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View Full Version : Oregon's Chip Kelly gets into it with a reporter!!

2/26/2010, 09:20 AM

Sorry if this has already been posted.

2/26/2010, 09:26 AM
Is he a MAN? [hairGel]

2/26/2010, 09:46 AM
He said "get your facts straight," lol

I am only one-quarter of the way through and its funny.

EDIT: I am almost done (it's like 30 minutes long it seems) and this guy IS. AN. IDIOT.

Bob Stoops wouldn't put up with this reporter's sh!t. This Chip Kelly guy is trying so hard to defend himself. Guys like Stoops, if caught in this situation, would say "my record speaks for itself" and leave it at that (not that he wouldn't have this many discipline problems in one effing season).

Chip Kelly, on the other hand, continues arguing with this radio guy for a half hour (it seems, not timing, but its at least 20). He really is getting hung of little things this radio guy says (like the 20 to 30 thing, lol) and isn't just making his statement and leaving it at that. The Oregon media is going to have fun with this guy till he gets a reign in on his emotions (and his players, hahahahaha)

2/26/2010, 10:00 AM
Wow wow wow..........why would he put himself in that spot.....holy #$@#

2/26/2010, 10:10 AM
Wow wow wow..........why would he put himself in that spot.....holy #$@#

It sounded like an ambush to me. By the tone in Kelly's voice when he first came on, I don't think he was expecting a fight.

2/26/2010, 10:12 AM
That is the trouble of getting players based on skill and maybe not Character. Although I would have to side with Chip on getting the facts on an assault accusation as compared to blowing a 1.7 and admitting to coach you were drinking etc etc. People exagerate and lie all the time in assault cases and sometimes the so called victim is the instigator and the one with the most violence in the altercation.

No defense for Lamichael James, but it is a much different case than blowing into a machine to find out who is lying??? If LaMichael James is saying she is full of it, and he will win in court - you may have to give him due dilligence compared to admitting that you blew XYZ in a state machine.

2/26/2010, 10:45 AM
It sounded like an ambush to me. By the tone in Kelly's voice when he first came on, I don't think he was expecting a fight.

Maybe but then you have to operate under the assumption he is too stupid to hang up or at least cut it short. He hung himself instead.

2/26/2010, 11:15 AM
Chip Kelly couldn't make adjustments in the Rose Bowl either :D

Holy shizzle, you mean Ohio State isn't going to lay down and take their beating in the bowl game like they have for the past million years or so?! Well crap, guess I'm just going to continue staying the course till the end of the game then :D

Fast forward two months or so...

Holy shizzle, you mean this radio guy isn't just going to ask me about my recruiting class and spring practice and address those off-field issues that embarrassed the program? Well crap, guess I'll just continue talking to him for the next half hour like I was planning to originally :rolleyes:

2/26/2010, 03:55 PM
This is funny!

The Quacks are providing some good off season entertainment, and I appreciate it! :pop:

2/26/2010, 05:31 PM
I think it is fair, the Coach does appear to be picking favorites IMO, ive monitored the program cus I have some good friends who are Oregon fans and it is getting sad out there

Dan Thompson
2/26/2010, 06:24 PM
Remember, its the media.

2/26/2010, 06:27 PM
and they are there to do a job, like it or not. I think he did somewhat ambush Chip but when you make that kind of money you have to be prepared to answer the tough questions IMO

2/26/2010, 07:39 PM
He really just got pushed around like a schoolgirl

2/26/2010, 08:28 PM
Man, I'd love to have heard this reporter try & interview Stoops this way. My guess is it'd be a very short interview & the reporter would get the short end of the stick.

I do kinda agree with him on one point. When Kelly made the decree that Blount was suspended "for the season" for punching out the BSU player on national TV, he should've stuck with it. Don't get me wrong...I think it had the best outcome for Blount, which is important, but to me it undermined Kelly. I don't think Stoops would ever get put in that box. I think what Stoops woulda said after that incident was that Blount is "....suspended indefinitely". He'd leave wiggle room.

The reporter is tad obnoxious. He may have some inside info and insights. However, if he was a real MAN and respected Kelly & the Oregon Program as he claims to, I think he would've made an appointment with him, talked to him face to face one on one like a MAN . Then, if nothing happened, he could come at him with both barrels blazing publicly. Of course, that doesn't sell air time.

