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1/14/2010, 01:21 PM

1/14/2010, 01:22 PM
yep, i was kinda pissed

1/14/2010, 01:24 PM
Dammit!!!! Now they'll go after Venables

1/14/2010, 01:32 PM
My wanting him to leave uterus aside, I really don't understand why he turns down tennessee. Apparantly the offer was pretty lucrative. Mack just signed an extension. He must have grown up in texas somewhere or there is something we don't know because him turning down a job like tennessee doesn't make sense.

Sooner in Tampa
1/14/2010, 01:34 PM
smack has photos of mushchamp...he has to have something on him

1/14/2010, 01:48 PM
Notice how with these coaching vacancies, ESPN et al have given up on mentioning Bob Stoops repeatedly.

I mean... SERIOUSLY! That made about as much sense as mentioning Tressel for job openings. Bob's NOT GOING ANYWHERE!

1/14/2010, 02:21 PM
My wanting him to leave uterus aside, I really don't understand why he turns down tennessee. Apparantly the offer was pretty lucrative. Mack just signed an extension. He must have grown up in texas somewhere or there is something we don't know because him turning down a job like tennessee doesn't make sense.

Tennessee is not Texas. He has everything he could want in Austin. Recruits. Money never a problem. 1-3 difficult games per year. His wife and kids love it here. At Tennessee he would step into the 3rd of 4th best program in the SEC West. Have to work his *** off to try to beat 'Bama. LSU, Auburn every year as well as find a staff when most hires have been made already. It's a hornets' nest. Here he just is patient, learns how to be a CEO of an $85 million dollar enterprise and steps into a $4M job with an intact staff already in place in a few years. He is only 38 years old.

Just reported he turned down a $3M+ salary at Tenn and neither asked for or was offerred a raise to stay here.

1/14/2010, 02:25 PM
Tennessee is not Texas. He has everything he could want in Austin. Recruits. Money never a problem. 1-3 difficult games per year. His wife and kids love it here.

Hook 'em

1/14/2010, 02:28 PM
Muschamp is the coach in waiting at UT and here he goes turning down UT. Hmmmm.

1/14/2010, 02:28 PM
Tennessee is not Texas. He has everything he could want in Austin. Recruits. Money never a problem. 1-3 difficult games per year. His wife and kids love it here. At Tennessee he would step into the 3rd of 4th best program in the SEC West. Have to work his *** off to try to beat 'Bama. LSU, Auburn every year as well as find a staff when most hires have been made already. It's a hornets' nest. Here he just is patient, learns how to be a CEO of an $85 million dollar enterprise and steps into a $4M job with an intact staff already in place in a few years. He is only 38 years old.

Just reported he turned down a $3M+ salary at Tenn and neither asked for or was offerred a raise to stay here.He turns down the Vol Job as he gets all the Ball Jobs he wants in the ut locker room.:texan:

1/14/2010, 02:47 PM
i don't think i'd jump on that deal either. waiting for Mack to retire while sitting in a cushy coordinator job

if crap doesn't go well in Knoxville, he could be gone in a year or two, i don't think him or Mack are in any danger of losing their jobs any time soon

and like you mentioned, all he really has to worry about in Austin is OU right now, and likely Nebraska every couple of years

1/14/2010, 02:58 PM
Mack's gonna be around what another 4 or 5 years....If I were Muschamp I would have played hard ball and demanded some ridiculous money to see just how much Tennessee really wanted me there. He already holds the keys to a rolls royce in taking over at Texas, but it might have made more sense to jump to Tennessee and pocket all that extra money.

1/14/2010, 03:16 PM
Tennessee is not Texas. He has everything he could want in Austin. Recruits. Money never a problem. 1-3 difficult games per year. His wife and kids love it here. At Tennessee he would step into the 3rd of 4th best program in the SEC West. Have to work his *** off to try to beat 'Bama. LSU, Auburn every year as well as find a staff when most hires have been made already. It's a hornets' nest. Here he just is patient, learns how to be a CEO of an $85 million dollar enterprise and steps into a $4M job with an intact staff already in place in a few years. He is only 38 years old.

