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3/1/2010, 11:23 PM
I've debated on doing this for a while. I have one FB friend who I keep around just to see how nutty the next post will be. She's a conspiracy theorist to end all conspiracy theorists. She equally hates all members of government, so don't worry about any partisan bickering.

Basically, she's a fundamentalist Christian who is extremely anti-government, who believes that the rapture is being mis-taught, the Olympics are a big corporate plot to fleece the masses, and various other lunacies. I'm going to re-post her stuff for a while to let you check it out.

Here's the first:
She thinks that HAARP is a government mind control plot to give a false simulation of the Rapture and introduce the coming of the Anti-Christ.

Pre-Tribulation Rapture is a Lie.
Category: Religion and Philosophy
No Pre-Tribulation “Rapture”–God’s Elect on Earth During Tribulation
August 5, 2008 · 10 Comments
The Scriptures do not support a “Rapture” that happens before the Tribulation starts, as millions have been taught. They do support a post-tribulation event where Christians are “caught up to meet the Lord in the air” (see post “The Pre-Tribulation Rapture–A Parachute That Will Not Open here http://immortalityroad.wordpress.com/2008/08/02/the-rapture-a-parachute-that-will-not-open/ ).
If we can see in the Scriptures the church, actively and literally living on earth during the Great Tribulation, then we will have proof positive that Christians were not “raptured” out of .... blah, blah, blah

Ok, there's a ton more, but you get the drift....

Here's a comment after it, though

Do you read any of what is posted? or are you just so dead set on your beliefs and your beliefs only? I have read your notes, and I have responded to my beliefs on those threads. I say... SHOW me where.... the EXACT verse that says there is going to be a "rapture" a "secret" rapture. BEFORE the tribulation... No speculation, because ... See Morethe scriptures CLEARLY state that WE, the ELECT will be in the Tribulation period, and that the Second Coming of Christ is when we will caught up in the air with him. Its all there in black, white, and red. I ♥ you ****, you are my brother. The reason I feel its imperative that the people know about this "rapture" is because The Governments are going to try to stage a fake rapture in the issuance of the anti christ. Research HAARP and The Blue Beam Project. That will give you some idea as to what we are truly dealing with here...We arent dealing with flesh n blood, but principalities, evil spirits, and who are willing to use our own technology on us to decieve the very elect.

HAARP is a facility that is lots of electrical towers that all work together to put energy into the atmosphere, and they say it can control weather patterns, cause earthquakes, and also mind control through ELF, VLF, and LF waves. HAARP will go hand in hand with The Blue Beam Project. I will post some video links that give more information about it. :o)

3/1/2010, 11:27 PM
The government controls my mind to make me reeeeeeally like boobies.

3/1/2010, 11:29 PM
A day or two ago...public schools are indoctrinating the youth to be docile servants to the evil government and further corporate motives.


3/1/2010, 11:35 PM
and i thought having Paul Tay as my crazy friend was funny

3/1/2010, 11:37 PM
So my Blu Ray player is part of the government mind control project in along with the DHARMA initiative?

Well, that **** is working out, I can't stop watching Lost.

3/1/2010, 11:39 PM
You're just a corporate government puppet and don't even know it, yet.

3/1/2010, 11:40 PM
That school video is super long but it basically says that schools are doing a poor job of educating students. The twist is that instead of merely doing a poor job, they are doing a poor job on purpose because the corporate government overlords want the kids to grow up dumb in order to control them better.

3/1/2010, 11:42 PM
So my Blu Ray player is part of the government mind control project in along with the DHARMA initiative?

Well, that **** is working out, I can't stop watching Lost.
You know, she'd totally agree with you. She turned her tv off last January and "hasn't looked back". This kind of reminds me of a relative I had that thought the little red dot on the tv was a camera that the government (or aliens or whatever) was using to spy on you.

3/2/2010, 02:37 AM

3/2/2010, 02:43 AM
Is this girl single?

3/2/2010, 02:57 AM

3/2/2010, 03:03 AM
Thanks, Board, I feel much better about my own craziness, I ain't nearly that bad...yet.

