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1/11/2010, 07:51 PM
Any basketball poll before conf starts and the preseason football poll. Discuss! :pop:

1/11/2010, 07:53 PM
If you had said three I would have thought this was about Gameday again.

Partial Qualifier
1/11/2010, 08:32 PM
unfortunately the football preseason is very important. Reason being, teams' spots in that first "preseason" poll mean everything if there are several unbeatens. Unbeaten teams don't tend to leapfrog each other. And a team's positioning throughout the season can depend on where they started (in the preseason poll)

1/11/2010, 09:47 PM
1. Halftime shows.
2. 99% of "illegal formation" or "illegal motion" penalties

1/11/2010, 09:50 PM
Mike Lupica.....

1/11/2010, 09:52 PM
Mike moron reporter who criticizes things he doesn't know about.....

That's waaaay more than 2 !

1/11/2010, 10:09 PM
Not sure what happened there...But thats not what I posted......I guess thats what gets posted when you type Mike Lupika......Mike Lupica

Partial Qualifier
1/11/2010, 10:20 PM
6) The first 3 quarters of a basketball game :O

1/11/2010, 10:26 PM
doug gottliebs radio show.

1/11/2010, 10:30 PM
NFL overtime.

Leroy Lizard
1/11/2010, 11:00 PM
Point afters.

1/11/2010, 11:05 PM
6) The first 4 quarters of a basketball game :O

Crucifax Autumn
1/11/2010, 11:27 PM

1/11/2010, 11:31 PM
doug gottliebs radio show.

He is actually pretty good and very knowledgeable

1/12/2010, 12:03 AM
doug gottliebs radio show.
Cow terd's is the worst. He used the NC game an opportunity to blast OU (somehow).
Today he spent all day blowing PETE.
Winner hands down.

1/12/2010, 12:27 AM
How about the 20 second interview by the female sideline reporter of the head coach right before half time.

1/12/2010, 12:30 AM
Pat Summit's breasts.

....or Chrissy Simms' testicles

1/12/2010, 12:31 AM
Can't forget Whorn fans.

1/12/2010, 01:07 AM
1. The definition of what it takes to overturn a call via replay EVERY SINGLE time a replay is required.

2. The play in game in the NCAA tournament

1/12/2010, 04:21 AM
Any of you mention Waterboys and I'm tellin' Mama!

King Barry's Back
1/12/2010, 05:23 AM
How about the 20 second interview by the female sideline reporter of the head coach right before half time.

We have a winnah!

1/12/2010, 06:22 AM
Preseason Polls of any kind are useless.

Basketball polls mean very little, considering the RPI is the main thing the tourney commission look at, if you did not win your conference tourney anyway.

1/12/2010, 06:25 AM
unfortunately the football preseason is very important. Reason being, teams' spots in that first "preseason" poll mean everything if there are several unbeatens. Unbeaten teams don't tend to leapfrog each other. And a team's positioning throughout the season can depend on where they started (in the preseason poll)

And that is the biggest problem with said polls.

Why should an underachieving yet undefeated team be atop the poll with wins over cupcakes? Especially when there are other teams that have played presumably tougher schedules and that are also undefeated?

If the college football polls would wait until at least the 4th or 5th week of the season (generally most teams have already played at least 3 games at the 4 week mark) then you would have a better idea of each team's performance.

1/12/2010, 07:22 AM
The Gatorade Bath . . .

1/12/2010, 08:42 AM
Not sure what happened there...But thats not what I posted......I guess thats what gets posted when you type Mike Lupika......Mike moron reporter who criticizes things he doesn't know about

Ohhhhhh. I thought "Mike moron" was a generic term for all sports chatterers who don't know what they're talking about. My bad. :D

1/12/2010, 08:47 AM
The Gatorade Bath . . .

What you plan on saving the gatorade? :D

1/12/2010, 08:51 AM
How about the 20 second interview by the female sideline reporter of the head coach right before half time.

How about sideline reporters in general? Except on the rare occasions when they actually report what's happening on the sidelines.

