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View Full Version : 1980 OU-CU game box score

King Crimson
2/11/2010, 04:52 AM

unlike some other mythical versions of the game i've seen on this board which are totally inaccurate and beg some questions that are not relevant to this game, OU and Colorado both complete passes. in fact CU throws for 218 yards and OU is 5-7 tossing the pill which had to be pretty good for us back then. we are penalized 11 times for over 100 yards.

we also rush for 758 yards. 758.

for historians, this the week after losing to Elway and Stanford in the rain at Owen Field.

King Crimson
2/11/2010, 05:16 AM
and since for some reason i can't edit my posts without getting a pop up that says i can't....we lose to Texas the next week (the bane of the JC era) but win out and the year of the classic 18-17 Orange Bowl W over FSU.

Forrest Valora and the most underrated Sooner of all-time: Steve Rhodes.

2/11/2010, 08:57 AM
I remember when we were down 31-8 to Stanford. After we scored late, we went for 2. I remember thinking...8 X 4 is 32. I was 11. I had never personally witnessed OU lose, I thought they were like the Harlem Globetrotters.

I remember the clock getting down to 1:30 in the 4th and thinking, how in the hell are they going to do this? Then the clock went to 0:00. I felt like Randolph and Mortimer Duke. Turn those machines back on! I asked my Uncle on the walk back to the car what the hell just happened and if that was a real game. *it was the first game of the year. He said well, OU lost this one. Well that sucks.

2/11/2010, 09:08 AM
I was at the Stanford game, hell'of'a come back by Elway. Cold rainy miserable game.

Edited: My memory ain't what it used to be. I thought OU Led the game late but I looked it up? OU never led, could have been the bourbon I consumed trying to stay warm. :D

2/11/2010, 10:10 AM
I was at that track meet, er, football game in Boulder. The Buffs were truly miserable back then and seems history is repeating itself.

2/11/2010, 10:14 AM
I was there to see the Stanford loss too. I have always believed that OU lost because the team was built to play against the run-oriented Big 8 teams. OUr secondary was unable to successfully defend against teams with a gunslinger playing quarterback, at least not consistently. The same thing happened a couple of years later when West Virginia came to town and Jeff Hostetler put on a clinic where he completed long pass plays on third down situations seemingly all day. OU lost big in that one something like 42-24 . . .

2/11/2010, 10:22 AM
What most people don't remember about the Stanford and WV loss was they both ran on us very effectively. At least I think they did.

2/11/2010, 10:26 AM
What most people don't remember about the Stanford and WV loss was they both ran on us very effectively. At least I think they did.

Elway converted several first downs by stepping up into the pocket then running with nothing but open field for 30 yards in front of him.

King Crimson
2/11/2010, 10:27 AM
i was at both the Stanford and WVU losses. apparently Nehlan had spent the whole of spring ball prepping for that game.

we still didn't understand the forward pass that well. for all his folksy charm, Bobby Proctor was not ready for the downfield passing game. growing up, listening to my pops, i would have thought his first name was "Gawdammit" Proctor.

2/11/2010, 12:01 PM
I remember thinking before the game that the weather was going to play right in to our hands. Elway would be cold and have a wet ball to try to throw around.
Elway looked like he was playing beach football in SOuth Beach that day while OU looked like they were playing in a mud pit.
I was crushed by the final results.
I, too, was thinking with just a few minutes left, that we could get a quick score and on-side kick or hold them and we would get an ugly win.

2/11/2010, 12:15 PM
None of my favorite teams of this era lost much. Stroud, Dallas, and OU were unbeatable. Every loss was crushing. I was only in 6th grade so alcohol was still a couple of years away. Forgeting was a lot more difficult back then.

2/11/2010, 03:38 PM
I was there to see the Stanford loss too. I have always believed that OU lost because the team was built to play against the run-oriented Big 8 teams. OUr secondary was unable to successfully defend against teams with a gunslinger playing quarterback, at least not consistently. The same thing happened a couple of years later when West Virginia came to town and Jeff Hostetler put on a clinic where he completed long pass plays on third down situations seemingly all day. OU lost big in that one something like 42-24 . . .
Whenever OU played any "passing team" back in the 70s and 80s days, I worried. I felt like passing against OU was cheating or something.

Leroy Lizard
2/11/2010, 04:41 PM
You can't defend everything. Overall, I would say OU's defensive scheme served us very well under Switzer.

King Crimson
2/11/2010, 04:51 PM
Whenever OU played any "passing team" back in the 70s and 80s days, I worried. I felt like passing against OU was cheating or something.

i think that's about right. outside the freakish KU loss at home in 75, pretty much all the losses were teams that threw the ball down the field. and Turner Gill beating us with his feet time after time on 3rd and forever.

2/11/2010, 05:02 PM
This is the game where Fairbanks sent a GA to the OU pressbox to ask them to quit running the option, because CU was "out of cornerbacks."