Just reported he turned down a $3M+ salary at Tenn and neither asked for or was offerred a raise to stay here.

He has already turned down better jobs than Tennessee.

Any coach who won't take a head job at the peak of his career and turns down 3 to 4 million to make 900K has leadership issues.....IMO.

I respect the guy and his obvious talent but this doesn't pass the smell test.

His wife and kids would love it anywhere if Dad is making $4,000,000.00, that is a non-issue. Austin is great and I love it but it absolutely has its challenges raising kids there. And yes I have lived there.

1/14/2010, 03:53 PM
He has already turned down better jobs than Tennessee.

Any coach who won't take a head job at the peak of his career and turns down 3 to 4 million to make 900K has leadership issues.....IMO.

I respect the guy and his obvious talent but this doesn't pass the smell test.

His wife and kids would love it anywhere if Dad is making $4,000,000.00, that is a non-issue. Austin is great and I love it but it absolutely has its challenges raising kids there. And yes I have lived there.

First, the alleged amount offered, if any, was a bit less than $3M.

Plus, he would be walking into a hornet's nest this year... recruiting in shambles, the NCAA sniffing around, no coordinators in place... Plus you have Bama, Georgia and Florida to deal with.

And.. would he burn a bridge at the real UT by going to the fake UT?

Oh. . . and he's 38 years old... hardly at the "peak" of his career at all.

So, you stay in a position where you are getting national accolades, (probably another raise after national signing day)... you learn even more about recruiting and how to be the top man of a multi-million dollar business enterprise in a town that you and your family love and you adhere to your word that you aren't going anywhere and look forward to the day you are head coach at Texas?

And that is having leadership issues?
Sounds more like foresight, wisdom and integrity to me.

1/14/2010, 04:09 PM
First, the alleged amount offered, if any, was a bit less than $3M.

Plus, he would be walking into a hornet's nest this year... recruiting in shambles, the NCAA sniffing around, no coordinators in place... Plus you have Bama, Georgia and Florida to deal with.

And.. would he burn a bridge at the real UT by going to the fake UT?

Oh. . . and he's 38 years old... hardly at the "peak" of his career at all.

So, you stay in a position where you are getting national accolades, (probably another raise after national signing day)... you learn even more about recruiting and how to be the top man of a multi-million dollar business enterprise in a town that you and your family love and you adhere to your word that you aren't going anywhere and look forward to the day you are head coach at Texas?

And that is having leadership issues?
Sounds more like foresight, wisdom and integrity to me.

Let me be a little more clear. You are an attorney and rely on history to apply your craft. When has this ever happened and worked. I don't know if it has or it hasn't happened the way this is playing out. I do know that history tells us over and over you better take the money and the job while you can because we simiply don't know what tomorrow brings.

Personally, I hope he stays and we beat ** with him there. I don't want anymore opportunity for excuses. Austin is the capital of Texas and excuses for failure.

I don't know if I would have taken the Tenn. job either but he is a wanted commodity, right now. I would most definitely would have made a play for ND, USC, and others. Just don't think being an assistant in Austin is the end all horns think it is.

Foresight, wisdom and integrity used in sentence referring to college football coaches. That produces a smirky smile doesn't it? They all have their price. So do all of us. It's only in Austin that we pretend that money doesn't matter because "we are UT", which of course is inherently ridiculous to the remainder of the college football world.

1/14/2010, 04:13 PM
Tennessee is not Texas. He has everything he could want in Austin. Recruits. Money never a problem. 1-3 difficult games per year. His wife and kids love it here. At Tennessee he would step into the 3rd of 4th best program in the SEC West. Have to work his *** off to try to beat 'Bama. LSU, Auburn every year as well as find a staff when most hires have been made already. It's a hornets' nest. Here he just is patient, learns how to be a CEO of an $85 million dollar enterprise and steps into a $4M job with an intact staff already in place in a few years. He is only 38 years old.

