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View Full Version : If your kid was a five star high school football stud?

2/14/2010, 10:28 PM
What would his visit list be? Let's assume he is not only a great football player, but also a star student and well-rounded dude with many interests.

OU - of course. Great, storied football program. Dad's alma mater.

Michigan - nice combination of football and high academic standards and a great college experience at a prestigious university. Great city, Ann Arbor.

Kentucky - to shut up the locals here in Lexington who want him to go to UK. I have many friends whose kids go there and love it, so I think it would be a good experience, but there are better choices out there.

Stanford - Great academics, college experience, pretty good football program. I know they would be on him to do well academically.

USC - Sorry, this visit was canceled at the last minute due to information about imminent probation.

Washington - not so great football program, but I love the city and the school. Strong academics and beautiful campus, Gothic architecture.

And the winner is . . . . ?

2/14/2010, 10:39 PM
Only my kid could tell you what his list would be, I hate it when parents get way too involved. Give the kid good information, but let them make their decision.

If I had been a 5 star stud then my list would have been..


I would have been an easy recruit and there would have been none of that silly hat switching carp. I have been Sooner fan my entire life and have had no interest in any other program.

2/14/2010, 10:42 PM
I'd tell the lil $hit to make it to the nfl and make daddy some money

2/14/2010, 10:45 PM
When that happens I'll be to old and scared to tell him he can't go anywhere but OU so I've decided to train him to drive me to the game when he turns 8 in September. That way he'll know how to get there on his own in case I get Alzheimer's.


Curly Bill
2/15/2010, 12:17 AM

2/15/2010, 12:24 AM
I'd probably ask who the real father was if my kid were a five-star stud.

Regardless, I'd tell him if he went to Texas that I would disinherit him from the family. Anywhere else would be fine.

Chuck Bao
2/15/2010, 01:17 AM
Easy answer. Rice or Stanford or Cal. Probably not Baylor or OU.

2/15/2010, 03:31 AM
If my son was a 4 or 5 star recruit....I would let him make his own choices.

I would of course be there to give him some advice and help. But I would not hinder his decision process like so many parents do to their kids today.

I have gone through the recruitment process. It is stressful enough for a kid of 17 or 18 to try to decide which school he would fit in best....let alone havin his parents trying to make the decision for him.

It is the kids' future. And that stated, I would only help and advise. I would not make any suggestions for him.

However, what I would do is this: Send him to plenty of camps around the country. Help him send out videos to schools and coaches. I would help him understand the pros and cons of each school.

So whatever his list would be, I would support him.

Do I hope OU is on there? YES I DO. And if he is a 4 or 5 star recruit from Oklahoma. There is most likely no doubt that both OU and OSU would be on his list.

2/15/2010, 03:34 AM
Easy answer. Rice or Stanford or Cal. Probably not Baylor or OU.

Why not Baylor or OU?

What if he wanted to be a Meteorologist? I would damn sure send him to OU or even Texas Tech then.

Leroy Lizard
2/15/2010, 04:34 AM
I think my kid needs the freedom to choose whichever school will make his happy. It's his life, after all.

Unless he chooses Texas. I would die and then promptly come back from the dead to haunt his home for eternity. And I don't mean one of those happy-go-lucky ghosts like Casper. I'm talking Amityville.

Scott D
2/15/2010, 06:48 AM
The correct answer is where the kid feels he fits in the best.

A side note, if who the coach is of the team is an important factor for him then I'd recommend that he be very wary around the subject of Michigan based upon how their 2010 season goes. The rumblings up here are getting louder in regards as to whether or not RichRod will keep his job.

And maybe it's just me...but now that ole Petey is the Seachickens coach, I'd be slightly wary of UDub. Him and Sarkesian in the same city can't be good for avoiding an NCAA investigation.

2/15/2010, 08:54 AM
textbook answer: where ever he wants to go blah blah blah

real answer:
Boston College
Ohio State

edit: He'd probably be pressured into visiting OSU because my family has a lineage of OSU quarterbacks. Don't ask.