3/2/2010, 07:43 AM
can she be my neighbor on farmville?

3/2/2010, 09:19 AM
Is this girl single?
Yes! Yes, she is. I'm not going to post a pic but suffice to say you'd probably not be interested.

There's some awesome stuff from last night but I'm on my phone, so I'll post it later.

Crucifax Autumn
3/2/2010, 09:32 AM

3/2/2010, 09:37 AM
talk about the rapture always reminds me of the episode of Six Feet Under where the guys were using helium for blow-up dolls for some secks party. When they were taking them to the party, they had a fender bender and teh netting came off the back of the truck and all the naked blow up dolls escaped and started floating away. Some religious kook saw them, thought it was the rapture, and she was staring up at them and tryign to follow them, then she walked into traffic and got hit by a car.

Crucifax Autumn
3/2/2010, 09:51 AM
Six Feet Under ruled.

3/2/2010, 10:50 AM
Last night was epic. I'll give you a few. First, she loves to call everybody "sheeple". Here's a video that defines it:


I made it a few minutes into it. It's pretty funny. Especially the music-of-doom.

3/2/2010, 10:55 AM
Hemp House. Not a bad idea actually. Except that the reason to do it is not to be environmentally friendly, it's to stop the government from taxing us for carbon emissions.


3/2/2010, 10:57 AM
This one is super long, I could only make it 5 minutes or so. Good luck if you make it further. This is the New World Order super-video of conspiracy. Here's what she wrote:

Major TRUTH arsenal for your collection for all you truthers out there. ♥

An excellent overall explanation of the "New World Order" agenda by - Max Igan A -Must See- and video addition for your truth arsenal.. The Calling 1 of 2 by Drew.

3/2/2010, 10:59 AM
And finally, here is the exposition of the plan to reduce the population. COdex Alimentarius.

I have seen this video before, and it has lots of information in it... Start checking your products. Just watch... then you will know what to look for.

3/2/2010, 01:37 PM
You know, she'd totally agree with you. She turned her tv off last January and "hasn't looked back". This kind of reminds me of a relative I had that thought the little red dot on the tv was a camera that the government (or aliens or whatever) was using to spy on you.

wait, what?

you mean it's not? so, all that masturbation in front of the tv went UNWATCHED?

3/2/2010, 01:50 PM
That school video is super long but it basically says that schools are doing a poor job of educating students. The twist is that instead of merely doing a poor job, they are doing a poor job on purpose because the corporate government overlords want the kids to grow up dumb in order to control them better.

That's one of Neil Boortz's main talking points.

3/2/2010, 02:12 PM
Yes! Yes, she is. I'm not going to post a pic but suffice to say you'd probably not be interested.

Is Tuba married? RLIMC?

Stitch Face
3/2/2010, 02:58 PM
That's one of Neil Boortz's main talking points.

I thought that sounded familiar.

3/2/2010, 05:55 PM
That school video is super long but it basically says that schools are doing a poor job of educating students. The twist is that instead of merely doing a poor job, they are doing a poor job on purpose because the corporate government overlords want the kids to grow up dumb in order to control them better.

As a teacher, I disagree with half of what you just said. I'll leave it to whoever reads this to determine for themselves which half.

Teachers aren't doing a poor job on purpose. We just have 1) too many teachers (and principals, admin, etc..) in the game that need to quit, move on - whatever, as long as it's not kid-related... 2) too many handcuffs on us, as educators, in regards to what we're able to do, both in the classroom, teaching-wise - as well as discipline-wise.

- Do your homework or you're going to the principal.
- Bad student. Now go back to class and do your homework.
- Do your homework or you're going to the principal.
- Bad student. Do it again, and we're calling your parents. Now go back to class and do your homework.
- Do your homework or you're going to the principal.
- Have you gotten ahold of Little Johnny's parents yet? Well, go home, and tomorrow, you have in-school suspension.
- Do your homework or you're going to the principal.
- Bad student. Do your homework or we're going to send you home for three days.
- Student at home, still not learning... Out of sight, out of mind.
- Student comes back to school.
- Do your homework or you're going to the principal.
- Rinse. Repeat.