This reporter will never, ever enjoy any kind of courtesy or special status ever again with Kelly. He probably gets a bump on his ratings for creating this controversey, but he'll end up being a long term loser on this.

I used to work in a very minor role in the Sports Dept. at the Oklahoma Journal (before it went defunct), where Al Eshbach started out. But I watched how things worked. The lead guy was Bill someting. Helluva reporter. He could find out things and get stories not one else could. Al could do the same thing later in his career. He had good relations with the coaches, players & supporters. I can almost tell you with great certainty that they wouldn't have handled this situation like this. It's all in if you have a short or a long term perspective.

2/26/2010, 08:32 PM
Man, I'd love to have heard this reporter try & interview Stoops this way. My guess is it'd be a very short interview & the reporter would get the short end of the stick.

I do kinda agree with him on one point. When Kelly made the decree that Blount was suspended "for the season" for punching out the BSU player on national TV, he should've stuck with it. Don't get me wrong...I think it had the best outcome for Blount, which is important, but to me it undermined Kelly. I don't think Stoops would ever get put in that box. I think what Stoops woulda said after that incident was that Blount is "....suspended indefinitely". He'd leave himself wiggle room.

The reporter is tad obnoxious. He may have some inside info and insights. However, if he was a real MAN and respected Kelly & the Oregon Program as he claims to, I think he would've made an appointment with him, talked to him face to face one on one like a MAN. Then, if nothing happened, he could come at him with both barrels blazing publicly. Of course, that doesn't sell air time.

This reporter will never, ever enjoy any kind of courtesy or special status ever again with Kelly. He probably gets a bump on his ratings for creating this controversey, but he'll end up being a long term loser on this.

I used to work in a very minor role in the Sports Dept. at the Oklahoma Journal (before it went defunct), where Al Eshbach started out. But I watched how things worked. The lead guy was Bill someting. Helluva reporter. He could find out things and get stories not one else could. Al could do the same thing later in his career. He had good relations with the coaches, players & supporters. I can almost tell you with great certainty that they wouldn't have handled this situation like this. It's all in if you have a short or a long term perspective.

2/26/2010, 08:33 PM
Gosh....sorry for double dipping....how did that happen?

2/26/2010, 08:38 PM
That reporter is a doosh by alot of accounts and he was dooshy in the interview at times, he played the "uh huh, I do to" card a few too many times.

And I agree, Stoops woulda said peace out homey

2/26/2010, 09:13 PM
I can't believe he took that guys shiate, clearly he has backed himself up with his choices on discipline, but left himself open.

The kid on facebook apparently transfered from USC and had multiple issues discipline wise.

The other guy probably admitted to being drunk, as it is hard to deny unless you refuse to blow.

The others with actual real criminial charges you have to see what happens - both seem sketchy at best.... and likely blown up to the fullest extent of the law.

if the punishment fits the crime and they are guilty- I would assume that Masoli and James are gone.... NO questions asked.

2/26/2010, 09:17 PM
I think the issue that the interviewer was bad at getting to is this, every single person who has been kicked off or supsended have been backups, Masoli and James are studs

2/26/2010, 09:26 PM
Man, Sooner70, that was actually exactly what I was thinking. Nice post.

2/26/2010, 09:27 PM
also, Chip Kellys point about suspending Blount 8 games when it was only required to be 1 was weak.

The guy sucker punched a guy, not during the heat of the play but after the game, he then tried to attack every player and fan that he could, he was completely out of control raging

2/26/2010, 09:33 PM
also, Chip Kellys point about suspending Blount 8 games when it was only required to be 1 was weak.

The guy sucker punched a guy, not during the heat of the play but after the game, he then tried to attack every player and fan that he could, he was completely out of control raging

Yeah that was pretty weak. I'm surprised he even stayed on the phone.

2/26/2010, 09:40 PM
yea that surprised me as well

Leroy Lizard
2/26/2010, 11:08 PM
For you lawyer types:

Coach Kelly said that he asks the player what happened.

If the player really did break the law, can he realistically tell the coach? To me, the coach is not protected by lawyer-client privileges, so anything the player tells the coach can be subpoenaed.

Why would I ask the player what happened under those conditions?