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View Full Version : SuC had better burn over this link...

2/22/2010, 03:36 AM
Seriously if the NCAA has this same info and doesn't burn them, it'll never happen! I do wonder if they had this same info (if yahoo found it, I would think the NCAA investigators could).


Now SuC fans try to claim the Bomar deal was just as bad, but the fact is we didn't know, and turned ourselves in the second we found out. Some of this shows that SuC did know, or at least should have known. They also fought the NCAA the entire step of the way! Burn baby burn! :pop:

2/22/2010, 03:39 AM

2/22/2010, 03:41 AM
WOW... Just WOW!!!


2/22/2010, 03:43 AM
Saw that thread Collier... but that thread is in regards to the hearing. I started this thread in reference to the link. It's not known rather or not the NCAA has this info. So I see it as a seperate entity.

2/22/2010, 03:44 AM

2/22/2010, 10:24 AM
The thing that jumped out at me was New Era going after Frostee Rucker. Gotta wonder if there are some eligibility questions there as well.

2/22/2010, 02:05 PM
Man, that is some solid evidence! Those bastards will still be Andy Dufresne when this is all over!

2/22/2010, 03:32 PM
I think they said they will know in 6 to 9 weeks what the NCAA will rule.

Plenty of evidence and the hammer should come down on football and basketball programs.

2/22/2010, 03:39 PM
There is little or no reason that U$C wont get hammered for this with everything that is coming out

Leroy Lizard
2/22/2010, 03:58 PM
More on former Trojan Frostee Rucker.


Rucker's story is even more pathetic, I would argue. Why? Well, he could be innocent of this latest charge, and the woman could be out for some of his newfound NFL dollars, because we all know that that's all women care about. But it's unlikely, because he's done this before. More than once, actually. In high school he was found not guilty of sexual assault, with several members of the community coming forward in his defense because he was such a good football player. In April 2002, while at Colorado State, he was accused of sexually assaulting a female student who eventually decided not to testify, as well as exposing himself to a different woman. The charges were dropped, but the damage to Rucker's "reputation" meant he had to leave school, so he transferred to Southern Cal. Now he has been charged with hitting his girlfriend. I'm pretty sure this is the girl they interviewed on ESPN, and the incident took place in August 2005. It appears that is what these latest charges are about. The girl had a witness to the whole thing and got pictures of her various bruises.

2/22/2010, 06:03 PM
The NCAA infractions committee is in session as we speak...

2/22/2010, 06:22 PM
If the NCAA doesn't dish out some discipline, they're gonna have more programs than USC's running wild. Want another SMU with the father of the Tech brat? Want another program to deserve the death penalty? How soon before it's common for players to compare their stacks of cash on Twitter? Stupid NCAA. Punishing programs like ours that are upfront and honest and stand back and watch cheating SC collect trophies. F*** the NCAA. F*** it.

2/22/2010, 06:44 PM


2/22/2010, 09:25 PM
Heh. $10.99 movie charge on Reggie's hotel bill from the Venetian.

Seriously? Reggie Bush in Vegas can't do better than pron?

Leroy Lizard
2/22/2010, 09:32 PM
We have had our problems, as has Miami and just about every college football team. But when it comes to the behavior of alumni, "no one touches the Trojans." Even their AD is a crook.

Eeewww! I can't believe I wrote that.

VA Sooner
2/22/2010, 09:59 PM
That is a very impressive collection of documents... very damning for Bush and for USC. Should be an interesting show!

2/23/2010, 10:04 AM
As clear as the evidence seen so far is, it is not shocking, largely because the essence has been known for years. For this reason, I have a sick feeling that our friends the NCAA will find a technicality and let USC skate. It'll end up the equivalent of the OJ trial.

2/23/2010, 10:21 AM
It'll end up the equivalent of the OJ trial.

It already is the OJ trial in USC's eyes... OJ Mayo, that is. They tried to dump all of the punishment on the basketball program to let the football program get by easy. F***ers.

2/23/2010, 10:26 AM
Slightly OT, but...
"We would also be amendable to entering into a confidentiality agreement at your request."

Sheesh, what sort of assistants do they have typing up these documents, and how much do they get (over)paid for being substandard? Doesn't anyone bother to proofread anymore? :eek:

2/23/2010, 11:00 AM
No. No one proofreads. You can find typos and grammatical errors daily in both the NYT and the Herald Trib. I think people just punch spellcheck and then go with it. We live in the latter days of the law.

2/23/2010, 11:05 AM
Don't forget "FACSIMILIE" which is the incorrect spelling of "facsimile" .... under the address header.