Just reported he turned down a $3M+ salary at Tenn and neither asked for or was offerred a raise to stay here.

Just a quibble, but Tennessee is in the SEC East, not West. Florida may be down next year, and Georgia is a perennial underachiever. That leaves the conference championship game against an Alabama team (most likely) that Tennessee was a blocked FG away from beating this year. Then you're in the BCS, possibly the Title Game.

There would be nothing stopping him from coming back to Texas after Mack retires, and you would think that everyone would be happy with him having a few more years of head coach experience under his belt before taking over the program. That's why I don't get the benefit for HIM for agreeing to be the "coach-in-waiting" unless there's an implicit agreement limiting the number of years Mack has left. Even with that, you saw how well that went over with Leno and Conan.

What if in 3 years, Mack moves to the AD's office and Muschamp takes over, then leads the Horns to a dazzling 7-5 record? You think there won't be diehard fans calling for Mack to take over again? This is a lose-lose for Muschamp. He loses out on money, he loses out on experience, and the job he may get in a few years is still going to feel like it has strings attached. I guess it's a lose-lose-lose after all.

1/14/2010, 04:15 PM
I hate to go out on a limb, but maybe Musclecramp is just a decent guy who'd rather wait for the texas job than dally with the affections someone else whom he would dump in a few years anyway. It could happen.

1/14/2010, 04:17 PM
I hate to go out on a limb, but maybe Musclecramp is just a decent guy who'd rather wait for the texas job than dally with the affections someone else whom he would dump in a few years anyway. It could happen.

yeah, but it's more fun to accuse him of making a mistake in this situation. :D

1/14/2010, 04:22 PM
I'm sure he is a good guy, and he seems to care quite a bit about the program and the players. We'll probably never know the whole story or what was discussed, but it's fun to speculate.

1/14/2010, 06:21 PM
Let me be a little more clear. You are an attorney and rely on history to apply your craft. When has this ever happened and worked. I don't know if it has or it hasn't happened the way this is playing out. I do know that history tells us over and over you better take the money and the job while you can because we simiply don't know what tomorrow brings.

The only precedence for this... is this year at Florida State and even then, it's not exactly an apples for apples comparison.

Personally, I hope he stays and we beat ** with him there. I don't want anymore opportunity for excuses. Austin is the capital of Texas and excuses for failure.

Excuses for failure? Hell.. every fan base whines about injuries to its players. This site particularly was [from an outsider's perspective] "Whinefest Central About Injuries" and [from ou's perspective] "Justifiable Reasons Explaining the Disappointing Record"

I don't know if I would have taken the Tenn. job either but he is a wanted commodity, right now. I would most definitely would have made a play for ND, USC, and others. Just don't think being an assistant in Austin is the end all horns think it is.

No. but as in at Ou, being a coordinator in Austin brings a national spotlight and focus and could be, and has been a springboard to other jobs. As for USC? Not with the NCAA wolves howling at the door... finally.. as for N.D., unrealistic expectations by alums and fans who are caught in a time warp from 30years ago. Now, if his alma mater, Georgia comes calling.. then.. he may be gone.

Let's put it to you this way... if you were locked in, at 38 years old, to being the CEO at Chase Bank, or American Airlines and all you had to do is wait 4 -5 years, would you accept a job as the CEO of Skippy Farmer's Bank or Flying Possum Airline ?

Foresight, wisdom and integrity used in sentence referring to college football coaches. That produces a smirky smile doesn't it?

A HUGE snarky one at that!

They all have their price. So do all of us. It's only in Austin that we pretend that money doesn't matter because "we are UT", which of course is inherently ridiculous to the remainder of the college football world.

Of course money matters in Austin. Texas Football is the biggest money maker in college football.

Oh... the catchphrase is..




1/14/2010, 06:40 PM
Austin is great and I love it but it absolutely has its challenges raising kids there. And yes I have lived there.

