010, 03:56 PM
F***in Baylor. F*** you. And f*** me. And f*** everybody. That is f***ing bullsh*t.

3/12/2010, 03:57 PM
They lost to f***ing Texas A&M! How the F*** did that happen?!

I kid you not - Mike Sherman gave the players a climber keychain and credited that for motivating the team.

Double u. Tee. Eff.

3/12/2010, 05:38 PM
Is this just T-tech trying to smear Mike with stuiff that's irrelevant to the legal issues of his lawsuit?

That's the same thought I had, given the timing. Would be interesting to know who brought this public NOW. And if it was the U, and they were aware of it long before the decision to terminate, why did they hold on to it till now.

3/12/2010, 05:42 PM
Anybody ever been cussed at by a coach

Anyone ever play football and Not been cussed by a coach?

3/12/2010, 05:44 PM
It's being said that Texas leaked it to the public. How they got ahold of it is another question.

3/12/2010, 06:44 PM
It's being said that Texas leaked it to the public. How they got ahold of it is another question.

it was shot by Tech, which is a public university, which basically means that if someone asks for it, it legally has to be handed over. an open records request.

Leroy Lizard
3/12/2010, 08:42 PM
I think they did - I think their next game was against us. Pretty motivational speech then!

Motivating? More like boring. "F*** this. F*** that." Yeah, whatever.

3/12/2010, 08:47 PM
Anybody ever been cussed at by a coach :)

Um, never ;) In all serious if you can't handle a little cussing by a coach then you shouldn't play sports

3/12/2010, 09:41 PM
If a coach drops the f-bomb, it just means he cares. ;)

3/12/2010, 11:20 PM
Um, never ;) In all serious if you can't handle a little cussing by a coach then you shouldn't play sports

Especially football. I have never played hockey, but football is different than other sports. Emotion is a big part of the game. Getting fired up, being a man, that's part of the game. Proper etiquette, political correctness, not so much...

Andyes, the use of the F word is prevelant...

Leroy Lizard
3/13/2010, 04:35 AM
I would just have a hard time sitting through that without snickering. Not very intimidating at all.

3/13/2010, 12:39 PM
Some nOObs just dont know how to use the search feature :D

I used the search feature - I didn't know that thread was the same thing. Dude didn't embed the video and entitled the thread "Call me Crazy."

Well call ME crazy, but that really doesn't sound anything like this.

As such, I'd prefer a merge under a Mike Leach title. That way, an even more n00bier n00b than me won't start yet another thread.

To be honest i really don't use it either, its no big deal. TEAM LEACH!!!

3/13/2010, 12:41 PM
When he says F#ck that, and F#ck Them, and F#ck ME!!! is the best, hes such a good coach.

3/13/2010, 12:54 PM
Anyone ever play football and Not been cussed by a coach?Church League flag football.On the other hand I was cussed like a dog by every coah from 3rd grade to HS.

3/13/2010, 12:56 PM
Prolly just be those of us who Played any kinda sports :D

Not just sports...I had a HS band director tell a fellow tuba player that when he marched he looked like he was F-ing a pig.

3/13/2010, 03:43 PM
When he says F#ck that, and F#ck Them, and F#ck ME!!! is the best, hes such a good coach.

I'm not really seeing how that makes him a good coach.

Leroy Lizard
3/13/2010, 04:36 PM
Yeah, I can say those words with just as mean clarity and conviction as he can.

I'm more impressed with coaches that can get the job done without the profanity.

Sarcasm, perhaps?

King Barry's Back
3/13/2010, 09:00 PM
I would just have a hard time sitting through that without snickering. Not very intimidating at all.


I know you've got a special man crush (big sarcasm!) on Mike Leach, but consider if you're 19, and sitting in the same room with the man. It's a little more intimidating that way.

But you do raise an important point. Coaches only have so much to say to motivate their players. And what works on a freshman, newly arrived at your program, isn't going to work three or four years later, when they've hear it over and over.

That's a big challenge for a coach, to constantly work in new material.

Well, guess that's why they get paid more than me.

Leroy Lizard
3/13/2010, 09:36 PM
I know you've got a special man crush (big sarcasm!) on Mike Leach, but consider if you're 19, and sitting in the same room with the man. It's a little more intimidating that way.

