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View Full Version : Tebow Ad During Super Bowl

1/28/2010, 03:58 PM

It is interesting to find out that Tebow's mother's doctor advised her to abort him due to her age, etc. Of course there are 100 joke here as well from a Gator Hater perspective.

At the same time I find myself wondering what potential scientist, teacher, athlete, or leader has been aborted because the pregnancy was incovenient to the mother or family?

I'm not a woman, so I don't have to make that decision; however, I find it strange that NOW is actively attempting to keep the commercial off the air? Why is that? If one side has the right to speak and be heard, then what issue does NOW have with the other side simply stating a different viewpoint?


1/28/2010, 04:01 PM
I'm pretty sure his mother's name was Mary, and he was born in a manger...

1/28/2010, 04:02 PM
To me the disappointing part is that CBS has shied away from ads like this in the past (controversial) and I think it takes away from the game a bit. Also heard they're considering running an ad for a gay online dating site. Howzit, you hear that?

1/28/2010, 04:08 PM
i'd like to talk to someone in NOW about how they feel about abortion in China

1/28/2010, 04:14 PM
NOW should just focus on fat, ugly dykes and not worry about abortion issues. None of them NOW broads get laid anyhow. By a man I mean. WTF do they care about abortion?

proud gonzo
1/28/2010, 04:31 PM
Every potential Leonardo DaVinci that's aborted is also a potential Adolf
Hitler. IMHO, that side of any abortion argument is pretty much irrelevant.

1/28/2010, 04:34 PM
So what you're saying is that for every doleo there's a PG?

proud gonzo
1/28/2010, 04:38 PM
:mad: Hey! That's---wait, actually that's about right.

1/28/2010, 04:41 PM
Parting shot - but it still ain't fair to kill either one of them before they get a chance to be all doleo or PG. Not in my book anyhow.

Chuck Bao
1/28/2010, 04:50 PM
I am against airing the ad during the Super Bowl. And, I do like the idea of promoting the fact that women in their 40s can bear children, even if there are higher risks. I don't care about the abortion issue and I think that it is a woman's body and she and the doctor can make that decision. At least Tebow isn't talking about cutting off little brown pecker skins of infant boys in the Philippines. That is just so wrong.

1/28/2010, 04:54 PM
Every potential Leonardo DaVinci that's aborted is also a potential Adolf
Hitler. IMHO, that side of any abortion argument is pretty much irrelevant.

So, you're going to use the scale arguement? Interesting. What if life isn't a big scale where you weigh stuff out, but it's more like just the collective weight of everything in just one big steaming pile.

The question then becomes, who is going to do the shoveling? You can always eliminate someone who is a sh** piler, but you can never replace a gold medal shoveler. :D

1/28/2010, 04:59 PM
Why is anyone from NOW even watching the superbowl? Air the ad.

Frozen Sooner
1/28/2010, 05:01 PM
He's more than welcome to share his views, and if CBS is willing to put them on the air in exchange for money, more power to them on that.

As PG pointed out, the argument to potential genius is fairly weak. I'm sure that you can find any number of potential Churchills and Adolfs on the sock Doleo keeps hidden in the back of his dresser. If he wants to present it and can afford a forum to do so, no big deal. He's not likely to convince me at any rate.

1/28/2010, 05:16 PM
There is a difference between arguing for abortion and arguing for the right to have an abortion. NOW bitching about this ad is arguing for abortion and I think in reality, most decent people don't think abortion is a great thing.

1/28/2010, 05:20 PM
As PG pointed out, the argument to potential genius is fairly weak. I'm sure that you can find any number of potential Churchills and Adolfs on the sock Doleo keeps hidden in the back of his dresser. If he wants to present it and can afford a forum to do so, no big deal. He's not likely to convince me at any rate.

That argument is lame.
We are gonna kill 4.2 million(random number) people just in case one is a nutjob doesn't really make sense and that is pretty much what that argument says.

proud gonzo
1/28/2010, 05:20 PM
So, you're going to use the scale arguement? Interesting. What if life isn't a big scale where you weigh stuff out, but it's more like just the collective weight of everything in just one big steaming pile.