Not in the neighborhood the Muschamps live in. Way above my pay grade.

1/14/2010, 08:34 PM
I really don’t see Mack walking away easily from that job if they are still winning and recruiting well. I’m very skeptical about this talk of a timeline of transition.

1/14/2010, 08:54 PM
It's also important to note that the Tenn. AD may be struggling to keep his job right now. Even if you toss aside the possible ncaa investigation and a recruiting class that goes farther into the tank each day, taking a job where your soon to be boss may be gone inside of a year has some additional risk inherent. I've also seen some folks say that rocky toppers wanted big buyout if Georgia or Texas came calling. Couple that with the fact that Richt/Mack may both be gone (one to another Texas job, one to playing chess in the park or a coordinator gig) and even with the resources of those schools, waiting 1-3 years doesn't sound so bad for the career or the family stability.

1/14/2010, 09:37 PM
And.. would he burn a bridge at the real UT by going to the fake UT?

Lid...you got back into the wiskey again, didn't ya? Typical :texan: arrogance.

Tennessee founded 1794 - * founded 1881. Johnny-come-lately.

Tennessee Orange - adopted in 1892. * Orange http://www.pix8.net/pro/pic/982I6vVB/998653.jpg adopted in 1967. Hi again, Johnny.

Tennessee's 1st NC: 1938. * 1st NC: 1963. Johnny rides again.


1/15/2010, 09:52 AM
I do not care if Muschamp stays or goes.Why do we always display fear when someone else has elite personnel? We scored 35 against them last year, A&M scored alot points on them this year, and Bama steamrolled them on the ground. Let him stay.

VA Sooner
1/15/2010, 09:54 AM
I was hoping he was taking off too. But smart guy...

1/15/2010, 11:10 AM
With Cutclffe(former Ole Miss coach) opting to stay at DUKE,DUKE?! I think the Vols may be hitting the bottom of the barrel.Mike Gundy may be looking good now.At least he LIKES wearing orange.

1/16/2010, 09:59 AM
He told tu he would take the job but wanted no buy out if Texas or Georgia called and they said no.

1/16/2010, 10:56 AM
Knowledgeable Whorn fans tell me that this thing has forced the issue between Mack & Muschump. Muschump used this to get a firmer timetable from Mack on retirement, and word is about 2 years......don't know if there's anything to any of that, but there it is.

Partial Qualifier
1/16/2010, 12:00 PM
I do not care if Muschamp stays or goes.Why do we always display fear when someone else has elite personnel? We scored 35 against them last year, A&M scored alot points on them this year, and Bama steamrolled them on the ground. Let him stay.

This, and I'll add an anectdote:

Skippy Farmer's Bank has the same number of BCS Championships that Chase has.... :D

1/16/2010, 02:18 PM
This one isn't hard to figure out -- dude has coached in the SEC, and he knows the conference.

The Tennessee job sucks arse. They fired a coach who won them a BCS championship, and expect far more success than their innate position/history entitles them to. As such, it's a career killer.

He'd be a fool to take it at anything less than $10 million a year, and even then he'd just be doing it to make enough money to retire in 2 to 3 years when they exercise a buyout clause on him.

1/16/2010, 02:19 PM
Oh, and if Tennessee has any sense, they'd dangle that money in front of Leach. I doubt he'd have any qualms about ditching an OC position at UCLA.

And SEC players are held to a higher standard of abuse. Sending a kid to the training garage wouldn't even raise an eyebrow in SEC country.

1/16/2010, 02:46 PM
This one isn't hard to figure out -- dude has coached in the SEC, and he knows the conference.

The Tennessee job sucks arse. They fired a coach who won them a BCS championship, and expect far more success than their innate position/history entitles them to. As such, it's a career killer.

He'd be a fool to take it at anything less than $10 million a year, and even then he'd just be doing it to make enough money to retire in 2 to 3 years when they exercise a buyout clause on him.

Could I get a drag off of that.