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View Full Version : Sam Bradford in Miami with Dan Patrick

2/3/2010, 11:50 AM

Former Oklahoma quarterback Sam Bradford dropped by the studio to talk about his rehab and

Bradford said his shoulder rehab is going very well -- he's even ahead of schedule. He said he's up to throwing 50 balls 30 yards long and "those are on a rope." Bradford seemed to have no worries about hurting it again. "It should be stronger than it was before," Bradford said.

Bradford said he doesn't care much about mock drafts. He's just trying to block out a lot of that. Bradford is confident he is the best quarterback in the draft.

I'm so excited for his future. Sounds like everything is going to plan.

2/3/2010, 12:06 PM
Hes a great young man , I wish him the Best.

2/3/2010, 12:06 PM
I would love to see him have about a 20 year, hall of fame career. And I wouldn't really care which team(s) he played for.

2/3/2010, 12:14 PM
Hopefully everything works out for him. Great kid!

2/3/2010, 12:20 PM
I miss his way of just being level headed about everything already.

Even though he made the choice to stay another year at OU....he makes it still seem like it was the best decision he could have made even though your Monday Morning QBs might argue differently.

Great guy.

Thanks for being a Sooner Sam!

2/3/2010, 12:39 PM
I think we all got a little spoiled w/Bradford on the field. Hope he has a great career.

2/3/2010, 12:46 PM
Sam's the kinda guy you could see drafted to your arch rival's team and you can't help but hop he wins and does great.

2/3/2010, 12:58 PM
Sam's the kinda guy you could see drafted to your arch rival's team and you can't help but hop he wins and does great.

I am a Cowboy fan. But I have decided that whatever team Sammy goes to will be my new favorite team. Even if its the Redksins.:eek:

2/3/2010, 01:36 PM
maybe he will have a bionic shoulder now

2/3/2010, 01:42 PM
For all you P1's of the Ticket here in Dallas, Bradford will be on the air with the always great BADD Radio program. Tune in.

2/3/2010, 02:16 PM
I am a Cowboy fan. But I have decided that whatever team Sammy goes to will be my new favorite team. Even if its the Redksins.:eek:
Sounds like you really weren't a Cowboy fan.

2/3/2010, 02:27 PM

2/3/2010, 02:31 PM
I would love to see him have about a 20 year, hall of fame career. And I wouldn't really care which team(s) he played for.

I agree as long as he goes to the Patriots or the Vikings :D

2/3/2010, 03:10 PM
I agree as long as he goes to the Vikings :D

Amen! :D

2/3/2010, 03:45 PM
I am not big on the NFL anymore. But I adopted the Vikings because AD is my fav. player. I will probably do the same once Sam starts where ever that is.

2/3/2010, 09:45 PM
I don't follow pro ball at all.
Is there any change Sam would go to Jacksonville?

sooner ngintunr
2/3/2010, 10:03 PM
I think we all got a little spoiled w/Bradford on the field. Hope he has a great career.

Not all of us, but some (ALOT). It was kind of obvious while reading the threads on this board as the year progressed.

Sam's the man!! If man crushes existed, I'd have one. LOL.

2/3/2010, 10:40 PM
He was on Jim Rome today also. He was great and seems very comfortable and level headed with all the hype and craziness surrounding him. Rome even dropped a "BOOMER" on him!! Of course Sam responded appropriately.

2/3/2010, 10:46 PM
He was on Jim Rome today also. He was great and seems very comfortable and level headed with all the hype and craziness surrounding him. Rome even dropped a "BOOMER" on him!! Of course Sam responded appropriately.

damn that sounds good. any links to the video?

i was on the road all day

2/3/2010, 10:48 PM
text of it with Dan

He’s focused on his healing shoulder not his future NFL home. And he’s “move past” being the quarterback at Oklahoma.
That’s what former OU’s Heisman Trophy winner Sam Bradford said during his Super Bowl interview rounds in South Florida. Bradford appeared Tuesday on the Dan Patrick Show and the Jim Rome Show. Here’s an excerpt of his conversation with Dan Patrick. You can listen to the entire interview at danpatrick.com:

Dan Patrick: How are you health wise?

Sam Bradford: Pretty good, the shoulder feels great. I throw three days a week and doctor says it looks great. I am ahead of schedule.

Patrick: Is the shoulder injury re-occurring?

Bradford: No, it should not be. They went in and reconstructed the AC joint and after the rehab is finished my shoulder should be stronger than it was before.

Patrick: If there was a national title game for Oklahoma would you have played?

