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View Full Version : Today I received the most subtle yet eviscerating insult I think I've ever got.

3/7/2010, 02:24 PM
An attractive young lady from church - whom I have spoken to maybe 4 times in 2 or 3 years, and said essentially nothing - crossed the street to avoid encountering me on the sidewalk. Actually, she walked in the street.
I must be older and creepier than I thought.

Leroy Lizard
3/7/2010, 02:35 PM
Or uglier.

Or smellier.

3/7/2010, 02:42 PM
you should really try waiting to open the trenchcoat

3/7/2010, 02:53 PM
You're not breathing heavily enough when you talk to her.

3/7/2010, 03:56 PM
Well, it is the Lenten season. Maybe she gave up conversing with kindly old gentlemen for Lent? You'll know for sure if on Easter, she's her old convivial self.

3/7/2010, 04:21 PM
Maybe she gave up conversing with kindly old gentlemen for Lent?

Kindly or Kinky? :D

3/7/2010, 05:08 PM
Well, it is the Lenten season. Maybe she gave up conversing with kindly old gentlemen for Lent? You'll know for sure if on Easter, she's her old convivial self.

Maybe she gave up random public sex acts with strangers for Lent...hell, it could have been a compliment!

3/7/2010, 10:49 PM
Ducky.....yer perv is showin through...*L*

3/8/2010, 12:13 AM
You're not breathing heavily enough when you talk to her.


3/8/2010, 09:44 AM
Damn, thats when ya gotta stop muttering "It puts the lotion on its skin" if ya do that...then everything else is golden.

Even the showers.

3/8/2010, 09:47 AM
TU...Your zipper was probably down.

Crucifax Autumn
3/8/2010, 10:19 AM
I leave mine down on purpose.

3/8/2010, 10:50 AM
I leave mine down on purpose.

That's cause you're trolling for queers with that little night crawler.

3/8/2010, 11:46 AM
Embrace middle age! Next step: hotties find you to be invisible.