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View Full Version : NCAA Div 1-AA QB charged with armed robbery, etc.

2/28/2010, 05:25 PM
We weren't all sinless lambs back in my day, but nothing ever happened like this.

IMHO this is a classic example of what happens when small schools lose sight of their mission and try too hard to be competitive by giving sports schollys to thugs. And yes, I know, presumption of innocence and all that legal stuff applies here.

Citadel quarterback charged in armed robbery case(AP) – 17 minutes ago

CHARLESTON, S.C. — A quarterback for The Citadel has been charged with three others in connection with an armed robbery of a man at his home, Charleston police said Sunday.

Miguel Starks, 19, and former Citadel player linebacker Reginald Anthony Rice, 22, were charged Saturday with armed robbery, first-degree burglary, kidnapping and possession of a firearm during the commission of a violent crime, Charleston police spokesman Charles Francis said in a news release.

Francis said two College of Charleston students also were arrested in connection with the case. Stephen Horace Francois, 20, was charged with armed robbery, kidnapping and first-degree burglary and Sasha Gaskins, 18, was charged with accessory after the fact.

The arrests were first reported by The Post and Courier of Charleston.

Francis said a woman who knew the victim got him to open his garage door by saying she was having car trouble. Three men forced the victim back into the house at gunpoint, tied him up and took his wallet, electronic equipment and jewelry.

The victim freed himself, reported the robbery and described the suspects.

Francis said he did not know whether any of the four had attorneys.

The school said Sunday it would not comment on the investigation, but released a statement from head football coach Kevin Higgins.

"Like the rest of The Citadel community we are shocked, angry and saddened by the alleged events involving Miguel Starks," Higgins said. "Senseless does not begin to describe the situation. Miguel is an only child, loved and provided well for by his parents Michael and Sharon. He has many talents and football is just one of them.

"We will continue to cooperate with the investigation in any way that we are asked."

2/28/2010, 05:34 PM
We weren't all sinless lambs back in my day, but nothing ever happened like this.

IMHO this is a classic example of what happens when small schools lose sight of their mission and try too hard to be competitive by giving sports schollys to thugs. And yes, I know, presumption of innocence and all that legal stuff applies here.

I agree in general but I think Pledger and Fitz proved that anyone can be thugs at particular points in their life. They seem like good kids but they got arrested for theft, obviously not at gunpoint

2/28/2010, 06:12 PM
That group from Dallas Carter HS that won the state championship in 1989, beating Odessa Permian in the semifinals (the team that the book Friday Night Lights was about) had a handful of kids sign letters of intent with major programs. Jesse Armstead was one. A couple of his teammates, Derric Evans and Gary Edwards, who had signed with Tennessee and Houston respectively, were arrested for involvement in a string of armed robberies in South Dallas.

Leroy Lizard
2/28/2010, 07:01 PM
Miguel is an only child, loved and provided well for by his parents Michael and Sharon. He has many talents and football is just one of them.

Being a thug and getting away with it is obviously not one of them.

If convicted, I say give all three of them 20 years.

BTW, The Citadel is not just a small school. It is a military academy that was supposed to have exceedingly high standards of entrance. Well, it used to.

2/28/2010, 07:12 PM
Being a thug and getting away with it is obviously not one of them.

If convicted, I say give all three of them 20 years.

BTW, The Citadel is not just a small school. It is a military academy that was supposed to have exceedingly high standards of entrance. Well, it used to.

I'm sure Homey is very glad you explained what the Citadel is.

Many of us would never have been able to figure it out without your input.

20 years...lol They'll probably do less than 20 months if they don't get off with probation. You act like they tied you up. Hopefully they'll turn their lives around. They are lucky no one got hurt.

Leroy Lizard
2/28/2010, 07:20 PM
20 years...lol They'll probably do less than 20 months if they don't get off with probation.

Gee, no ****?!?!

You act like they tied you up. Hopefully they'll turn their lives around. They are lucky no one got hurt.

They pulled a gun on a man and stole his belongings. I don't care what bleeding hearts like you think: 20 years.

Sure, they won't get it. But they should.

2/28/2010, 07:25 PM
Gee, no ****?!?!

They pulled a gun on a man and stole his belongings. I don't care what bleeding hearts like you think: 20 years.

Sure, they won't get it. But they should.

I'm not a bleeding heart...I just don't believe that they'll get 20 years. There's the the way you want it...the way it ought to be and the way it really is. Things being the way they are in America....I hope they pay for their crimes...and if given another chance...I hope they turn their lives around.

I'm guessing stupid asses like you would rather they do it again so that another person could suffer such an act and then maybe they'll get 20 years.

I'm just being realistic and your continuing to be a doosh bag.

Leroy Lizard
2/28/2010, 07:41 PM
I'm not a bleeding heart...I just don't believe that they'll get 20 years. There's the the way you want it...the way it ought to be and the way it really is. Things being the way they are in America....I hope they pay for their crimes...and if given another chance...I hope they turn their lives around.

What do you think should be their sentence? C'mon, let's hear it.

This forum is all about people posting their views on the way they "think it should be." Otherwise, there would be no threads on playoffs, Kevin Wilson, or even politics.

I'm guessing stupid asses like you would rather they do it again so that another person could suffer such an act and then maybe they'll get 20 years.

That isn't even coherent.

3/1/2010, 12:03 PM
The Walk of Shame...

3/1/2010, 12:04 PM
5 years serve 3

3/1/2010, 12:58 PM
Not sure if these guys have any priors or not, but since it was an armed robbery with a deadly weapon, I'd say they should be sentenced somewhere in the 12-15 year range, with parole possibilities after 6 years.

3/1/2010, 02:35 PM
That group from Dallas Carter HS that won the state championship in 1989, beating Odessa Permian in the semifinals (the team that the book Friday Night Lights was about) had a handful of kids sign letters of intent with major programs. Jesse Armstead was one. A couple of his teammates, Derric Evans and Gary Edwards, who had signed with Tennessee and Houston respectively, were arrested for involvement in a string of armed robberies in South Dallas.

There was a chapter in the book "Friday Night Lights" about that. Their players were so coddled that they honestly believed that nothing would really happen to them when they went to court. And, from what I remember reading about it, they were pretty much committing crimes out of boredom.

3/1/2010, 09:48 PM
Had to look at this thread to see if it was about Bomar and Company.

3/3/2010, 03:56 PM
those kids @ Dallas Carter got the book thrown @ them.

one or more of the worst ones got 20 to 25 yrs,& others got less.

that judge was rightfully tough & set an example, i couldn't have given out
sentences that long,but then,i'm not a judge.

they're all out now,but it hasn't been too long since the last one was released.

pretty much ruined their otherwise bright futures.

Leroy Lizard
3/3/2010, 07:25 PM
that judge was rightfully tough & set an example, i couldn't have given out
sentences that long,but then,i'm not a judge.

I could have. Easily. I could hand down sentences that would make Pol Pot hurl.

If the victim feints, that's another 6 months for contempt of court.