Bradford: Probably not. I had surgery halfway through the season. There is no way I could have made that game.

Patrick: If you could throw it right now how far could you throw?
Bradford: I don’t know. Right now I am on a throwing program. My last throwing session was throwing 30 balls for 50 yards.

Patrick: What’s it like when you watch those mock drafts and you see your name. It doesn’t take long when it gets to your name. Are you checking out real estate is any areas?

Bradford: No, I am not checking out real estate. I try to not pay to much attention to it. I am just focused on my shoulder.

Patrick: When you go into those interviews what do you think is the first thing they are going to ask you?

Bradford: I don’t know. I got a question this morning someone told that I would probably be asked and it was if I could be a tree what kind of tree would I be.

Patrick: Are you competitive?

Bradford: Extremely. I probably could have beaten you in H-O-R-S-E. The challenge hasn’t been issued so now isn’t the time.

Patrick: You played high school basketball. Were you good?

Bradford: I did. I was pretty good.

Patrick: Could of you have played college?

Bradford: I think so, maybe not at Oklahoma,

Patrick: And you played with Blake Griffin?

Bradford: I did, that was not high school but AAU ball.

Patrick: Do you still feel like you are still the Oklahoma quarterback?

Bradford: No, I have kind of moved past that.

Patrick: If you look at the other quarterbacks if it was Tebow or Colt McCoy, how can you not nit-pick what they do when it comes to comparing you to other quarterbacks around the country?

Bradford: I think we all have our own playing styles and everyone is different. My dad taught me that you never compete with anyone else you always compete with yourself. I have always tried to do just that and focus on bettering myself.

Patrick: Why do you think you should be the No. 1 quarterback taken?

Bradford: I think I am extremely accurate and extremely competitive. I don’t think you are going to meet anyone who works harder than me.

Patrick: I hear you are working for Gatorade. What exactly are you doing?

Bradford: Today we were down to the Gatorade testing facility. They put us through some tests to monitor our breathing on a stationary bike for a new Gatorade drink called the G-Series. There is three new drinks being tested; one for before, one for during, and one for after the workouts.

Patrick: Could you beat up Jimmy Clausen?

Bradford: Ha-ha. No comment.

Patrick: I heard great things while at a Oklahoma State football game. People telling me how great your father and grandfather are. You should feel proud that people even at Oklahoma State say good things about you.

Bradford: (No response).

Patrick: Welcome to Buffalo…. No you are going to the Redskins, you’re you okay with that?

Bradford: We’ll see.

2/3/2010, 11:17 PM
Does anyone have that video of him throwing that they were talking about before the interview?

2/3/2010, 11:19 PM
I'm the only one with it. but i can't show it at this moment....

2/3/2010, 11:30 PM
The most interesting part to me was the picture of Bradford and Matt Stafford talking. Since Bradford opted out of the draft last year everyone went on about Stafford's cannon arm and now he is in this year's draft its been said a time or two he might be too slight.

He looks about as solid as Stafford and substantially taller too. Hopefully he does well when he tests and goes to a good team.

2/3/2010, 11:35 PM
Stafford seems too young still.... maybe b/c we are the same age...

Sanchez seems much older for some reason

2/3/2010, 11:58 PM
I'm the only one with it. but i can't show it at this moment....

Why not, I'd like to see it :D

2/5/2010, 10:08 AM
I am a Cowboy fan. But I have decided that whatever team Sammy goes to will be my new favorite team. Even if its the Redksins.:eek:

And, that's the major problem with today's NFL. I grew up with dad racing home after the sermon and waiting for the old, black & white to warm up to catch the Cowboys kickoff. After free agency and 20 years of Jerry Jones, I find myself rooting more for the players than the formerly beloved Cowboys. I don't plan my Sunday's around the Cowboys like I do my Saturday's around the SOONERS.


2/5/2010, 11:34 AM
He looks about as solid as Stafford and substantially taller too. Hopefully he does well when he tests and goes to a good team.

Dan and the Danettes made several comments about how Sam is bigger and taller than they thought.

2/7/2010, 03:33 PM
Patrick: Could you beat up Jimmy Clausen?

Bradford: Ha-ha. No comment.

Too funny. he's a class act all round.

2/7/2010, 10:46 PM
Danica Patrick copycat thread in 3... 2... 1...

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/8/2010, 01:59 AM
Stafford seems too young still.... maybe b/c we are the same age...

Sanchez seems much older for some reasonSanchez looked like he could have gone straight to the pros right out of highschool.