Dan Thompson
2/15/2010, 10:15 AM
Give him the info and let him make the choice. I would lean towards OU and Stanford, but he might think about his major. What is he going to do after football?

2/15/2010, 10:39 AM
I wouldn't care where he went, and I'd spend his college fund on booze and strippers to reward myself for a job well done.

2/15/2010, 10:56 AM
I'd question their sanity if they wanted to even visit a school in the states of Arkansas, Mississippi, any of the Midwestern states north of Nebraska and also toss out West Virginia. Probably some other states I would include if I really wanted to analyze it.

Specific schools I would hate to see a child of mine visit: USC.

I would encourage them to take visits to any school they were interested in regardless of what degree programs those schools had in place, but when it came down to choosing one, would strongly suggest they consider what they would major in and if a particular school had a strong program offering it.

I wasn't a scholarship athlete but I wanted to major in geology and OU was a logical but not the only choice. As for being a Sooner fan it was the only choice.

2/15/2010, 11:05 AM
After raising the child for 18 years, I think it would be fair to require a visit to OU. After that, it's up to the kid. :)

I'd suggest, however:

Boston College,
Penn State,
Georgia Tech,

Any one of those schools will give you every opportunity to be noticed by any pro league, as well as provide an excellent education.

2/15/2010, 11:49 AM
If my kid was a five-star athlete, odds are he'd probably be too dumb to read his own name, in and out of jail and would have to fast of a 40-time for the BIG 12.

2/15/2010, 11:59 AM
The prospect of getting a free education would be enough for me... and let's face it, just being a five-star recruit doesn't mean the University of Oklahoma will recruit you, even if you're from the state.

2/15/2010, 12:10 PM
I'm sure if you expressed interest, OU would want you if you had five stars next to your name.

Leroy Lizard
2/15/2010, 12:14 PM
That's all UT would care about.

2/15/2010, 12:20 PM
I wouldn't care. I really would let him make the decision, but I would make this point. If you don't make it to the NFL, where do you want to live? Go to college where you would want to live. Getting a degree and being a starter at the local big time university is gonna open doors.

2/15/2010, 01:25 PM
Ultimately I would leave it up to my kid. A 19 year old high school senior can make mature decisions about his future and he should go with his heart. I'd be thrilled if he chose OU, but if it was Michigan or Stanford, I know he would probably have a much better rounded and richer college experience.

2/15/2010, 01:42 PM
You really can't go wrong with a degree from OU, and you certainly can't go wrong going to OU if they wanted you.

As far as academics go, if he was a Chase Beeler-type... then a Stanford choice wouldn't disappoint.

What I've NEVER understood is how a kid can get big-time offers and opt to go to Aggy, Tech, etc. and claim it's because they're a "team on the rise" or to "compete for championships."

In the 2000s alone, how many of the last decade's National Champions were "teams on the rise?" I'm pretty sure that's a long list of CFB big dogs and not a list of pretenders.

Ohio State

... let's see... where's the As and Ms, Techs, italic firey-logo schools in that bunch?

2/15/2010, 06:19 PM
I wouldn't care. I really would let him make the decision, but I would make this point. If you don't make it to the NFL, where do you want to live? Go to college where you would want to live. Getting a degree and being a starter at the local big time university is gonna open doors.


I would tell him go spend 4 years in Hawaii if he didnt pick OU

2/15/2010, 08:07 PM
Anywhere but NU, Notre Dame, Texas, USC, Miami, or a SEC school, oh and I still hate Boise State and Oregon.

2/15/2010, 08:18 PM
OU. If great he can go to the NFL, if he's smart but not great(in sports) he can go to grad school at Harvard, Northwestern or Wharton for his MBA. If he's a bust and not smart, then he can major in animal husbandry at OSU.
Unless of course he's gay, then he would just have to go to Texas.

Herr Scholz
2/15/2010, 08:25 PM
That's all UT would care about.

Completely untrue. Texas doesn't recruit solely based on stars. Brown offered 30 kids last year and got 25. He's very selective. He doesn't shotgun offers like you guys (you offered like 130 last year), he looks at character and academic prowess.