This happens to multiple students, daily, at even the smallest and most tightly-knit of schools. How it should read...

- Do your homework or you're going to the principal.
- Since you were sent to me, there is obviously a problem. We're calling your parents. If we cannot contact them, you will have 48 hours to get them here, or you will be suspended until we speak with them. The days you miss in the meantime will count against your total. If you miss more than you're allowed, you get to repeat that grade. No testing. No IEP's. No "social promotion." You either pass your classes, or you don't pass high school.

Ya know, instead of ranting a new rant, I think I'll just re-post this:

Warning: Probably NSFW. I haven't read it in a while.


The fact that taxpayers (through property taxes) pay for public school educations is EXACTLY why I feel that three more things need to occur, in EVERY public school… ah, ****, make that four.

1) Each teacher, every year, before school starts, should have to pass the same subject-area test that teachers who get alternative certification have to pass in order to be able to teach. If they don’t pass that test, then they get paid as a daily substitute teacher (as opposed to salaried and full-time) until they DO pass it. The teacher pays to take the test out of their own pocket, but, if they pass it, the amount of the test is reimbursed (by the state government) to the teacher through their paycheck. This alone will guarantee that we no longer have complete (partial, sure, but not complete) morons trying to educate kids on a subject about which they know nothing.

2) Special Education; both Real and Fake, needs to be revamped like a mo-fo.

Students need to be PROFESSIONALLY tested for any signs of mental retardation or deficiency before they begin school, and then again two or thee more times later down the road. If the students test acceptably, but low, their first time, they should be put on a “watch list” of some sort, and given extra attention in their early classrooms, assuming that either their scholastic or their social behavior merits it. Let’s say testing occurs before K, 3rd, and 6th grades. So, by the time a student has even gotten to the jr. high level of achievement, they will have been tested three separate times for signs of any mental deficiences that could possibly be an impediment to their learning or to their ability to learn.

In response to this, the following… All elementary school teachers have to also undergo at least the basic special education courses. All elementary school teachers should be at the very minimum, qualified to substitute a special education classroom. Because of this extra certification, however, they should also be paid more than their middle school and high school counterparts. In addition, if the elementary teachers do get completely certified to teach special education in addition to elementary education (why do I get the feeling that the two are very, very similiar?) then they will be paid even more. Similiar to the BA, MA, MD pay scale in many professions.

For the students that test below the cutoff point, they are to be placed in their school’s special education program for one year, at which time, they are welcome to test again to try to rejoin the regular curriculum. People can argue for self-esteem all they want, but the bottom line is, for kids who don’t care about school enough to try, even if they CAN do the work, why should they if they’re going to “not get left behind” and get to stay with all of their friends their own age anyway? The IEP folders are FULL of kids like this; and yes, many of them have difficulties, but for just as many of them, their difficulty is a lack of early parental involvement, coupled with a “gimme-gimme” work ethic. Critics argue that separating the kids from their peers will only serve to further alienate them from school. I argue “Good.” If their parents aren’t ABLE to get involved, that’s one thing, but I know that, if I’d have gotten a note or a call from my school with a counselor telling my parents that I had tested into special ed. classes, I’d have caught a foot in my *ss, ”cause MY parents knew better. (But, sadly, this quickly turns into a discussion of generational poverty..)

Many of the kids who are in the IEP program at the schools for which I have worked were embarassed to have anybody else know, and we do maintain a great, great deal of secrecy about their identities and their status… But there are also some who brag about it; wear it like a badge.. “I don’t have to try ’cause they can’t fail me.” Guess what, we can. In fact, I have. All we have to do is justify said failure, and I guarantee you that I have documented their behavior much more accurately than they have mine. (August 23rd, Tardy. August 24th, Tardy. August 25, Tardy. Student punished. August 27th, Tardy.)

