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View Full Version : Strange behavior at A&M Commerce

Leroy Lizard
3/6/2010, 09:22 PM

COMMERCE, Texas -- Campus police say a college football coach in Texas is backing players who removed every campus newspaper because they contained an article about teammates getting arrested on drug charges.

Former Kentucky and Baylor head man Guy Morriss is the coach at Texas A&M-Commerce, where an incident report filed by university police says he told officers he was proud of his players.

"I'm proud of my players for doing that," he said. "This was the best team building exercise we have ever done."

Morris did not stop there. When asked about the The East Texan newspaper, he panned "I don't read that crap."

Morris, who led the Lions to a 5-5 record last year, wasn't the only one to offer comment.

"I don't think they are smart enough to do this on their own," athletic director Carlton Cooper said early Wednesday of the incident.

No one has been arrested over the removal of 2,000 copies of paper on Feb. 25. Editor James Bright estimated the loss at about $1,100.

Campus police are investigating, school spokesman Randy Jolly said.

Morriss has been disciplined, but Jolly declined to discuss details. Also disciplined are the "football players involved in the East Texan thefts," school officials said in a statement.

Copies of the weekly newspaper, which is distributed free around campus, disappeared the morning of Feb. 25, shortly after football practice let out, according to the incident report. The lead story was about the arrest of two football players on drug charges.

Surveillance video near one of the newspaper racks showed two football players hauling off all copies of the paper, police said.

A policy printed in the newspaper says the first copy is free, but each additional copy costs 25 cents.

Bright, a senior journalism major, said Morriss' reaction is "appalling."

"He is condoning criminal activity," Bright said. "And to me, that is unacceptable."

For the record, the players' behavior and coach's attitude suck.

Dan Thompson
3/6/2010, 09:52 PM
After the NCAA gets finished with USC, I hope they have enough energy to look into this.

Leroy Lizard
3/6/2010, 10:19 PM
I don't think NCAA has jurisdiction here.

3/7/2010, 01:50 AM
More content for the next edition.

3/7/2010, 02:49 AM
So what's the next headline going to read?

Leroy Lizard
3/7/2010, 03:01 AM
"Morriss Apologizes to Students."

Leroy Lizard
3/7/2010, 03:02 AM
BTW, I'm surprised no one commented on the following:

"I don't think they are smart enough to do this on their own," athletic director Carlton Cooper said early Wednesday of the incident.


3/7/2010, 10:31 PM
That is my alma mater.

King Barry's Back
3/8/2010, 12:35 AM
This reminds me of something.

When I was a student at OU -- can't remember if it was during under-grad or grad school -- an OU wrestler got busted for academic fraud. He had one of his friends (another wrestler, so it was a "team building exercise") attend a class and take an exam in his place.

They were caught by the instructor, who realized that he had never seen the replacement before.

As punishment, the test-avoider was suspended from OU for two years.

OK, all well and good. Then the controversy began.

The father of the wrestler began calling the members of the Board of Regents and lobbying to have the "sentence" reduced. His argument was that the son's eligibility would expire in two years, so if the punishment stuck he would have to transfer. (Recruiters were I guess lined up outside this guys house...)

The Regents refused to nut-up, and the sentence was reduced.

This sparked campus outrage -- and one response was that some students set up a petition-signing booth outside the library. Their petition called for athletes to get no favorable treatment.

I'll never forget the Oklahoma Daily article about the campus response. They described the petition booth, and wrote about the people that showed up, including members of the wrestling team!

We were all pretty impressed with the integrity of the wrestlers, until we found out that the wrestlers showed up to threaten the petitioneers, including pushing them around a little bit and threatening to turn over the table they were using.

Fine bunch of young scholars.

King Barry's Back
3/8/2010, 12:36 AM
Oh, another comment. Slight thread jacking.

Is A and M Commerce a step up or step down from Baylor? Discuss.

Leroy Lizard
3/8/2010, 01:50 AM
Academically? Probably a step down.

Crucifax Autumn
3/8/2010, 02:46 AM
The paper is free and they estimate losses at $1100? lol

Leroy Lizard
3/8/2010, 03:10 AM
The loss of circulation is part of it, but I wouldn't think it would be that high.

3/8/2010, 12:04 PM
The paper is free and they estimate losses at $1100? lol

Only the first copy's free. They can't say they get an 1,100 circulation to advertisers if their ad buyers know that all the copies end up in the trash. Printing costs ain't cheap.

Anyway, that Guy Morriss is a joke. He couldn't cut it at Kentucky, he couldn't cut it at Baylor and now he really isn't cutting it at other-Texas A&M.

3/8/2010, 12:09 PM
BTW, I'm surprised no one commented on the following:


Besides the incident, that was what stood out to me most. It was one of those double-take moments.