I actually like Mike Leach. His coaching record is outstanding and speaks for itself. I think he's blown it on occasion with handling players and university officials, but that's beside the point.

But after about one minute of the weak-sauce tirade, I had heard the F-bomb about 30 times. How much affect can profanity really have when it forms half of your vocabulary?

3/13/2010, 09:38 PM
still think Craig James gets a bum steer award and may be the biggest weezel ever South of the Red. and yeah, his kid is still a *****.


Leroy Lizard
3/13/2010, 09:47 PM
What this has to do with Craig James I have no idea.

3/13/2010, 09:52 PM
Maybe if we are playing 7 degrees of kevin bacon. Then maybe.... ;)

3/13/2010, 11:44 PM
If a coach has to cuss to get his players' attention, something is wrong.

3/13/2010, 11:48 PM
I bet these players make coaches want to go a step further than cussing... only the laws forbid.

3/13/2010, 11:53 PM
If a coach has to cuss to get his players' attention, something is wrong.

What do ya think if a Player makes the coach want to just slap the ever lovin **** out of him ?

3/13/2010, 11:57 PM
VET, where ya been?

3/14/2010, 12:03 AM
I actually like Mike Leach. His coaching record is outstanding and speaks for itself. I think he's blown it on occasion with handling players and university officials, but that's beside the point.

But after about one minute of the weak-sauce tirade, I had heard the F-bomb about 30 times. How much affect can profanity really have when it forms half of your vocabulary?

What would Mike Leach say to the affect/effect usage situation? I shudder to think. ;)

3/14/2010, 12:05 AM

Leroy Lizard
3/14/2010, 01:00 AM
Word choice smack.

3/14/2010, 01:05 AM
What do ya think if a Player makes the coach want to just slap the ever lovin **** out of him ?

I still don't think he should have to cuss to get his point across. I'm not saying he should avoid cussing at all costs, but he shouldn't have to drop the f-bomb every 12 words just to make his speech meaningful. Some of the most brutal speeches I've ever received didn't involve a single cuss word.

Even if cuss words were necessary, I think after about the 30th time it starts to lose its effect.

3/14/2010, 11:09 PM
Yeah, I can say those words with just as mean clarity and conviction as he can.

I'm more impressed with coaches that can get the job done without the profanity.

Sarcasm, perhaps?
I say we put leroy on a team and see how long it takes before he starts to cry. Im setting the over under at 5 minutes.:D

Leroy Lizard
3/15/2010, 12:23 AM
I say we put leroy on a team and see how long it takes before he starts to cry. Im setting the over under at 5 minutes.

Just because you would cry like a little girl in that locker room of Leach's doesn't mean that I would. Don't project your sissiness on me.

3/15/2010, 12:41 AM
My coaches never cussed, and at times they scared the **** out of me. We saw how much effort and emotion they put in and how much they wanted out of us. So when we screwed up or gave **** poor effort, we felt like we let them down. That is way worse than any words they could say.

3/15/2010, 05:51 AM
My coaches never cussed, and at times they scared the **** out of me. We saw how much effort and emotion they put in and how much they wanted out of us. So when we screwed up or gave **** poor effort, we felt like we let them down. That is way worse than any words they could say.


It doesn't bother me when coaches cuss (at least at the college level), but I see no need in it.

Best coach I ever had was a National Coach of the Year and he never cussed. Worse I ever heard him say was a "p word" that describes the female vagina. And that was to try and get me to calm down during a match.

You will never convince me that a coach can motivate through cursing. I think it relects porly on the as coaches. And when I coached football in Texas, as a group we decided we would set the example and not curse at all. And we were very successful.

3/15/2010, 10:25 AM

It doesn't bother me when coaches cuss (at least at the college level), but I see no need in it.

Best coach I ever had was a National Coach of the Year and he never cussed. Worse I ever heard him say was a "p word" that describes the female vagina. And that was to try and get me to calm down during a match.

You will never convince me that a coach can motivate through cursing. I think it relects porly on the as coaches. And when I coached football in Texas, as a group we decided we would set the example and not curse at all. And we were very successful.