So, to review:

- Kids get professionally tested often; before K, 3, and 6.
- Those that pass move on, those that barely pass move on, but start receiving special attention. (by the newly certified elementary teachers, no less) Those that do not pass join a seperate special education classroom for a minimum of one year, at which time they can attempt to test again to rejoin regular education classes.
- For the kids that continue to fail, perhaps they truly do need the help of the special education teachers, in which case, to simply “get by” they will need more individualized attention and should not be in the regular cirricumum anyway. (Which, in addition, I have noted is what usually gets the borderline kids in trouble; their proximity to their peers. Kids that age care a lot more about looking “cool” than they do looking smart. If we take away the peer mirrors into whom they see the “cool” them, then perhaps they’ll give “smart” another try.)
- If a child fails a grade, (4 out of the 7 classes, or tests, that they have to pass) they repeat that grade. If they fail a class or two, then they have to take summer classes, or they will have to still repeat the grade; even the classes they passed. This will motivate students to stop d*cking around in one or two classes, but pass the rest. If you fail all of them, you repeat. If you fail a couple, you either take summer school, or repeat. It’s a lose/lose for the losers. You either get to see all of your friends that were smart enough to at least listen and try a little bit move on while you become “creepy person that’s a year older than us,” or you try a little bit in school. (A downright shock in this sue-happy, apologetic culture that our p*ssies-in-chief have created for us, I know…)
- Because of all of this, an extra change… Call it 2B, or something… Special Education, etc… students keep the current grading scale 60-69: D, 70-79: C, 80-89: B, and 90-100+ is an A. Regular Education students go back to the “old-school” grading scale. 100-93: A, 92-84: B, etc… (I don’t actually remember the numbers… but they were nice.) This will make the regular kids try (have to try) that much harder, and it will better prepare them for college so that we don’t have 50% or higher freshman to sophomore dropout rates like many major universities do now. That way, we have more college-educated people in the workplace, and we can start seeing specialists get paid their worth again. Good? Good.

3) Parental incentive… Or: If you don’t want to be a parent and try to help your kid with their work, or at least make sure that they’re doing it, then we’re going to hold you responsible for those ignorant actions. Yay!

If your child fails, then for the next tax (fiscal) year, your property taxes are increased. (Not to exceed 10%, but it needs to be enough to scare people…) This is to decrease (ever-so-slightly given the ratio of passing to failing students, but it’s still always nice) the burden of the other taxpayers in the district on THEIR taxes the next (fiscal) year. In addition to the extra taxes, the parents of failing students should also be required, through threat of additional legal penalities; fines or jail time, to attend a minimum (4 would be a great start, but 2 is more realistic) number of parent/teacher conferences with the teacher(s) whose class ‘lil junior is failing. When parents care, kids (oddly enough) come to school, and learn more. Weird, right? And here I thought all along that (60’s – drugs, 70’s – music, 80’s – television, 90’s – the internet, and 00’s – someone else) was/were supposed to raise my child. Idiots.

4) More plain-clothes security. I think that 1 for every 150 or so students would be a decent ratio. These guys have one job: Wander about the school grounds, hallways, bathrooms, gyms, cafeteria’s, etc… and be seen. It’s amazing how slowly a kid will pull their pants up when a 60 year-old female teachers asks them to, but how quickly they can do the exact same thing when an armed security guard asks them to. It’s also amazing how much people like that can do for a school’s morale and overall feeling of safety and order. I’ve worked in a school with one and a school without one, and the difference is night and day.

5) This one’s just for me. Sterilize anybody who does not complete their high school graduation requirements, or receive their high school diploma by their 19th birthday, unless a previously established special education argument has been made. I’m dead serious. Dysgenics scares me, and William Shockley was not a Nazi, he was a genius. Okay, so maybe he was a Nazi genius, and I hate THAT part, but the guy really, really knew his sh*t too… him and Mike Judge’s movie, Idiocracy. If the movie didn’t suck so badly, the message would have been even scarier, ’cause it’s REAL. I see it daily, and I don’t want to grow old in that world. It terrifies me that I may have children and grandchildren in that world and that I would be too old to protect them… mainly ’cause Dick Cheney is the only person allowed to use a weapon anymore, apparently.