1/12/2010, 08:56 AM
How about anything that is aired on the broadcasting channel before kickoff. I don't want to hear the human interest stories. I don't need you to tell me how important the game is. I don't want to know that these two coaches have faced off 5 other times or never before. I don't even need for you to tell me who's playing.

Turn on the cameras and kick the dang ball.

1/12/2010, 09:02 AM
How about sideline reporters in general? Except on the rare occasions when they actually report what's happening on the sidelines.

They are only useless when they give the voice over as opposed to the camera shot comment. They can cut to a shot of Erin A. or that Sam Ryan anytime there's a lull in the action IMO.

1/12/2010, 09:52 AM
How about anything that is aired on the broadcasting channel before kickoff. I don't want to hear the human interest stories. I don't need you to tell me how important the game is. I don't want to know that these two coaches have faced off 5 other times or never before. I don't even need for you to tell me who's playing.

Turn on the cameras and kick the dang ball.

AMEN and AMEN ! Hear him !! Hear him!!!
There used to be a 30-minute pregame show setting up the whole day's schedule. Then CBS brought on the vomit-inducing sickly sweet Miss Texas Phyllis George and the sports world began its descent into the goo-filled abyss. Now we get no less than 4 otherwise unemployable ex-jocks and coaches inanely chattering all at once for 2 hours before the kickoff. STFU already!!!!
Thank Heaven for the mute button!

1/12/2010, 09:56 AM
They are only useless when they give the voice over as opposed to the camera shot comment. They can cut to a shot of Erin A. or that Sam Ryan anytime there's a lull in the action IMO.

I have no problem looking at attractive women, but I don't need to do it during a football game. So for me, the eye candy factor is far outweighed by the inanity factor. Get rid of 'em all !

PS - The best sideline reporter ever was the plain-talking John Riggins, and he's not somebody you'd really want to look at.

King Barry's Back
1/12/2010, 09:57 AM
How about anything that is aired on the broadcasting channel before kickoff. I don't want to hear the human interest stories. I don't need you to tell me how important the game is. I don't want to know that these two coaches have faced off 5 other times or never before. I don't even need for you to tell me who's playing.

Turn on the cameras and kick the dang ball.

You know, all that extraneous crap -- ESPECIALLY the human interest parts -- are what they think they need to get women to watch.

And since sports programming has already captured a large share of the male market -- females are the last frontier.

1/12/2010, 10:25 AM
He is actually pretty good and very knowledgeable

I'll never forget the time Gottleib went on a 10-15 minute rant about Big 10 football, a couple years back. Just trashing the conference and kept referencing the only "win" they had was Michigan over Tennessee. But that wasn't noteworthy because Tennessee was terrible.

Went on and on citing that particular game and Tennessee's deficiencies. Until someone finally called in and told him that Michigan beat Florida, not Tennessee.

It was very funny.

Partial Qualifier
1/12/2010, 11:34 AM
And that is the biggest problem with said polls.

Why should an underachieving yet undefeated team be atop the poll with wins over cupcakes? Especially when there are other teams that have played presumably tougher schedules and that are also undefeated?

If the college football polls would wait until at least the 4th or 5th week of the season (generally most teams have already played at least 3 games at the 4 week mark) then you would have a better idea of each team's performance.

indeed, and add the fact that voters don't like to (read: will not) admit when their original prognostication was wrong; they won't let things like schedule or other facts "muddy up their judgement"...... preseason polls need to go.

I like the idea of 4th or 5th week.

1/12/2010, 11:39 AM
1. Title IX. If women were intended to be athletes, then there wouldn't be cheerleaders.

2. Womens sports. See above.

... that, people, is sexism, and what I would say if I were a misogynist pig like all of my male counterparts. This is intended to make you feel guilty. If it isn't working, then you are sexist.


Seriously, why are we having this discussion? I personally like being ranked as opposed to be unranked, and without preseason polls, we'd still be out of the rankings in football!

1/12/2010, 07:44 PM
Did anyone say TV timeouts?

texas bandman
1/12/2010, 11:12 PM
Ex-jock announcers who lobby the coach for more playing time for his son...

1/12/2010, 11:16 PM
1. Lou Holtz as a college football analyst.
2. Letting Lou Holtz speak about college football.