The question then becomes, who is going to do the shoveling? You can always eliminate someone who is a sh** piler, but you can never replace a gold medal shoveler. :D

No, I'm not saying there's an evil person for every awesome person. I'm saying that each life has the potential to achieve great good OR great evil and that potential isn't a good reason to argue for or against abortion. A life's worth isn't determined by how much good it achieves but by its humanity. I don't think it's fair to say abortion is wrong because you might be killing a future Mother Teresa--it's just as wrong to kill Bob the unemployed bum. That's why I say the "potential genius" argument is irrelevant.

1/28/2010, 05:29 PM
I'd be just as pissed off if Rosie O'Donnell ran a pro-choice commercial during the Superbowl.

It would be like Tuba and Me getting into a political pissing match in the middle of a game thread on the football board during an OU game.


P.S. - I hate Tebow.

1/28/2010, 05:36 PM

It is interesting to find out that Tebow's mother's doctor advised her to abort him due to her age, etc. Of course there are 100 joke here as well from a Gator Hater perspective.

At the same time I find myself wondering what potential scientist, teacher, athlete, or leader has been aborted because the pregnancy was incovenient to the mother or family?

I'm not a woman, so I don't have to make that decision; however, I find it strange that NOW is actively attempting to keep the commercial off the air? Why is that? If one side has the right to speak and be heard, then what issue does NOW have with the other side simply stating a different viewpoint?

Discuss:To counter this argument against abortion, someone should run a commercial featuring the fact that a doctor ALSO strongly advised my mother to abort me considering her age.

It would probably change a few pro-lifer's minds on here to join the other side. ;)

1/28/2010, 05:42 PM
That argument is lame.
We are gonna kill 4.2 million(random number) people just in case one is a nutjob doesn't really make sense and that is pretty much what that argument says.That's not what they were saying. They were saying that the abortions are gonna happen regardless...so to argue that they SHOULDN'T happen, based on the potential for one of the children to grow up to be DiVinci is about as illogical and ludicrous as to argue that they all should be killed because one might grow up to be Hitler.

Either argument is silly and baseless.

Other arguments are more sound. On both sides.

1/28/2010, 08:23 PM
There is a difference between arguing for abortion and arguing for the right to have an abortion. NOW bitching about this ad is arguing for abortion and I think in reality, most decent people don't think abortion is a great thing.


1/28/2010, 09:03 PM
Censorship = Fail

The 1st Amendment is used and abused by both sides of this arguement like a $2 whore.

Frozen Sooner
1/28/2010, 09:25 PM
That argument is lame.
We are gonna kill 4.2 million(random number) people just in case one is a nutjob doesn't really make sense and that is pretty much what that argument says.

Yes, I know. That's why I'm saying the "Don't have an abortion because he might turn out to win the Heisman" argument is lame.

1/29/2010, 04:35 PM
No, I'm not saying there's an evil person for every awesome person. I'm saying that each life has the potential to achieve great good OR great evil and that potential isn't a good reason to argue for or against abortion. A life's worth isn't determined by how much good it achieves but by its humanity. I don't think it's fair to say abortion is wrong because you might be killing a future Mother Teresa--it's just as wrong to kill Bob the unemployed bum. That's why I say the "potential genius" argument is irrelevant.

Good point. The rest of them seem to get caught in the perpetual what came first the chicken or the egg, but this arguement actually makes sense as far as a life is worth saving because it is a human life, versus the arguement that it's worth saving because they were a Heisman trophy winner. PG - one point from OK Red for making a good point.

1/30/2010, 02:53 PM
My problem is that this seems to leave to general impression that all medical abortions are wrong. Saying a mother should abort because of her age is very questionable but shouldn't be equated to a doctor removing the fetus in an ectopic pregnancy.

Some here have said that an ectopic pregnancy is a special case becuase the fetus has no chance of survival (which is true and if there was a way to move the fetus to the uterus then many desperate moms-to-be would gladly try it) but ther are others that are almost as dire.

It happens all the time that a fetus is found that has no brain. Are we to force the mother and baby to experience the baby's natural death just to satisfy our misguided sense of morality?

This also just shows Tebow's ego. "Look someone as important as me could have been aborted!"