3/2/2010, 06:05 PM
Calm down, Francis. I didn't say that public school was doing a poor job, my crazy conspiracy theory FB friend did. She also added the twist that they were doing a poor job on purpose to dumb down people for easier mind control.

3/2/2010, 06:20 PM
There are a lot of things that I'm digging about this gal.

I have a uh "friend" like yours on Facebook as well. He isn't nearly as bat *** crazy as he was a few years ago though unless he's just keeping it hidden better.

He's what I'd call on the looney fringe of the libertarian movement. He's a big conspiracy theorist as well. Along with being a 9/11 truther, he was also convinced that the vapor trails from planes flying overhead were really biological or chemical agents being tested on the populace.

He is also convinced that Microsoft and Apple have "back doors" built into their OS's that allow them to monitor you through your webcam or monitor your computer activity. Actually, that one isn't so far-fetched.

3/2/2010, 06:21 PM
Not sure jail time is what we need for bad parenting, and property taxes on a welfare home would be pointless... Maybe reduction in government handouts in those cases. I agree the pocketbook should be hit. If you get fines for not obeying other government agencies, why not public schools? It only seems fair...

3/2/2010, 06:42 PM
Along with being a 9/11 truther, he was also convinced that the vapor trails from planes flying overhead were really biological or chemical agents being tested on the populace.

He is also convinced that Microsoft and Apple have "back doors" built into their OS's that allow them to monitor you through your webcam or monitor your computer activity. Actually, that one isn't so far-fetched.

Dude, she totally believes the chemtrail thing and 9/11. I was waiting for a post before I said it. It shouldn't be too long. I have a feeling that tonight will be an "Illuminati" session.

I have never seen her say anything about the webcam thing though. I need to find a YouTube on it and send it to her for fun.

3/2/2010, 09:26 PM
Not sure jail time is what we need for bad parenting, and property taxes on a welfare home would be pointless... Maybe reduction in government handouts in those cases. I agree the pocketbook should be hit. If you get fines for not obeying other government agencies, why not public schools? It only seems fair...

Boarder: I wasn't coming after you, man. Lol.

NP: It's more than fair, considering that these kids that aren't forced to respect the institution of a school are going to be less likely to 1) respect other governmental institutions, like the police... and 2) contribute to the public funds through other means.


Stitch Face
3/2/2010, 09:34 PM
There are a lot of things that I'm digging about this gal.

I have a uh "friend" like yours on Facebook as well. He isn't nearly as bat *** crazy as he was a few years ago though unless he's just keeping it hidden better.

He's what I'd call on the looney fringe of the libertarian movement. He's a big conspiracy theorist as well. Along with being a 9/11 truther, he was also convinced that the vapor trails from planes flying overhead were really biological or chemical agents being tested on the populace.

He is also convinced that Microsoft and Apple have "back doors" built into their OS's that allow them to monitor you through your webcam or monitor your computer activity. Actually, that one isn't so far-fetched.

So did you start taking medicine? How did you get rid of the delusions and such?

3/2/2010, 09:45 PM
Wow - imagine if she channeled her energy to something not crazy...she could, like, be successful and stuff.

Scott D
3/2/2010, 09:58 PM
But more importantly, does she know where you can buy some top notch italian pants?

3/3/2010, 11:04 AM
NEO CONS are the ones who hijacked the Tea Party!!

Interesting thing, on the youtube channel where this video is located, the poster's desription is this:

3/3/2010, 11:23 AM
Boarder: I wasn't coming after you, man. Lol.

NP: It's more than fair, considering that these kids that aren't forced to respect the institution of a school are going to be less likely to 1) respect other governmental institutions, like the police... and 2) contribute to the public funds through other means.


unless you are going to college, what is the point of high school anymore?

Stitch Face
3/3/2010, 11:57 AM
unless you are going to college, what is the point of high school anymore?