Bobby Knight once said in an interview that he encouraged his son Pat Knight to not curse. Imagine that, right? Bobby's reasoning was that because he personally had cursed so excessively throughout his career, after awhile, players stop listening. It just blends in with everything else. Thus, not cursing would be a way to get players to take in what you say and not just have it come out all f-bombs and such.

Frankly, a lot of what he says goes over me during basketball games, but it's fun to listen to. It might not be as fun to listen to his commentary if it was filled with cursing, so perhaps he has a point. Here's hoping they sneak him onto commentary on an OU womens game or two in the tourney :D

Jello Biafra
3/15/2010, 11:51 AM
Anyone ever play football and Not been cussed by a coach?

pfft...we were cussed at by our head coaches mother lol...no kidding. of course, she was also the trainer

3/15/2010, 11:58 AM
pfft...we were cussed at by our head coaches mother lol...no kidding. of course, she was also the trainer

Am I wrong in thinking that your training probably sucked?

3/15/2010, 12:57 PM
Just because you would cry like a little girl in that locker room of Leach's doesn't mean that I would. Don't project your sissiness on me.

Leroy you are the only one on this board who wanted leach gone for having the audacity to punish a lazy player, and you are the only one who is angered by leach's language as if no one has said the f-word before. Due all respect, you are too sensitive.

Leroy Lizard
3/15/2010, 01:20 PM
Leroy you are the only one on this board who wanted leach gone for having the audacity to punish a lazy player

Not true. I only said that Leach's handling of the incident with the Tech administration could have led to a justified dismissal.

...and you are the only one who is angered by leach's language as if no o

Not angered at all. Unimpressed. Only a sissy would be intimidated by such a lame "tirade."

3/16/2010, 11:17 AM
I love how you guys think you know Leach's coaching style inside and out by a few video clips. The dude is smart, I guarantee that he can motivate in many ways and foul language is probably far down the list. He's famous for his mind games and psychology. Maybe he was just pissed by what he saw on the field? Maybe his bourbon of the month hadn't arrived yet?

3/16/2010, 11:20 AM
Well, the dude did coach at OU for a season, so we have more to go on than a few video clips, not to mention we have had a few Tech games burned into our memories by virtue of the fact that we weren't supposed to lose them :mad:

I love Mikey, but thank gawd he's gone. Now a Tech win can be INK'd in instead of just pencil'd in :D

3/16/2010, 11:22 AM
Well, the dude did coach at OU for a season, so we have more to go on than a few video clips, not to mention we have had a few Tech games burned into our memories by virtue of the fact that we weren't supposed to lose them :mad:

I love Mikey, but thank gawd he's gone. Now a Tech win can be INK'd in instead of just pencil'd in :D

O rillay? You were in the locker room? YOu have first hand knowledge of his behavior with athletes while he was here?

3/16/2010, 11:34 AM
O rillay? You were in the locker room? YOu have first hand knowledge of his behavior with athletes while he was here?

You said "coaching style"... we saw the plays he ran on the field both when he was with us and when he was against us. "Coaching style" to me is "does he run the option, or does he make up some weird arse thing called "The Ninja" that makes defenses go "WTF?!"

"Coaching style" to you might mean how many f-bombs he drops en route to getting players to run "The Ninja," but not to me. That's all.

3/17/2010, 08:51 PM
Yeah, you have it backwards.

Style is like philosophy, ie ways to motivate and build a team. There's a difference between coaching style and style of offense.

3/17/2010, 09:31 PM
Usually, I'm with bagder on a lot of these threads but today I'm with sooneron. I absolutely love Leach's philosophy behind an offense. I've also been apart of MANY teams subjected to the profanity that is prevalent to the original post. I'll take a profane coach if it means OU wins every time. This is nothing more than a weak complaint in my book.

Leroy Lizard
3/17/2010, 10:00 PM
John Wooden: "One word of profanity, and you're done for the day."

Profanity has nothing to do with winning. Nothing.

3/18/2010, 09:43 AM
Neither Does Bloviating...

Leroy Lizard
3/18/2010, 01:38 PM
Hmmmm... explain.