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View Full Version : Best 6 Win Team Ever???

2/23/2010, 10:08 AM
I think they have a strong case!

1976 Missouri (6-5)...

-defeated Southern Cal, 46-25 in Los Angeles
-USC finished (11-1), finished #2 in both polls

-defeated Ohio State, 22-21 in Columbus
-Ohio State finished (9-2-1), finished #6/ #5 in the polls

-defeated Nebraska, 34-24 in Lincoln
-NU finished (9-3-1), finished #9/ #7 in the polls

The other games....
LOST to Illinois (5-6), 6-31
WON over UNC (9-3), 24-3
WON over KSU (1-10), 28-21
LOST to Iowa State (8-3), 17-21; ISU finished #19/ #18 in the polls
LOST to Okla State (9-3), 19-20; OSU finished #14 in the polls
WON over Colorado (8-4), 16-7; COLO finished #16 in the polls
LOST to Oklahoma (9-2-1), 20-27; OU finished #5/ #6 in the polls
LOST to Kansas (5-6), 14-41

2/23/2010, 10:11 AM
You mean it isn't the Michigan team that BYU had to beat for the National Championship?

2/23/2010, 10:18 AM
For those of you that weren't around back then, that was Missouri in a nutshell. Blowing out SC and Nebbish on the road and getting thrashed by Kansas in the same season is nuts, but hardly for Missouri. In the '60s and 70s they easily led the Big 8 in wtf games. The stories about the condition of Faurot field in Columbia are legendary.

2/23/2010, 10:22 AM
I should also note in 1975 they defeated ALABAMA, 46-25 in Birmingham. The Tide would go on to win 11 straight and finish #2 in both polls. Missouri went 7-4-0 that season. Rubicon..."WTF" is right, lol.

2/23/2010, 10:56 AM
I once really liked Missouri because they were unpredictable. You never knew when, if they would knock off a giant.
Then they improved, got an attitude and, I must say, our two recent beatdowns on them were among the most enjoyable games I've ever watched.

2/23/2010, 11:16 AM
Im to young to have been around, but thats incredible

2/23/2010, 11:32 AM
Then they improved, got an attitude and, I must say, our two recent beatdowns on them were among the most enjoyable games I've ever watched.

In the first game we played them in Norman of the 07 season, I got stuck sitting next to 5 fans from MO. Next to LSU and Miami fans, these were the most obnoxious fans I've ever seen, with an over abundance of inflated self worth. I couldn't believe how absolutely horrid they were, even in defeat. Yes they definately picked up an unwarranted attitude. I think when describing them, it's best to compare them to a little kid.... they pull the we're not getting any attention, so we're gonna make a scene act.

2/23/2010, 12:32 PM
I thought this was a thread about OSU.

2/23/2010, 12:34 PM
I thought this was a thread about OSU.


2/24/2010, 02:55 PM
Mizzou in '76 was scary. I was a freshman at OU at the time. We had a 27-10 lead on them with about 12 minutes to play and had to hang on for dear life.

They scored 10 unanswered on consecutive possessions, then got the ball back after a great OU punt at their own 8. They naturally rolled right down the field and faced a fourth and about 20 from the OU 27, with time almost gone. Kellen Winslow caught a pass from Steve "Zark" Piesarkiewicz short of the first down but dragged what seemed like half of the OU defense towards the marker. He wound up a yard short, at the OU 8.

Then, they really laid an egg the next week at home vs. Kansas. KU was without stud QB Nolan Cromwell, after OU ended his season the week after OU-Texas (we lost Jerry Anderson for the season in the same game). They still went into Columbia and crushed them, 41-14, with a backup QB who was nothing like Cromwell whatsoever.

Indy Sooner
2/24/2010, 10:11 PM
Five of the eight Big 8 teams finished in the Top 20 that year...add Mizzou and I'd say the league was quite stout that season (as well as a few others...wasn't it '71 when 1-2-3 were Big 8 teams?).