Duh, Prom

3/3/2010, 12:05 PM
unless you are going to college, what is the point of high school anymore?

Why learn geometry? Why read about history? What use does that have when you're working in a machine shop? You realize this argument is completely idiotic, right? It's part of being a useful human to learn stuff and become smarter so you can relate to the other useful humans out there.

3/3/2010, 01:32 PM
you don't even have to learn geometry, and i learned plenty of history before high school

but the end result is pretty worthless, really. i can see why kids with no plans for college might be a little apathetic

3/4/2010, 11:27 PM
Oh, believe me, I want to fix the part of the system that is making more and more kids think that life without college is a viable option. Yes, I realize, and fully agree with the idea that, the world needs ditch-diggers, too (son), but too many kids just plain old settle because, the way they're raised, they don't think college could ever happen for them, and they stop working hard instead of working harder. We have to fix THAT part of our youth culture, through parents, etc... before we can fix the schools. It's an uphill climb.


3/5/2010, 01:15 AM
There were Student/Teacher Walk Outs all across California and New York Today! Students and Teachers taking to the streets and protesting the increasing costs of tuitions and thousands of job cuts due to the economy! This is what is needed though all across the US in many different subjects. Education, Right to Bear A...rms, Freedom of Speech, Health, etc... Its time for the people to stand up for their rights and Im glad to see some people are doing it!! Its about time!


And, if it was anything like the "protest" at OU where they planned on taking over the South Oval, I'm sure all 20 people had a groovy time pissing and moaning about stuff.

Scott D
3/5/2010, 04:10 PM
dude it's california...not like they were doing anything productive in the first place.

3/7/2010, 10:38 PM
Her current FB status:

Oh brother! The Oscars is on tonight!! Ugh! Who cares what people wear? Who cares how well someone did in a movie?? Who cares who is with who?? Seems kinda boring to me.... Myself.. I will be on here and myspace doing my normal thing!

3/7/2010, 10:42 PM
One of the best ones I have seen her post. Every war the US has ever been involved with has been because the US basically attacks itself and blames someone else.


This film exposes how every major war in US history was based on a complete fraud with video of insiders themselves admitting it. Battleship Maine, Sinking of the Lu...

3/7/2010, 10:44 PM

More craziness!! 9/11 truthers are NOT terrorists!! give me a break!! Just MORE propaganda for the masses!

No, not terrorists per se. Mental health patients, though? I think so.

This video is pretty funny. He calls the truthers "fright-wingers" and the anti-government folks "hate-riots." The really frightening thing about these people is that they are neither left nor right wing people, they hate all equally.

3/7/2010, 10:51 PM
But steel doesn't melt at the temperatures present from burning jet fuel! I did a similar test with a rock and a box made of chicken wire, so it MUST be a conspiracy!

3/10/2010, 12:33 AM
Are you tired of getting raked over the coals every year when you have to PAY to the IRS... well stop your worrying.... Read and View this Information BOMB! IT IS ILLEGAL what the Government is doing to us! WE dont have to pay taxes!! Federal Taxes are for CORPORATIONS (walmart, target, mcdonalds, etc...) ONLY! Read and View and you will see the TRUTH! :o)

Dang, I've been paying all this time and all I had to do was read a bulletin on Myspace instead!

3/10/2010, 12:35 AM

She's starting to just be pathetic and sad.

3/10/2010, 12:37 AM
Thats right..... FAKE!! Another false alarm as usual to just rial up the american ppl... fear tatics... thats how they operate and in the undercover of the night...keep the sheeple in fear and they will do whatever we say! Thats their way of thinkin!


Chuck Bao
3/10/2010, 05:29 PM
I don't know what to think after watching some of those vid clips. Thanks for posting them, Boarder.

I mean the vid about that Neocons cannot be very far from the truth because these people in power 2-20 years ago essentially said these things and it is reasonable to assume that a "Strong America" plays very well with the home crowd. We do have the most powerful military force in the history of the world. It would be a pity not to use it. But, we no longer have the economy to back it up and the Neocons had a hand in our current state of economic unraveling by going along with the export of jobs and technology.