2/15/2010, 08:26 PM
I wouldn't care. I really would let him make the decision, but I would make this point. If you don't make it to the NFL, where do you want to live? Go to college where you would want to live. Getting a degree and being a starter at the local big time university is gonna open doors.

Like ouhomer said, "this"

That's why I'd suggest the following:

Georgia Tech
Boston College

Scott D
2/15/2010, 08:30 PM
Completely untrue. Texas doesn't recruit solely based on stars. Brown offered 30 kids last year and got 25. He's very selective. He doesn't shotgun offers like you guys (you offered like 130 last year), he looks at character and academic prowess.

I'm impressed if you typed that with a straight face ;)

2/15/2010, 08:50 PM
Texas and Florida are probably at the top of the list. Lots of money.

Leroy Lizard
2/15/2010, 09:23 PM
He don't ask lots of guys (you asked like 130 last year), he looks at karuhkter and smarts.

Fixed for Vince Young.

2/15/2010, 09:51 PM
He doesn't shotgun offers like you guys (you offered like 130 last year), he looks at character and academic prowess.

What's up myth of mutually exclusive alternatives?

2/15/2010, 10:25 PM
I wouldn't care where he went, and I'd spend his college fund on booze and strippers to reward myself for a job well done.

^^^ This ^^^


2/15/2010, 11:10 PM
Completely untrue. Texas doesn't recruit solely based on stars. Brown offered 30 kids last year and got 25. He's very selective. He doesn't shotgun offers like you guys (you offered like 130 last year), he looks at character and academic prowess.

Kinda like that 6 on a Wonderlic by Vince Young?

Honestly...how in the hell did that guy even get admitted into Texas? Do they offer special ed classes or something for their athletes?

Curly Bill
2/15/2010, 11:29 PM
Completely untrue. Texas doesn't recruit solely based on stars. Brown offered 30 kids last year and got 25. He's very selective. He doesn't shotgun offers like you guys (you offered like 130 last year), he looks at character and academic prowess.

What a bunch of crap. Mack rarely offers anyone who hasn't all but committed. That allows you bunch of gheywads down there to claim you get almost everyone you offer.

So, yeah...he's very selective -- he selects guys that are about 99% sure they want to go to UT and then he "selects" them to get an offer. It's really pretty cute how you guys do that -- in a gay sorta way. :O

2/15/2010, 11:30 PM
textbook answer: where ever he wants to go blah blah blah

real answer:
Boston College
Ohio State

edit: He'd probably be pressured into visiting OSU because my family has a lineage of OSU quarterbacks. Don't ask.


2/16/2010, 08:55 AM
5-star student and football player...if your a player the NFL will find you.

1. Stanford
2. Duke
3. Northwestern
4. Rice
5. Vanderbilt
6. Harvard
7. Cal Tech
8. MIT
9. Princeton
10. Yale

2/16/2010, 09:06 AM
My brother who at the time was the #1 Center in the nation, was a Sooner through and through and always planned to play for OU, but when he graduated from high school, OU was way too heavy in that position, so he played for UCLA. Sometimes God has different plans. :)

2/16/2010, 10:26 AM
God loves Bruins?

2/16/2010, 12:05 PM
5-star student and football player...if your a player the NFL will find you.

1. Stanford
2. Duke
3. Northwestern
4. Rice
5. Vanderbilt
6. Harvard
7. Cal Tech
8. MIT
9. Princeton
10. Yale

Cal Tech does not have a football team. Not sure about Murray Institute of Technology.

2/16/2010, 12:15 PM
i would tell my kid to meet as many of the other football players as he could because he will spend at least 3 years of his life with them.
and if he were to choose texas i would disown him

2/16/2010, 12:55 PM
I think the more interesting question would be:

If your kid was a 3-star athlete, where would he go?

Eh? EH???

2/16/2010, 02:22 PM
5-star student and football player...if your a player the NFL will find you.

1. Stanford
2. Duke
3. Northwestern
4. Rice
5. Vanderbilt
6. Harvard
7. Cal Tech
8. MIT
9. Princeton
10. Yale

Nothing wrong with the top few, but you are severly underestimating the player development aspect.