I am thinking that the logic is that more US interests abroad mean more need for American military presence abroad and engagement and power. I personally think that they over-played our hand and it is backfiring horribly. Some of these Neocons' public statements play very, very poorly overseas.

I don't know about others who have lived overseas, but I get asked quite frequently why an American leader who make such a statement. I have been saying: "Don't worry. That statement was only meant for domestic consumption. It is not a real world view or policy of the US government." But, I don't know.

Essentially, it is a media war and an ad campaign to and for the people. I am not so convinced that "by" the people works as much as it should. The clip about hiring actors to protray American AQ is believable, even if it proves false. And, I love the term "fright wingers".

President Bush's famous statement - "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me...you can't get fooled again." - maybe was some weird freudian slip about how we really should be a little more skeptical about what is being spoon feed to us.

3/10/2010, 10:12 PM
This album isnt about right or wrong, left or right, republican or democrat, this album is about FREEDOM! OUR FREEDOM!! We need to stand up and FIGHT for what is right!! OUR freedoms are slowly being put thru the shredder. Its time to start THINKING for OURSELVES! and put away all the nonsense they are feeding us thru the "boob" tube! Not only thru TV but thru our food, thru our drinks, thru our medicines, we are nothing to them...nothing!

I can back all of this up with scriptures from the Bible!! For alll you bible thumping christians out there!!! Come ON!! TELL US the TRUTH!!! The END TIMES are near!! except its not so glamouris as they make it out to be!! READ REVELATION PEOPLE!! That is where the TRUTH lies! Seek and Ye Shall Find!!


The Prime Minister of Israel said that we are nothing more than mere cattle, we are scum, we arent worth anything more than low class citizens!! and that THEY the Jews were the MOST superior RACE on the planet!! LOL!! and that we should be kissing THEIR feet!! The ZIONIST Jews have invaded and infiltrated America!

This is my last repost, I un-friended her. This blatant hate pseudo-KKK crap is too much for me. I don't want to be remotelly associated with it. All of the stuff in this thread is a good indication of the fright-wingers and their thought process. It's pretty scary.

3/10/2010, 10:30 PM
Ok, this is the last repost. Here is her response to me unfriending her:

LOL!! Thats fine... delete yourself from my friends list... just remember .... when they come knockin on your door in the middle of the night and drag your family out in the front yard and ask if you are a Christian or Not.... just remember... you were warned!! and what will you say?? Will you say YES?? or will you say NO?? Either way its death ahead for you, cuz if you say Yes you are a Christian...either they will shoot you dead on sight, or haul you to some FEMA camp where you will face the guillotine.... Either way if you admit your a Christian...its death! So are you going to DENY Jesus to survive?? People better wake up to the bigger picture that is going on here... I think its very sad that people think that people like me that are awake are nothing more than a conspiracy theorists!! Do your research people!! The answers are right there in front of your face!!

3/11/2010, 09:30 AM
I trust you have notified the proper authorities.

3/11/2010, 10:14 AM
Dang, I've been paying all this time and all I had to do was read a bulletin on Myspace instead!

well, there IS some truth to that. There is no Federal Law that requires you to pay taxes. It's still on the books as a 'voluntary' tax.

However, if you try to not pay it, you will probably go to jail. So, your choice.

3/11/2010, 10:46 AM
How do I notify the proper authorities when they're all out to git meh?

3/11/2010, 10:56 AM
Dang dude.

And how about returning your phone calls?

3/11/2010, 10:58 AM
Ooooh, oh yeah. hehe

3/11/2010, 11:21 AM
She's going to wind up dead somehow. Unstable people like that always end up in bad situations.

3/11/2010, 11:44 AM
Somewhere there are employees of a mental hospital heading to a padded ambulance, one of them is screaming.... "Dude, we gotta hurry" somewhere that is.....

She is the definition of bat **** crazy if you ask me.